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  1. Somewhat agree with this, an attacking team can dominate a turret but simply be interrupted by how quick people can get back to the turrets. Same issue with Voidstar really, you can full out dominate the other team when attacking, but if the spawn time sits right for them it's so quick to get back to the door, and on the other side of it, you can be in a spawn zone for 30 seconds while the other team runs on through a few objectives.
  2. I'm V61 (not Ilum farmed) and I have 3 pieces of Centurion armour. My BM token count so far is 1/16. There is someone I know who only misses 2 pieces of BM gear and he is just 62. The current system rewards neither time or skill, just open a bag and hope the RNG gods shine down on you.
  3. It's called teamwork, learn about it and profit.
  4. I don't think it's that players are bad - it's just so little bonus is given for winning game. When people are trying to farm valor and/or commendations it's more fruitful just to go for medals, given that whether you win or lose medals are what really see you boosted with valor and tokens. Generally though the only game which doesn't give medals while doing objectives is Huttball, as a ball carrier you are focused on capping and that doesn't leave much room for grabbing medals - however if you play objectives on Civil War / Voidstar medals generally come pretty easy when working towards winning the map.
  5. To be frank, I'm fed up of seeing replies to these threads saying people are moaning about wanting easy loot and such. The issue is not with the speed of which gear is obtained, it's the roll of the dice everytime you open a bag. I've opened 16 bags now and obtained 1 token, fine, I'm not expecting all my gear in week one. But when a friend opens 6 bags and gets 5 tokens, I'm thinking to myself, how is a RNG system remotely fair to players. It was the same pre-60 for me, I am currently rocking 4 pieces of centurion loot due to poor Champ tokens. I laughed when I got to V60, saying I'll end up having to get my champ gear all from BM bags with the Champ token drop, this is now looking more of a reality. I wouldn't mind having to grind for 1 month to get 1 item of gear - it's at least something steady and you can see the end in sight. This however is a lottery and gives no indication of the amount of PvP someone is doing. I do like PvP here and I won't quit over this in any way, I play with friends and it's generally good fun - I just worry that when the ranked warzones come all this luck and RNG will give the edge to players who have had good fortune with bags next to the people who are still waiting for drops.
  6. Same issues as everyone else has been reporting. I didn't know (is it confirmed?) that you don't get a quest update if you are playing vs lesser numbers. I can understand this from the PoV where you play 8v6 the entire fight, but often these numbers come from when you are winning and the other team just starts leaving. That said, I'm pretty sure one of the quest updates I got last night was from a game where the other team didn't have enough players and the game ended...
  7. Conspiracy theories aside, I feel your pain (to a lesser extent) and think this RNG system never works well in MMOs. I myself have had the same problems, 1/14. Fills me with dread thinking you've had it with 42 bags, quite pathetic. People will respond and say you have to work for your gear, fine, make them cost 20 BM tokens, just take out the RNG nature of this. Great for people who have had the luck (a fellow guildy has 5/8).
  8. I've opened 14 BM bags and obtained 1 BM token. Not expecting free loot, but I was hoping after hitting V60 I could replace my Centurion items (lame Champion bag luck as well) at a reasonable pace. Not asking for free loot, just some sanity in all this - when ranked WZs come through and such gear will give the edge, at the moment it's a roll of the dice. Whats even worse, one of the guys who I play with is so far at 5 BM tokens from 6 bags since he started. I've done more PvP and he's ahead of me through RNG. At least in 2 weeks of Champion tokens I'll be able to upgrade ONE of my centurion items...
  9. It's worse when you end up in a WZ where more than 8 players have joined one side...
  10. Jambert

    The Tank in PvP

    I'm playing Darkness Sin for PvP and feel that we're generally there to hold things up and support / be the ball carrier. Playing with a healer on a map like Civil War it's possible to harass / defend a point against 3+ players quite easily while working them down and waiting for backup to arrive. Yes sometimes I laugh when someone gets a 6k crit on me as a "tank" in Champ / BM gear - but it's a role meant to be played with other people supporting.
  11. I usually get 8-10 medals per game as a tank - I don't try to farm medals at all. People don't MVP me much on Huttball since I don't get objective points - for some reason capping the ball 6 times doesn't count towards the objectives... I personally MVP the healers, although I've noticed recently some just seem to stand in the corner trying to cheese numbers.
  12. Sins are NOT rogues... Get out of this mindset. I play Darkness / Deception hybrid myself and play support - but from my time as DPS it was fine, it's all about managing CDs and watching for procs.
  13. Jambert

    Sorcerer Nerf....

    So OP/GS got a nerf, lets move onto the next class. I guess from a medal perspective, yeah they might need a nerf. I don't play a sorc but always laugh at the moaning on the forums as I've never had any issue with them. Sure if you solo play and just go for medals all game you will get caught out in 1v1 situations where this class really shines. In teamplay they are easily manageable. Voidstar is an easy map to poke boosted stats, there is so much grouping from people it makes it easy to push out big numbers (Mara smash anyone?). 75k healing as you posted is nothing in a 15 minute game - I get 40-50k self heals as a Sin tank with Dark Charge procs, thats without any direct heals.
  14. This picture says nothing other than the SI (Sorc AND Sin) is a heavy populated class. The class quest is one of the best and you get lightsabers - thats why a lot of people will be choosing it. The only thing that screenshot shows is a bunch of SI who are pumping out poor damage. Also, your complaining about GS DPS in Warzones, lol...
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