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Bioware points out that "MAJORITY of the players are in the sub level 30 range."


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I'm level 17 and been playing 3-4 hours every couple of days since the 13th of Dec and still really enjoying the game, im in no rush to max my guy out


Anyone at lvl 50 already clearly has no job to go to or girlfriend telling them to get off there butt lol.

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This seems to be a common factor in pretty much every MMO


I don't remember what the level was exactly, but there was some sub-max level that Blizzard said the "majority" of players had never passed; and I think it was pretty low too

Edited by Shadysketchy
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Is anyone surprised? It takes a while to level if you're not playing 10h a day ; )


I'm playing 10+ hours a day, but I'm not in a hurry, I listen to the story, I take time to explore, find datacrons, craft, gather resources, do space missions, helping people, I've got three chars 21-28 and five chars 12-16. :)

Edited by WereMops
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Not that is matters but I'll comment.


I'm level 44.


I started playing on the 13th. I play about 5 hours a day, more in pre-launch.


Only days I missed were Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and 12/28.


How some are 50... that's a lot of playtime.


I'd be curious of peoples /played.

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This seems to be a common factor in pretty much every MMO


I don't remember what the level was exactly, but there was some sub-max level that Blizzard said the "majority" of players had never passed; and I think it was pretty low too


I think it was L20.


Most people that played WoW never liked it past the starting zones with good reason cause those starting zones back in the day sucked.

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I do not know if this was posted already, but according to Bioware, majority of the players subscribed are in the sub level 30 range and that if you rush to level 50, you will be lonely for a few months.


Here is the link.


Yup - that's me.


I have characters level 23, 22, 18, 11,10,6, and the rest are chronically re-created.


Altitis? maybe, but most of them my buddies and I level... then we want to see what the story is like for another class, and then we create new characters and duo that.


We're having a blast. :cool:

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I think it was L20.


Most people that played WoW never liked it past the starting zones with good reason cause those starting zones back in the day sucked.


Dun Modr was kinda fun. Half of the quests seemed to involve transporting beer from one dwarf to another dwarf on the other side of the valley.

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I'm level 17 and been playing 3-4 hours every couple of days since the 13th of Dec and still really enjoying the game, im in no rush to max my guy out


Anyone at lvl 50 already clearly has no job to go to or girlfriend telling them to get off there butt lol.


or had lots of vacation time saved up, but thanks for playing, we have some wonderful door prizes on your way out

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I find that hard to believe. With only weekends and the 26th off from a full time Job not to mention a family I'm in my 30's


I know a lot of people that took a week off work to play the game. If I can get to 30 with only a few hours to play every few days in this amount of time I find it hard to believe that the majority of players are not over 30... with the exception of people that suffer from altaholism


I would like to see a hours played to level gained ratio. That would be more informative

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Not that is matters but I'll comment.


I'm level 44.


I started playing on the 13th. I play about 5 hours a day, more in pre-launch.


Only days I missed were Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and 12/28.


How some are 50... that's a lot of playtime.


I'd be curious of peoples /played.


50 GS with broken cover, 5d21h

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I find that hard to believe. With only weekends and the 26th off from a full time Job not to mention a family I'm in my 30's


I know a lot of people that took a week off work to play the game. If I can get to 30 with only a few hours to play every few days in this amount of time I find it hard to believe that the majority of players are not over 30... with the exception of people that suffer from altaholism


I would like to see a hours played to level gained ratio. That would be more informative


Ok you're silly.


You might know "a lot" of people who took off to play the game. That number may even be say 500...When you're talking about say a million people thats not a lot. When you're talking say 500,000 people 500 people is nothing.


Just because its a lot to you doesn't mean its a lot in regards to what you're speaking about.


I've got multiple characters. Put in a fair amount of time and I don't have one above 30 yet. Just because you spent x amount of time to get to y level does not mean we all end up spending x amount of time and get to the same point.

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Actually the point of, as you call it, rushing to 50 is so your group/guild isnt bothered by those people who are under 30


My guild atm has 7 50s out of 32 people or so and most other are in 40s


I have a 2nd character at 30 atm and I didnt rush at all


There is a difference between rushing to 50 and playing efficiently


Just go over to your imperial fleet or whatever the republic has and see how many people are just standing around doing nothing or looking to buy a piece of gear that they will replace on the next planet or dancing etc


Some people spend in game time wisely, others do not

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I hope they're consistant and report openly how many people left their game after the 1st month. Or on the flip side, how many people are still subbed after this joke of a game has been released.


Thank you for contributing positively to this discussion. Your opinion and vitriol have been noted.

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This seems to be a common factor in pretty much every MMO


I don't remember what the level was exactly, but there was some sub-max level that Blizzard said the "majority" of players had never passed; and I think it was pretty low too


Level 20. The majority of WoW characters never made it past level 20 before being deleted or the account unsubscribing.

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