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Everything posted by Tirrexx

  1. Bwhahahaha.. Gabe and his rethoric about his design... well.. his initial design was good... on paper, you know the 100 vs 20. BUT IT CAN WORK ONLY IF THE 20 PEOPLE CAN GO OUT OF THEIR BASE! How the game designer didn t see it coming???
  2. Exactly. The system will be abused by players...
  3. Vote kick AFKers? Really this guy have absolutly no clue about what is game playing. Fire this game developper now! I'm not a game developper, IM a player and I see already the next big mess coming. Yea, sure vote for to kick somebody out.......
  4. The fail of some new AAA MMO game, like warhammer or swtor, are not linked whit a lack of evolution in the MMO genre. From my point of view, the fail of these games are linked whit a lack of competence and an arrogant attitudes from the developers. Take a old MMO like DAOC, remake it whit a new engine, and you'll get a success MMO. Swtor is a Warhammer 2, same people, same idea, they didn t learned anything. On a side note : in 2012, we have a stunfest game, but the problem of CC was resolved in 2003 in daoc!
  5. I'm afraid than Bioware cannot turn the ship now. In short, the selling point of this game is leveling your toon while listening/watching the story. It's a single player game sold as a MMO. It cannot success on MMO market. I've leveled 4 toon already to 50. The game has no more to offer for me. And no need to bash Bioware. The devs just didnt get it, they missed the point.
  6. Bump, because I want this page on first page. Tip for MMO game developer : You are like divas. When you make a good mmo game, players plays and are happy, you ll do big $$. But when you fail, prepare to go down in flames by players. That's the rule. Why? Because you play whit free time of people and these people pay for it! Simple rule in MMO : if it s not fun, dont put it in game! AND PLAY YOUR OWN GAME DAMNIT! On a side note : A. Gershowitz : the worst class designer I've seen in MMO industry. THis guy work for Rift now. C. Gouskos : 1.4 patch in warhammer. that's all. P. Barnett : how this guy still work for EA? J.Hinkman : this guys was the lead producer for warhammer. Fail and repetitive fail.
  7. Except the Artist team, we have a bunch of incompetents game developpers. A lot of names synonyms of FAIL. But the artist team was good. In short, you cannot expect an AAA 5 stars MMO game when your team is a 3 stars talents.
  8. Whit this pvp dev team, NO, open pvp cannot be saved.
  9. DAOC, I've played it from 2002 to 2007 : 200+ people on same screen whit no lag. Swtor lauched in 2011 : 10 people on screen = unplayable, everything is instanced.
  10. For to play this game, I've paid 60$ (box) +15$ monthly fees = 75$. Should I understand I've paid 75$ for to let Bioware to turn the ship in the right direction? I'm paying for a beta? When i pay, I expect a product running and ready, not a product in beta.
  11. worst pvp in MMO history? Impossible, Bioware said they have the BEST PvP TEam in the MMO industry! «sarcasm off»
  12. Voice acting is a lost of ressource for a MMO. Spacebare 100% of my time in this game
  13. I'm a multiboxer and I support multiboxing in this game. This is legal. Dead horse here. Multiboxing usefull for pve, but not for pvp. Anyway, you just need multibox 2 toons in this game. What software? Imput director + 2 computers (multibox 2 toons). http://www.inputdirector.com/
  14. From my point of view, it s hard to play whit no companion after level 30. You are companion dependant after lvl 30 in pve. And the only companion usefull is the healer... Keep him geared, follow your story, do the story quest and side quests and you ll level like a breeze. No need to do Heroic or Flashpoint.
  15. Simple question : Where are they in game? When I log ingame, I see 32 on Tatoine, 91 on Republic fleet..... 1,7 million actives players, where are they?
  16. For cybertech, I've noticed : as a tropper, when I try to get blue shematic from pieces crafted by Aric Jordan (companion), it take me 5 greens for to get the blue. But a lot more when pieces are crafted by other companions. This ratio is constant from level 10 to 28 now : 5 green for 1 blue whit Aric Jordan.
  17. I have some fun in swtor, BUT I don't feel to play a MMO. And I'm asking to myself : why to pay a suscription for to play a single player game? About the old MMo days, I dont miss the grind, corpse run, raids, gear dependacy, grinding for gear or crafting. BUT I miss the feeling to be a part of a community, the fun to pvp whit no power inflation due to gear (ala UO or DAOC pre TOA).
  18. Tks for info. If the game is a success, we ll get numbers, if the game is a failure, we ll get some evasive words like usual.
  19. If it's true, I'm stunned : server capacity is only 2k people??? in 2012?? MMO whit 2k people max??? Na... I can t believe it, just by doing simple math : 100 servers? 2k / server? total : 200k players max? but 1 million ++ people played this game last month....
  20. swtor story become another warhammer story. Exactly same story and the story is made by same people who's failed in warhammer. I see a trend here. Enought whit dev bashing. Overall Bioware was not ready for a MMO, simple at that. swtor is a good single player game whit chat and possibility to group, but not a MMO.
  21. Kaas city server is healthy : heavy at prime time (east time). I rerolled Republic trooper on this server, I was Bounty hunter 50 on the same server. Lot of people around but yes : Imperial have more players than Republic. My estimation is 3:1 (imp : rep). Overal, people saying Republic class are inferior to their imperial couterpart are in denial. My trooper is more stronger than my bounty hunter.
  22. This, so true. Swtor is a good Bioware traditionnal single player game but a bad MMO,
  23. Yes I'm bored and thinking to cancel. Leveled a merc to 50, leveled some alts, but I cannot log anymore more than fews minutes. Overall, this game is a good Bioware traditionnal single player game, but a terrible MMO. 200 M$ for that???
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