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  1. Hey all, The Known Issues list has been updated with the following issues Ventures Basilisk Prototype [NEW] The Grant B3-S1 button is not available the first time an alt character accesses the ventures tab [NEW] Players are not receiving credit for training when completing the mission “Unconventional Methods”. General [NEW] The hide headslot button in the Companion Character sheet shows a weapon icon. Items [NEW] The Devoted Disciple Hood is clipping with its matching chestpiece and displaying unintended seams when looking left or right. [NEW] The Refined Mentor's Lightsaber plays the incorrect sound when two sabers are sheathed. [NEW] The back cloth of the Refined Mentor's Chestpiece stretches when a player is on any speeder type mount. This affects all male and female body types.
  2. Hello, Players are now able to log back into the Star Forge server. While the current issue has been resolved, we are still investigating its root cause. It is possible that the server will continue to keep players from connecting to the game. We appreciate your continued patience while we work on a permanent resolution.
  3. We are aware of ongoing issues which are stopping players from accessing Star Forge and are currently investigating. All other servers are avaliable. When we have more info, we will update this thread.
  4. Star Forge is now avaliable, thank you for your patience.
  5. We are aware that players are unable to access Star Forge and are currently investigating. All other servers are avaliable. When we have more info, we will update this thread
  6. until
    Bounty Contract Week Date: 06/25/24 - 07/02/24 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 12:00PM GMT) Requirement: Level 15+ For a limited time, the Bounty Brokers Association has opened its doors to anyone willing to take on their dangerous contracts, offering an opportunity for both seasoned and rookie hunters to prove their skills and bring crime syndicates and violent gangs to justice! Each day, you can sign up for one standard Henchman contract and one high profile Kingpin Contract, and each may take you to a separate planet. Complete five standard contracts to unlock Kingpin missions with bigger loot! Head to the fleet now, invite your friends and visit representatives of the Association to get started on your contracts! FEATURED REWARDS: Reputation with the Bounty Brokers Association Bounty Tracker’s Armor Set and Contract Hunter’s Armor Set Assassin’s Bowcaster and Elite Tracker’s Bowcaster weapons Lobelot, Swamp Kell Drake, and Drink Server Probe Mini-pets BH-7X Custom Hunter Mount …and more! Semaine des contrats de chasse à la prime Date: Du 25 juin au 2 juillet (DÉBUT ET FIN À 14H HEURE DE PARIS) Prérequis : Niveau 15 ou supérieur Pendant une durée limitée, l'Association des Courtiers en Primes ouvre ses portes à quiconque veut honorer ses dangereux contrats, offrant l'opportunité aux vieux briscards comme aux chasseurs débutants de prouver leurs compétences et de faire passer en justice les gangs violents et autres mafias ! Chaque jour, vous pouvez signer un contrat standard Homme de main et un contrat Gros bonnet de haute volée, et chacun peut vous emmener sur une planète différente. Terminez cinq contrats standard pour déverrouiller des missions Gros bonnet avec un plus gros butin ! Allez dans la flotte maintenant, invitez vos amis et parlez aux représentants de l'ACP pour obtenir des contrats ! RÉCOMPENSES EN JEU : Réputation auprès de l'Association des Courtiers en Primes Ensembles d'armure : traqueur de primes et chasseur de contrats Armes : arbalète d'assassin et arbalète de traqueur assassin d'élite Mini-animaux domestiques : lobelot, dragon kell des marais, sonde de breuvage Monture de chasseur BH-7X personnalisée ... Et bien plus ! Kopfgeld-Auftragswoche Datum: 25. Juin - 2. Juli (BEGINNT UND ENDET UM 14:00 UHR MESZ) Voraussetzung: Stufe 15+ Die Kopfgeld-Vermittlungsgesellschaft hat für kurze Zeit ihre Türen für alle geöffnet, die bereit sind, ihre gefährlichen Aufträge anzunehmen. So haben erfahrene wie auch neue Jäger die Möglichkeit, ihre Fähigkeiten unter Beweis zu stellen und Verbrechersyndikaten und gewalttätigen Banden Gerechtigkeit widerfahren zu lassen! Ihr könnt euch jeden Tag für einen normalen Handlanger-Auftrag und einen besonders lukrativen Wertvolles-Ziel-Auftrag anmelden, die euch womöglich auf verschiedene Planeten führen. Schließt 5 Standard-Aufträge ab, um wertvolle Ziele zu jagen, die noch bessere Beute bringen! Reist jetzt zur Flotte, ladet eure Freunde ein und sprecht mit den Mitarbeitern der Kopfgeld-Vermittlungsgesellschaft, um mit euren Aufträgen zu beginnen! AUSGEWÄHLTE BELOHNUNGEN: Ruf bei der Kopfgeld-Vermittlungsgesellschaft Rüstungsset des Kopfgeldsuchers und Rüstungsset des Vertragsjägers Armbrust des Attentäters und Armbrust des Elite-Aufspürers Lobelot, Sumpf-Kell-Drache und Kellnersonde als Mini-Haustier Maßgefertigter BH-7X-Jäger ... und mehr!
  7. until
    Pirate Incursion Date: 06/11/24 - 06/18/24 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 12:00PM GMT) Requirement: Level 20+ The remote planet Dantooine has been thrust into the center of escalating hostilities between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Spurred on in secret by covert Imperial forces, the Nova Blade pirates have staged an all-out attack on the pastoral Republic world. As the Republic scrambles to defend this key territory at the edge of Imperial space, the Empire plans to capitalize on the chaos and deal a major blow to the longtime Republic bastion. FEATURED REWARDS: Nova Blade and Dantooine Homesteader Armor Sets Ugnaught Companion Walker Mount Kath Hound Mount Kath Hound Mini-pet Dantooine-inspired Stronghold Decorations … and more! Incursion pirate Date : Du 11 juin au 18 juin (DÉBUT ET FIN À 14H HEURE DE PARIS) Prérequis : Niveau 20 ou supérieur La planète isolée de Dantooine se retrouve au cœur des hostilités entre la République Galactique et l'Empire Sith. Poussés en secret par les forces impériales, les pirates des Lames Nova ont préparé une offensive sur cette paisible planète contrôlée par la République. Alors que les forces de la République tentent de défendre ce territoire clé aux portes de l'espace impérial, l'Empire cherche à profiter du chaos pour frapper un grand coup contre ce bastion de la République. RÉCOMPENSES EN JEU : Ensembles d'armure des Lames Nova et de fermier de Dantooine Partenaire Ugnaught Monture Walker Monture Chien katht Mini-animal domestique Chien kath Décorations de forteresse sur le thème de Dantooine … and more! Piratenangriff Datum: 11.Juin - 18.Juin (BEGINNT UND ENDET UM 14:00 UHR MEZ) Voraussetzung: Stufe 20+ Der abgelegene Planet Dantooine wurde zum Mittelpunkt einer feindseligen Eskalation zwischen der Galaktischen Republik und dem Sith-Imperium. Nachdem sie im Verborgenen durch verdeckt agierende imperiale Streitkräfte angestachelt wurden, haben Nova Blade-Piraten einen kompromisslosen Angriff auf die ländliche republikanische Welt gestartet. Während die Republik verzweifelt versucht, diese bedeutende Position am Rande des imperialen Raums zu verteidigen, plant das Imperium, das Chaos zu nutzen, um der langjährigen Bastion der Republik einen entscheidenden Schlag zu versetzen. AUSGEWÄHLTE BELOHNUNGEN: Nova Blade-Rüstungsset und Rüstungsset des Dantooine-Gutsbesitzers Ugnaught-Gefährte Kampfläufer-Transportmittel Kath-Hund-Reittier Kath-Hund-Mini-Haustier Von Dantooine inspirierte Festungsdekorationen ... und mehr!
  8. until
    Relics of the Gree Date: 05/28/24 - 06/04/24 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 12:00PM GMT) Requirement: Level 50+ Explore Ilum's contested area in the Western Ice Shelf to uncover the mysterious purpose of the Gray Secant, an enormous ancient Gree starship. Get ready to face a powerful opponent that awaits you at the center of this ancient vessel. Visit the in-game News Terminal located on Carrick Station in the Republic fleet or Vaiken Spacedock in the Imperial fleet to get started on your adventure! FEATURED REWARDS: Reputation with the Gree Enclave Gree Digitization Cube White, Red, and Blue Scalene Armor Gray Helix Weapons L1-L Defender, L1-L Scout, and Miniature Gray Secant Mini-pets Cyan Sphere, Blue Sphere and Red Sphere Vehicles …and more! Les reliques des Gree Date : Du 28 mai au 4 juin (DÉBUT ET FIN À 14H HEURE DE PARIS) Prérequis : Niveau 50 ou supérieur Explorez la zone très convoitée d'Ilum dans la couche de glace ouest pour découvrir le but mystérieux de Sécante gris, un ancien vaisseau Gree immense. Préparez-vous à affronter le puissant adversaire qui vous attend au cœur de ce vaisseau séculaire. Visitez le terminal d'actualités situé à la station Carrick sur la flotte de la République ou au spatiodock Vaiken sur la flotte de l'Empire pour entamer votre aventure ! RÉCOMPENSES EN JEU : Réputation auprès de l'enclave des Gree Cube numériseur Gree Armure scalène blanche, rouge et bleue Armes Hélice gris Défenseur L1-L, Éclaireur L1-L et mini-animaux domestiques Sécante gris miniatures Véhicules Sphère cyan, Sphère bleue et Sphère rouge ... et bien plus ! Relikte der Gree Datum: 28.Mai - 4.Juin (BEGINNT UND ENDET UM 14:00 UHR MEZ) Voraussetzung: Stufe 50+ Erkundet auf Ilum das umkämpfte Gebiet im westlichen Schelfeis, um den geheimnisvollen Zweck der Grauen Sekante herauszufinden, einem gewaltigen, uralten Gree-Raumschiff. Stellt euch einem mächtigen Gegner, der euch im Inneren dieses alten Schiffs erwartet. Besucht im Spiel das Nachrichten-Terminal auf der Carrick-Station der republikanischen Flotte oder dem Vaiken-Raumdock der imperialen Flotte, um euer Abenteuer zu beginnen! AUSGEWÄHLTE BELOHNUNGEN: Ruf bei der Gree-Enklave Gree-Digitalisierungswürfel Rüstung des weißen, roten und blauen Schiefwinkels Waffen der grauen Helix M1N1-Verteidiger, M1N1-Scout und Miniatur-Graue Sekante Transportkabinen der cyanfarbenen, blauen und roten Kugel ... und mehr!
  9. Hey Everyone! We have two more incoming fixes for the following main story path issues: Players unable to proceed with the Inquisitor Class mission "Vengeance" will no longer be blocked by Andronikos refusing to talk. Players unable to complete the Imperial World Quest on Hoth, "Spoils to the Victor" can now open the cache and continue with the mission. We do not need to take servers down to deploy these fixes but some players may find themselves kicked to the main menu about an hour after this fix is deployed as your game accepts the changes. Thank you for your patience. We will keep this thread updated as needed.
  10. Hello everyone! We will be using the space to track 7.5 Known Issues and will be updating this thread as needed. Basilisk Protype Venture [NEW] The Grant B3-S1 button is not available the first time an alt character accesses the ventures tab [NEW] Players are not receiving credit for training when completing the mission “Unconventional Methods”. Players that complete Heroic Missions on CZ-198 will not see progress made on the Basilisk Training Mission track. - FIXED While out doing combat training with B3-S1, the Colossal Threat Daily Bonus Mission is not granted after picking it up from the terminal on Iokath. - FIXED [Basilisk Prototype: Missing Parts: Primeval Droid Parts: 0/5] If the Combat Droid Plasma Stabilizer and Watcher Droid Senor Core are collected before the 5 Primeval Droid Parts, the mission map notes disappear from the map.- FIXED General [NEW] The hide headslot button in the Companion Character sheet shows a weapon icon. Objectives for the “General Faraire” and “The Gormak King” missions will not progress if the Silver Elite enemy is defeated before other common enemies.- FIXED WORKAROUND: Leave the phase and reset the missions. To make progress, defeat common enemies before defeating the Silver Elite enemy. The progress bars for the Galactic Seasons and PvP reward tracks are missing and not updating properly when progress has been made. - FIXED Having the "Enable Movable Secondary Window" toggle disabled will cause all Vendor sale windows to not appear when interacting with a Vendor.- FIXED Ri'kan's mouth is not moving during the “Sundering” mission cinematic. - FIXED Lana and Koth’s Date Nights are blocked by a UI issue not allowing players to proceed once they begin.- FIXED The Spring Event terminals on both Fleets overlap with other event terminals. - FIXED WORKAROUND: It is still possible to click on either terminal but only from specific angles. Players are unable to complete KotFE: Chapter IX due to Sana Rae not spawning in the Alliance Base on Odessen. - FIXED Players are unable to complete KotFE: Chapter XI due to an issue with the final cutscene getting stuck. - FIXED Items [NEW] The Devoted Disciple Hood is clipping with its matching chestpiece and displaying unintended seams when looking left or right. [NEW] The Refined Mentor's Lightsaber plays the incorrect sound when two sabers are sheathed. [NEW] The back cloth of the Refined Mentor's Chestpiece stretches when a player is on any speeder type mount. This affects all male and female body types. The Refined Mentor's Bracers are invisible when equipped on female body types 1 and 2.- FIXED Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event [NEW] If the Lucky buff is active alongside the Good Karma buff that is obtained from the Counterfeit Tokens: Mek-Sha mission, a 100% win rate will not be offered. The Good Karma buff obtained from the Kingpin's Bounty Slot Machines is not affected by this bug.
  11. All SWTOR servers are once again available!
  12. Hi folks, Updating this thread to inform players that Game Update 7.4.1c is now out and it contains the change that will grant eligible players the Master Mode Timer Achievements. Players will see the Achievements applied to their accounts once a character logs in. Thanks for your patience!
  13. Hello everyone! We are happy to see the players who were unable to get past the loading screen now able to log into the game. As stated before, we are working on compensating impacted players regarding lost time, so please keep an eye on this thread for updates later this week.
  14. All SWTOR servers are once again available!
  15. We will be taking down all servers in 15 minutes to deploy Game Update 7.4.1b. Estimated downtime: 3 hours.
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