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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Feedback Request: Galactic Season 4 and into the future


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Another suggestion for  GS4:

Don't put seasons tokens in the same slot with some other reward. Being full on tokens means we can't claim the other reward either without travelling to fleet and buying something that we just need to trash.


Or better yet: remove the limit of 15 tokens.

Even better: get rid of the silly rotation on the vendors and add more stuff we can buy with the tokens.

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I guess my only suggestion is to make future companions obtained from Galactic Seasons unique functionally, like Alturr was in season 1

That was a good incentive imo to get all the way to rank 100 and get him to Influence rank 50, because his unique abilities were cool, and pretty useful

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Add stuff to buy with the season tokens! 

Maybe leveling armor legacy shells with xp boosts, old season companions for people who didn't get them, more low tech weapons like cathar sword, gamorran axe, aikion blaster, that you can only get from the GS, and can't be resold on GTN 

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I was preferred for the entire run of this season, playing on both SS and SF, getting to 100 on both, and getting the weekly cheevo on one. 

Cartel Coins vs packs

Initially I was annoyed at the CC loss, but when I resubbed a few days ago, without buying any extra coins, my balance jumped from 250 CC to 4700 CC. That includes the 500 CC monthly grant and it's spread across two servers, but still, it's a nice chunk of change.

However, the claim that the packs would subsidize the loss or be even better was transparently false. The credit economy is in shambles, selling pack contents is in no way a replacement for lost CCs, and in any case the pack contents are so RNG dependent as to be nearly worthless. It's also irritating that previously preferred were able to get at least a few of the CC prizes and now that's been cut off too. 


Splitting pvp from regular GS is fine. I was initially worried that pvp wouldn't be listed as weeklies anymore on GS but they are. There are a few issues with the system though. 

1) GSF doesn't count as pvp for seasons even though it obv is.

2) Arenas and warzones are split now so some GS weeklies only count warzones, not arenas, and the pvp population on some servers like SS is not sustainable for this nitpicking to work. 

3) pvp season rewards are lackluster and not worth the considerable effort compared to regular GS. 

4) It's also dumb that you can only unlock up to lvl 15. We need more credit sinks, not less. 

5) Stay on target for GSF takes too long to complete. 

I was initially concerned that the change to pvp medals would be terrible, but it's evened out, at least for support classes.

GS Tokens

Like many on the forum, I was concerned with what to do with the GS tokens, having already bought both strongholds on previous seasons. I would like to suggest that tokens can be used in place of CCs for the personal appearance designer.

And if you do implement that, FFS do not nickel and dime preferred players by charging us more after we already earned the thing. Bioware, you've come so far from the 2.0 era of nickel and dime-ing *everything* but you still haven't managed to shake this stupid thinking yet. People do not sub because you make it difficult for them not to, it's just annoying, not an incentive.  

Fix the economy before you do anything else!

IDC that much about the next season, fix the damn economy first, and not by taxing Quick Travel and other useless plans that won't hurt whales at all.

Edited by Ardrossan
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On 1/19/2023 at 11:58 PM, BryantWood said:

Hey SWTOR community!


Now onto the feedback questions! We want to continually improve Galactic Seasons and keep the system exciting for players so we have some questions for you all.

  1. How are you enjoying the Galactic Season system overall?
  2. Do you like the Companions offered through a Galactic Season? Is there any way you think the Companions can be improved? What companion has been your favorite so far?
  3. Do you like the rewards offered from Galactic Seasons? Are there rewards you wish were included in the reward track?
  4. Do you enjoy the content used in Season Objectives? Are there parts of the game you wish you saw more, or less?
  5. Have you been able to complete Galactic Seasons? Do you feel the season requires too much effort, or is too easy to complete?
  6. How does completing a Galactic Season fit into your desired play session? Are you able to progress the Season while doing your normal activities, or do you feel Galactic Seasons prevent you from completing the content you enjoy?
  7. Do you have any other feedback or suggestions for Galactic Seasons?


Please answer as many questions as you want! We’ll be gathering and using this feedback as we develop Season 4 and beyond to continue providing the best version of Galactic Seasons for our players.



1.) season 3 was not a pain, but i still disliked it. season 1 fits into my gameplay, so i may had 1-2 more task to do and it was enough to finish the season. with season 3 tuesday was a rush for the big point tasks and many people set their focus on the season, instead of playing what they did before. the the actual playerpool for non season activities shrunk. once i joined the rush for season tasks, it felt a bit unsatisfiying not to do the other tasks. 
- change the season tasks so that different stuff is included
- don't lock the tasks, after you got your max points. let the others count for the 100 weeklies chievos

2.) the only valid companion is altuur. all others could be deleted imo. i like that there are more chievos connected to them, this is the only thing making them a bit interesting. because of the abilities of altuur i prefer him. fen zeil is unique but don't offers anything special. phalance could be replaced with every other droid. to run to phalance to get rid of the tokens is a bit annoying because of the high drop rate. also the tokens disables slicing. so it is even more annoying.

3.) actually i don't really care about the rewards. i think the cartel packs were a scam, because you make the people think, that this is a valid cartel pack, but it had a static lootpool. just rename it to season pack and everybody is fine. i liked more CC more, but as i said, i don't really care. unfortunally there were many issues with the rewards, so that you didn't get them and so sets weren't unlocked in the collection. maybe once you hit level 100, you should be able to buy the sets with credits again. 
even if the cartel coins are fine to get, it also lowered the actual playerbase, because many players played the season on some more or even all servers. this is harder for smaller servers.

4.) no. the only reason i did it, was the chievo.

5.) i have completed it. it is easy to complete, yes. there were some tasks, like the world bosses on ossus and meksha, when you could get annoyed, because people just don't get tactics today, even if they were explained in here in detail. it would be okay, if you seperate the bosses. same for the combined pub and imp tasks. these should be seperated, if the season should keep the actual mission design. i'm unsure if a pvp mission is fine in a season, because of the seperate pvp season.

6.) it did not fit at all, but the alternative was to log out and play a different game, because to many people did season stuff.

7.) try out your quests. stuff like the cheating gamblers are not hard to find out, that this really is a pain, if there are more players around. so shorten the respawntime, even now or give us enough gambles to do the task. but it can't be, that such a task needs up to several hours, because there were a hand full of players doing it. it may feels fine if you are alone on your test rig, but on life servers, you are not.


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Quick suggestion:  Do not call them ultimate cartel packs in the season rewards as they are not.  They only have a very small variety of items you can receive.  I am not sure why this was done but it is obvious when the market is suddenly flooded with the same items in stacks of 6.  Perhaps change the name "Season reward packs" or something similar.

Free things are great and I am not complaining but pointing out how deceptive it is to call them ultimate cartel packs. 

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9 hours ago, Ardrossan said:


1) GSF doesn't count as pvp for seasons even though it obv is.


This! It should be morphed as part of pvp track, with some GSF/Navy themed rewards to the mix..or it should be given a reward track of its own.


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1: I would like to see a reward track for those who progress to the Meta achievement, it feels like when you reach level 100, there are no rewards for continuing to play to get the Meta achievement. Other Battle passes continue to give you a infinite progress bar which rewards you with the currency, titles and other cosmetics for at least another 100 levels. Personally i'd like to see something similar either a way to get more galactic seasonal currency until you reach the Meta achievement, or seasonal specific character/legacy titles.

2: Increase the galactic season decoration cap having really enjoyed prior seasons decorations, i enjoy throwing them up in my stronghold where they fit but sadly it feels like we aren't given enough of some of them. Take for example the https://tord.mmo-fashion.com/shadow-syndicate-enforcer/ I quite like them and would love to have them be a few SH guards, but i am not given enough to use them in that way, only 10! i would like to see future decorations that come from galactic seasons be 40-50 at least and prior seasonal decorations to be put on the galactic season vendor as a token sink, or on a vendor you get access to from maxing the companion rep with in that season.

3: Don't be afraid to add flairs/weapon tuning to the galactic seasonal reward tracks when it makes sense ❤️

4: Would love a jedi/sith or imperial/republic themed galactic season, since it has started they have all in some way been underworld themed, along with the cartel market being 90% Mandalorian it feels like we don't get enough imp/pub jedi/sith themed items. Also would love to get a Raven squad special ops armor ❤️

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13 hours ago, emilydeylan said:


4: Would love a jedi/sith or imperial/republic themed galactic season, since it has started they have all in some way been underworld themed, along with the cartel market being 90% Mandalorian it feels like we don't get enough imp/pub jedi/sith themed items. Also would love to get a Raven squad special ops armor ❤️

Yess. Of late, Empire and Republic militaries been completely sidelined. Sacrificed on altar of pesky low lifes, primitive tribal  yoda babysitter warrior cultist wannabes, weird gambling pleasure bots    and criminals! This is unforgivable!

Navies in particular suffer. There has been almost nothing about either Navy anywhere. Considering how vital component navies must be in literally everything that has happened in any war in Star Wars, this is kinda weird! Would love to see entire season build around navies. Give people Pilot companions, we've never gotten any of those. Pilot of one faction at lvl 1, pilot of another faction at lvl 100.




Edited by Stradlin
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On 3/7/2023 at 1:32 AM, Cindron said:

Quick suggestion:  Do not call them ultimate cartel packs in the season rewards as they are not.  They only have a very small variety of items you can receive.  I am not sure why this was done but it is obvious when the market is suddenly flooded with the same items in stacks of 6.  Perhaps change the name "Season reward packs" or something similar.

Free things are great and I am not complaining but pointing out how deceptive it is to call them ultimate cartel packs. 

I actually got a couple of good items out of those boxes, including the Pragmatic Master set.  the furniture packs were all the same on the servers i played on, but the cartel packs seemed like cartel packs with some of the things I got. 

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That is the issue though as many have already pointed out.  According to Bio each Ultimate Cartel pack contains:  "Three items, randomly drawn from the vast array of Cartel Market items.  One companion gift, dye module or a varied amount of scrap materials.  One underworld exchange reputation item unless maxed out.  Each pack opened increases the chance of a random platnum item.  Updated to include new exciting items in game update 7.2."

It has been shown over and over such is not the case in relation to the Season 3 reward Ultimate Cartel Packs.  Is there a random draw, yes.  However as another said it is a static pool you are drawing from not what is described above.  Are there a few good things, no doubt.  But watching the markets flood with the same orobirds, antique soccoro sniper rifles along with dozens of stacks of 6 decos of hunter's table on the gtn it becomes very obvious.  It is not a standard Ultimate Cartel Pack.

As I said before, free stuff is just that free stuff and not complaining about that.  However do not lie and claim it is something it is not, misleading people.  Name them 'Season Reward Pack' and roll on.  In this day and age you are liable to get someone silly enough to file a lawsuit!

You cut the cartel coin rewards and created a pack with a very small list of random rewards.  Just own it.

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On 1/19/2023 at 5:58 PM, BryantWood said:

Now onto the feedback questions! We want to continually improve Galactic Seasons and keep the system exciting for players so we have some questions for you all.

  1. How are you enjoying the Galactic Season system overall?
  2. Do you like the Companions offered through a Galactic Season? Is there any way you think the Companions can be improved? What companion has been your favorite so far?
  3. Do you like the rewards offered from Galactic Seasons? Are there rewards you wish were included in the reward track?
  4. Do you enjoy the content used in Season Objectives? Are there parts of the game you wish you saw more, or less?
  5. Have you been able to complete Galactic Seasons? Do you feel the season requires too much effort, or is too easy to complete?
  6. How does completing a Galactic Season fit into your desired play session? Are you able to progress the Season while doing your normal activities, or do you feel Galactic Seasons prevent you from completing the content you enjoy?
  7. Do you have any other feedback or suggestions for Galactic Seasons?



  1. Eh, seasons are ok.  Nice supplement to CCs, some of the items are appealing.
  2. Don't really care about seasons companions.  I already have tonnes, and there's not quite enough story/personality to make them really interesting.
  3. There aren't any Galactic Starfighter rewards.  There are ships like the K-52 that used to be on the Cartel Market but no longer are, and cosmetic engine and blaster colors that basically no one knows exists.   Bringing one or two of the above as teaser rewards might get some players thinkg about the fact that you can buy CC cosmetics for GSF ships.   The GSF interface unfortunately, doesn't really do a good job of letting you know these things exist.
  4. It's nice having a broad swath of everything, with different areas of emphasis each week.   So there's always an activity you like hopefully, and on some weeks there's an excuse to binge on what you like.
  5. Yes.  It's pretty easy as a subscriber, as F2P you need to pay some attention to when the season starts in order to not fall behind, but there a fair margin of wiggle room there.
  6. Seasons is opt-in, so I don't see how it can prevent anything.   I do alter choices a bit in terms of what activities I do on which alts to avoid duplicating effort on Seasons and Conquest, but other than that not that much impact on choice of activities.
  7. Nope.
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13 hours ago, Ramalina said:
  2. Don't really care about seasons companions.  I already have tonnes, and there's not quite enough story/personality to make them really interesting.
  3. There aren't any Galactic Starfighter rewards.  There are ships like the K-52 that used to be on the Cartel Market but no longer are, and cosmetic engine and blaster colors that basically no one knows exists.   Bringing one or two of the above as teaser rewards might get some players thinkg about the fact that you can buy CC cosmetics for GSF ships.   The GSF interface unfortunately, doesn't really do a good job of letting you know these things exist

In general, GSF cosmetics offer way  too little value. We missing a place where to admire them. Actual in-game hangar our charactets could visit, and see our actual gsf  ships there with actual customizations on  would go a long way. It'd increase value players get out of the customizations and make some people who don't care of GSF to buy them. Even replacing the current flimsy hangar screen could also help. Ability to unlock GSF customizations to be  accountwide via collections would help.

It is so weird they excluded these things from hypercrates. 


GSF should be included to seasonal pvp  track.

Edited by Stradlin
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6 hours ago, Stradlin said:

In general, GSF cosmetics offer way  too little value. We missing a place where to admire them. Actual in-game hangar our charactets could visit, and see our actual gsf  ships there with actual customization would go a long way. Cooler hangar screen could also help. Ability to unlock em accountwide via collections would help.

I was thinking of buying some of the cosmetics the other day but just couldn't see the point. I can't tell if other ships use them or not, they aren't super obvious about it. 

In-game hangar should be part of our strongholds and listed for public access. Make it a button nearby the intro cinematic button inside the SH, so people visiting can see it, and your toons can walk around and touch it. It doesn't have to reflect the particular SH it's in, although that would be nice. 

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16 minutes ago, Ardrossan said:

I was thinking of buying some of the cosmetics the other day but just couldn't see the point. I can't tell if other ships use them or not, they aren't super obvious about it. 

In-game hangar should be part of our strongholds and listed for public access. Make it a button nearby the intro cinematic button inside the SH, so people visiting can see it, and your toons can walk around and touch it. It doesn't have to reflect the particular SH it's in, although that would be nice. 


Buy a paintjob, and it is shared only across all the ships within that ship type.(ie all scouts share the scout paintjob, strikefighters share strikefighter paintjobs..and so on) Everything else goes to any ship you own. 

I would have hoped for an in-game Hangar that is some sort of a combination of a standard, customizable SH and a progression tracker. My dream SH-hangar would keep track on players stats, achis and progress in GSF and railshooter. Surroundings would  change accordingly. Earn 1000 kills and some nice poster on the wall shows up. Buy a new ship, and it pops up in its designated spot.  Oggle at customizations you bought for CC, climb your ship and bunny hop on it. Good times.


Seasons in general would benefit from similar visual&tangible  progression tracker hooks. I see no reason why new bleebablooba language speakng aliens should always be the central theme of each season. They should think outside of the box more. Why shouldn't a season be about some newly discovered ancient archeological digsite for example. Ding seasonal levels to dig ever deeper, uncover secrets of the force, discovere nifty relic decos, bla bla. Solve the big mystery of the whole place by unlocking the last cavern at lvl 100.


Hangar tho. Make season about hangars!



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11 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

I was thinking of buying some of the cosmetics the other day but just couldn't see the point. I can't tell if other ships use them or not, they aren't super obvious about it. 

In-game hangar should be part of our strongholds and listed for public access. Make it a button nearby the intro cinematic button inside the SH, so people visiting can see it, and your toons can walk around and touch it. It doesn't have to reflect the particular SH it's in, although that would be nice. 

There's not really a way to show off the GSF cosmetics to other players.  However, if you think your spearpoint might look better when you're playing with magenta engine plumes (it totally does), then it might be nice.   Changing your blaster bolt colors can also be nice for aesthetic reasons.

It would be sweet if they had a variant of the Corellian Stardrive mount where it would take the paint-job, engine color, and blaster color from your hangar's battlescout selections.   Sort of a dye/color crystal/tuning system for a mount, but based off of your GSF cosmetic unlocks.   Then you could show off your GSF cosmetic purchases.  I'd go for that.   Not sure you could do it for anything other than scouts though, the other ship classes are too big to really work as mounts.


Probably too complicated, too much work, no one knows how to do it, but if I wanted to actually have GSF Cartel Coin purchases that appealed to the general playerbase, I think that's how I'd do it.


The GSF cosmetics are per character, so looking at costs, you'd be talking about 600 CC for a blaster, paint, engine combo for one mount for one of each, around maybe 1800 to 2400 for a decent selection of the "good" options, and over 4300 if you want to be a completionist.  So after almost ten years of utter failure at monetizing GSF, if they could pull off a GSF-cosmetics linked mount it might work? 


Depends, I guess.  Would need a sample of people who don't care about GSF at all to see if they would be willing to drop CC on a customizable GSF themed mount.  Or mounts.  All of the base Rep and Imp scouts would work as models, but the Czerka one might not.


Edit: Oops, silly me, I remembered paint patterns, but forgot paint colors, so add 120 to base, 240 to mid range and for the whales 2280, for a grand total of up to 6500 CCs per mount.   With up to potentially 6 mount variants, and being a per character unlock.   I think I would run out of CCs pretty quickly.

Edited by Ramalina
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  1. How are you enjoying the Galactic Season system overall?
  2. Do you like the Companions offered through a Galactic Season? Is there any way you think the Companions can be improved? What companion has been your favorite so far?
  3. Do you like the rewards offered from Galactic Seasons? Are there rewards you wish were included in the reward track?
  4. Do you enjoy the content used in Season Objectives? Are there parts of the game you wish you saw more, or less?
  5. Have you been able to complete Galactic Seasons? Do you feel the season requires too much effort, or is too easy to complete?
  6. How does completing a Galactic Season fit into your desired play session? Are you able to progress the Season while doing your normal activities, or do you feel Galactic Seasons prevent you from completing the content you enjoy?
  7. Do you have any other feedback or suggestions for Galactic Seasons?

1: It's something to do. It beats running laps around the fleet waiting for PvP, Ops or a flashpoint to pop.

2: I like collecting companions for my characters. So far they've been okay though once the Galactic Season is over I haven't used any of them. The best one has to be from the first galactic season simply because we can equip whatever outfit we want on Altuur zok Adon.

3: Rewards are fine for the most part. Maybe include something for GSF next time? Maybe one of the skins or paintjobs? GS2 had the best (IMO) the playerbase was more motivated for that one than this recent one.

4: It's fine. 

5: I finished GS2 on all the servers (for the CC!). GS3 I could only motivate myself to do on one server. I just couldn't motivate myself to do this one on the other servers.

6: It's easy enough to do as both a subscriber and preferred.

7: Ever play the Creature Handler in Star Wars Galaxies? Do a Beast Handler GS theme in the future with different creature pets, companions, mounts! Vulptilla companion please! 

Edited by Paulsutherland
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On 3/21/2023 at 8:12 PM, Paulsutherland said:
  1. How are you enjoying the Galactic Season system overall?
  2. Do you like the Companions offered through a Galactic Season? Is there any way you think the Companions can be improved? What companion has been your favorite so far?
  3. Do you like the rewards offered from Galactic Seasons? Are there rewards you wish were included in the reward track?
  4. Do you enjoy the content used in Season Objectives? Are there parts of the game you wish you saw more, or less?
  5. Have you been able to complete Galactic Seasons? Do you feel the season requires too much effort, or is too easy to complete?
  6. How does completing a Galactic Season fit into your desired play session? Are you able to progress the Season while doing your normal activities, or do you feel Galactic Seasons prevent you from completing the content you enjoy?
  7. Do you have any other feedback or suggestions for Galactic Seasons?

7: Ever play the Creature Handler in Star Wars Galaxies? Do a Beast Handler GS theme in the future with different creature pets, companions, mounts! Vulptilla companion please! 

Oh yes please, i desperately want one of those Wraids you see on Ruhnuk or a Kell drake or a Juvenile Rancor, it would be cool if we got a beast master companion who had passives that summoned a beast to fight with them, maybe even add their favorite beast as a companion after we finish their questline? :D Would also be a perfect time to add Vaylins Palace with that beast pit to the game ❤️. I would love to see them add a big reward like a beast/droid companion or mount to the complete x amount of seasonal objectives.

Edited by emilydeylan
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On 3/23/2023 at 2:49 PM, emilydeylan said:

Oh yes please, i desperately want one of those Wraids you see on Ruhnuk or a Kell drake or a Juvenile Rancor, it would be cool if we got a beast master companion who had passives that summoned a beast to fight with them, maybe even add their favorite beast as a companion after we finish their questline? :D Would also be a perfect time to add Vaylins Palace with that beast pit to the game ❤️. I would love to see them add a big reward like a beast/droid companion or mount to the complete x amount of seasonal objectives.

That would be cool! I wish we could get a Kimogila (Dragon looking thing from Lok).

Yeah I still want that Zakuul Palace stronghold! My guests can get a close up experience with the beast pit.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't know why, but I'm a person that loves giving ideas etc. Probably they will be ignored as hell, but there is something that "force" me to do it anyway.

I'd love to get a companion, so I assume GS would fit well for it, HK-50 and Sentinel Droid from KOTOR.

I love design of Sentinel and HK is HK obviously. Imo the more HK the better.
But as for any future droid companions from GS. Please, no alienish speak for them. I hate it. Make them bip bip bob instead (you will need to read a chat/subtitles). Of course you will not make voiced one, though on HK you could just reuse quotes of previous HKs, from KOTOR or something.
Or HK should be the exception. One of the most important and cool things of HK units is their voice and quotes. So no bip bip bop.
So maybe a new HK unit comp from story or something?

But definitely Sentinel droid could be made in GS.

But again, no alienish voice and speak in droids.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/5/2023 at 1:24 PM, chaharbagh said:

I really need the Fen Zeil customizations to come back to the vendor.

I, too, would like to see the Fen Zeil customizations come back to the Galactic Season vendor.  During Galactic Seasons 2 there were 12 Fein Zeil customizations to collect.  4 customizations were exclusive to the rewards track.  7 were exclusive to the vendors.  Then there was the 1 customization that was a special reputation reward.  To get all 7 vendor customizations you would have to spend 13 Galactic Season tokens.  I guess I should not have purchased a stronghold during Galactic Season 2 because I ran out of tokens before I could purchase all the customizations.  I assumed that the Fen Zeil customizations would show up again on a vendor at some point during a rotation.

Edited by Takanudo
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  1. How are you enjoying the Galactic Season system overall?
  2. Do you like the Companions offered through a Galactic Season? Is there any way you think the Companions can be improved? What companion has been your favorite so far?
  3. Do you like the rewards offered from Galactic Seasons? Are there rewards you wish were included in the reward track?
  4. Do you enjoy the content used in Season Objectives? Are there parts of the game you wish you saw more, or less?
  5. Have you been able to complete Galactic Seasons? Do you feel the season requires too much effort, or is too easy to complete?
  6. How does completing a Galactic Season fit into your desired play session? Are you able to progress the Season while doing your normal activities, or do you feel Galactic Seasons prevent you from completing the content you enjoy?
  7. Do you have any other feedback or suggestions for Galactic Seasons?

I will add another $.02 to the pot.

1. Overall I enjoy having extra content to grind, and I like most of the rewards.

2. I am on my second GS and so far for me 50/50, I liked PH4-LNX but hate Amity, I can't stand the extremely long strings of Selonian screeching noises and always mute when I have to pull him out to complete a challenge, plus he doesn't even have a face, so I have nothing to connect to as a character.  I know it has been asked before and probably hasn't been implemented due to cost, but I would really like one who speaks basic, so that I might actually care about them more as a character and not just relegate them to the pile of forgotten companions.

3. I like the rewards, or at least the majority of them.  It would be nice if the two sets of armor and two sets of weapons had slightly more variation (like two sets on a theme instead of basically just two different color schemes + minor alterations) but I understand the likely cost limitations to that.

4. I would like to see consistentenly 7 objectives every week that are achievable as a solo pve player.  Most weeks there are 7 but some weeks there have really only been 5 or 6.

5. I am too new to the game to comment

6. Some of the objectives are easy to do while doing other activities and some I have to go out of the way to do, but that's fine for my characters who are caught up on story, gives me something to do with them.

7. Why did the ability to buy levels with credits go away this GS?  That was a way better potential credit sink than, say, making us pay for fast travel, and really handy if I was close to a certain reward and impatient.


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