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  1. I play my Commando at first as a healer, a twink as an Gunnery. The first thing I would look at, in what situation is it neccessary to buff/nerf a class - pvp ode pve? I think the most feedback about an "overpowerd class" comes from pvp-players. If you change offense specs you should really look at the changes for pve! Not for story operations, but for the last bosses in Veteran and even more in Master Modes. After every class nerf the pve content should be playable as before. In the past there were a few problems, when you nerf some classes. It makes no sense to me, that classes which are in the average DPS range like the gunnery DPS Ranking 5.2 should be nerved. That the costs for some skills will be changed, should be ok (for me). Some people here give the hint, that in pvp the deffes of the Commando are too strong. You should keep that in mind! That seems a problem for pvp-players. But you should also have a look at the situation, that some pvp players are single players and some are in a guild and do nothing else, than pvp. I'm not a super pvp player, but it make nothing to choose, how strong your deffs are, when you're fokused by 2-5 oponents from a pvp guild. I think the one vs one situation is the situation to keep an eye on it. And yes, the Commando has strong deffs. Do not nerf DPS/HPS of classes for pvp and ruined them for pve operations! Maybe for a better balancing of the classes it could also be helpfull, that at first the matching in pvp is more exactly than it is at that time. It happend too often, that you have in a 4 vs 4 arena for example 3 DD's + 1 Tank vs 3 Healers + 1 DD. In such situations it makes a big different what classes are in the team, in self healing, stun and stun breakers, deffs, etc. If the matching would be more exactly, the class balancing problems were not such a big deal, because the teamplay could cover a lot, I guess.
  2. I guess they want to lose as fast as possible the last players in Europe and after that in US, so that they can finaly close the game. :D:D
  3. And why did't you do that on Tuesday (yesterday), as every week??? :eek:
  4. ach ich bin ganz ruhig und entspannt , ich "mecker" nur, weil als den Harbringer betraf, waren sie schneller präsenter. Ganz egal, ob sie schon dran sitzen oder nicht.
  5. some raction from BW, yet??? No, because it's only an european server
  6. the only server, which is down and that in the primetime
  7. I had yesterday the same situation. We were 10 Reps against 8 Imps, also on T3M4. I report it ingame and also today via PN to Eric and now I wait on a reaction.
  8. Well, we only have around 100 players on the fleet and lags in the game. It's totally weird.
  9. Dear BW/EA team, that we have on European serves big lags an low FPS since a long time should be a know issue. But since 5.1 and espacially since 5.2 these lags are HUGE In my case I haven't change my system or my provider or changed anything else. Even if I reduce the game graphic to low as I can, nothing changed. In PvP BG's it is worst case ever, because if you want to slow, to kick or to someone, he has passed you since seconds and is been kicked in a direction you will never exspect. Even in GSF you will be shot down, before you see the enemy in a reachable range. And in operations you see most time no adds or voids or you see it when it's too late. It sucks!!! So when will you fix things like that??? Can you fix it? Or can you change something with the servers?
  10. Dear Eric, jokes are told on 04.01. every year, not on 04.10.!
  11. My soldier on Yavin 4. He's wearing some parts of the blue animated Kell Dragon gear (helmet, belt, boots, gloves and also the canon) which droped in NIM mode from patch 2.2. The chest had a black/black dye for the hole gearset.
  12. My maincharacter reaches rank 300 a while ago. Since around 100 boxes I got nothing this charakter could use. In the RNG system a lot of drop is crap, crap, crap. :mad: I don't want to complain too much, because I have a good mix of one 236 relict and the rest in 240/242 gear. But for that gear I had to play too much PVP and GSF, what I didn't want to do play, to get 3 pieces of 242 gear. The RNG droprate has to be better, that you will get more dops of BIS gear, as higher you are in the command rank. If there will be no significant change, the system fails again!!! It should be also possible to upgrade 240 gear to 242 with less components than 236 to 242.
  13. There is enough written about geardrop and grind. I asume it, as the most comments here! It's rediculous! To get the gear you want (242), you have to grind command rang and tokens, random geardrop, OP geardrop and upgrading through PvP and/or GSF. Grindig³ :mad: But there are also other bad facts: I mean, this is STAR WARS. We want to play as a Jedi/Sith! Even in the endcontent. How can it be, that the sorcer/sage is the worst playable class for Veterean an Master OP's??? You changed a lot in the class system, which has to be done (no bug shadows anymore, etc.), but you did nothing to change about the dps fail for sage/sorcerer??? Why? Maybe the answer is, that the sage/sorcerer is very good in PvP and you have a balancing problem between PvP and PvE since the game went online! In the past 5 years there was always one or more classes unplayable for NIM OP's. Since 4.x this is reserved for sage/sorcerer. Check it! Fix it!
  14. Füher war alles sooooo kompliziert!^^ (Aussage stammt wohl von EA/BW). Daher wurde das Lootsystem geändert. Zerlegte Ausrüstungsteile (vormals Token) wurden wieder eingeführt und sind zusammen mit Kommando-Tokens (vormals Kristalle, davor Marken) bei einem Händler eintauschbar. Einziger Vorteil: Du kannst jetzt Token für deine Twinks mit deinem Lieblings-Char in OP's erhalten. ... Moment, dass ging ja vorher auch, dank der Vermächtnisrüstung. Denn Relikte, Implantate und das Ohr-Token sind nach wie vor an den Char gebunden, der in der OP war. Hmmmpf ... ist ja gar kein Vorteil, VERDAMMT!!! Ach und zweite Neuerung: Wenn du fleißig PvP oder GSF spielst kannst du die ganze Sch**** auch noch aufwerten. Von T1 (230er Gear) über T2 (236er) zu T3 (242er). Das machst du mit Zerlegten Komponenten. Allerdings dauert das seine Zeit, da du z.B. für die Mainhand insgesamt 570 benötigst, außer du hast eine MH aus einer OP auf Stufe 230 erhalten, dann brauchst du nur 450 Zerlegte Komponenten. Für ein PvP Spiel bekommst du 2 (Loose) oder 5 (Win) Teile. Da kann man schon wieder grinden gehen. Selbes Spiel gilt auch für die Nebenhand und alle anderen Rüstungsteile! BTW die 240er Sachen aus den Kommandokisten kannst du nicht gegen was besseres Aufwerten. Damit treten sie wieder all denjeniegen in den Allerwertesten, die sich auf min. Kommandrang 181 gefarmt, gespielt, gebuggt oder wie auch immer haben. Das ganze Spiel wird scheinbar nur noch aus Farming, Farming, Farming bestehen. Zuerst Kommandoränge für Zufallsdrop und Kommando-Token, dann für Zerlegte Token aus OP's und letztendlich für Zerlegete Komponennten aus PvP und GSF zum Aufwerten. Ist das System nicht wunderbar vereinfacht worden???? #appplausapplausapplaus#
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