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  1. I have enough. You just can't break something. You have that in the rules of the work or something? To HAVE to break something with every patch?
  2. Third mission appeared on mission terminal. So really just had to wait. But not surprising, there is no EVEN ONE MAIL after story lol I thought it'll be like Feast that you get mails after story. Not this time. Wtf
  3. Second mission is exactly after the intro. You have to go to Tatooine etc. This is second mission.
  4. Ye exactly. If this is like with Feast, each week a new story mission... then it does not work. If it works differently, then we don't know how it works/it does not work. I want to do the last mission and be over with the event.
  5. I would want to buy this armor, but I want the lights. But on screenshot you provided it seems like it lacks even the visor light, which is strange especially that in EVERY PvP season one of the armors in vendor were similar to second armor from battle pass. Also, it's the only armor that does hot have even visor light which is even stranger. We can't preview the lockboxes lol for some reason, so I won't risk spending my last tokens on armor that looks bad. @JackieKocan you check it or something?
  6. I just hope you fix it asap AND I won't be forced to replay the objecitves again and my effort wasted again. If yes, then bye bye pvp from me.
  7. Am I only one who like that they are still there? Free 3 npcs "decos"that "do something". But ye, if they could make them just decos we can use, it'd be better.
  8. Malora is lame, but she would be valuable as Alliance member in Research Wing. She also looks "nice" with that her unique design. Well, seems like Malora is still absent. I really wonder if they forgot/decided to not use her again or we are still have to wait? @JackieKo
  9. After all that time, still no Malora. What a shame. I really want her as companion/member of my alliance. @EricMuscoany chance she will return or you moved on from her?
  10. But who said the current year is a good year? Weapon is nice. I used it with the Black and Orange dye. Works well.
  11. I'm secure enough to know that you are dumb Yes, pink is feminine colour and so it's not male colour, Simple. If you want to make me feel outdated with boomer word, then definitely you have to try better, because it won't work. If you want to showoff you are not masculine, but rather the clown, then indeed this colour is for you. Your rainbow propaganda failed my dude.
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