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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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Before WOTLK WoW had by far the best pvp. CC was in check and no one class could truly dominate another given equal gear/skill.


DAOC was ok, it had world pvp but it was a cc spam fest. All the clowns out there that thought they were good cause they could bring along 4-5 of the mass cc spamming classes are kidding themselves. If they had toned down the amount of cc it would have been much better.


I think for miss potential Warhammer was the absolute best. I loved the class balance of that game, wizards were something to be feared but if you were a rogue you could bend them over for an instant kill yada yada. No one class was perfectly safe and had nothing to worry about. However, it suffered from a mile long list of bugs and above all else in what killed WAR (same thing that will eventually kill swtor) was the laggy and unresponsive combat.


People REALLY underestimate how important it is to have your controls as tight as possible. Anyone who has played a single competitive game in the higher up area can instantly tell something is very wrong with SWTOR's pvp.



If i were to grade SWTOR, i'd give it a 3/10. Class balance in a warzone thats not full of either sage/sorcs or commando/merc is pretty even. Bioware said they wanted to avoid gameplay revolve around stuns and cc because its not fun NOT being in control of your char for extended periods of time. What do we have now? Every character possible has at least 3 different stuns and some have knock backs with roots yada yada yada.

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For everyone wondering why we aren't still running around in Daoc.


Dark Ages was created as a pvp game. The first several years were awesome. There was no gear grind. There was no end game grind of any kind. Realm abilities were nice but the most powerful ones could be gotten fairly quickly leaving the rest as mostly modest stat boosts.


The problem was Mythic decided to compete for the pve endless grind market. They turned their backs on the core of their own game. Epic loot, master levels, legendary weapons all served to remove the even playing field that existed before. When the game started you leveld to 50 got a couple of groups together and quickly did your epic quest for which you got a full suit of level 50 armor and that was it. After that you just played rvr.


After atlantis you got to level 50 and you still had a long grind in front of you. Epic loot, Legendary weapons (which had to be leveled), Master Levels. All PvE crap that was a big *** road block to rvr. That began the slide, a steady loss of player base which is brutal for a game based on group play. When all three realms have 500 to 1k people online rvr is a blast. When all three realms combined are less than 500 rvr sucks.


WoW has been successful by staying true to its core design. A PvE game with a endless gear progression system. Doac died because it took a pvp game and tried to tack on a pve progression system.


The steady decline of player base and as a result revenue stopped any major upgrades from occurring. Thus, you have a game with dated graphics, ancient ui, and all the pve crap that killed the game is still there. Although they put in short cuts, the imbalances from all the pve crap and extra 'levels' still cripples the game. Add in a 15$ a month fee and there ya go.


If EA took a group of programmers and modernized the graphics and ui of the original game, implemented the class balance that took place over the first years you would have a successful game. The problem is that no pvp only game will ever come anywhere close to the popularity of WoW. The community simply isn't large enough. ( might help ourselves here if the pvp crowd could stop being such a large collection of ******es. If we as a community were nicer and not so intent of driving away other segments of the gaming population developers might be more willing to take a risk on a pvp game...just a thought.)


The ultimate game would be one that could marry the pve of WoW to the rvr of Daoc. ( yes other games had great pvp but Daoc appealed to larger numbers and companies like large numbers). Not sure it could be done as the gear progression of wow would (actually did when Mythic tried it) kill daoc rvr. And a Daoc endgame with little character progression wouldn't work for a wow pve system.

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Gonna have to go with 2009 till december 2011 Star Wars Galaxies PvP. no imbalance what so ever, great mix of PvE with it to make things more epic. around 2010 i went and levels 4 characters to max in WoW and pvped but it was terrible. not the mention the rest of that game sucked.


only thing SWG lacked for pvp was Battlegrounds worth playing, but that just made pvp better, cause everyone would just do open world pvp.

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1. DAoC

2. Eve Online



I would add Guild Wars, as the team based play was great, but Guild Wars was not an MMO in the traditional sense. It was more of a multiplayer dungeon crawler like Diablo.


Guild Wars 2 will be a traditional MMO and I am looking forward to how they take their experience with guild wars and translate it into the MMO space.

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Real PvP is defending the base that you built with hours of your guild's work from a 50-member guild intent on destroying all your hard work.


Giant player-made cities with elaborate player-made malls and even shuttles that could be placed in player cities.


The only way to get a decent weapon or armor was from crafters. The quality varied widely by the crafter, so the best crafters in the game were famous for their armor or weapons.

Edited by Emeritus
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I'd have to go with Daoc until TOA. Great memories. Quit shortly after TOA.


Although i got to admit, i also disliked that they made the high tier craft materials available in PvE areas in SI. The game was at its best when you had to go to Beno to craft. Great fun. We wiped a Mid raid once by building ~ 30 catapults.


Relic raids.


Darkness Falls!


I still kinda miss playing my Friar. -.-



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It's pretty bad we are talking about other games on this forum lol.


I don't see why...you can play more than one game at once. I play SWTOR for PVE and some quick PVP matches that don't take a lot of planning and tactics. For proper PVP I still play EVE.

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Like the majority here, DAOC for sure. Played a Ranger and loved the 1v1 stealther wars that existed. Also loved running 8 man's and even zerg's/relic raids could be hellafun. What I don't understand is since Mythic is now in the clutches of Bioware why there isn't more DAOC influence on the PVP. Sad.
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For everyone wondering why we aren't still running around in Daoc.


Dark Ages was created as a pvp game. The first several years were awesome. There was no gear grind. There was no end game grind of any kind. Realm abilities were nice but the most powerful ones could be gotten fairly quickly leaving the rest as mostly modest stat boosts.




Too bad I missed the game, but the story is more or les the same for UO, Richar Garriot created it for everyone, then EA took it over and they more or less removed PvP from the game :/.

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UO but only when in a guild and when (rare) the PVPer population was decent. PVP was intense, and when everything came together, amazing. But getting ganked on the way to the grocery store was just stupid.


- WAR is a lot like SWTOR. I enjoy both themes, and the mechanics are basically wow. One HUGE bonus to WAR: You can jump into GOOD pvp immediately, without doing all the class quests for 10 meaningless levels and then 4 more before getting Sprint.


- RvR is WAR was fun in the short run, but got stale very quickly after T1. Capturing the fortresses felt anticlimactic and meaningless.


- I very, very much enjoyed playing PVP Neverwinter Nights on an arena server. Not an MMO, but the combat was the same. In NWN, it was always about designing the best build, and due to the multi-class mechanic of DnD, had a great deal of scope for different play styles and creativity.


- Sandbox games like EVE and UO are _awesome_ but only if you really have the time to devote to them in order to build resources and maintain the social presence. If I had nothing to do but play MMOs I'd probably be in EVE. However, I have to play casually because of my job (and my other more valuable hobbies.) "Easy mode" games like WAR, WOW, and SWTor definitely fill a niche.


- Planetside had the potential to be great but I joined when a) The game was in decline and b) I had crappy hardware.

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Making this thread to find out what the player base thinks is the best MMO PvP they have played and why. I know I personally have played MMORPGs for a long time and the appeal for me specifically has always been the PvP aspect of it. Include this game if you like aspects of it but I am looking at a perspective of ALL MMORPGs. Ill try to be as specific and objective as I can in my descriptions.


Ill start with the World PvP and who wins in my opinion. Hands down in my book was Ultima Online, we are going OLD school here. You could mark runes to the popular areas where you were sure to find a fight that was safe from any guards and when a guildie called for help, you recall there and help him out. One guy gets jumped by 2 from an enemy guild so you call your guildies and 2 of them show up and you kill them so they call their guildies and 4 more show up and before you know it there was an all out war. Why was this possible? Because traveling from one point to another did not take 20 minutes and you could feasibly help your teammates out within 30 seconds or a significant amount of time to put yourself in the fight.


Other part of UO World PvP that was awesome, the fight for scrolls. Scrolls would increase your stats to higher levels ala data crons here. But in order to get scrolls you had to down bosses that had them on their corpse as loot, these bosses were located in neutral zones with no guards or safety available and would only spawn at specific times. This meant you would sometimes have 4 groups or more all competing for this loot at the same time, massive wars and people pushing in to get to the boss and then once they got there they had to hold off the other groups long enough to kill the boss AND loot it, because loot was open to anyone, and then get away because if you died with the loot on you, it dropped too. Massively fun world PvP and I have not played a game since that has done it better yet.


How did they do it? Easy travel to zones where PvP will be happening, something for the sides to battle over that they could hold in their hand and walk off with, or use right there on the spot if they needed to that EVERYONE had incentive to possess and would fight over. After all if you didn't need it you could sell it.


Competitive group PvP 2v2 or greater I would go with WoW not only did you have the option of arena if your group was low but your larger battlegrounds were/are more fluid. I think this game is currently very close to it but there are still obvious tweaks to it. However for me specifically I like having a rating system in place, that being said I do not believe that the guys that are the better players and can get the ratings to get the better gear should have very significant gains in the gear they can get. Make it minor, after all the guys who can get higher level gear in PvP are already solid players, there should be a gain to their efforts be in visually by showing off their e-peen or minor adjustments to stats or maybe even the ability to make or sell something of value that will give them a benefit or more credits.


1 on 1 PvP, I have to go with UO again but I have to add a very specific caveat to it. When I played UO there was a specific class that was sculpted out to play as a PvP class. So when I cast one thing an intelligent opponent would cast a counter if he was quick enough, and the fight became either outplaying your opponent entirely and beating them quick or being able to dwindle them down until you could finally score a kill. The top players were ALWAYS the top players and it was very tough to take them down because the 1 on 1 PvP was purely about timing and not class ability. I understand how this kind of thing is not possible with current MMOs because there are so many classes. Only way I could see this working is if there was always a counter to something any class had to do. Besides I think a game should be built around group PvP experience and not 1 on 1.


So there you have it my take on the best MMO PvP. I know I have seen plenty of people suggest games I have not even played. Have you guys had the same experience as me or were they completely different and the things I said were so far off base of what you enjoy I am a noob for even suggesting it?


daoc (no questions asked)


everything else isnt even remotely close, except UO maybe.

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