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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Discussion Topic: Class Changes This Summer


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It seems like most of the people here care mainly about PVP balancing and I agree that this is much harder to master than PVE balancing, but honestly PVE balancing should be a piece of cake.


Just take one ability that is unthinkable to remove from the rotaion of the class spec and buff it by a few percent.

For example: With a Madness Sage you take telekinetic throw, buff it by a few percent and you're done. This will only make a slight difference in PVP since a madnees sage will still not be able to burst down any other class.using telekinetic throw.


You can do similar things with other classes and voila PVE balance fixed and PVP hardly effected.


Or you do it the hard way and seperate PVP and PVE balacing altogether. It has been like this form the beginning: Whenever you changed something for PVP it had a negative effect on PVE or the other way around. You took away the old skill trees in order to improve balancing but since then it's actually worse than before.

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I can't believe no one is mentioning Powertech's... PT's have the worst survivability in the game hands down! They are useless in Ranked unless you are a very good PT tank. In every aspect PT's are at the bottom in PvP but their burst. They nerfed their kolto to 35% in 5.0....wth!? I have popped ALL of my defensive's, shield, AOE taunt, Kolto and 3% heal from the shoulder cannon and I can still be dropped by only a few players in no time. I can understand this if PT's were ranged classes but they aren't, it's a melee class that can only survive in the mix of things a few seconds. They are a worthless class without a very good pocket healer. Jugs, Mara's and Op's have a lot more survivability.


Look at page 17...

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Nerf Sorc Heals

Nerf Protection

Remove phase walk or bubble

Remove roaming mend

Remove utility to cast innervate while moving

Nerf Merc, Sniper

Remove all self heals from DPS

Cap slows 20%

Extend White Bar

Remove force camo from Marauders

Protection should be based on defense, shield, absorb stats if you aren't a tank build you can't guard.....

Juggs force push should be an AOE push remove intimidating roar

Reduce time of all roots and stuns

Increase DPS damage utilities 60% of utilities for DPS are garbage

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I don`t know whats going wrong in your Heads SwToR dudes.


The Goal u wanna hit, or better you should hit is, that every Class may do neatly the same damage with nearly the same amount of practice. Here are the Differences, Sniper have 2 (realy) good specs.... the 3rd one is not more then useless ********. Why you dont gonna fix this? Same for the Sorc. Heal OP, Damge more then 6-7% under the average of all DPS.... fix this. And some other Classes have the same Problems.... we are nearly on the 10.000 Average DPS per Class, WHY THE **** you dont Try to hit this goal that every SPEC does 10k +-250 DPS?


Do me a biiiiig favor, DONT CHANGE CLASSES CAUSE PVP.

SPLIT PVP from PVE. Do 2 complete other operating systems that both parts of the game can have fun.

DO NOT CHANGE CLASSES who are woring yet.








PS: Nerv this mercenary (primarily in Selfheal)

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make a separate tree that auto turns on when pvp is activated...that way pve'ers are NOT harmed over this kind of idiocy!


This would be nice. it will prove you care about class balance in both PvP AND PvE, in particular it's anoying be forced to swich and play an other class as you can't perfom with your main (Sorc dps as an exemple in ops). A such system of auto swich power according to the type of instences would be very interesting.

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Hey all,


I told Musco I would wait until tomorrow to post anything, but, but, but, I simply couldn't do it. I've seen so many posts about Sage/Sorc TK/Lightning, I had to jump in.


The list is ONLY the start and the ones listed may be included in Patch 5.3, but we might move some changes out to Patch 5.4 and include other Disciplines not yet mentioned. For example, notice that Operative/Scoundrel healing isn't on this list, yet. Hmmmppffft. They should be in the list, as I want to see my healers indestructible and completely outperforming all other healing classes! Alas, I know we won't do that, but I'd love it, even for a month!!! :D




You do know Lightning and TK are in a much worse position than madness. I know you aren't doing anything for them in 5.3, but if they are ignored in 5.4... you'll have some very angry Sorc/Sage players on your hands.

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Nerf Sorc Heals

Nerf Protection

Remove phase walk or bubble

Remove roaming mend

Remove utility to cast innervate while moving

Nerf Merc, Sniper

Remove all self heals from DPS

Cap slows 20%

Extend White Bar

Remove force camo from Marauders

Protection should be based on defense, shield, absorb stats if you aren't a tank build you can't guard.....

Juggs force push should be an AOE push remove intimidating roar

Reduce time of all roots and stuns

Increase DPS damage utilities 60% of utilities for DPS are garbage


And give everyone a big stick and one button to spam that stick with or just leave Mercs as they are and remove all other classes.

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The thing is: Wandering/Roaming Mend already IS a big Force hog, and it arrived in the game at the same time that a significant nerf to Salvation/Revivication was introduced. So yes, WM is powerful, but it's really not spam-able.


Well said.


Wandering men should stay IMO, since as you noted it is a resource hog. The big heal comes with price and you have to be strategic with it.

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Nerf Sorc Heals

Nerf Protection

Remove phase walk or bubble

Remove roaming mend

Remove utility to cast innervate while moving

Nerf Merc, Sniper

Remove all self heals from DPS

Cap slows 20%

Extend White Bar

Remove force camo from Marauders

Protection should be based on defense, shield, absorb stats if you aren't a tank build you can't guard.....

Juggs force push should be an AOE push remove intimidating roar

Reduce time of all roots and stuns

Increase DPS damage utilities 60% of utilities for DPS are garbage


Thats exactly what I would want too. Why dps have healing abilities in the first place is beyond me.

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It looks like some people while writing how classes should be corrected forget there is something called PVE in SWTOR.


Pve is allways designed to be possible to do and fi ish sooner or later.


In pvp balance and class design is a bit more important because there your entire class can be rendered totaly useless. By other players playing a way better class.

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I don't know what changed at BW, but thank god it did. This is stuff that should of been addressed sooo long ago. Hopefully we learn from our mistakes and not push out these wildly goofy systems (read unwanted) and class changes without a solid testing period in the future? Whaddayasay? :rolleyes:
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Pve is allways designed to be possible to do and fi ish sooner or later.


In pvp balance and class design is a bit more important because there your entire class can be rendered totaly useless. By other players playing a way better class.


Not exactly true. There been times when they have redid classes in pvp that has completely messed up the class for pve raids that is why I have suggest suggesting separating the abilities. One for pvp and one for pve because I for one am tired of my class being messed up because of pvp.

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I'm just gonna throw this out there, cuz it seems like a good idea, but someone mentioned to me, maybe don't nerf dps so much because dps checks are hard enough to make in NiM ops, maybe just buff more the weaker classes (sorc/sage, PT/vanguard). Maybe nerf merc/commando's defensives and things that are more related to PvP and wouldn't punish people in ops.
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Thats exactly what I would want too. Why dps have healing abilities in the first place is beyond me.


It's really stupid how currently almost all DPS have self heals.


And my Sentinel just kinda sits there, bursting everyone down, watching them heal to full, and then dying after all DCDs are gone. Self healing needs to be made more expensive for DPS classes somehow. And absurd self heals like the Merc one should be removed altogether.

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I think everyone can agree translocate is the most useless ability in the game and should be scrapped from PT tanks (probably in favor of an additional cd)

Let them keep the skill - it's meaningless except in PvE...but PT's/VGs absolutely need a defensive CD ability.

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Let them keep the skill - it's meaningless except in PvE...but PT's/VGs absolutely need a defensive CD ability.


making this ability instant + an additional defense for the tank (using it) should be enough (and reducing the cooldown to 45sec in addition)


the idea is interesting but actually it's just weak.

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making this ability instant + an additional defense for the tank (using it) should be enough (and reducing the cooldown to 45sec in addition)


the idea is interesting but actually it's just weak.

Agreed! In theory, not a bad idea...but casting it?! I like the idea of additional defenses for using it...that would be an interesting twist.

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It's equally useless in PvE.

No...it's extremely effective in PvE. Good friend of mine uses it all the time to p*** me off by translocating me somewhere I don't want to be...like running over the bridge in S&V, minding my own business and suddenly my camera goes all wonky and I'm ported back to a gaping hole and I'm plummeting to my death a fraction of a second later...:mad:


But yes, other than griefing me, I've found it useless in PvE too ;)

Edited by TUXs
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