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Maintenance: June 29, 2021


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Hey everyone,


We will be taking the servers offline on June 29, 2021 to deploy Game Update 6.3.1.



DATE: June 29, 2021

TIME: 5:00AM - 8:00AM PDT (1200 - 1500 UTC)

VERSION: 6.3.1


Patch notes will be available on Monday, here: http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes.


Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!

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No fix for the unlocked quickbar in the Secrets of the Enclave Flashpoint :(

Whilst I appreciate all the other fixes, came here to ask about this. I'm hoping it's fixed but missed off this list.

Edited by Sarova
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I guess that's probably the reason but what would the harm have been in upping it to 15k or 20k?


we're lucky we even got the extra 1k, they've already said they won't increase them as people will hold them, then get a jump start on the next 'level' of mats, etc.

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While it has not been implemented for 6.3.1, this is something we are aware of and are targeting a fix for this in a future update.


I am not sure how much info about this glitch you guys have, but I was in there the other day, and while the bars were unlocked, I was unable to move any of my abilities around while inside the FP. Not sure if this was a temp fix so that peeps didn't drag their abilities off the bars while in combat, but wanted you to be aware of what I experienced.

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What happened to Rakghoul Resurgence on Tatooine? The June event list shows it begins tomorrow as well but its not listed in the patch notes.


There would be no reason to list is in the patch notes as it is already schedule to occur. Check the Conquest tab in your log and you will see that the next Conquest is Rakghoul Resurgence: Tatooine.

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we're lucky we even got the extra 1k, they've already said they won't increase them as people will hold them, then get a jump start on the next 'level' of mats, etc.


Yeah well, the idiotic TF cap is the number one reason why I spend more time in other games than swtor now. If I can't use my fragments to buy what I want (Kai Zykken), I'm not going to play until Friday when he is available, apart from the few toons I need for raiding. And what I've noticed when Friday comes, I'm still playing other games more, because I enjoy them more. It feels really pointless now to do anything in swtor, when other games let me play how I want to play and let me use my rewards as I want to use them. Kinda like what swtor used to be. I used to play swtor 40-45 hours per week, now I just log in for raids. I guess I'm cured from my swtor addiction. Considering this week was the flashpoints week, and I didn't manage to finish even one of the weeklies, that should tell how much I'm playing now.

I also noticed flashpoint weeklies -on a flashpoints conquest week- are only once per week per legacy, while GSF weekly with same points is daily repeatable... :confused: ...but that's another topic.

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Yeah well, the idiotic TF cap is the number one reason why I spend more time in other games than swtor now. If I can't use my fragments to buy what I want (Kai Zykken), I'm not going to play until Friday when he is available, apart from the few toons I need for raiding. And what I've noticed when Friday comes, I'm still playing other games more, because I enjoy them more. It feels really pointless now to do anything in swtor, when other games let me play how I want to play and let me use my rewards as I want to use them. Kinda like what swtor used to be. I used to play swtor 40-45 hours per week, now I just log in for raids. I guess I'm cured from my swtor addiction. Considering this week was the flashpoints week, and I didn't manage to finish even one of the weeklies, that should tell how much I'm playing now.

I also noticed flashpoint weeklies -on a flashpoints conquest week- are only once per week per legacy, while GSF weekly with same points is daily repeatable... :confused: ...but that's another topic.


Fully agree, I don't play as often on my main as I used to, although I still manage to hit the cap weekly, but just get the rpm's, I got tired of playing roulette with kai, if they pop up with no rng I pick them , otherwise I don't bother.

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Fully agree, I don't play as often on my main as I used to, although I still manage to hit the cap weekly, but just get the rpm's, I got tired of playing roulette with kai, if they pop up with no rng I pick them , otherwise I don't bother.


After fully gearing up 40 characters with full sets and tactical items at this point the only purpose that tech frags server for me is to convert to credits. I used to buy 10k's worth of mods to deconstruct trying for embers. Now I just do an RPM or OEM. This extra buffer will be a welcome change, for me, as it will make it easier to buy an RPM / OEM without losing some frags or deconstructing items one at a time so I do not go too far over. But yeah, I am geared; tech frags are worthless to me now except for converting to credits. Not that I really need more of those.

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After fully gearing up 40 characters with full sets and tactical items at this point the only purpose that tech frags server for me is to convert to credits. I used to buy 10k's worth of mods to deconstruct trying for embers. Now I just do an RPM or OEM. This extra buffer will be a welcome change, for me, as it will make it easier to buy an RPM / OEM without losing some frags or deconstructing items one at a time so I do not go too far over. But yeah, I am geared; tech frags are worthless to me now except for converting to credits. Not that I really need more of those.


Same for me,


But 11000 is such a low amount for them to up it too when players have been asking for 20,000 minimum since tech frags were first introduced for other QOL reasons besides losing tech frags for RPM/OEM conversion.

At this point I don’t understand why they are so stingy with this. It really shows they don’t listen to player feed back. They make the decisions and if we don’t like it.... there’s the door 🚪

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Same for me,


But 11000 is such a low amount for them to up it too when players have been asking for 20,000 minimum since tech frags were first introduced for other QOL reasons besides losing tech frags for RPM/OEM conversion.

At this point I don’t understand why they are so stingy with this. It really shows they don’t listen to player feed back. They make the decisions and if we don’t like it.... there’s the door 🚪


Oh, Chris Schmidt commented on that in the Theorycrafters Discord some time ago. It is 04:00 so I can not be arsed to look it up, but basically the low cap encourages (forces) people to spend and not horde, and acts as a regulator slowing the rate that people can acquire gear... ...so, yeah, it is just another example of them continuing to employ those old MMO philosophies that everyone hates and many other companies have moved away from because the industry has evolved and they have realized that their players hate these philosophies more than they accomplish their intended goals.


But, what do I know? I studied astronomy, art history, and photography, not game theory.

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Oh, Chris Schmidt commented on that in the Theorycrafters Discord some time ago. It is 04:00 so I can not be arsed to look it up, but basically the low cap encourages (forces) people to spend and not horde, and acts as a regulator slowing the rate that people can acquire gear... ...so, yeah, it is just another example of them continuing to employ those old MMO philosophies that everyone hates and many other companies have moved away from because the industry has evolved and they have realized that their players hate these philosophies more than they accomplish their intended goals.


But, what do I know? I studied astronomy, art history, and photography, not game theory.


Funny thing is you are probably more qualified to know what you like and don’t like than ChrisS telling you.

The same as every other gamer knows what they don’t like. And as usual, Bioware think they know what players want, need or like without ever asking them or listening to their feedback.

It’s why the game has continuously failed to hold server populations when compared to other MMOs like WoW, FF14.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if this was any other IP, the game would have shuttered a long time ago because Bioware doesn’t understand their own player base.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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So, is the patch happening? I have been in game for the past hour, it is now 3-mins to when the servers were supposed to come down, and I have yet to see a servers coming down notice.


Edit: And just as I post this a 5-min warning popped up.

Edited by ceryxp
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