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Unassembled Components and Their Vendor


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So basically the new system is busted:

- We can only get new gear by FARMING/GRINDING PVP - which I HATE or OPS...

- What HAPPENED TO OTHER GROUP CONTENT Bioware? Why NOT Veteran Flashpoints??? I'd rather get those 5 unassembled pieces from a FP - Story or Veteran Mode than playing PVP.... :(


What is the Reason one would replay the Story Chapters in Master Mode... They give nothing new - gear wise....

I'd rather play the WHOLE game AGAIN from level 0 to 70 on 100 characters than gearing ONE up in this way:(

Is really sad....

You should target the following:

- One month of playing (1 hour per day): Tier 1 gear

- Another month of playing (1 hour per day): Tier 2 gear

- Another month of playing (1 hour per day): Tier 3 gear


Before anyone jumps to my throat: 1 hour is like nothing. So if we do the math that translates into 30 hours per month!!!! So, 90 hours (average RPG time) to get the "currently" maximum tier in the game.

Now if you play let's say 4 ours a day that means that in 22.5 days you get max tier, which is less than a month! This way, we can also PLAY ALL THE 8 CLASSES and even make other alts to try different choices in the Story.


I hope you understand my predicament;)


PS: I feel like I need to say it for some reason - I was a Technical Director for a few Games and VFX Studios - Even have a degree in this. We tested all sorts of game mechanics in general, when I was working for Games Studios. The gear shouldn't be "granted", but it shouldn't be un-realistic - like it is now. Hope you understand;)




On a side note:

- PLEASE MAKE ALL THE OPS available as FLASHPOINTS! Each team member (of the 4) can get a BOT like we get in Story Mode FPs.

- This way doing actual OPS will be easier as people will KNOW and UNDERSTAND the mechanics better!

- Also, we will not miss any bits of the STORY!

- It is hard for a NORMAL gamer (who plays between 1-4 hours a day) to even START doing OPS - due to time limits/ schedules, etc.

- Come on Bioware, you know this already! The OPS content is currently accessed by what? 5% of the player base? :(

- Please Think about it;)

Edited by Helifax
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So basically the new system is busted:

- We can only get new gear by FARMING/GRINDING PVP - which I HATE or OPS...

- What HAPPENED TO OTHER GROUP CONTENT Bioware? Why NOT Veteran Flashpoints??? I'd rather get those 5 unassembled pieces from a FP - Story or Veteran Mode than playing PVP.... :(


What is the Reason one would replay the Story Chapters in Master Mode... They give nothing new - gear wise....


I hope you understand my predicament;)


Why not veteran flashpoints? Hm... let me think. Maybe because 4-man group content was released just today while last operation was released in dec 2014? Maybe that's the reason but I don't know.

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So you're telling me that I need to grind 570 tokens just to get 1 weapon of tier 3 ?!?!?!

That's 114 warzones JUST FOR A ********** WEAPON!!!?!? and that's only if I win them ALL.

Are you crazy? Seriously answer me bw, are you guys crazy? Which one of you came up with this brilliant idea? Do you know that half my friends quit the game just now?

You gave us all these command tokens and we can't use them BECAUSE WE HAVE TO PLAY A MILLION WARZONES!

Is it your life's goal to ruin this game? Cause that's what you've been doing for years!

Thanks a bunch!

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So you're telling me that I need to grind 570 tokens just to get 1 weapon of tier 3 ?!?!?!

That's 114 warzones JUST FOR A ********** WEAPON!!!?!? and that's only if I win them ALL.

Are you crazy? Seriously answer me bw, are you guys crazy? Which one of you came up with this brilliant idea? Do you know that half my friends quit the game just now?

You gave us all these command tokens and we can't use them BECAUSE WE HAVE TO PLAY A MILLION WARZONES!

Is it your life's goal to ruin this game? Cause that's what you've been doing for years!

Thanks a bunch!


My sentiments exactly. Whoever thought of this, it was a god awful idea, and it needs to be reverted ASAP. :mad:

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You should never be able to purchase the best pvp gear through pve, and vice versa. This is what the old system was for. Now though, it is god awful


As far as I know, gear for PvE and PvP is exactly the same now (no valor requirement). What's the problem then? Besides, you are bolstered in PvP anyway. Your argument has no sense.

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You don't need T3 for PvP due to Bolster and you still get pieces from command crates, crafting and gtn.


Bolster only takes you to 230 gear now. All the people with no lives who already ground out tier 3 gear are just stomping everyone else, which makes getting the components from matches much, much longer since if you aren't tier 3 already you will lose every single match.

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Bolster only takes you to 230 gear now. All the people with no lives who already ground out tier 3 gear are just stomping everyone else, which makes getting the components from matches much, much longer since if you aren't tier 3 already you will lose every single match.


If you are clueless, then you probably will loose every single match, yes.

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So you don't understand math still. Or you're just an EAWare white knight. Either way, I'm done trying to talk sense into you. :D


To make it clear: I am far away of being proud what they did. You just look funny in my eyes because you are complaining for idea of complaining, no arguments at all. That's it :)

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To make it clear: I am far away of being proud what they did. You just look funny in my eyes because you are complaining for idea of complaining, no arguments at all. That's it :)


I made a very clear argument, you're just ignoring it. Also, you might want to proofread your posts better; that last one was worded confusingly in places.

Edited by AscendingSky
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I made a very clear argument, you're just ignoring it. Also, you might want to proofread your posts better; that last one was worded confusingly in places.


Heh, as I said before. In current situation I don't care about 1-4 bosses or even 1-6 (on SaV). For me, those bosses could drop no gear at all. I don't care. Have you ever heard about guild? Competitve guild? If you have one you can easily farm final bosses and gear up to 242 ilvl in 2-3 weeks playing like 6 hr a week. I mean gear up the whole ops group, not just you :)

Edited by Chedica
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And now when you get better gear, for example T2 Boots over your T1 Boots, you can use your old T1 Boots to get T2 Boots for your alts, with different set bonuses. And you still keep your old T1 Boots' mods on your main, or transfer them to your alts.

This is a side benefit to 5.1. Not the main benefit, which is allowing you to get the missing pieces you want.[/


This is a side benefit to 5.1. Not the main benefit, which is allowing you to get the missing pieces you want.


Pretty sure the PvP and PvE crowd overlap quite a bit.


PVE does not exclusively = HM+ raiders.


I'm not saying casuals don't do ops. Just that if you don't have a lot of time on your hands, the other activities are much more flexible and easier to get into.


I want to what I want to do. Not what BWA are trying to force me into doing.


You still get 220 drops from level 70 bosses, and GC crates start off at 228. I never said only the first crate is beneficial, just that your odds of getting a useful item from the first crate as a newbie is 100%. The odds of getting something useful from the next crate is still extremely high.


I started with enough crystals to buy "useful" gear straight away when I dinged 65 pre 5.0. No grinding required.


You were able to buy 208's with common data crystals, but it was best to use those on companion gifts instead. And 208's weren't equivalent to T1 gear, that's 216.


What you "think" is best to spend crystals on is moot.


Radiant gear is equivalent to T2, not T3.


Not every tier is guaranteed to drop it's highest rating gear each time so that's not entirely true at all.


5.1 Makes this more complex, but as I said you don't want to spend your components right away anyway so newbies don't need to bother with it.


Depends if you can use the GC/OP gear you had drop to act as a piece to upgrade to the T2/T3. If not you have to start with new T1 gear via that system to be able to upgrade ( so far it shows as red in the vendor requirement but need the loony amount of pieces to get fully test it ).



There is still Ops progression in 5.1. Aside from the 234/240 schematics and materials you got in 5.0, you now also get item drops. Fewer drops than 4.7, sure, but along with GC drops and crafting it shouldn't be too difficult for an experienced raiding group to reach 240/242 in a reasonable period of time.


Still far longer than pre 5.0 - not sure why you keep making out these points like they are somehow beneficial over what we had before.




Aside from easier access to newbies,


Access to what?


less time spent vendor-shopping,


Vs a massive amount of extra time getting the gear in the first place.


not gating gear behind operations,


I'll give you that benefit.


encouraging crafting and diversifying your play-style?


Forcing me to play certain ways when I want to play others? Pass.


I don't get this "grind longer" stuff. in 4.7 you didn't finish one char and stopped playing, you finished your char by doing the same ops and moved onto finishing another char by doing the same ops. It's not like you grinded less.


You are saying that takes about the same time to gear up in 5.x as it did previously then? Because if you are not saying this then grinding took longer - fact. If you are saying they are similar ... let's see your breakdown of those numbers.


In GC, you reach a point on your main where you're more or less pleased with it and start working on your next char, and still revisit your main from time to time since 242 on everything is still on the horizon. All this can be shared through all types of content as well, not just ops. Having alts in GC is still beneficial due to ops flexibility and weekly PvP/conquest rewards.


You keep saying "you" in that sentence. It should read "I".

Edited by MeNaCe-NZ
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Oh I agree about the bosses, I'm more referring to the complaints about gearing through pvp. I should've been clearer in my post, my bad.


Then be clearer and justify your statement with numbers ...


I bet you can't do so that would have it actually come out as "all that different as to before".

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Heh, as I said before. In current situation I don't care about 1-4 bosses or even 1-6 (on SaV). For me, those bosses could drop no gear at all. I don't care. Have you ever heard about guild? Competitve guild? If you have one you can easily farm final bosses and gear up to 242 ilvl in 2-3 weeks playing like 6 hr a week. I mean gear up the whole ops group, not just you :)


Just because you 'don't care' about problems in a game doesn't mean they aren't problems. Other people do care. You are not single-handedly supporting this game with your subscription. How self-centered can you get? Open your eyes and stop disregarding the concerns of every other player in the game just because you don't personally share them. We all pay for this game, all of our opinions are worth expressing.

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Those conversion rates are horrible. It seems to me like they know they have nothing new coming out so they have to try stretch the current content (and by current I mean several years old).


Honestly, even the "new" content is using recycled assets.


You want us to pay for this game every month better start spending some of it to make the game better. I havent logged in in over a month and have no plans to. Sadly I think you just lost me as a customer. I am not angry about it, which for bioware is a bad thing, I just dont care anymore.

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So just a FYI it will take 38.4 8-hour days of nothing but warzone wins in order to gear 1 toon in Tier 3. with out any drop from crates. What happen BW to less grindy and alts. You guys have failed us for the last time. We do not find getting gear the new meta wars to be acceptable so we the players will have to vote with our money. Seem the only way this dev dream team will get a clue we play the game to have fun not grind gear for endless hours and to be effective against pvers in pvp we get screwed again. You can take your game and shove it Charles Boyd & Ben Irving.... :mad:


I don't care what you announce on Thursday MMO wise rather play the EMU then this craps show

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Just because you 'don't care' about problems in a game doesn't mean they aren't problems. Other people do care. You are not single-handedly supporting this game with your subscription. How self-centered can you get? Open your eyes and stop disregarding the concerns of every other player in the game just because you don't personally share them. We all pay for this game, all of our opinions are worth expressing.


Well, if I can do it, you can do it aswell. You just don't want to. Are you a raider? I never understood non raiding people, seriously. Why do you need that gear? What for? For Master Mode operations (hardest content in the game) 236 rating is more than sufficient. I used to play this game just for raiding, and what do I get? I haven't seen any new raid instance since dec 2014. You get constant story content. What am I supposed to say at this point? Remember, you have a choice, you can either accept their methods or unsub. It's THAT simple. Raging will lead you nowhere.

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I want to what I want to do. Not what BWA are trying to force me into doing.


Using that logic, In 4.7 you were forced into operations because 216+ set gear and 224's were locked to that activity. In 5.1, you can do whatever you want and reach the best set pieces, but some ways are more efficient than others.


I started with enough crystals to buy "useful" gear straight away when I dinged 65 pre 5.0. No grinding required. What you "think" is best to spend crystals on is moot.


You didn't start getting SM-tier gear until you ran SM ops or had enough glowing data crystals. Now you get SM-tier gear out of every T1 box.


Not every tier is guaranteed to drop it's highest rating gear each time so that's not entirely true at all.


228's and 230's aren't that different. 208's and 216's however...


Depends if you can use the GC/OP gear you had drop to act as a piece to upgrade to the T2/T3. If not you have to start with new T1 gear via that system to be able to upgrade ( so far it shows as red in the vendor requirement but need the loony amount of pieces to get fully test it ).


I got the loony amount of pieces (yay GSF) and it works with GC gear. If you get unlucky with a piece, outside of PvP/GSF you can run ops which can be run on your alts as well to avoid the weekly lock.


Still far longer than pre 5.0 - not sure why you keep making out these points like they are somehow beneficial over what we had before.


Maybe the game shouldn't be just about running ops to get another char to max gear. The benefits aren't in the time it takes to get gear, it's about how you get the gear.


Access to what?


Easier access to T1 gear, without the need to vendor shop or do operations.


You are saying that takes about the same time to gear up in 5.x as it did previously then? Because if you are not saying this then grinding took longer - fact. If you are saying they are similar ... let's see your breakdown of those numbers.


Not saying that, though it's very much possible that it's faster now for the majority of players (not everyone ran NiM ops). I'm saying that doing the same ops over and over is a grind 5.0 addresses by making other content viable.

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Well, if I can do it, you can do it aswell. You just don't want to. Are you a raider? I never understood non raiding people, seriously. Why do you need that gear? What for? For Master Mode operations (hardest content in the game) 236 rating is more than sufficient. I used to play this game just for raiding, and what do I get? I haven't seen any new raid instance since dec 2014. You get constant story content. What am I supposed to say at this point? Remember, you have a choice, you can either accept their methods or unsub. It's THAT simple. Raging will lead you nowhere.


well, with new master mode chapters it is a reason for them to get top end gear - gear should never be a reason for epople to not do any content - if pople want the bis avaiable in game what seems to be the issue? what matters is what one do with it, if one is talented to do hm or nim ops, fine, if one isnt capable of doing it, but still wants the bis in game what is the problem?

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There is enough written about geardrop and grind. I asume it, as the most comments here! It's rediculous! :mad:

To get the gear you want (242), you have to grind command rang and tokens, random geardrop, OP geardrop and upgrading through PvP and/or GSF. Grindig³ :mad::mad::mad:


But there are also other bad facts:


I mean, this is STAR WARS. We want to play as a Jedi/Sith! Even in the endcontent.

How can it be, that the sorcer/sage is the worst playable class for Veterean an Master OP's???


You changed a lot in the class system, which has to be done (no bug shadows anymore, etc.), but you did nothing to change about the dps fail for sage/sorcerer??? Why?

Maybe the answer is, that the sage/sorcerer is very good in PvP and you have a balancing problem between PvP and PvE since the game went online!

In the past 5 years there was always one or more classes unplayable for NIM OP's. Since 4.x this is reserved for sage/sorcerer.


Check it!

Fix it!

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