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Everything posted by Shadysketchy

  1. I agree that BioWare should've made sure SWTOR had more MMO Features, before launch
  2. I haven't had this particular issue; but I have had two instances wherein I was unable to interact with objects in the environment. Since the Dialogue NPCs for Quests are the same as interactable objects, I'd imagine this is the same thing I was able to fix my problem, by completely abandoning the Quest, and re-aquiring it; this may work for you, but no promises. Also, beware that you'll have to sink the time back into whichever Quest you're stuck on
  3. Well I'm not sure if we're allowed to discuss disciplinary action taken against users, so I won't comment on that But I will say that my disappointment in SWTOR led to an emotional outburst, and that had some consequences; upon reflection, and after calming down, I have resolved to not post anything objectionable
  4. I agree, it shouldn't take off, until you actually choose a destination. There should also be a new travel point from the Galaxy Map, just called "Space", for those who want to idle in Space, for whatever reason
  5. I still have 12 free days, on my account On January/20/2012, I will decide to Re-sub to World of Warcraft, or SWTOR. BioWare's actions over the next 12 days will determine this choice
  6. Those games don't boast about their "fun", and "unique" per Class leveling content, for every Class though Technically, about 85% of the leveling Content is the same for all 4 Classes on each Faction, anyway; but that's not the point
  7. Normally, I'd be against switching Classes, but since the "story" is such a central attraction here, it doesn't make sense to make someone go through the same story more than once
  8. I found most zones to be empty, as well, when I was leveling. It was impossible to do Instances/4+ Quests, because there just weren't enough people in the zone, or even in the level range. This seems to effect both Factions, in pretty much every post level 20 zone I hope they do Server Mergers soon, to alleviate this
  9. I think either "Raynor", or "Menethil" would sound really cool
  10. Fair enough If you had to choose one, based purely on product value, and not personal opinion, though; which would it be?
  11. Your post indicates that you have no appreciation for the current MMO market
  12. I think the issue lies with a forced Release, before SWTOR was ready; not with BioWare's Quality Assurance team
  13. Correct However; when they decided to put "Kill/Collect XYZ" Quests in SWTOR, they weren't saying "let's do this, because Ultima Online did it", or Warhammer, SWG, etc. They decided to use it, because of WoW
  14. There's too much Crowd Control, in general But yes, getting thrown around the game, with no control of it is the worst offense
  15. This should've been fixed already The PvP is just generally not balanced well at all
  16. BioWare seems to have something against Search Functions
  17. I agree that the level 50 Gear looks bad, for most Classes It's odd that they'd launch a game in 2011, without having some sort of Appearance Tab, like World of Warcraft
  18. I think Aion was better, as well. SWTOR beats Aion for the first 30 levels, but after that, I'd have to say that Aion was a lot better I still think that World of Warcraft is better than both, though
  19. Most of your complaints are probably due to the fact that SWTOR has no real "world", and it's very chopped up, overall
  20. I got bored at 50, and ended up cancelling, as well
  21. Your arguments would benefit greatly, from a condensed format. Most people won't read all the text that you tend to type at once Anyway, I do agree with you. It seems like Expertise was put in solely to keep PvE only players from having a chance at even unrated PvP; rather than used for PvP Gear Progression, like in WoW post BC
  22. While I think that claims of SWTOR's budget have been wildly exaggerated (It's probably closer to 80 million... nowhere near 300 million), I do agree that it doesn't feel like a game with that high of a budget I think this is mostly due to poor allocation of Resources; something I was very vocal about on the pre-launch Forums, but people liked to dismiss it
  23. Expertise just needs to only effect Damage Reduction, or Output; not both
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