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Rate the Light Dark side event


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:)1: Its involving the old planets (but no new quests)

:)2: The rewards seems new (Haven't seen all yet)


The moment i start with a new character can't be planned. If i have an outfit which don't fit to my existing characters, then i'm thinking about to start a new character. It's totally against my nature to run through content. (If im not playing with other).

If anyone want to rush through to find the fastest way to 65 its okay, but that isn't something for me.


There is no option for player who already done the content, that makes me a bit upset and sad. Sad because the people who are creating such events don't like the people which put love in their character creation.


I reached the point where i'm tired of leveling and put my energy into my existing characters. Then after all those character we are forced to make a new character, speedleveling it to get new items and companions? NO!


This is the first new event from you, which i will not join, sorry.


I could write more things but i know that the event will happen and this thread like the other will be ignored, regardless what people writing here. :mad::(

Edited by Moonshift
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Well, since my first post on this thread (was on page 3) was "terminated" by some bot...


So again...


If i could decide between this event and cancer, i'll take cancer.


actually it's on page 8 post #75.... and be leave me you wouldn't want cancer as a trade of for pixels

Edited by Avorniel
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Can't rate it. Selling the same stuff for the 3rd time does not cut it for me. At least if it were new bonus series or some new quests on planets, that would've been something. As for the rewards. Wow another companion and some gear. Like we need a new companion, because we don't have enough to do our thing. This game is really going in the direction to play dressup with some virtual friends. It's sad.
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I'd actually like it if there was just a "n00b me" button to just keep everything the same except they're level 1 again.


lol! :t_tongue:


As long as that let me keep my gear (at least the cosmetic gear) and stuff, I would actually accept that as a compromise. In fact, I'd be happy to jump right into the event.


Even though I still maintain that it encourages people to spacebar the story, which takes all the fun out of it.

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I already have played all the classes/advanced classes. Not gonna waste time repeating old content that i've already done twice.


I don't have any available slots anymore. I'm not willing to play in other servers.


Simple: I want NEW CONTENT!!!

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Forcing players to go through ALL old content for few cosmetic rewards is not an event. It is just lazy work trying to make people busy in summer with same content.


0/10 for the effort and how it really screwed old players who already have put so much effort leveling all different classes to get legendary status. Now Bioware wants us to do it again?


^This :(


I agree, for brand new players going through this for the first time 8/10. For any of us who are long time players 0/10.

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^This :(


I agree, for brand new players going through this for the first time 8/10. For any of us who are long time players 0/10.

And just where do you think these imaginary new players are coming from? I know we have a trickle of some from time to time, but it's not like anyone is even promoting this game. Players are going to W0W in droves these days...not here.

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For me I look at the fun side ,I don't give a hoot if there is no new content and I don't want it retro either it's an event to earn various types of prizes,all because we have done the grind before (or in my case 100's of times) doesn't mean we should be awarded the prizes up front.

As I said in my post I re roll my characters a lot and I still never get bored grinding them back up again,some days I just level up with the story other days I do every single quest going,I get as much enjoyment of doing it either way and I have been doing this since 2013 when I completed all the class stories


All because you have few hundred players qqing about how they hate said event doesn't mean everyone does,we all enjoy various parts of the game. When the event starts I will complete everything up to Eternal Level and do as much as I can in the Legendary Level ,but this requires doing ops which I do not do and have no interest in doing,yet I am not complaining about me missing out on the rewards or the fact I have to do some PvP .


Yes it would of been nice if we had new content or 2 free character slots for events only or op's for the raiders out there but there isn't ,enjoy the game for what it is and has.If players are so angry about this then maybe they need a break have a recharge and come back later refreshed,it's what I did just after completing KOTFE on 3 of my characters,got so annoyed with how things had been done ie Comps to op, XP gain way to high,the alliance levelling system and so on, I gave myself a 6 month break came back and now I am having a blast.


Yes I am weird but heh that's my issue




I'm still at a loss how is a list of old content (much dating back to the launch) to re grind through an event.


I get that some people may like regrinding through old content, its familiar its safe you know whats going to happen. I would hold that such are the minority of players and customers as games constantly have to offer new content to keep people happy. If everyone was happy playing the same game 20 times they would never need sequels or dlcs or expansions.


What I don't understand is if this is considered an event and I disagree that it is but I accept this point, what could they have done worse to rate it less than an 8, 9 or a 10. Or to look at it another way what makes this list and cartel gambling boxes the amazing event that its been rated by some so that next summer the development team know what to do to once again have an amazing event rather than adding new content.


As I suggested would more on the lists make the event better, would more challenging old content on the list make them better i.e. Every Nightmare mode solo, would that do it. Maybe its the getting to do it 8 times so maybe next event 40 times and all characters have to be active at the same time so you have to delete all existing characters. I'm at a loss at how a list of old content to do can be rated 10, i.e. a perfect event better than any other event ever or at least as good.


I can honestly say why I rated it incredibly low, I don't believe a list of old content to grind through is an event, I don't believe that if it were an event it should only be open to new characters, I don't believe the reward should be random lock boxes and I don't believe new companions or changing the state of the galaxy should not take into account time and effort veterans have put into the game.


I don't like to call people out on things but first I should say I consider the use of qqing in any post to be a lame and pathetic attempt to disrespect the poster and thereby try to belittle their post. It automatically predisposes me to believe the poster knows their argument is stupid and they don't have anything worth saying. So they want to believe that people that are posting views different from their own must be cry babies or wingers or some such when this is seldom the case.


Ignoring the use of this term if 100's of people are angry about this event and coming to the forums then it should be taken into consideration. The forums have been dead of late, the game has been dead of late, most servers are light and that includes free to play gamer's who can't post. The vast majority of people probably don't post they just quit, sadly the million or so who quit shortly after launch never came in to the forums to express why. Maybe if they had the devs could have done something before the game had to go free to play and then offer cheap server transfers to allow people to get off dead servers. So maybe the devs shouldn't ignore the posts and look at how many people are displeased with the event, how many people will do it because they would have rerolled anyway over the summer and how many people are actually finding things in this event that are going to keep them subscribing. As an argument can be made that if more people leave over this event and those that stay would have stayed anyway then the event is a bad idea.

Edited by Costello
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And just where do you think these imaginary new players are coming from? I know we have a trickle of some from time to time, but it's not like anyone is even promoting this game. Players are going to W0W in droves these days...not here.


To be fair, WoW has a movie now. When was the last time there was a Star Wars movie in theaters?


Oh... wait... :t_eek:

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6/10. Would give it more if it wouldn't require all HM FPs for maxxing out. That's overkill.


My guild will re-start on a new server. We re-build our favourite chars and form a new guild. It's like a parallel universe. It will be fun for a little while. How long remains to be seen, but it is an addition to our usual activities, so I don't see how an extra option to do something is bad.


I feel pity for all of you who feel so strongly about this additional event. Just ignore it, if you find it so horrible. Sure, I would prefer new content, but: As if we would have gotten new content NOW aside from the upcoming chapters. The discussions before the announcement were e. g. about when season 2 might start. Complaining now that we get no new content BECAUSE of the event is just silly. A month ago, we expected the last chapters for this summer and nothing more. Now we get the last chapters and an additional event. And ze interwebz freaks out. Awkward.


Get some perspective, guys. I'm a vet, too. Beta, CE, all that stuff applies to me as well. So what. I am still here because I still like the game as it is. If you don't, that is of course a pity, but remember: It's a game. And to that one guy: Do you really prefer getting cancer over this event?

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Well, since my first post on this thread (was on page 3) was "terminated" by some bot...


So again...


If i could decide between this event and cancer, i'll take cancer.


I know that you think you're being clever and edgy. So much so that you had to post this twice. As someone who has lost multiple loved ones to cancer, let me just say that:

1) It is not remotely funny.

2) I hope you never have to go through losing people you care about and then have to see edgy nitwits on a chat forum make light of it.


This isn't 4chan. Please refrain from such insensitive, and frankly unfunny, attempts at humor.

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To be fair, WoW has a movie now. When was the last time there was a Star Wars movie in theaters?


Oh... wait... :t_eek:

IKR?! Star Wars is such a good movie that it spurred an MMO, while W0W is such a good MMO that it spurred a movie...:confused:

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I have mixed feelings about this dark vs. light event.


  1. Now I have a reason to, re-roll a character and, start over with you friends
  2. Making a reward for rolling all 8 classes (“again”) make people have to try all the different story’s



  1. I don’t have enough free space on my servers to create 8 new characters and don’t won’t to delete any of my old characters to start over
  2. I have already completed all of the class story’s and don’t wont to do it all over (“again”) for a third or fourth time


How i think this could be fixed

  1. Make more space on the servers (“again”) or make the server transfer cheaper (“again”) so I don’t have to delete characters, but simply have to move them, to make space for new once
  2. Instead of having to reach level 50 with all 8 classes in the dark vs light event, it could be one of each alignment (“1 rep and 1 imp”), and then you need to have legendary player status, so we don’t have to re-roll all 8 classes.


i will say 3/10 beacurse i need to delete so many characters

Excuse my bad writing this is not my first language




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[*]I don’t have enough free space on my servers to create 8 new characters and don’t won’t to delete any of my old characters to start over


I always wonder why everyone is all "I have no space on my server for another character." There are other servers. Is it really that big of a challenge to start from scratch? Are people really that dependent on support from their maxed out toons? I get the convenience of having support from higher level toons and crafting, but c'mon. It's not like leveling a new toon to level 65 is hard. Leveling a max toon is easier in SWTOR than any other MMO out there.


I'm not saying it necessarily right that this may be the only option for some people out there, but it IS an option and not a difficult one at that.

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I always wonder why everyone is all "I have no space on my server for another character." There are other servers. Is it really that big of a challenge to start from scratch? Are people really that dependent on support from their maxed out toons? I get the convenience of having support from higher level toons and crafting, but c'mon. It's not like leveling a new toon to level 65 is hard. Leveling a max toon is easier in SWTOR than any other MMO out there.


I'm not saying it necessarily right that this may be the only option for some people out there, but it IS an option and not a difficult one at that.


That is your opinion and nothing else. What you perceive to be easy others do not. :)

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To be fair, WoW has a movie now. When was the last time there was a Star Wars movie in theaters?


Oh... wait... :t_eek:


To be fair though A New Hope Awakens was not so much a new movie as it was rehashed old content that had different players and was just a reskinned version with modern graphics.:D

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I always wonder why everyone is all "I have no space on my server for another character." There are other servers. Is it really that big of a challenge to start from scratch? Are people really that dependent on support from their maxed out toons? I get the convenience of having support from higher level toons and crafting, but c'mon. It's not like leveling a new toon to level 65 is hard. Leveling a max toon is easier in SWTOR than any other MMO out there.


I'm not saying it necessarily right that this may be the only option for some people out there, but it IS an option and not a difficult one at that.


There are a couple of reasons that people don't want to just start new characters on a different server than they normally play on.


1. Playing on another server means playing alone instead of playing with friends. Many people have made friends with other players and do things like flashpoints, warzones, operations, heroics and other group activities. Playing with friends is more fun than playing without them, and so creating characters on a different server is not a viable option for them.


2. People have put time and effort into building their characters and their legacy, and doing the "event" on a different server does nothing aid them in continuing to develop the characters that prefer to use when playing the game. After all, what use would people have for rewards that are only available on a server that they do not normally play on, and have no desire to play on after the event is over.

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0/10 for me since it requires buying more character slots (I don't have any low level characters) as I wanted the useful rewards on my current server legacy. The highest achievements in the event are inaccessible to me (as a solo player nothing except a 10x rollover euromillions jackpot would persuade me to run flashpoints with a random group via group finder) and ops are out. The biggest let down is the companion - I was really hoping they'd relent and we'd get a choice but the companion we get will be based on the sum of all player choices and since EA/BW stated somewhere that most people make lightside choices we'll most likely end up with the lightside companion. And if the pictures are to be believed it's a female companion and I was hoping for a male sith one.

I sometimes wonder if the devs have daily memory loss and forget they have veteran players. Did they really believe people would get excited about being forced to run old content for mostly new tat?

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