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Everything posted by Aggathor

  1. Having a spec that relies soley on 1 ability is a badly designed spec, looks like it's back to the drawing board or TM spam could become an infamous icon i place as a mental image next to the SWTOR title...
  2. if merc gets any kind of nerf apart from a tracer missle dmg reduction im out. increasing the CD is extremely retarded, our entire rotation will be destroyed (if you think tracer missle is the only part of our rotation learn the class before you post.)
  3. Yup, if it is becoming a problem, finish the quests, it's what i plan to do at 50
  4. I felt burnt out too.. almost to the point where i'd not listen to quest givers.. Now I'm level 46, I just did a 4 man Heroic quest with just my GF.. It was very hard and we had to use tactics and wiped on occasion.. it was very challenging, but we managed to complete the quest, hardest quest i have come across. ..and it was epic fun! Now im looking forward to hardmode level 50 FPs if they're anything like what i just encountered.. lets just hope this game doesnt go down the WoW path..
  5. I've spent many hours trying to get that 1 damn win only to realise it bugged and didnt count. I log on about 19:00 GMT most nights, sometimes i do nothing but PvP just to finish that damn quest... imo.. it's not worth doing if you're *5 - *9 as the exp is 1 bar at best.
  6. You can go back to any planet later on. You get a starship around level 17-20 which you can use to travel back if you wish.
  7. Spread this data from the 20th of Jan to the 20th of March and I'll consider this thread valid. Until then, games always drop users over the first month.. it's almost business law
  8. I cleaned the ship from stem to stern in your absence.. you can SMELL the difference.I cleaned the ship from stem to stern in your absence.. you can SMELL the difference.I cleaned the ship from stem to stern in your absence.. you can SMELL the difference.I cleaned the ship from stem to stern in your absence.. you can SMELL the difference.
  9. See my post, even a 5 sec CD would destroy our rotation
  10. My rotation in pvp: 1. 3x tracer missle = 5 stacks of 4% armor debuff 2. Rail shot = instant low heat cost attack (requires armor debuff or dot to use) 3. Unload = nice damage and slowing effect (20% armor pen if used after 3 x tracer missle) 4. Heat seeking missle = nice damage (25% extra damage if 5 stacks from tracer missle are on the target) 5. 1 x tracer missle to keep stacks up 6. Use DfA, fusion missle and explosive dart for aoe. This isn't including defensive/healing abilities Using Tracer Missle 5 times also: Reduces all damage taken by 10% for 15 seconds Increases the damage of your next Rail shot by 30% As you can see, tracer spam is REQUIRED to dps correctly .
  11. Don't rush through leveling, listen to quest givers and become immersed; questing is the best part of the game.
  12. I have the same issue, 50-60 FPS on full settings while questing/exploring 15-30 fps in fleet and warzones. Before 1.1 it was 10 - 15 fps in fleet. On low settings i can get 30-40 fps in fleet and warzones. It's annoying to change the settings when you come back to the fleet or do a warzone, if there was a way to save settings i wouldn't mind it so much
  13. From this we can see that 'Alacrity' has last prio on the secondary stat list. But what other secondary stats are most important? From what i've noticed in the spec, 'crit' seems most beneficial as we're so dependant on heat to have a constant dps, using the default ability will serverly destroy your dps if you have to use it for 15 seconds to vent heat. 'Crit' causes our 2 main abilities to vent heat every 3 seconds, so having a 'crit rating' of 33-50% would almost guarantee(if the RNG gods are in a good mood) a proc to vent 8 heat. Maximising a sustainable amount of dps from a long boss fight. However, would 'power' alone generate enough dps to allow you to spam the default ability for 15 seconds to vent heat now and again?
  14. I play a Merc, and i have to say it sucks to have to open with 3 tracer missles. It makes our AC too predictable. Pretty much all our good damaging abilities rely on 3 tracer missles before they're used, or it's a wasted CD. I think a good way to handle this is reducing the stacks of tracer missle to 4. It's an easy fix and reduces our armour pen by 4% on all good damaging abilities. It also means I only have to use 2 tracer missles
  15. Yes it is, you get blue and epic items needed for higher level recipes in Biochem. Diplomacy also increases your dark or light points!!
  16. Huttball is the best WZ when players work in a team, very rewarding.
  17. 1. Arenas = an unlimited amount of nerf QQ, I've seen enough crying on this forum to last until 2.0 2. BW will spend more money implementing patches to keep the QQ to a minimum, than what they'd make out of people subscribing to play arena. 3. Where there's arenas there's elitist no lifers that if not spamming the forums with QQ will likely spend the day trolling in /1. We all know this to be true.
  18. I've noticed 10 more FPS in fleet and less lag spikes all around. The ability delay is so much more responsive now. Fast paced gameplay is definatively less fustrating. About the rage: If the ability delay was so terrible it made people rage they have serious issues. If you get that angry over a game it isn't healthy at all. Go outside, get a gf and play swtor in moderation.
  19. they...f-f-f-fixed it? *tear gently rolls down cheek*
  20. Bioware are famous for their awesome RPG success. I havn't been so immersed in an MMO such as this one and I believe it will go far. However, Bioware have only just jumped into the MMO market and it will take a long time for them to polish up on how to deal with how different an MMO is to an RPG. Their choices over the next few months will detemine how well this game plays against the giants of the genre.
  21. You can get DS or LS points by taking the crew skill 'Diplomacy', seems to be an unlimited amount..
  22. ahahahah Anyone that uses the /spit command is either a kid, or has taken the experience personally.
  23. That sounds lame! Personally I use Shift as a modifier. Maybe try switching to Shift until it's fixed? Only thing I can think of, good luck! Edit: Thinking about it you could probably use Ctrl + 1,2 etc for channeled/cast abilities, so even if you accidently move it won't cancel it
  24. I don't know how to dps, so i'll make a thread to show other people I can't dps *thumbs*
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