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Everything posted by Tmanarl

  1. Oh thank goodness. I've been saving up my coins all year!
  2. Well we've made it to December but I don't see half price collection unlocks on the list of in-game events....
  3. With this large of a patch, is it smarter just to delete the game and start from a fresh install?
  4. I'm really looking forward to the weapons outfitter!
  5. I came here to report the same bug. I should have all 4 buffs but right now I'm only showing 2.
  6. Now downloading Main Asset 1..............you've gotta be kidding me.
  7. They did a terrible job of informing players of the date change. The article introducing the event on the front page says June 24th.
  8. I love the changes. I logged on to a very old toon this morning that I wanted to level due to Double XP, and within a few minutes I had these neat pop up boxes telling me about conquest progress. I clicked on the arrow and discovered a pretty cool system! I knew about conquest before but never paid it much attention since I'm a solo player, but I was able to finish a conquest this morning, and got some great rewards from it too! Thanks BW!
  9. Nvm. I see what you're saying.
  10. I'm running the other heroics on coruscant with the same character and those are granting XP and conquest points for killing mobs.
  11. The republic coruscant heroic mission "Republic's Most Wanted" is not awarding any XP or conquest points for defeating mobs within the story area. XP is granted normally for completing the mission.
  12. Looks like the new deco came out recently. I got it in the mail on all my characters. Thanks for the make-good BW!
  13. Dang. This same exact thing just happened to me. Guess this means the bug is still live and not to expect any action.
  14. 1.0 - 12/16/11 15 mo 2.0 - 4/9/13 21 mo 3.0 - 12/2/14 10 mo 4.0 - 10/20/15 13 mo 5.0 - 11/29/16 15 mo Today - 1/6/18 and we still have no information on 6.0 expansion. In the other cases they made the announcement a few months in advance, so I wouldn't expect anything till summer at best.
  15. I noticed the perceived lack of communication beyond the normal channels, and I feel this decision was made purposely. They knew there would be name collisions with the server mergers and they wanted to limit the impact current subscribers felt. If they publicized the crap out of the merge and encouraged people to sub to save their names, it would increase their Nov revenue but would also increase the subscriber forced name changes. I believe the priority was to keep the current subscribers instead of lure in a slew of 1 month subscribers which could in-turn force more previously loyal players out. This way the current subs and forum dwellers would be least impacted, and folks that weren't already paying would lose out on names. All in all I think it was the right decision, with emphasis on maintaining long-term subs over the short term boost if publicized.
  16. When the merge was announced, I made characters on the other servers to check names and levels on conflicting servers. I had identified 7 out of 25 names where the character on a merging server had a higher level than mine. In the end I only had to change 1 out of 25 names, and it was a level 5 character I made on one of the merging servers to check the names! What was surprising was the last time I checked as of this past Saturday, that name was open on both servers merging into mine. It's amusing that the name sat open for all this time and someone decided to make a new character with that name in the days leading up to the merge and leveled them past 5. I'm not upset about losing it though, just amused about how it happened. The majority of names I was in danger of losing were low-level characters that I intend to play but haven't gotten to yet. If I lost those I knew they went to a player who deserved them, so no sweat. The only name I was REALLY concerned about losing was one I created on day 1 of early access, a level 70 DPS sorc. I checked the other servers and that name was taken on both as a level 65 on one and a level 70 on the other. I farmed play-time like mad for the past 2 weeks in the hopes it would be enough to keep him and sure enough, I did. I'll be honest and admit I let out a loud cheer when I logged in for the first time yesterday. I lucked out but I feel for the other 2 that were obviously subs at some point and lost out.
  17. Same for me. Login queue as a subscriber on Shan.
  18. It's been real BC. I was lucky to have rolled on this server since day 1.
  19. I did some research tonight regarding my toon names and found some interesting results. (I am a casual player that has been subbed continuously since launch) I have 18 characters currently on my main server, which is about to be merged with 2 others. I looked at the other servers and found out of my 18 characters, *8 were completely unique names *2 had names on 1 other server *8 had names on all servers Out of those servers that also shared a name with my server, *7 have characters below my current character level *3 have characters at or above my current character level There was only one case where I had a level 70 character that will merge with another level 70 character. My new mission? Log on to that character all day and all night to boost /played time. Good luck....other dude.
  20. Thanks for the update on the roadmap!
  21. I am a Founder. I was in beta. I have an October 2008 forum registry date. ................................................................. I am nothing.
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