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JakRoanin last won the day on May 26

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  1. Or you know you could let us craft again. 🙄
  2. I liked the new hairstyles though so something good came out of it.
  3. I didn't know the poor man had a stroke how terrible!
  4. Yeah, he looked so angry when he kissed her, I was like, (um did the Devs forget, that some of us make fake Sith?)
  5. They didn't use the usual VA and thought we wouldn't notice. 😡
  6. Okay seriously, Thanks for the date, I wish it hadn't been target practice, come on stop making all Fem Troopers, completely unfeminine! Who says you can't blow things up and still wear a pretty dress and go to dinner! Second Aric's VA is gone!!!! Why couldn't you have clarified that? Did you think we wouldn't notice? Enough of that. Everyone who loves our Major, come on over.
  7. Me too! Why does my very much in love SW look like he's going to activate the shock collar he destroyed over a decade ago! WTHey!
  8. Meh they're not all that great IMVHO I'd rather dress him the way I want!
  9. Agreed thank you for brining back our drop of sunshine!
  10. I agree, but I still want an Odessen Apartment building and a Voss Villa!
  11. So far I have one saber and 4 mounts. I don't use mounts often anyway and I hate these but I can't get rid of them. So irritating. I'm just not a mount person.
  12. if they just unlocked all the customizations we could make just about any near human
  13. Nightlife has never been my thing, but I had a few emperor's chips so I used them last night and got the two mounts what ticks me off is that I can't sell them! What-the-what!
  14. I've managed to get them done now, but it was a struggle in the beginning. But ripping away crafted gear and Mods is the single biggest downer for me in this game. Now there are others, don't get me wrong <cough>stupid bad guys and repeating Malgus 10000 times<cough>. But crafting gear for ten toons makes waiting for updates easier too!
  15. Seriously, I'm so sick of not being able to craft gear. The stupid changes they made just are frustrating and stressful. It's a game it's supposed to relax me. Not make me stressed.
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