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Everything posted by Pulpp

  1. Quit bastardizing the term 'Ninja Looting'. And while you are at it, quit caring about crappy loot that doesn't matter.
  2. The game is still a snoozefest at level 50. Of course, that's an issue in any themepark MMO, it's just SWTOR has especially weak raids and repetative PvP.
  3. It's a beta bug. Movable solid objects in game "resync" on their path and essentially respawn. That's why you fall off. I do not believe any of the popular myths (emotes, companions, etc) have any effect on it, as I have seen it happen with no one riding it. And if you really reported the guy in the other post, something is really wrong with you. I hope no one helps you short cut up there and I pray you fall off every balloon.
  4. Yeah...him....2million+ other folks...EA execs too. lol.
  5. Article is on the money and highlights the greed readily apparent behind F2P. F2P (a la carte purchases) is not a viable option in SWTOR. And the big problem here is -- if 2 million+ players that forked over up to $150 for the client were not willing to pay a subscription fee, how the hell does EA think a crippled version of the same game will do any better? They don't. They just want to squeeze more money out of the already loyal subscribers.
  6. That bug actually still exists, and has existed since beta. Happy Life Day.
  7. Pretty sure you quoted the wrong person or didn't read all of our posts but that aside, you have staff response now. Those looking to pretend the problem doesn't exist can finally quit doing so, lol.
  8. You kinda just answered the reasoning behind it all... EA can either: - get most subscribers to spend a little real money on extra items. There is a cap on profit vs. content. - get some subscribers to spend lots on extra items by including a random factor. There is no cap on profit vs. content. Increases percieved value of items as well. Cleary EA, and history, has shown that there is more profit from the 2nd option. You could always get a 2nd job if you are really interested in these items. /shrug
  9. He's complaining of predicable degraded performance after varying hours of play sessions. I still am not sure what you are aiming at here....that his degraded performance on his gaming computer is....what? To be expected after playing a while? No, it's a memory leak. The OP wasn't complaining about the game using "some more memory", I think his complaint was clear. I am make no assumptions about how he solves the issue when it becomes troublesome. You feel free to.
  10. It matters for the same reason EA selling level 50 pre-made geared toons would matter...sure, you can still do it for "free" but a line has been crossed that severely affects the game/economy/content/players. If that's your personal benchmark for what is acceptable, then EA gets a free pass to add whatever they want to the shop. That may work for you, but I bet most players would be pissed and the game is worse off for it.
  11. All communities eventually turn elitist (SWTOR is pretty low on that scale, as the gear check is minimal for all but pvp). In addition, when content is generally boring or lacking, players quickly turn to chat for drama and fun. Welcome to MMOs, I guess.
  12. I can go hours without a crash, doesn't mean the memory issue doesn't exist. And it's not normal, programs need to properly release resources. If they do not, memory usage steadily increases. I am not sure what point you are trying to make here....you think a memory leak is defined by a crash?
  13. The mods have deleted hundreds of posts today (this one will likely go eventually too ). That makes sense of course, since as the EA staff member said -- they value our feedback and are listening....*cough*damagecontrolsweepundertherug*cough* lol! Anyway, I find the official response here awesome. It's pretty clear that EA has no issue providing end game items in the shop (yes, for a "minigame" but I am not going to explain why that's not relevant again as mods will just delete it). The only issue, as they apparently see it, is that people are mad the alternative method of getting these items contain too extreme artificial barriers (comm grind) vs. store price. Enjoy the ride down the slope, folks.
  14. It does climb and climb. At some point, it will just autoclose/crash after an area transition of any kind and I will need to restart the client. I have a fairly beefy system, so it doesn't effect me often nor is it that noticable until it closes, but I feel bad for people with middling specs that play for extended sessions.
  15. Yeah, geeze you guys. You should be grateful you are allowed to pay to play on special servers EA made for you in whatever remote and unknown country you play from. The fact that they are empty and have been ghost towns for months isn't EAs issue and they don't owe you transfers or merges or anything. They never promised you populated servers or fun. Want it to change, do the simple thing -- move to a country EA cares about. Sheesh... .....
  16. lol... See here is the thing, cash shop development focus and p2w harms the longevity of the game. Here is how (I will walk you through it): - Notice there is NO event for players this holiday. Development of the game has shifted (quite rapidly) to the cartel shop and profit over the actual content for players (even those paying a sub). With each addition to the game going forward, the devs need to now think "How can we maximize profit from this?" and NOT "how can we make this awesome and fun?". - As an example, the ship pack causes the following: p2w over grind, cybertech players get shafted, the economy/community is hurt and even the difficulty bar gets moved in line with p2w items (to make them more appealing). Every action has consequences. The shop and careless exploitation of it may generate additional profit for EA, but it harms the game. And sure, players only have themselves to blame but every player has their own breaking point....EA will continue to push the envelope and alienate players until, finally, enough people leave and the spendy/moochers left are not enough to support the game costs. I will say this, most free to play games take years before they finally jump the shark with heavy p2w items and obvious cash grabs. I commend EA for jumping the shark out of the gate with UI unlocks...takes balls. LOL
  17. So...nothing useful to contribute or on-topic but decided to pop in here anyway. Yup, par for the course from you. Keep it up
  18. We've already established that by your obtuse definition, NO GAME is p2w. Since we (at least everyone but you) can agree that's an idiotic assertion desperately clinging to semantics, I don't see you being taken seriously here. At all. As long as an item remains tradable in-game, you can rest on your silly individual definition to give EA a pass on everything ("hey, you can still buy it or trade for it!!"). I am sure that will give you comfort as more people leave the game. Ah, so you are one of the people I mentioned that measures p2w by interaction with others. Gotcha. lol. See my last post for a rebuttal but that aside, I look forward to chatting in a few months. Buckle up.
  19. Uhhh, if you read my post, I highlight the start of P2W imo (before the thing even launched). And how do you know what I have said? Are you just making a random post and hoping you managed to make a point? Well...good for you, I guess. You failed but whatever. I've watched a number of games transition to f2p and it's usually a slow push to p2w, slowly eroding the players perception of what's acceptable. EA is special though, they set the bar right from the gate. With the UI unlocks, crystals and the rest, that we have these new ship parts isn't a big suprise. What's next? Raid gear, stat boosters and seperate timered consumables. I know what you are saying..."NO way they ever add that" but mark my words, you'll see it soon. It's the same way in every f2p game, EA is just greedier and faster.
  20. Haha...I love reading the cheerleaders desperately pretending this is not the start of P2W (well, actually the UI lock was the start of p2w, but whatever). Funny stuff. What's actually more amusing is that this same thread has been present in EVERY f2p MMO and all those "slippery slope" arguments end up true. SWTOR is not unique, it's simply the reality of the genre. And EA is a cheesier company than most, so if you think they won't go full board P2W...then wow, are you ever delusional. Look up EAsy's f2p shooters and see what they have done there. And to clear up some silly arguments: ANY item that can be purchased to give the player an advantage for in-game content is a P2W item. It does not matter if you can get it via other means. Perhaps the "item" drops for free from a raid (.001% chance), or you can grind for it or maybe even buy it with credits...NONE of that makes a difference to what it actually is, that's only how many artificial barriers the developer added for everyone else (the higher the barriers, the more valuable the P2W item becomes). Some people are saying that it's not p2w because "space combat is a silly single player thing". Let's put aside the obvious counter that there are actual gear rewards coming from the combat... What a load of bunk. This is an aspect of the actual game (albeit pathetic and lazy). It's a challenge and that challenge can be significantly lessened with a purchase. And you know, most players in SWTOR never group up. Are you also trying to make the argument that because they don't interact with others, any items they buy cannot be p2w?! Lol. When p2w items grant an advantage over other players, that just makes them more valuable/annoying. That's not the standard for defining p2w though. But as I mentioned before, check out EA's other f2p games (like the EAsy stuff)...giving an advantage for money is there biggest seller (and it hurts the game the most). Oh sure, you can play a free minigame like the CLAW for a random chance to even the odds, but that doesn't make it less p2w. Grab your ankles folks, EA is at the helm and content is now being developed with the store in mind, not the subscribers
  21. EVERY f2p game eventually slides towards p2w. It's just the reality of the genre/industry. EA is a slimier company than most...look at their other F2P games (like the EAsy ones). If you are surprised it happened or even that it happened this fast -- well, you were being foolish. Enjoy. It's just the beginning.
  22. Might as well wish for world peace and immortality while you are at it....
  23. Can they not even roll out the most minor of patches without breaking something else? Do they even have a Q&A dept anymore???
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