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How to lose 400,000 subscribers in the first month, by BioWare


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If anyone remembers WAR, when the power levelers reached 50, they had nothing to do and I do mean nothing, they couldn't even do any battlegrounds because there were so few at 50, Bioware rectified this by allowing everyone to queue together with a bolster effect.


Now there are more 50's Bioware can look at putting in brackets, they have already said they are coming so do us a favor and hold onto your panties.


They could have gone a step further and not include pvp only stat that makes the powerleveling lvl 50 players a bit too strong to stomach.

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They could have gone a step further and not include pvp only stat that makes the powerleveling lvl 50 players a bit too strong to stomach.


Bioware made the classic oversight mistake, they didn't expect anyone to actually level exclusively through PvP so they didn't expect anyone to be resilence geared already.


Would have been a good idea to switch off the stat until brackets came out, but really what company hasn't made mistakes?

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There are currently 1-1.5 million total subscribers to the game. There are nowhere near 400,000 lvl 50's at this point in time.


Once the number of lvl 50's reach critical mass to support decent queue times, expect BW to split 50's into a separate warzone bracket.


Honestly, if there was a 50's bracket to begin with, you guys wouldn't be able to do warzones at all (because of so few 50's) and you'd be complaining about the hour-or-more long queue times.

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Oh please.


Does it suck to be a low-level against 50s? Yes. But if they give 50s their own queue, queues will take exponentially longer, and you'll be back here complaining about that next. They can't win whether they make brackets or not.


400,000 subscribers? Lawls. Strong overreaction. A few hundred thousand subscribers if they don't make another warzone? Please. Who's the little kid again?


he just wants a bracket for high levels.


best would be 10-35 bracket and a 36-50 bracket or 40-50 bracket.

and increase the rewards for these level brackets if there are longer queue's

if the queue times are up 3 tmes the rewards should be 3 times as much.

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Bioware made the classic oversight mistake, they didn't expect anyone to actually level exclusively through PvP so they didn't expect anyone to be resilence geared already.


Would have been a good idea to switch off the stat until brackets came out, but really what company hasn't made mistakes?


Sure it may be a mistake, but that does not really help.

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But look on your lost matches.

Most of the time it's pretty evident that your teammates don't care about winning, they just wanna slay the other team...

If you have 2-3 people on your team that WANT to win, you can win. At least on my server. 50 or not...



Nothing wrong with 50 expertise-brackets though.



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I can't speak to anyone elses experience but I came here with about 10 hard core pvp'ers and i'm pretty sure they are all gone. I have not seen anyone in over a week. I cancelled my sub. The pvp is underwhelming and the game does not have a sense of community. Everyone plays this like a SPG. The pvp concept was really bad.
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All I can say is warzones totally suck,,


how could anyone enjoy it with all the stuns....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................



Need to change or bw will be losing customers :)

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"rushed to 50?" Are you just being plain retarded or what? They game has been out since the 13th so 17 days. 50/17 is 2.9 levels a day. HARDLY rushing.


At 2-3 hours a level, that's 8 or 9 hours EVERY day at a single GAME.

Edited by Laserstrike
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he just wants a bracket for high levels.


best would be 10-35 bracket and a 36-50 bracket or 40-50 bracket.

and increase the rewards for these level brackets if there are longer queue's

if the queue times are up 3 tmes the rewards should be 3 times as much.


yes lets punish the 50's who preordered ages ago by making them wait in 3 hr ques...:rolleyes:

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Jumping to conclusions much?


At what point did I say "I don't want brackets"?


I'd love for you to point it out to me before you dive on me and make that assumption.


Yes, my assumption was easy to make because the OP clearly mentioned "I play this game for PvP" meaning quite clearly, he only PvP's.


Yes there is a need for a level 50 bracket, I don't deny that and am all for it, however people making such sweeping and quite frankly dumb statements about "lack of content" and "OMG Bioware you suck for not implementing PvP brackets".


There is a very good reason there were no brackets at launch..


If anyone remembers WAR, when the power levelers reached 50, they had nothing to do and I do mean nothing, they couldn't even do any battlegrounds because there were so few at 50, Bioware rectified this by allowing everyone to queue together with a bolster effect.


Now there are more 50's Bioware can look at putting in brackets, they have already said they are coming so do us a favor and hold onto your panties.


They are asking for for a 50s bracket and you are telling them they shouldn't have leveled so fast along with your other crap. Not a hard conclusion to make. Usually negative posts are for people you disagree with, try actually responding to the topic they present next time. For instance, you could link where bioware said they are adding a 50s bracket and be done with it. The long posts about nothing are not necessary, but that seems to be your thing.

Edited by Cyndelx
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There are currently 1-1.5 million total subscribers to the game. There are nowhere near 400,000 lvl 50's at this point in time.


Once the number of lvl 50's reach critical mass to support decent queue times, expect BW to split 50's into a separate warzone bracket.


Honestly, if there was a 50's bracket to begin with, you guys wouldn't be able to do warzones at all (because of so few 50's) and you'd be complaining about the hour-or-more long queue times.


Uh, no. There would be plenty of warzones because there are plenty of Huttball matches to be had with 1-49 players.

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The end of the month im leaving also due to there not being enough content other than PVP for lvl 50's.3 warzones gets boring as hell when you've played them to death and also with huttball ive NEVER faced republic only ever empire and yep,im a sith.zzzzzzzzzzzz


Games been out or 2 weeks. Bring out the end game content! Your complaint about pvp? Yes, sith outnumber republic 3:1? Correct me if

I'm wrong. PvE wise? lack of content? The first patch was tuesday for god sakes.

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No arranged team matches


No level brackets


No ladder system


The pvp in this game is only a gear grind. Once you have that gear there is no point in playing since there is no way to pvp competitively.


WoW didn't have BGs for quite sometime and they weren't as good as what we have now. It was also a long time before the PVP system was meaningful (it was also just a gear grind).

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Don't complain if you are gonna rush to 50. I can't believe you are knocking an MMO which was officially released just 12 days ago.


My friends and I don't play a Sorcerer at all and if we play Huttball we have a great time. I am usually on a Sniper and my friend on his DPS Merc or an op and if we play well and coordinate we win. Simple as that. I have a feeling OP is just bad at life.

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And if force run is causing you that much trouble you need some help. I thought it was overpowered for the first 2 games I saw somebody do it but there are always counters.. Stunning on the fire, killing the light armor ball carrier, pulling the ball handler down, knocking them off the edge.. and the list goes on.
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WoW didn't have BGs for quite sometime and they weren't as good as what we have now. It was also a long time before the PVP system was meaningful (it was also just a gear grind).


WoW PvP system in Vanilla: Play 10+ hours/day in a premade group to win all your matches, earn honor at the end of each week to raise your level, don't miss a single day or you will lose a lot of rankings on the board, rinse and repeat for 4 months and you will have PvP gear.


Then they introduced Arenas in BC causing certain classes to have an easy ride to the best PvP gear in the game. I don't know which is worse :S

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Inquisiball is borring if you get it 9/10 times of the warzones. Inquisitors/ assassins are to strong on that map. I dislike it a lot. Usually I just leave Hutt Ball after 1-2 minutes because it's pretty obvious who will lose and who will win most of the time.


thats because ur playing with noobs. try that scorpion get over here and pullem off and guardians jumping all over the map..hutball gets intense in battlemaster rank premades.

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WoW PvP system in Vanilla: Play 10+ hours/day in a premade group to win all your matches, earn honor at the end of each week to raise your level, don't miss a single day or you will lose a lot of rankings on the board, rinse and repeat for 4 months and you will have PvP gear.


Then they introduced Arenas in BC causing certain classes to have an easy ride to the best PvP gear in the game. I don't know which is worse :S


Don't forget, you also had to avoid DK's otherwise you'd lose like 10 days of work in a matter of seconds LOL.

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Brackets are bad, simply because they increase queue times which sucks, and you keep getting the same noobs who always want more and more brackets.


First it will be separate 1-49 and 50, then it'll be separate level 50 Rank 20's, from level 50's Rank 60's and it'll keep going on from there.


If you're low level, you have to play smart, If you can tie up a level 50 as a low level player in Huttball, you're worthwhile to your team because you're keeping him busy.


Voidstar is same way, I don't care what level you are, you can defend a door.

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