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Everything posted by OldBenSmokin

  1. Well then maybe you can point me to the closest crystal ball. Till then, I'm not going to consider it stupid to risk a few bucks on trying new games. As if I'm asking for my money back.. Nope, simply on said game's forums, giving my 2 cents in relevant threads, complete without fallacies and distractions.
  2. Then I'm not normal, in fact, I know I'm not. I play alot of games and have since I started playing Jumpman on the PC in 84(ya know, when I was a kid). People like me know the difference in when a product is not for them and when a product is the result of horrid design and cooperate greed trying to pull a fast one on "normal" people.
  3. There's suckers. There's cheerleaders. Then there's cheerleading suckers.
  4. : / Such an awesome community... Impressive job, OP. I'm amazed you wanted to do all that, I'd been bored to death. Which Deus Ex? New one or original?
  5. Less 50 year olds complaining about maturity while making fallacious arguments in a Star Wars Video game?
  6. I have some great products that I'd like to sell to you at a competitive price!!
  7. I know you think claiming people are "self entitled" is the only way you can wrap your head around the fact that some people say things you disagree with, but it doesn't forward any debate or help you come any closer to understanding why people have opinions different than your own. This has nothing to do with self entitlement.
  8. Evan is being a dick about it. Everyone else has been respectful. You have been trying to say the other side has no validity and it's an ego thing. Both are wrong. Really? I don't see anyone else equating people's postion to an ego trip. You mean the group that wholly against meters, keybinding, and other things that make good players better? Well shucks. (not that I would tell others how to play... unless they started a thread... about said topic... asking for an explaination.....) Of course not. You've not said anything negative about the motives of those who confess keybinding is ultimatly a better means of control.
  9. Oh whatever, quit assuming things about people in this thread. Says alot more about you than it does the people you're trying to dismiss. Has nothing to do with ego and everything to do with experience, staying open to new playstyles, and figuring out what works best. Thank god your attitude is the minority, otherwise we'd still be in the dark ages.
  10. I'm not going to be mean but, again, using an FPS as an comparison is just silly.
  11. How about we stop showing up late to the party then talking about clickers like they're stupid, or they've all been in here saying they're better than everyone else. No reason to drag this thread into the gutter.
  12. I know right!? Can you believe these entitled people? That's why I play HelloKittyOnline, No one there to ruin the illusion that I'm a great player and human being!!!
  13. If BW adds them, we should be able to force choke it to death, putting them on cooldown for like 15 min.
  14. Bit offtopic. But doesn't anyone else think Big Bang Theory is a show about nerds, not written by nerds? Meh.. I tried to get into the show but just didn't think it was clever or funny.
  15. Obviously... I wasn't talking about other game genres.... I play Starcraft, so I know it exists.
  16. You would be correct. Feel free to msg me if you take issue with any of my qualms and I'd be happy to discuss further.
  17. -.- Not really what I said.... But yea, it's never too late for chat bubbles in an MMO. Hence the whole "it's a good thing".
  18. Do you know what problems they were causing? I can't imagine what the issue would have been, and I know the bubbles were in beta.
  19. But NOBODY is clicking 6-7 in 2 seconds with any kind of consistency. NO ONE.
  20. When I click on by, keybinders be acting like damn he fly.
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