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Everything posted by Heavens_Night

  1. I run 2x R9 290X and I also have micro stutter everywhere in this game. Even if I turn crossfire off, the stuttering is still there. I also run the game from an SSD. Drives me nuts.
  2. Blade Rush has no audio. The Damage registers but the sound for the sabres hitting the target doesn't. Only audio comes from Ataru proc. Surely this can't be a difficult fix, and it has been broken for months, please please fix!
  3. I haven't even got a character to max level yet and I am seeing these weird explosions on my ship.
  4. I stopped reading as soon as you referred to yourself in the third person, and drunk. Cheers.
  5. This is how all interviews are conducted. That's normal.
  6. Do people think this forum needs these 'reviews' to inflate their own ego? I really couldn't care less who you are, or how many 'CS' teams you lead. This game has many problems, and tbh I'm pretty bored of it, it's not an MMO, but really egotistical nonsense 'reviews' of the game, serve next to no purpose. It's not even a review, in any sense, it's a Blizzard fanboi saying ToR is dead ToR is dead! lol I mean seriously.
  7. That is a fair point indeed. But this is still a troll thread, I feel.
  8. It is painfully clear that you have absolutely no idea about what goes into developing a game, at all, none. You spout all your quotes, call people wrong if they disagree with you. You act like you know what you're talking about, when you clearly don't. Take it from someone who works very closely with dev teams on a daily basis every single day. It's sad that this thread turned into one about you throwing your weight around, but alas it's people like you that make the internet entertaining, if somewhat sigh-worthy at times.
  9. I do love how people like you think they know everything about game engines and developer motivations and cycles etc, by quoting things from the internet from their armchair's. Do you work in the game industry? No? Are you a developer? No? Please correct me if I am wrong, something you seem to relish doing. Nobody ever said the UT engine wasn't a fantastic engine, of course it is. But switching over to it now is simply ridiculous, and that was always the point I was trying to make.
  10. You claim to be a games developer and you think they can just do this? LOL I wouldn't want to play any of your games. I work in the games industry also not in development but in testing and even I know how difficult and time consuming, and probably a complete waste of time this would be. The UT3 engine wasn't built for MMO's either, the ones using it today are using a heavily modified and reformed engine, a lot different from the U3 engine you know and love. How can you be this short sighted, you almost seem like a troll tbh.
  11. Your problem is highlighted. With a card like that, you can't really expect to get anything above 30fps, in all honesty 30fps with that card, is pretty darn good if not impossible. So yah around the 15 mark seems about right.
  12. GTX 560ti 2GB - runs very well on high settings, no issues, except the ones that are caused by the game, such as low FPS in player populated areas like Imperial Fleet etc.
  13. I to am a Marauder and I don't have any problems killing enemies that are 2-3 levels higher than me, including strong and elite mobs. I mean no disrespect, but if you can't kill mobs your own level, I'm not really sure what you are doing, or not doing. My rotation is different than yours, but still you should at least be able to kill mobs your own level without any trouble. Remember to use Call on the Force for boss fights, if you are alone, and use your healer companion if you are less comfortable using interrupts/med packs. Also be sure to always use Sabre Shield/Cloak of Pain for tough mobs or a pack, these things combined will save your skin many times, and if you think you're close to death, hit Camouflage and wander off round a corner out of LOS of the mob and wait for your companion for take down its health, and then Force Charge back in and nail it, if you need to, Choke it down.
  14. This definitely has to be a bug. I have had this on just about every planet so far except a couple. I thought it was just me, good to know it's not. It is very annoying, some problem with the sound engine.
  15. I agree, it's wonderful. The first thing it reminded me of is the Steven Soderbergh remake of Solaris, so much so it almost sounds inspired by the Cliff Martinez soundtrack, which is amazing.
  16. Don't lump me with pre-misconceptions. I still play Rift, along with ToR I haven't felt the need to complain about TRION or Rift, and no I'm not a 'fanboy' as you put it. It's pretty sad that because I state that BW could take a leaf out of TRION'S book for CS that you immediately jump to these moronic and widly inaccurate conclusions.
  17. I agree here, TRION are a great credit to how good developers are and can be when they treat their paying customers as people and not cash cows. BioWare certainly so far have fallen very far short of this excellence.
  18. What a load of utter nonsense. "There is no such thing as facts" I beg to differ. Your logic has severe flaws, sir, and thus so do your 'fact based' opinions as the vast majority of this thread has illustrated.
  19. Well, unfortunately many people here do not agree with your 'premis'. Your statements are not fact. They are your opinion. Come on, I know you know the difference, why act like you don't? It's silly. Making these statements and then saying they are fact makes you look silly. And it makes me smile, when I see people doing that, and like you, they never learn.
  20. It's a little sad how even after all the responses in this thread you still haven't learnt that your opinions do not count as fact. They are your opinions, and no matter how much you band them about with the word 'fact' attached to them, I'm sorry, it doesn't make them fact. And you don't help your case by calling people wrong, and stating how right you are. Once again these are your 'opinions' they are not fact.
  21. Interpretation is a little different from "this is a fact" isn't it.
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