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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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No the game has dissapointed me. The continuing issues of delay, the ninja changes, the poor choices (Legacy making everyone a force user) and the lack of any type of real customization, across ANY area of the game, just makes me feel like I'm wasting time and paying for it.


That is exactly what I don't want in a game. I want to just have fun and not care. But in here, I find myself fighting the choices being made, the game mechanics and the lack of any real goals in the game that seem to matter.


My main class is pretty much useless, Combat Sentinels are kind of a waste in the game, the end game gear isn't interesting, looks horrible. The raids, well anytime you are dealing with RNG's, rage and bosses, why bother?


I can't express just how dissapointed I am in the game. I feel let down by Bioware. I'm not a ROLEPLAYER, but I use to be. And I know what a RPG is. This is reaching that level only by the slimiest of margins. It provides NOTHING important to fans of good RP games other then the initial choice of a character. Everything after that makes you a cookie cutout.


It's hard for me to imagine how Bioware failed to miss the mark by so much. It seemed a certain that this game would provide so much for gaming fans. But it's really just a pretty shell, with a system that is quirky and flawed and an overall experience that is lackluster and repetitive in ways that games that run on questing should never be, it lacks personal choices that help make your character both unique and interesting to play.


There is no escape from mundane choices when you see everyone else around you making the exact same ones. There is a huge difference between balance and uniqueness, and this game seems to be both confusing the issues of each and trying to enforce it's will in both areas. And it's taking it's toll on each.


With the giving away of lightsaber crystals and now force powers, I can't help but sense desperation and confusion on the part of Bioware and despite them seeming to be trying with new patches, etc. I think it's time for an extended break.

Edited by Tinasa
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In my opinion, this is the best game I have ever played. Is it perfect? Not even close. Is it still insanely fun? Definitely. This game had almost everything i was looking for in an mmo: great animations for abilities, less of a grind just to start doing what you want to do at endgame, and an amazing story that makes questing enjoyable and makes me want to log on every day.
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I cancelled less than a week after launch, the gameplay lag alone was enough for me to realize this game was going to be too frustrating to handle.


I'm here now, because people (BW included) claimed it had been fixed so I resubbed, played for about 10 min, saw nothing had changed, and deleted the game for the last time.


So it's safe to say no, I won't be resubbing ever again.

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Leveling was decent fun with this game but the end game design team have done an awful job, leaving everyone with nothing to do and ridiculously easy content, not to mention the fact that there is not even any incentive to do Anything at all at 50 other than leveling another character.. lol. So no i wont continue subscribing after this month unless 1.2 is a miracle
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Our family cancelled our three subscriptions yesterday. Too linear, to much of the same old, same old. Don't like how limited the world feels. Hate being stuck following quest lines and not able to change worlds. And way too many bugs. Almost unsubscribed one memorable day when my wife:


1) Had to repair the game every time she logged in to make it past the launcher crashing.

2) Crashed loading Balmorra. Therefore having to repair the game in order to log in again.

3) Fell through an elevator on Balmorra to her toon's death.

4) Had a quest bug and had to log before she could loot quest item. And she had to repair the game in order to log in again.

5) Had emails disappear out of her mailbox as she was trying to retrieve them.

6) Had an auction suddenly go off for a lesser price than posted for.

7) Her character kept arbitrarily spinning to run in another direction every several minutes without actually.


When all this was happening in one day, right after the other, she got a little more than frustrated with the game. She kept on because me and the kid were questing with her. Oh, yeah, and our kid's graphics freaked out multiple times that same day (and still do), fixed by ALT-F4 and relogging, but a pain for us to wait for Balmorra to load multiple times.


Guess we should have unsubscribed that day, as many of those bugs are still happening. Not to mention SO many others. Yes this game is only a few months old. But dealing with all these bugs is getting old also.


We loved the concept of the story-driven game, voice and toon-acted quest pickups and such, but it's not enough to make this game exciting for the long haul.

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I have decided to cancel. The push back of 1.2 the choice to listen to the wow hate club on not having a cross server lfg tool, not having real combat log and other things.


The wow hate club is wreaking this potential great game and i am moving on.

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Yes, I still don't have a level 50 and I love leveling alts. Thus, until I'm done leveling my alts and if there isn't any more content added at max level, then I will quit. In wow I have one account with max number characters with like 8/10 chars being over 80 and two between 1-70 on the illidan server. Plus, I have a second account with like 2 over 80 and two between 70-80, plus a bunch of low levels below 60. However, I got that many alts cause I been playing and dualboxing since BC.
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Nope. I just unsubbed and wrote a thurough description of the reasons so at least I did my part to be constructive. I still have 40 days before my sub runs out, but since I have played less than a couple hours in the past 3 weeks, I can see it's not worth my money at this time to resub. I have no doubts I will be back in the future when there are more of the customizations that make the game mroe fun for me. :)
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Absolutely i hav emy collector's ed . but the game for my GF and 6 month s of time buying gmae for her brother as well b day and 3 month time card for him as well..


now that aion went free to play i have alot of freinds coming form there as well to the game will have to set up a guild soon on keelers void cause all in all going to be 20 people by the end of the month


+ 1.2 COMING BEFORE THE ONTH IS OUT ... so happy

Edited by navycrow
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It's pretty clear they aren't listening to the WoW fanbois who want to make this game a carbon copy of WoW (despite leaving WoW and always saying how much they hate WoW- WoW, only game where your fanbois hate the game).


1.2 has great new changes, bugs are being fixed well and consistantly (every time a new bug pops up on the forums that gets a great deal of attention and 'BW will never fix this one, inc f2p game'- those complaints stop after a few weeks because the unfixable issue has been fixed... and they've moved on to complain about another 'unfixable' issue.)


Understanding when something's broke- Ilum, taking it out of endgame while they work on fixing it.


More content all the time, expanded systems in 1.2. Best mmo yet, fastest growing, most consistent, fewest bugs at launch and best pvp balance.

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