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How to lose 400,000 subscribers in the first month, by BioWare


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I will admit that the way the pvp warzones was done with all levels from lvl 10-50 should be sepereated in brackets. Boosting everyones stats to same lvl does not really help the lower levels when another has far more skills to use!


The only part that worries me about doing bracket warzones is that at some points during certain levels the que's might be longer just to get in warzones!

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You rushed to 50. Its not Biowares fault you have a wee bit too much time on your hands.


"You rushed" MADE MY DAY... how can you not be 50 by now if you starte on EA and did PVP.

its impossible to not be 50 by now.

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Some servers just seem to have BAD players on a side. E.g. Republic on Trask Ulgo are terrible even if most of their team are higher level. 99% of these whines are because you are bad, not because the game is broken. Edited by NasherUK
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You rushed to 50. Its not Biowares fault you have a wee bit too much time on your hands.


How does that make it any better for the non-50 exactly?


There should be two brackets, 10-49 and 50.


Level 50 players in their PvP gear are vastly superior to anyone else bolstered.

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"You rushed" MADE MY DAY... how can you not be 50 by now if you starte on EA and did PVP.

its impossible to not be 50 by now.


You are nuts and living on another planet. Vast majority of players are below level 30, Bioware stated so 2-3 days ago.


You rushed. You are a powergamer. Just accept it.

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Lord knows I canceled.


As a level 32 I just couldn't take it anymore. The fact that I have only ever seen one Empire player in the world in 32 levels and they were speeding by on their mount anyways is just sad.


When it comes to entertainment there are far superior options at this time.

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Lord knows I canceled.


As a level 32 I just couldn't take it anymore. The fact that I have only ever seen one Empire player in the world in 32 levels and they were speeding by on their mount anyways is just sad.


When it comes to entertainment there are far superior options at this time.


Massive imbalances between classes. Broken pvp match making. Ilum 100 percent doesn't work. Hard mode enrage timers on lots of bosses make no sense. Of all the legitimate reasons to quit, you choose world pvp being nonexistent. Right. Just give it time man, the game just launched.

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I've already stated that it sucks for low levels to fight against level 50s. I'm not disputing that. If they separate the 50s into their own bracket though, queues will get much worse for them. It's lose-lose. They make brackets and queues will grow exponentially; they leave it as is, and the lowbies will complain. However, the lowbies won't be lowbies forever, and most rational people will realize that they shouldn't base their PvP experience off of their early levels.


Plus, you're automatically assuming that whenever a lowbie queues, they won't be matched up with any 50s on their own side. From my experience, it's usually balanced out, with each side having their fair share of low-levels and 50s. So no, just because you face 50s, it does not automatically follow that you have virtually no chance of winning whenever you queue.



No, it's not lose-lose for 50s. Yes, their queues will a bit longer for the time being. But if lowbies are coming up fighting people around their level/gear and having a good time of it, how much more likely is it that they'll reach 50 and continue to play? Now, with the current system, lowbies want to try out PVP, get farmed by bored 50s, and say "screw this". Also, just because the 50 pop on your server is balanced, doesn't mean it's like that on most servers. From what I have been seeing ( my server included ), the Imperials can have a team full of 45+ and the Republic is lucky if they have 1 40+. Yes, available abilities/talents/gear make a difference. Bolstering works in brackets where the gear/ability disparity is small, not how it is right now.

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Im Starting to see that Bioware does need to get their act together for when I was pvping on my Troop in huttball all I would face would be my own side that being the Republic that I would be facing instead of empire and the mix that Bioware said would happen.


As for the other comments that preceded mine some of them have merit. For instance the breaking of the 10-30 levels would be fine with me. Then having 40-50 levels so the people who have there pvp armor or there on the way of having it could have a really good time on and keep doing warzones.


The last topic is a bit tricky for we only just got to the third week (or forth week for people that pre-order) and people sorry to burst your bubble but building new warzones takes time. I don't think you gamers realizes how much planing and programing time that goes into this kinda stuff it's not an over night kinda thing I mean look how long it took to get this game up and running.


To wrap things up basically what im trying to say is that PvP does need some work but it's not going to happen within this month its just not happening that fast. So please be patient and im sure some if not all will be fixed within 2 months

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I cant believe the first couple of pages of this thread, Fanboys much? The PvP is a joke!!! Why would I want to take on a lvl 50 at lvl 20? Why would I want it to feel like I am taking on a world boss mob solo? Thats not fun at all! The way bioware handled PvP is terrible and the combat animation delay issues do not help at all!!! Then if you went emp you have to do hutball over and over and over and over Where like the OP said, only sage/inqs like it..
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Real simple: Not having level 50s in their own warzone queue. I happen to be level 50 myself. It's just stupid that I have the time to type "/giggle" while tanking three level 10-30s on my healer, and I guarantee it's not fun for them.


Also, if we don't have a new warzone by the end of the first month, that's another few hundred thousand subscriber subs gone. The original three warzones are already hideously boring, and nobody but Sages/Inquisitors likes Huttball at all.


You sir, have absoluetly now clue!


And I love Huttball as a Juggernaut, so now get out of here.

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I kill level 50s as a lvl 12, I see no issue. The only difference between me and them, is they have more abilities to throw at my face. People also seem confused about the difference between pre-made groups and level 50s in generals. lvl 50 pre-mades just make it seem 50s are just to powerful. While on the other hand when you got random 50's, they get rolled.


Getting in the kill shot when you 5 to 1 zerg someone does not really count as a good kill. Its called luck. If you killed a 50 on a 12 you faced either A)simply the worst pvp'er ever or B)a 3 year old playing on daddies account. Oh, or C) a bot that did not fight back.

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You rushed to 50. Its not Biowares fault you have a wee bit too much time on your hands.


This, one thousand times this, alot of people (not all) have brought a STROY based game , with pvp elements, they skipped the stroy to play end game pvp and wonder why its not fantastically superb .....

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Real simple: Not having level 50s in their own warzone queue. I happen to be level 50 myself. It's just stupid that I have the time to type "/giggle" while tanking three level 10-30s on my healer, and I guarantee it's not fun for them.


Also, if we don't have a new warzone by the end of the first month, that's another few hundred thousand subscriber subs gone. The original three warzones are already hideously boring, and nobody but Sages/Inquisitors likes Huttball at all.


where is your data that they are losing 400000 subscribers....I have not heard squat about that. Or do you think that you represent 40000 people.

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I cant believe the first couple of pages of this thread, Fanboys much? The PvP is a joke!!! Why would I want to take on a lvl 50 at lvl 20? Why would I want it to feel like I am taking on a world boss mob solo? Thats not fun at all! The way bioware handled PvP is terrible and the combat animation delay issues do not help at all!!! Then if you went emp you have to do hutball over and over and over and over Where like the OP said, only sage/inqs like it..


So someone who disagrees with you is a fanboy...glad I can tell ******* by simple statements like yours.

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There's mixed views on brackets and no brackets, but not everyone is level 50 right now, majority of the playerbase are around 30-40 and places like Tatooine, Alderaan and Belsivia are picking up, the last couple weeks Dromund Kas was jam packed but it's quieter now (still the random Chuck Norris troll in chat).


I imagine BW may add brackets when the time is appropriate, however on my server, there's hardly any republics and we've been having many imp vs imp warzone matches lately and there aren't that many 50's in them.

Edited by Sookster
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Sales is a numbers game. Sell 1.5 million copies ... lose 400k subs. Still a good day I would say. I think the real trick here was getting all these PvP players to migrate to SWTOR thinking this game was going to satisfy their hardcore PvP needs somehow.


The census I get is most people are butt hurt because the game somehow fails to live up to its expectations? Coupled with the very long development period where consumers were strung along with a website carrot, cant say I am surprised actually. Our minds have had plenty of time to conceptualize not only what they were telling us we were getting but also what we would like to expect. Guess it doesnt bother me because I have learned that having lofty expectations is a recipe for disaster.


What if people told you all about chocolate before you ever tried any? All these people pumping up chocolate. Chocolate this and chocolate that. What if chocolate didnt taste the way everyone described? Would you still like it?

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