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HORRIBLE AA implamentation.


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Hi folks,


Just in case you missed it, we added the following to the Known Issues thread earlier today:


  • Anti-aliasing is currently disabled for ATI 6900 series graphics cards.
  • Holograms will disappear during conversations if players modify their preferences to turn off bloom while anti-aliasing is on.


To give you all some more insight, the ATI issue is due to a severe graphical glitch and we are in discussions with ATI to resolve this. Thank you for your patience.




You need to also be in discussion with HP as some of their PCs even though they say they have an ATI card in them it is actually a custom MXM slot card manufactured for them by ATI and using the same card numbering as the standard cards. This has caused a lot of confusion with support as ATI does not dirrectly support these cards only HP even though they are an ATI card. So please be aware you need to make at least this major PC manufacturer aware to update their propriatary drivers as well.


Also I know never buy from HP. I learned my lesson hard here with this deceptive video thing ect ect. Thought I was getting a 2gb high end ati card but after much research and threaghtening found out it is actually propriatary.

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vRAM has almost nothing to do with performance. You can have a 1GB HTPC card and still run like ****.


It has a lot to do when you start using higher resolutions than 1080p and/or enhancements such as AA. Those will fill up your vRam very quickly.


For today's games, I wouldn't recommend anything lower than 1GB DDR5 for 1080p.


Of course, it should be at least a mid range GPU, like a GTX560/Ti or higher.


It's pointless to have 1GB on a GT520.

Edited by Hanni
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You know, I just have to make this comment...I've seen a lot of posts in this topic about people with ATI cards using 12.1a drivers and having problems.


You do realize those are beta drivers? They're not finalized. The latest official release is 11.12, which I have installed on my system. I have no problems.


Maybe, just maybe, you should try rolling back to known stable drivers?

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80% drop in fps.


running a Q9550 at 3.6ghz; GTX 285, 8gig of 4-4-4-12 800 memory and rest isn't important setup.


Fix it. Thanks. I'm not going to pay for a game that has no basic game features. Especially one that looks like it should run on 5y old machines.



Lol you're gonna need a better card than a 285 to use AA with no bad fps loss. So maybe stop flaming BioWare? Do you actually know what AA does and how intensive it is on your GPU?

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80% drop in fps.


running a Q9550 at 3.6ghz; GTX 285, 8gig of 4-4-4-12 800 memory and rest isn't important setup.


Fix it. Thanks. I'm not going to pay for a game that has no basic game features. Especially one that looks like it should run on 5y old machines.


AA is working fine for me. i had foorced in nvida inspector. Turned of the profile and used their in game AA. its butter looks great and having no issues

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Hi folks,


Just in case you missed it, we added the following to the Known Issues thread earlier today:


  • Anti-aliasing is currently disabled for ATI 6900 series graphics cards.
  • Holograms will disappear during conversations if players modify their preferences to turn off bloom while anti-aliasing is on.


To give you all some more insight, the ATI issue is due to a severe graphical glitch and we are in discussions with ATI to resolve this. Thank you for your patience.



Yea... no. I can assure you it isnt turned off. I have them maxed ingame, and set to application controlled in driver panel. They are on and working.

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Hi folks,


Just in case you missed it, we added the following to the Known Issues thread earlier today:


  • Anti-aliasing is currently disabled for ATI 6900 series graphics cards.
  • Holograms will disappear during conversations if players modify their preferences to turn off bloom while anti-aliasing is on.


To give you all some more insight, the ATI issue is due to a severe graphical glitch and we are in discussions with ATI to resolve this. Thank you for your patience.


THANK GOD its a known issue. When will we get an ETA for this fix for the 6900 series cous i have a 6950 and im having huge fps issues in the fleet. I get about 15fps in the fleet... just standing.

Edited by faztazfuk
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Also I know never buy from HP. I learned my lesson hard here with this deceptive video thing ect ect. Thought I was getting a 2gb high end ati card but after much research and threaghtening found out it is actually propriatary.


All of the companies that sell computers do this. The only way you ever can be certain you have a quality name-brand piece of hardware is to build the computer yourself.

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Some more pics showing the issue, from the rep fleet windows i talked about:


High setting using the game option

Forced 4x MSAA w/nvidia inspector


As you can see, the edges from those windows don't get any AA applied at all, the character model does, and some other areas only noticeable in movement seem to be not affected either. Forcing AA with that tool makes it look much better, like 4x MSAA is supposed to look anyway, and that is not "high" by any means, it's a moderate amount of AA very commonly used these days.


And don't mind the small FPS differences, as you see the FOV is not the same since i had to close the game for nvidia inspector settings to apply and i wasn't able to get exactly the same position for the pic...FPS are nearly the same as expected since my card can handle 4x MSAA just fine on any game i've tried.

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The problematic issue seems to be that low AA doesn't do much at all and high AA is very high indeed for limited gain (I agree with the above poster about the difference between in-game & forced; forced looked better here too). On my rig I have no problems with high all round, but that won't apply to everyone.


Also please note: the game changes effects usage depending on where you are. Try standing in a cantina with everything on full and look at the shadows. Then look at the same shadows (e.g. your own) outside. World of difference (in case it really is a specific place, I was using the Imperial cantina on Taris). That right there has a 20 FPS impact between standing in the cantina (40 FPS, 90% usage on GPU, lovely shadows) and outside (60-70 FPS, 62% usage on GPU, blocky shadows). The shadows themselves don't seem to get AA, but whatever they did in the cantina really made them look good (if expensive).


Edit: The above figures are from a GTX 470, all settings on high, minimal nearby population.

Edited by Grammarye
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The AA won't affect the shadows, or barely. The only shadows we have currently in the game are badly rendered blocks. There is nothing for the AA to smoothen out there. The AA will only smoothen out the 'expensive' polys on geometry (mainly).


But I too have seen the really nice shadows you speak of, and I'm not sure where they come from.

Edited by Heavens_Night
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Because IT'S NOT IN. They lied...again. There is no AA.


Maybe you have AA turned on in your video drivers?


Set AA to per Application and AA will be off unless the Application requests it. Don't forget to turn AA on in Preferences, Graphics, in SW:TOR

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2 more days until the free time that comes with the game finish. cant wait for all those ****tards complainers to leave and go back to the wow hell hole.enjoy your penda's and pokemons,


enjoy your dead game with no players.

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ingame AA does suck atleast for me with an ATI card. I lose 30 to 40 FPS by enabling AA ingame. go back to forcing AA through the CCC and back to normal where i'm a constant 60FPS. I think BW implentation of AA doesn't use the GPU well but is CPU bound. Edited by Mr_Crueak
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2 more days until the free time that comes with the game finish. cant wait for all those ****tards complainers to leave and go back to the wow hell hole.enjoy your penda's and pokemons,


We paid for it, that isn't "free". And it's obvious you don't have a clue about what the problem is, probably because you are a lowbie that doesn't know what the end-game is and probably won't see it ever (unless they give it to you in the form of an exploit). For us the 50s that had to grind 15h+ for a single valor level at 50+ valor, seeing people hit 60 in hours (1-60 in a day, just by afking in ilum) ruined the fun. This patch killed the game and now only noobs like you will stay unless BW decides to rollback and fix the issues their useless patch brought.


If they don't fix this the game is dead for any PvPer or hardcore gamer. Have fun playing Star Wars: The New HelloKitty. Hopefully people like you will stay here and won't ruin GW2 or any other REAL MMOs coming. Sadly it won't be the case, but we all can just hope. Anyway, the "go back to wow" is getting old. Even more when some of us aren't WoW players, but I guess trolls aren't what they used to be.


PS: On-topic, the AA isn't working for me either. But I'm using an HD6970, so I'm one of those owning a top-end card and lacking a basic feature present in any game, and available to any other lower-end cards. GJ there, ScamWare.

Edited by GoLoT
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80% drop in fps.


running a Q9550 at 3.6ghz; GTX 285, 8gig of 4-4-4-12 800 memory and rest isn't important setup.


Fix it. Thanks. I'm not going to pay for a game that has no basic game features. Especially one that looks like it should run on 5y old machines.


This was barely a post, let alone a thread. A bunch of Opinionated, and clearly uneducated nonsense.


Downvoted for Misleading title.

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enjoy your dead game with no players.

Whiners =! players, if some people choose to leave when the "free" month is over it's ok, the game's been out for a month so it's still too soon to judge about that.


People who spend the whole time complaining and whining are not players IMHO, because if you're complaining you're not playing much since you don't enjoy the game, better unsub ASAP in those cases.


Here we're discussing about a very common feature most games have and it's not fully working for now despite being announced in the patch notes as being present in the game as of today's patch, nothing else.


It really doesn't matter if some players like it or don't see it as an important feature, when you know something doesn't work, just don't release it, we already had the beta to test if it worked or not.

Edited by BanzaiChigau
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