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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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1. DAoC with a score of 10/10

2. Warhammer with a score of 9.8/10 (If it had a third faction... I would've done things to myself that even the internet wouldn't be allowed to hear of)

3. Mortal Online

4. SWG (Yea, I know. It was pointless at times, but I really liked it. Could just be that everything else about that game was so great that I assume this was too...)

5. Guild Wars (Great guild PvP system - really loved it)



Ranking SWToR PvP would be wrong.

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lol man that sounds like the firsr time I went onto DT when FF was down. Just after they released the "go red dungeon quest". I remember some Anti saving me from a 100 BM in shoulshi.


I was a PK most of my gaming life after I stopped playing pve, Never liked Anti's for some reason. I think most of it was cos of the PK v Anti war's.


Haha, yeah, it was always chaos when the PVE servers went down... there was war magic flying around everywhere in the outposts, and noobs who purposely rolled their toons with hp minimised would be jumping from the tower to their deaths.. continuously.


Yeah, my first experience in DT was getting killed by someone 10 level's higher as I tried to slip into town to sell some gear. And to top if off, he looted my leather armor that I just purchased (the bastard!).


After that I decided to go anti, and try and help the newcomers. It was actually great fun, and pretty rewarding. I still fondly remember the big fights over the lugian dungeons etc...


PVP was much more intense when it was meaningful and personal - the death penalty just took it even further.


Too bad these days PVP is just some emotionless sideshow grind for rewards in some instanced arena detached from the actual MMO world. What a waste IMO.

Edited by Jebi
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Easily the best PvP run I ever had was in Warhammer. I rolled several toons to 40 just on PvP alone in that game. The problem was, like any other MMO PvP, the gear chase and gap of the haves and have nots was too severe. So, as soon as my current toon reached level 40 I shelved them and rolled a new toon. I repeated this several times with well over 100,000 pvp kills across my toons.


Why was the lower level pvp more fun than end game? Once again because of the stupid gear chase that most games put in that encourages a haves and have nots atmosphere. In leveling up PvP in Warhammer there was no gear chase. Everyone was on roughly equal footing. Some that were higher level within the bracket would have a slight gear advantage, but nothing that ever approached the over matched, hopeless feel of the newly maxed level player in most games who dares set foot in the end game pvp environment. The gear advantage of the haves is simply too much for the have nots to deal with. Nobody wants to get roflstomped for weeks or months in the hopes that their willpower will hold out long enough to get the gear (faction imbalances and server populations can make this nearly impossible). Most players simply won't bother for very long, and stop pvp, or even cancel their sub.


I think the only way MMO PvP will ever be fun for a lot of people, and perhaps stay balanced enough to be an e-sport for MLG (who dropped WoW over imbalance) is to drop all the damn gear chases. Gear chases are for PvE, and work great there, but they only serve to ruin PvP. No gear chase, just roll up your class and go for it. A noob stepping into to PvP will still get rolled until he has the experience, but he won't have to face a mountain of a gear disadvantage such that even when he/she has the experience they still get roflstomped due to the gear gap.

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Vanilla WOW / BC. Rift also was pretty good. The older wow because it wasn't dumbed down back then and required pressing more than two buttons.


Unless you were a paladin in which Warcraft BC was the worst nightmare of PvP ever. I wish I could post the old population and representation reports from back then. Dark days for paladins. No wonder they overpowered them for a little while in WotLK.

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1. Shadowbane - Most of these kids probably never even heard of or played the game. What a great game. Great sieiges and world pvp.


2. Lineage 2 - Red = Dead, Chance to lose armor and weapon when you die. Epic grind and rewarding for crafters. Sieges and politics.


3. SWG - PRE-CU, EPIC fights in towns.


4. Vanilla WoW - South Shore Battles all night long. World PVP because we had nothing else at the time.

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I KNOW RIGHT?! I loved the unbalanced factions, horrible ability delay, impossible daily / weekly quests, and random drop gear system. But what do I know? I play on an RP - PVE server.


Never had a good experience with MMO pvp. Worst experience to date (no not you TOR) Aion. Second worse, yep, that would be you TOR. I guess the closest thing to good pvp I have had is Lineage 2. And we really shouldn't be so down on TOR, it is still a youngling after all.


PVP servers are worse...


Not only do players get nothing from regular world pvp, some planet, like Voss have Pubs and Imps use the same medical center. And since its instant respawn, you will get yourself into a fight that last for half a day until one side eventually just give up. All for nothing too, no valor, no commendations, nothing...

TBH I don't even know why pvp servers exits.

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PVP servers are worse...


Not only do players get nothing from regular world pvp, some planet, like Voss have Pubs and Imps use the same medical center. And since its instant respawn, you will get yourself into a fight that last for half a day until one side eventually just give up. All for nothing too, no valor, no commendations, nothing...

TBH I don't even know why pvp servers exits.


Ive been arguing that too mate. They are not interested. But the Open beta for GW2 hits in march. "proper world pvp ala Daoc!!!! cant wait.

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Ive been arguing that too mate. They are not interested. But the Open beta for GW2 hits in march. "proper world pvp ala Daoc!!!! cant wait.


Oh really? Now I wonder if that is going to be a real open beta or a really restricted one. And I wonder how long it will last.


And I'm quite sad for my other upcoming favorite, The Secret World, if GW2 is going to launch right on top of it. Really sad indeed.

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For everything already said but also for that : in that time, DAOC game developpers was playing their game whit players. They was able to understand what the players wanted.

It's not more the case in this decade. Today, MMO game developpers are so out of touch about what the players want...

Edited by Tirrexx
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I've only played a few but my ratings are:


1: SWG - I played Post-NGE and years into the franchise. They had time to set up the game in ways that worked and they did a good job of having a relaxed feeling to it. I could PvP and Quest, but I could also sit in Mos Eisley and do nothing...


2: SWTOR - So far I enjoy this game. And when you look at the video here you can clearly see that SWG was very rough in the very beginning... I think SWTOR has a lot more potential and will do MUCH better than SWG because of BioWare's effort to listen to the community and the resources they have at hand.


3: Rift

4: STO

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For everything already said but also for that : in that time, DAOC game developpers was playing their game whit players. They was able to understand what the players wanted.

It's not more the case in this decade. Today, MMO game developpers are so out of touch about what the players want...


I tend to agree with you, though i think many devs these days, jsut autopilot the wow system an hope for best.

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Everquest 1 Sullon Zek. You lost hours of experience points for dying to an opponent of within five levels.


There was hate there that I have yet to see matched on any server in any game ever. No rules. No GM bailout. No crybabies like here.


There was world pvp everywhere. No exclusive instances. You wanted to kill a boss you better make sure half your guild or others in your faction are paid to guard the zone in, otherwise they come, kill you, steal the boss, then laugh at you in general chat. Bosses had to be killed at 3 am by some factions.


Factions would wipe out home cities and camp bindpoints for hours.


You always watched your back. Snares, snared you...bigtime. Blinds made your entire screen black.


To me those were the good old days. Nothing has come close since. That fear, that joy of retribution....that pure feeling of knowing when you were on top here, you could beat any other MMO out there.


There were no rewards for pvp. No gear. No point system (that worked). Not even pvp balance. But it was still the best I ever played because it felt hardcore. No mercy.

Edited by Bloodguard
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Everquest 1 Sullon Zek. You lost hours of experience points for dying to an opponent of within five levels.


There was hate there that I have yet to see matched on any server in any game ever. No rules. No GM bailout. No crybabies like here.


There was world pvp everywhere. No exclusive instances. You wanted to kill a boss you better make sure half your guild or others in your faction are paid to guard the zone in, otherwise they come, kill you, steal the boss, then laugh at you in general chat. Bosses had to be killed at 3 am by some factions.


Factions would wipe out home cities and camp bindpoints for hours.


You always watched your back. Snares, snared you...bigtime. Blinds made your entire screen black.


To me those were the good old days. Nothing has come close since. That fear, that joy of retribution....that pure feeling of knowing when you were on top here, you could beat any other MMO out there.


There were no rewards for pvp. No gear. No point system (that worked). Not even pvp balance. But it was still the best I ever played because it felt hardcore. No mercy.


I tried it once, my first 20 mins in game. I walked up onto a dock to get a ferry across some lake. A guard instantly attacked me (NPC)....an I quit lol. That was my first ever look at MMO's I didn't know anything about them at that stage.

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