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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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I've played a lot of games and the most memorable PvP battles I had were in Planetside. Lots of players and gunfire, lots of tactics, lots of excitement. Nothing could beat jumping out of a dropship with seven squadmates for a quick commando strike on an enemy base control center.


I've actually been involved in some epic battles in Ilum that make me believe SWTOR has the potential to be great PvP. Bioware has to figure out a way for those types of battles to happen regularly, rather than by accident.

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I loved PVP in Eve Online because there was actual loss. It had a death penalty, you could actually hurt your enemy, cost them money. It forced people to play smart, improve themselves. It was also good for the player driven economy as new equipment/ships were then needed, materials were needed, blueprints were needed


The one issue I had with Eve PvP, and it's a big one, is that players were encouraged to run away until they were in a situation that made it impossible for them to lose. Essentially, the person who is best at PvP is best at getting the enemy into a situation where they are outnumbered or have the wrong type of ship for the encounter. This is as opposed to having more skill than the other person.


Also, and I don't know if this has changed, but the death penalty was too great in my opinion. If you got pod killed and didn't have a clone you could lose years of skill training and have no way to recover it. This happened to me, and I just un-subbed. Why continue playing when I had just lost 2 years worth of training?

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This is more of a segment of PvP from a game, but Player Bounties, on Jedi who "exposed" themselves to much, as a bounty hunter in Pre NGE SWG were AWESOME.


I've never had so much fun PvPing as stalking a scared Jedi from planet to planet around the galaxy and the eventual satisfaction of the battle when they realize they CAN'T keep away from you.


Win or Lose, it was always epic.

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I really can't choose between classic SWG player bases and AoC battlekeeps.


SWG Player-owned base fights were more "immersive" since you had your own custom-made city and fortifications to defend. You could drop them in the "open world" and call that little piece of turf your own.


And in classic SWG, the stakes were so high. I mean, I know players who lost hundreds of suits of armor and priceless weapons to decay, even jedi to permadeath, but if you ask them the worst loss they ever experienced, the same players will name a base that was lost.


SWG player base fights were more "immersive" and drew from more of the community, including roleplayers, crafters, merchants, entertainers. Everyone living in a defending city had a stake and a contribution.


AoC battlekeeps, well you could actually capture the whole thing from the enemy. And you had to build/rebuild it using your resources.


And there were only 8 battlekeeps on my server (Cimmeria) where 20 or more guilds had the power to take and hold a battlekeep. Owning one was more than just the bonuses. It was the ultimate symbol of guild PVP "street cred".


AoC sieges were the most intense massive PVP I have ever been a part of, and I was in some INTENSE SWG player base battles. AoC sieges were more "fair", more competitive, and drew from a more hardcore PVP community.


I was in 93 "full 48 on 48" sieges, as well as roughly 100 additional sieges that crashed, were lopsided, were on testlive, or were bugged. I was in 400 or so SWG player base fights over the first four years of that game.


I really can't choose.

Edited by GoldSquadGirl
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The one issue I had with Eve PvP, and it's a big one, is that players were encouraged to run away until they were in a situation that made it impossible for them to lose. Essentially, the person who is best at PvP is best at getting the enemy into a situation where they are outnumbered or have the wrong type of ship for the encounter. This is as opposed to having more skill than the other person.


Also, and I don't know if this has changed, but the death penalty was too great in my opinion. If you got pod killed and didn't have a clone you could lose years of skill training and have no way to recover it. This happened to me, and I just un-subbed. Why continue playing when I had just lost 2 years worth of training?


You never lost 2 years worth of training. The max was some (significant) amount of skillpoints. Never 2 years though, or even 6mo ;)


As for the first remark regarding only having one-sided battles...it happens mostly if a superior PVP force fights a less experienced force. But I had PLENTY of not one-sided fights over the years. Tons of cloooooose fights.


Also...there's always a counter to any tactic ;)

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I've only played 3 MMOs in my time.


I played SWG since day one (8 years ago).


LOTRO from day one (over 3 years).


SWTOR from day one (over 1 month).


Best PVP out of those I would have to say was SWG (in it's prime time). LOTRO I never even played. Never liked the idea of the Monster Play. SWTOR I only just started PVPing in and it's pretty fun so far. Got some kinks to work out but I am enjoying it so far.

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Eve Online PvP is pretty great. I loved the high risk factor, but it could take awhile to get into and patience was required. That's not really a bad thing though ; )


I loved PvP in Lineage II. Complete FFA PvP with penalties/warnings for the "bad" players. Having official wars between guilds. Guild possesion of castles and fortresses, of which there were only a few in the game and took quite a bit of work to capture. The risk factor was there too because there was xp loss on death. Also, having a max level character in that game was actually an accomplishment, rather than something you can get in a couple weeks.

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i enjoyed warhammers pvp very much

this comes next


wows pvp, just horrible. lol


Thats hilarious you separate SWTOR pvp from WOW pvp even though they are the same game. We are talking actual game play here right not the fact that this is space aliens and wow is never neverland? Sucks you didnt get to experience pre-resilience PVP in the original three battlegrounds. That was epic.

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I really can't choose between classic SWG player bases and AoC battlekeeps.


SWG Player-owned base fights were more "immersive" since you had your own custom-made city and fortifications to defend. You could drop them in the "open world" and call that little piece of turf your own.


And in classic SWG, the stakes were so high. I mean, I know players who lost hundreds of suits of armor and priceless weapons to decay, even jedi to permadeath, but if you ask them the worst loss they ever experienced, the same players will name a base that was lost.


SWG player base fights were more "immersive" and drew from more of the community, including roleplayers, crafters, merchants, entertainers. Everyone living in a defending city had a stake and a contribution.


AoC battlekeeps, well you could actually capture the whole thing from the enemy. And you had to build/rebuild it using your resources.


And there were only 8 battlekeeps on my server (Cimmeria) where 20 or more guilds had the power to take and hold a battlekeep. Owning one was more than just the bonuses. It was the ultimate symbol of guild PVP "street cred".


AoC sieges were the most intense massive PVP I have ever been a part of, and I was in some INTENSE SWG player base battles. AoC sieges were more "fair", more competitive, and drew from a more hardcore PVP community.


I was in 93 "full 48 on 48" sieges, as well as roughly 100 additional sieges that crashed, were lopsided, were on testlive, or were bugged. I was in 400 or so SWG player base fights over the first four years of that game.


I really can't choose.


I could not agree more but i will admit SWG is the only other MMO i have played.

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Ultima Online, easy. I still go back to a player run shard sometimes for some pvp fun.


I also had a pretty good time in early SWG -- quite a few epic battles for the short time I was there (though to be fair, I was a Combat Medic).


I kinda like LotRO's monster play, but it seems pretty neglected. DDO has probably the most potential for SKILLED pvp (active combat) but the devs show no interest in developing it.

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I loved PVP in Eve Online because there was actual loss. It had a death penalty, you could actually hurt your enemy, cost them money. It forced people to play smart, improve themselves. It was also good for the player driven economy as new equipment/ships were then needed, materials were needed, blueprints were needed.


This game is a carebear's wet dream. There is NO death penalty what so ever. Nothing to force people to care about dying, no benefit to kill your enemy, no reason to kill anyone except just for the hell of it.


I have often killed myself rather than have to travel back somewhere just because its faster....any game that people will do this has way too soft a death penalty.


Gotta agree with this i played eve online and there was some places ie low sec or null sec (people who played eve will know what i mean by that) because u would get killed and when you had to put time and effort into your ships that was a big loss, but then it was also always fun to get cheap ships with large groups and take down bigger targets

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All of you people saying DAoC are going to LOVE GW2. GW2 will be the DAoC 2012. A lot of the Devs that made DAoC are making GW2 and they will have the same type of PVP without EA stepping in and killing it. I for 1 am just playing SWTOR to hold me over till GW2 comes out.


Here is something I copied about the PVP.


WvWvW PvP – There’s 2 flavors of PvP, one is the Arena style combat that GW1 is currently known for, the competitive style. The second kind is World vs World vs World where 3 servers are pit against each other every 2 weeks to battle it out across 4 persistent maps filled with 2,000 people that involve capture points, resource gathering, castle sieging, etc.

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All of you people saying DAoC are going to LOVE GW2. GW2 will be the DAoC 2012. A lot of the Devs that made DAoC are making GW2 and they will have the same type of PVP without EA stepping in and killing it. I for 1 am just playing SWTOR to hold me over till GW2 comes out.


Here is something I copied about the PVP.


WvWvW PvP – There’s 2 flavors of PvP, one is the Arena style combat that GW1 is currently known for, the competitive style. The second kind is World vs World vs World where 3 servers are pit against each other every 2 weeks to battle it out across 4 persistent maps filled with 2,000 people that involve capture points, resource gathering, castle sieging, etc.


GW2 will be nothing like DAOC.

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AIKA! If it hadnt the short sight problem id be playing it right now! Was wonderful! Every day around 11 oclock our Nation Leader Fckdizlyf raised, shouted in his leaderchannel for war against the world - and some Minutes later 1-4 Raids made of 80% philippinos and us gathered and followed him (besides - love to play with Philippinos. Dont know much about that corner of the world, but NEVER had one single flamewar in the chat! Seem to be really relaxed people :) ). Perfect simple and well balanced System. Pure PvP fun. Not to mention of the 100vs100 Arena every couple of hours. Edited by LordiMordi
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(before NGE, before CU, before jedi quest, when jedi were sparse and 3x dying mean perma-death.)


The first 8 months or so were the best ever.


I picture a wise owl saying this because it rings so true.

Edited by asilos
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Believe it or not LOTRO. I played monster side full time which anyone that has done any PvP in Lotro knows how limited that map was.monster side was the most challenging.


If a goody good even so much as farted at you, you took a 1000 hitpoints of damage.


So team work was the Law.


EQ2 was fun early on.


Darkfall, Mortal Online. Hardcore fun but both game were poorly executed


AOC was to complicated for me as far as the complex directional **** ,spent more time looking at my keys


Warhammer: there are still aspects I like about that game, PvP lakes when they were busy was a blast


Aion was Ok at times but the rest of the game outside of PvP was a bore


Rift was alot of fun also

Edited by GothicSaint
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