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10 Good
  1. Penguins fly jets?! Awesome (In my best Scott Pilgrim impression)
  2. Keep this hush hush but I heard from a friend that's dating the mailman of a Bioware dev. Legacy won't be available in PVP. Don't tell anyone....shhhhhhh
  3. Whats the point of consolidating all the issues on the forum when half of them contradict the other half? Its like opening a ticket and saying the Sorc bubble is OP and it needs a nerf in the same sentence. L2T (Learn to Troll)
  4. Trolling is an art form that you have failed at.
  5. Look on the bright side, when you quit playing swtor you'll have all the time in the world to work on your english. d-_-b
  6. daghey

    Unsaid PVP rules?

    Just don't kick the ball. Hutts don't have feet!
  7. You're playing the class all wrong. You should be in melee range swinging your light saber, not putting on a light show at an Avicii concert.
  8. From what I've seen playing hutball, force shroud on assassins makes them pretty much immune to all CC except pulls or so it seems. I queue with 2 merc healers and another assassin and we dominate hutball with speed + force shroud. The only thing that stops us is when we get pulled by a powertech or another tank spec assassin. So far this has been the only ability that can break through an active force shroud. CCs and knockbacks have no effect when force shroud is active (3 seconds active time, 5 seconds when talented deep tank tree).
  9. Its true. I was at the award banquet
  10. I don't think I've laughed this hard in a while. Thank you for the last 21 pages of entertainment. Doritto has my vote for best forum Troll.
  11. I see there are no planned changes to Ilum. The are now letting us know what we already know: that we don't get credit for a kill...how useful is that going to be?
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