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DVL Reset?


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The reason this happened is that since the DvL event is over, the Achievements have been wiped/reset should we run it in the future. Apologies for any confusion/alarm this has caused!



You made this coding error before when you reset the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event achievements when the event ended. IIRC it took a year for you to finally restore the missing achievements. I would like you to acknowledge this was a mistake and provide a timeline as to when we can expect our missing DvL achievements to be restored.


But if you wish to stick to the "it's a feature, not a bug!" story, in lieu of a fix from you, I will accept twitch streams showing you completing Legendary level DvL TWICE. What's that? Don't have the time nor interest in doing that twice? Neither do we.

Edited by RandyL
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Like seriously, do they know what an achievement system is? To do nothing other than to show off your achievements, which now you can't do because instead of an achievement system we have a in front of the scenes developer tracking tool.


the Achievements have been wiped/reset should we run it in the future


Then make it so the people that already did it don't have to do it again, or change it to DvL 2016 and add new achievements... Why are they being paid for their jobs? If the entire internet can give them the feedback to not do stupid crap before they do it, then why do they still get paid for making everything stupider than it has to be...



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I can confirm that DvL will now show as being 0% for everyone and has been reset. This will have no effect on you receiving your rewards on Friday. The reason this happened is that since the DvL event is over, the Achievements have been wiped/reset should we run it in the future. Apologies for any confusion/alarm this has caused!


Again, this will have no effect on you receiving your event rewards on Friday.




Wow that's a slap in the face. Good thing I didn't push myself to do all those flashpoints. I definitely won't bother next time. You think people just want to reroll characters all the time? Nah.

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Last year they erased all the secondary missions with the excuse that the missions had been remade so they needed to reset them.

Now, this year, we lost the DvL achievements.


Each year, my character is losing a part of his story, it's like he had Alzheimer!!


I'm sure they made a backup of all the characters before applying today's patch.

If, after all of the complaints, they don't restore the DvL achievements, is simply because they don't want it.

And that's a disrespect to all the player base who took part of the event.


PS: Shae Vizla was with us in Darvannis, not in Denova. :mon_rolleyes:

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I don't log into the forums that often, but this was one of those times it was important to do so. I would also like to share my anger over this decision. Why did you not just archive these achievements like EV/KP NiM? Or why did you not just rename them to "Dark vs Light 2016"? Then you can create new achievements for a 'new' event...


The rewards were cool sure... but I went all the way to 100% complete for the achievements. I feel like quoting Rasmus Blys in CZ-198... "You think you can take all of this away..." or whatever he says before we fight him.

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I did the DvL event primarly due to the achievements and thus getting closer to completion of those, and wouldn't have done it just for the rewards. Please reconsider this way to go about it. I feel like I've completely wasted my time now because I've lost the achievement points. Furthermore it will be impossible to get 100% achievements this way because the DvL event achievements will keep being reset even if the event repeats. You should find another way to track progress in the event and let the achievements be there for someone who has finished it once.


Outside raiding achievements are my primary goal in this game, but if I can't trust that I keep them, then it's all meaningless and I might as well not bother at all.

Edited by kopalame
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I can confirm that DvL will now show as being 0% for everyone and has been reset. This will have no effect on you receiving your rewards on Friday. The reason this happened is that since the DvL event is over, the Achievements have been wiped/reset should we run it in the future. Apologies for any confusion/alarm this has caused!


Again, this will have no effect on you receiving your event rewards on Friday.




Wait. You are going to perhaps run this again, but not carry over previous achievements? Thereby asking us to start from scratch?


Please share whatever all ya'll are smoking.

Edited by ekwalizer
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Furthermore it will be impossible to get 100% achievements this way because the DvL event achievements will keep being reset even if the event repeats. You should find another way to track progress in the event and let the achievements be there for someone who has finished it once.


I agree with this! They had no place putting this system under achievements if they were going to intentionally reset them after every event.

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Just adds more fuel to my crazy theory that the mandate for this game is two fold - First: Cartel Market. Second - Use the relatively stable CM income from the addicts to introduce game features and changes that test the limits of Star Wars IP addiction by pulling one inane decision after another, each worse than the last. Once they identify the precise point the fans actually break, they'll use that for feature and price point modeling on future game design decisions across all Star Wars game titles to come.
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"I can confirm that DvL will now show as being 0% for everyone and has been reset."

Musco this was your worst idea ever.

Please put it back as it was before, If you want to do dvl again call it another thing, dvl 2021 if you don't have a better idea.

I don't thing I'll try to get any other achiv if I suspect you'll erase it after I'm finished.

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You have become even worse than the tax office - you took us all that we had hoped to get playing your game. In addition, you change the rules all the time during the game. You could from the very beginning of the event does not create achievements. It is simply unethical and despicable. However, if you consider that such a procedure is good then why you did not begin to work for free? I see no reason to continue to pay for this game... Edited by SQNdlony
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I can confirm that DvL will now show as being 0% for everyone and has been reset. This will have no effect on you receiving your rewards on Friday. The reason this happened is that since the DvL event is over, the Achievements have been wiped/reset should we run it in the future. Apologies for any confusion/alarm this has caused!


Again, this will have no effect on you receiving your event rewards on Friday.




Shocking. This kills motivation to do anything in this game except story (1 month per 1-2 years).

I hope every responsible EA employee will receive similar letter:


"I can confirm that your salary will now be adjusted to 0$ for everyone and has been reset. This will have no effect on you receiving your Christmas postcard. The reason this happened is that since the part of the work is over, the money have been saved should we run more work in the future. Apologies for any confusion/alarm this has caused!


Again, this will have no effect on you receiving your Christmas postcard."

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Personally, all I had to do achieve eternal level for this event (and get the companion that I wanted) was to complete the final chapter of KOTFE. One chapter short of receiving what I wanted only to have the rug pulled out from under me when I only needed one more hour to do the chapter. Naturally, I am furious.

I think they have gone about this completely the wrong way. It should be handled the same way as the Gree/Bounty/Rakghoul events where the rewards are cumulative for future iterations of the event if they decide to repeat it. Also, when it says "...with any character created during the Dark vs Light Event", that should not just go away just because the event is over; you should still be able to obtain those rewards because nothing changes the fact that the character was still created during that event. That character still exists, it was created during that time, I should still be able to get the rest of the achievements using that character just because the I cannot create a new character during the event.

I hope this decision gets reversed and it allows us to get the remaining achievements, especially for those who enjoy acquiring achievements. If they had warned us that this was going to happen then I wouldn't have any problem. I would have done what I needed to do and been fine with it. But the fact that they take these things away from us without any prior notification is quite baffling.

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In my opinion after reading Eric Musco comments it is very CLEAR that Bioware has committed mass FRAUD on its player base.


Many players only did this event for the achievements and at no point was it stated before hand that the achievements were going to be reset. If this was clearly stated before hand many of the player base would of skip this so called event completely.


Many players spent real money on CC's or wasted CC's to open extra characters slots under false pretenses with the clever deceptions of this utter deceitful company and this is where the mass FRAUD has took place.


You disgust me Bioware!!

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I as many are upset with this decision. I understand that you made this event rewards tie into achievements but that was your fault. You new this from the beginning and if you were planning on doing this event all the time you should of made the achievements 0 pts so when people asked about them you could say that after the event you would strip the achievements so you can run this event again in the future. This would not make achievement hunters who dont care about the rewards waste hours of game play doing something they dont enjoy to acquire achievements they like to have. Now since you made the mistake not communicating to your playerbase that these achievements would be striped after the event its your job to find another way of being able to run this event in the future without removing those achievements and granting them back to the player base.
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