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A Note From the Dev Team


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How do you think I'm Pro Bioware or did I miss read your post?

you miss read, don't worry .

You don't use the old man avatar... Everyone here knows who they are talking about.

(It's not me either despite using the same old avatar :D)

looks like you know who i am talking about lmao.

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This is a really great idea as a recurring event that connects to star wars both in this era and the movies, as well as something that ought to be technically feasible for the most part. I won't say it'll never happen, because the idea of GS came from an (unacknowledged) player idea, but some of it is pretty ambitious (player crafted structures)..


Thanks yeah i think it could be super cool , but unfortunately it would appear that no one else (including BioWare) agrees with us ....nor with much of anything i posted lol . Oh well , there's always SWG-2 maybe someday. :cool:


p.s. in re-reading the "announcement" , which isn't even displayed/linked on the game LAUNCHER yet ( /facepalm ) , i had totally glossed over this one line quoted supposedly from BIOWARE boss: "We are committed to SWTOR’s future as we continue to work on the next Dragon Age and Mass Effect.” ----- What exactly is this "future" (other than Grindactic Seasons 3 ....bleh ) and when we will get a ROADMAP for it please?

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It because this game will NOT get content updates like the ones in other MMOs anymore. It's living off the Star Wars IP.


They can't come out and say that because the game will die faster than it's dying now.


I've been saying for years that the only thing keeping this game alive is that it's Star Wars. I expect that once there's a viable Star Wars alternative, people really will leave in droves.


You have ignored the player base, then Went with the My Way or the Highway stance on the game. Then you get hurt when people speak up about how 7.0 ruined this game.

I'm sure I'll get another forum ban for speaking my mind again. Seems all my comments are Negative these days. Go back to the play how you want and Renown system.


I've never seen or heard of a team that can: A) repeatedly miss deadlines, B)repeatedly fail to deliver what was promised, and C) repeatedly misrepresent and/or flat out lie about the state of their product.


The "last minute" change to the delivery date of 7.0 only reinforces all of this; and in addition, it was a blatant cash grab. I could go on; but the people responsible for this product have demonstrated time and again that they deserve neither support nor lenience.

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i had totally glossed over this one line quoted supposedly from BIOWARE boss: "We are committed to SWTOR’s future as we continue to work on the next Dragon Age and Mass Effect.”

Yes, It's always about focus on some other games. DA series, ME series, Anthem... always the greener pastures. TBH, this quote doesn't speak much about commitment to SWTOR, it screams the opposite.

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Haven't you used green back in the days?


Nah ... It was a light saber. But I took that down several months ago.


I almost wish we could do something like I use to use from another genre/game back in the old days (15-17 years ago).





(yes .. I know it would have to SWTOR related ... I do my own stuff and could generate one easily). ;)

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Yes, It's always about focus on some other games. DA series, ME series, Anthem... always the greener pastures. TBH, this quote doesn't speak much about commitment to SWTOR, it screams the opposite.


If I had to guess these are getting the "lions share" right now. I would also imagine that the team is working much harder than we think when you consider 3 major projects (that they are admitting to) working on simultaneously.


That still does not mean that there shouldn't be a responsibility to SWTOR / QC content ... (and all the other stuff) that goes into production. IMO there are two sides to the coin: SWTOR staff and consumers. Without a balance of the two things WILL get out of hand. It's just that simple. AND (I might add) considerably more difficult to restructure when things go south.

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Yes, It's always about focus on some other games. DA series, ME series, Anthem... always the greener pastures. TBH, this quote doesn't speak much about commitment to SWTOR, it screams the opposite.


tbh I'd rather play those games than this one anyway. Well, not Anthem, that sucks, but the other two are great. If y'all haven't played MELE you should go play it. It will make you realize that BW isn't as incompetent as we've been led to believe from this game.

Edited by Ardrossan
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All this talk about dailies. I hated Doing Dailies Still do and probably never do them again. I'm looking for a new game To be honest but with the Play the way you want, I was able to get my armors without Doing Dailies and loved that method. I'm an Alt-A-Holic I have 68.
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Yes, It's always about focus on some other games. DA series, ME series, Anthem... always the greener pastures. TBH, this quote doesn't speak much about commitment to SWTOR, it screams the opposite.

Yeah the more i think about it, the more insulting that quote i referenced sounds. As if to imply SWTOR---a game predicated & produced under the

for Yoda's sake!!--- is still being treated like some sort of afterthought or decrepit stepchild.


It's really such a shame imo. Such squandered MMO potential. :(

Edited by Nee-Elder
please do more to honor the *10th Anniversay* of SWTOR ...please. (i'm guessing it's EA's fault, not yours)
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Yeah the more i think about it, the more insulting that quote i referenced sounds. As if to imply SWTOR---a game predicated & produced under the
for Yoda's sake!!--- is still being treated like some sort of afterthought or decrepit stepchild.


It's really such a shame imo. Such squandered MMO potential. :(


There are two ways you can read that quote. I feel like they were trying to explain that despite having other games that they are working on, they are still committed to continually developing this one. Obviously they wouldn't have said it if they meant for us to read it the other way. But far be it from us to pass up an opportunity to twist words to create an outrage.

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There are two ways you can read that quote. I feel like they were trying to explain that despite having other games that they are working on, they are still committed to continually developing this one. Obviously they wouldn't have said it if they meant for us to read it the other way. But far be it from us to pass up an opportunity to twist words to create an outrage.


It would depend on how well the other two are being developed and handled. If they are putting more resources into those, then I can see why people can say what they are saying. It doesn't bother me about the other games, but this expansion has been lacking and their communication has not been that great, considering all the hype they were trying to build up for this year. The hype doesn't meet what we have received.

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Well 2 things.


First and foremost I wish Charles Boyd the very best. Thank you for your dedication and work on making SWTOR what it is today. I appreciate it and wish you the very best.


Second, has anyone talked to Charles and asked him why he left? Maybe it is him running to something as opposed to leaving SWTOR? Maybe all his work and effort opened a door he couldn't say no too? I left my job of 15 years for a massive promotion, a large signing bonus, a huge amount of private equity in the company, and about double my former pay. Maybe he got something similar.


So yes there is a void to fill. But pretty sure people will go on. I wish the new team the best and look forward to where they take the story. Besides it was like Charles was sitting on his duff swinging his lightsabers (which if I remember he had some pretty sweet replicas to swing around). He might have made a good 3 years of stories (yes - make comments on that one...) so they got a good runway to build on.


So welcome aboard new peps in realigned roles! Look forward to your direction and stories!

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There are two ways you can read that quote. I feel like they were trying to explain that despite having other games that they are working on, they are still committed to continually developing this one. Obviously they wouldn't have said it if they meant for us to read it the other way. But far be it from us to pass up an opportunity to twist words to create an outrage.


I don't think they're deliberately bad at communication, but the fact that it's accidental makes it worse. Of course white knights will always put a positive spin on it but there is a serious dearth of those on the forum as opposed to virtually any other time period in the game's history. Is it outrage? Well, not in my case. It's more of an eyeroll like "what can you expect from them at this point?"


If they can make a worthy successor to DA or even ME3 (tbh I liked the MELE version), I feel that would be worth botching this game's development for. Of course thinking about it logically they're actually different studios owned by a large corporation with a lot of capital to throw around so they should be able to work on those games AND give this one enough love and attention. But as they seem to have to pick priorities I'm fine with them not picking this game.

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But far be it from us to pass up an opportunity to twist words to create an outrage.

Not sure if you were presuming me within "us" but just for the record: i quoted BioWare's words directly verbatum (not "twisted" ) , trying to interpret their odd statement....But i'm personally definitely NOT "outraged" .


Outrage was when SOE ruined SWG back in 2005 with the 'NGE' . THAT is "outrage" imo. (And justified too)


If anything, now with SWTOR, i'm just sorta indifferent and slightly disappointed. And frankly, rather baffled.


I just simply don't understand why/how BioWare could've strayed so far ( in my opinion ) from what SWTOR was originally intended to be at it's core. And i continue to be perplexed at the lack of funding, facilitation, & focus by EA toward this game (a STAR WARS brand game) .


That's all. No more. But no less either.

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If anything, now with SWTOR, i'm just sorta indifferent and slightly disappointed. And frankly, rather baffled.


Yeah this is a good way of describing it. I might go as far as "perplexed contempt" but I feel that outraged takes a little more. The last time I felt outraged by this game was back in 6.0 when they made it so only wins counted in PVP. I guess 7.0's reset timer for weeklies/dailies comes closest.

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Okay, I don't like the new gearing system, but I admit that it hasn't made it too physically difficult for me to play. But I have one source of genuine outrage right now, and that is, the broken SM FP's!:mad: I had to wait months to get through the SoV and now Malgus has been busted in RoN for almost half a year. This is wrong, unacceptable, and completely insane. If in 7.2 it's not fixed, I'm gone! If the Devs want to make gearing a slag fine, if they never fix crafting, okay, if nobody wants to design a gorgeous lightsaber ever again, whatever... Let me experience the story!
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Well 2 things.


First and foremost I wish Charles Boyd the very best. Thank you for your dedication and work on making SWTOR what it is today. I appreciate it and wish you the very best.


Second, has anyone talked to Charles and asked him why he left? Maybe it is him running to something as opposed to leaving SWTOR? Maybe all his work and effort opened a door he couldn't say no too? I left my job of 15 years for a massive promotion, a large signing bonus, a huge amount of private equity in the company, and about double my former pay. Maybe he got something similar.


We've had several long time devs leaving in a short period of time. I think this is the closest we can get to BW admitting they ruined the game with the "Vision" that has been mentioned but never seen.


It doesn't matter if the devs who left said "I've had enough" or if it was their employer who said "we've had enough". The outcome is the same. Staff is being replaced because 7.0 has been a failure in so many ways and people voted with their wallet.

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But far be it from us to pass up an opportunity to twist words to create an outrage.

They twist their own words themselves with their actions which speak louder than words. From current state of the game it's obvious where their focus was... cough, Anthem, cough.


And the irony that comes out of it? They don't have 2 thriving multiplayer games, they don't have even one.

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Hi everyone, I’m Alan Copeland, UX Director for SWTOR and I’ve been working on AAA games for nearly two decades, working on SWTOR specifically since early 2020. My team and I are working hard to make SWTOR more accessible, approachable and understandable for both new users and seasoned veterans of our game. We know that our players have a lot of love for SWTOR, and we keep that sentiment in mind to make the game the best that it can be.
Hey! You'd like to improve the user experience? To do so, you could finally add the option to turn on chat/speech bubbles which has been promised to be implemented over and over again for well over 10 years now.


Please finally get the ball rolling, Mr. UX Director! ;)

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Hey casirabit,


Confirming that players' experience reflected in PTS will be what goes live with 7.1. The dailies will unlock after the crit path is completed, so players will need to complete both.


Well, that's a shame. I only have 1 character to that point and I'm in absolutely no rush to get any others there. Since I don't enjoy doing the same content on the same character over, and over and over again, this pretty much killed what little interest I had in 7.1 Did you all at least fix the item preview bug?

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