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How to lose 400,000 subscribers in the first month, by BioWare


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The speed it takes to get to level 50 is irrelevant. I wholeheartedly agree that there should be brackets in PvP though. To paraphrase Ford Fairline: Bolstering instead of brackets is like ************ with a cheese grater: funny at first but in the end mostly painful.
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You rushed to 50. Its not Biowares fault you have a wee bit too much time on your hands.


Your argument is flawed. People do what they like. OP has a point, but brackets are not needed, though in a month they will be considering more 50s will be arriving and more geared 50s will be dominating lowbies.


In the long run, brackets for at least 50s are a must ;)

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OP is a little over-dramatic, don't you think? I, for one, am not cancelling my subscription over such issues. I don't think 400,000 other people are going to either. The game is fantastic. It's not without flaws, but I'll gladly continue to pay for it in its current state and so will many many many other people. So speak for yourself.
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Also, if we don't have a new warzone by the end of the first month, that's another few hundred thousand subscriber subs gone. The original three warzones are already hideously boring, and nobody but Sages/Inquisitards likes Huttball at all.

When WoW came out it had no battlegrounds. Eventually they just had WSG and AV. Took them a solid year or so after those came out to come up with AB. And since then it's been one blunder after another until they came out with Battle for Gilneas which is just a smaller AB, lol.


They are doing a good job, you can't expect them to cater to the needs of 50s or PvP or PvE until they get bugs fixed, servers fixed, basic gameplay fixed, major bugs, etc. Then they can worry about additional content, class balance, etc.

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So the OP comes with valid issues and all you can do is reply with cretin answers like wow is over there and some other stupid reply, understand that this is major issues that should be adressed and yes i m thinking to cancel.If you realy like this game come with valid and positive help , otherwise this will be warhammer 2.
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So the OP comes with valid issues and all you can do is reply with cretin answers like wow is over there and some other stupid reply, understand that this is major issues that should be adressed and yes i m thinking to cancel.If you realy like this game come with valid and positive help , otherwise this will be warhammer 2.


Just an FYI: Spectulations are not facts. Out of all the pages here and the posts, there has yet to be any proof or evidance or even facts, just more wishing to have their own demands fulfilled because they feel more obligated and privliages then the othewr subscriptions.


Little known fact: The Louder Minority of the game's population (called 1%'ers) use the forums to cause mass hysteria, lurk, post positive or negative feedbacks, or the most common, misleading information so they can get attention, the vast majority of the population (the 99%'ers) are to busy playing the game because they enjoy it, and actually care less about the forums.



Dev Teams actually use caution when using forums for suggestions do to threads like this one.

Edited by RangKer
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The warzone system is made such that it will always try to pair you with other players near your level. Give the game a couple of month's and you will never see another pre 50 player in your warzones during peak time. (I read this on the beta patch notes, can't find them now for a source)


If they had its own level 50 bracket, the pvp que would be insanely long for several weeks to come.

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i swear some people never EVER watched starwars in there life, do you know why they mix brackets, heres a hint..



in all the movies, there is a bad guy, HE IS MUCH STRONGER then the good guy, so the good guys have to either (A) zerg him down in an epic fight, or (B) grow and get stronger themselves to fight this opponent another day..



this is the type of style they try to pull off, just like the movies, think of yourself as a padawan facing a sith lord, your not only suppose 2 be shacking in your boots, but instead of trying 2 fight him 1v1, ur looking for an escape root, to come back another day as a jedi master.



long story short, in WFs your suppose to choose your fights wisely, know were you stand, and what your chances of winning are, thats were the skillful play comes in, running in head first thinking your able to solo and take everyone on will get you, well killed.

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Uhhh... I don't think they are purposely creating a level difference in PvP for roleplaying reasons... lol. Nice try though. It's quite a practical thing, and as it was stated previously, it will balance out over time. The issue is that there are not a lot of level 50s right now.


Sure, maybe you poop socked it to 50 and now you're mad because of a level difference. Or maybe you're mad at other people who poop socked it to 50 and now you have to face them in warzones. But think of it this way:


Queues would be ridiculously long, if you could even find a game at all during some hours, for people who are level 50 right now. It's like, congratulations on reaching 50... your reward is that you are now in a bracket that has almost nobody in it and you have to wait 10x longer for a warzone.


Why would they design the game around a situation that's only going to be prevalent for a month or two after launch? After that period of time, there will be so many 50s that pretty much every warzone you play is going to be all max level. Right now though it's just not feasible, and you need to just deal with it. The bolstering system works. For the most part though, warzones are with people relatively close to your level. As it was said before, they do try to keep it close. It just doesn't always work out that way. But the alternative, even though you don't realize this when you whine about needing brackets, is that you wait ages for a PvP queue to pop. Brackets might sound great when you look at current problems that aren't going to exist in a month... but what you're essentially asking for is a worse situation that you will have reason to complain about even more.


Give it some time and it will balance out. The system is not designed to be perfect for month 1... it's designed so that the core play will be catered to... and that's the point when there are many many many max levels on every server... not just a hand full.

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Do you know what Google is ?




Guest-346: In regards to PvP, are you guys planning on bracketing off level 50′s in warzones once there is a high population of them?


Gaming-BBY: >>Gabe: Yes, stay tuned for a Developer’s Blog with more on this and other PvP features coming soon.

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Maybe 400k is a bit too much but OP is correct about lvl50 in warzones: since there are no mercenaries commendations I don't see any point to fight in WZ being level 50 assassin. I'm not that crazy to farm 800 wz commendations for just 1 champion bag which tend to fail providing just 3 useless tokens. Edited by Pashgan
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While the system is like it's now, on my server at least it's pointless doing warzones before reaching 50 if you play on the Republic side. Never seen a lvl 50 guy on our side, usually the team is lvls 10-30, and the Imps are 90% lvl 50s. Call it whining, but it's not really fun when a single lvl 50 guy comes to camp our starting point and kills 5 guys at a time, single-handed, when you stay alive 2 seconds in fights. It's not about skill, it's a balancing issue. Some major boost for the lower levels is needed badly, otherwise it's just commendations feeding machine for the 50s. I end up just quitting the WZ in hopes getting a new one with a bit more balanced setup and a fair fighting chance. I know I'm only lvl 30 but what's the point in even allowing <50s there if they stand no chance?
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A team that plays as a team and cooperates will always win over one that does not, no matter the levels. That is the plus side, but it gets to the point where if an opposing team has say 5 high level chars in,and yours has only 1 or 2 then no matter how well you play team wise you will lose.


The high levels will just kill farm, stopping you from scoring/capping


However, the bolster mechanic just doesn't work proberly. There is a huge amount of difference is basic stats between even a bolstered 25 and a bolstered 50 to the point where the 50 is almost impervious to CC, KD etc etc from a much lower level.


The Bolster mechanic should do just that, make one equivalent to the maximum level character.


I can see how straight waiting for more of your level to become available could be annoying, but the answer is simple and straightforward IMHO. Simply drop you into a lower bracket if you have been waiting more than say 10 mins and adjust the bolster accordingly.


Guild wars 1 had it right, everyone had pretty much the same HP and gear stats. So the only difference was how good a player you were, what build you specced and how well you read the game.

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Level 50's not having their own bracket is fail. Baddies needing a crutch and ego boost is not cool. Level 50's are the only players allowed access to expertise.


Not having level 50 brackets is going to hurt the game in the long run. Don't be a moron Bioware and listen to baddies who think it's cool to troll low levels when their in complete expertise gear.


Fail harder bioware.

Edited by BrolleunHunter
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Give it time people... i'm sure eventually they'll add brackets to the PVP zones... I mean hell alot of MMO's dont even have 3 PVP games on release let alone END game content... alot of MMO's you reach level cap and you wait a month before anything happens... get over it, give it time and stop complaining that everythings not your way
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Give it time people... i'm sure eventually they'll add brackets to the PVP zones... I mean hell alot of MMO's dont even have 3 PVP games on release let alone END game content... alot of MMO's you reach level cap and you wait a month before anything happens... get over it, give it time and stop complaining that everythings not your way


This game was 6 years in development. They even didnt "target of target" frame. Devs is not interested in supporting of this game. EA wants money from Box-sales not from subscription.

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I have a question about all the bracket complaints, why exactly wouldn't a 50 bracket work again? it has worked on EVERY other mmo out there so why shouldn't it work on this one?


Please give me a good reason.


Because there are sod all 50s around at the moment, so you'd have to wait forever to get into a queue.


Think how many none 50s are in the game right now, who already on some servers have to wait 10 minutes to get a queue, now imagine the really small percentage of that population who are 50, having to wait even longer ebcause they don't have anywhere near as many queueing.


A 50s bracket would be silly, for the time being at least. Maybe in a month or so.


A 45 -> 50 bracket would be fine or even a 40 -> 50, expands the population of the bracket making queues less of an issue.

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