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Everything posted by VegasTheLost

  1. Styrak's enrage timer on NiM is more than 17 minutes, maybe even closer to 20. It's not the DPS check that is hard, it's to do the mechanics while DPSing and to keep the concentration up. On Brontes the only DPS check is the clock phase, enrage is not in consideration again. The burn phase is more like to survive and handle the randoms. Bestia has maybe the tightest enrage. Requiring 4-5K tank DPS is nonsense and not something that can be achieved on a single boss fight. For example my tank DPS can be 6k on Grobs, but it's just fluffed by adds, not gained 100% on boss. Also the current meta is "balanced" around 242 augmentetd gear, meaning almost all bosses can be killed in that rating. Higher gear rating is just to help out the lazy DPS in the groups Not at all required. However even in light of these, tank DPS is still a negligable factor, meaning the higher DPS the tank puts out, the more can the DPS slack. Also the reason tanks having DPS mods in their gear is because the tanks stats aren't work the way they should since having 2000+ def rating is pretty much pointless plus the added HP helps negate bigger spikes. To summarize in order to solve the skank tank problem, BW should fix the tank stats so they would work in a PVP environment as well as a useful stat in PVE environment. Personal oppinion, I don't think having skank tanks are a problem, it's just another way to customiize the gameplay. edit: some clarification.
  2. All it would needed is to fix the tank stats. Heck fix the stats. 1: Make tank stats viable in PVP - see below 2: Swap Power to Endurance in tank related mods 3: Swap Endurance to Power in dps mods 1: Def rating - every 200-300 allocated stat point gives 1% damage reduction for all damage with a hard cap at 15%(or 10%, meaning to reach hard cap would cost 3000 def rating points). With dmg reduction coming from def rating and with Endurance being present on tank item modification overall tank durability/surviveability increases. This leads to the case -> swapping to skank build gimps the character since lower HP pool and lower/non existing passive damage reduction leads to early rekt in PVP. Also with this tanking in PVE is not gimped and makes stat performance understanding easy. Reaching hard cap. So if we aim to reach hard cap, we would need to allocate 3000 def rating points(if we go by that). AT this point can be A and B mods introduced with increased def rating at the expense of Mastery(to keep the given HP by the mod) or the expense of HP to keep the damage output given by Mastery. So this means we would need to utilize def rating augments, making them viable again to fine tune or stats. With this there is room to play around since not reaching the hard cap is still an option and beside that, we can choose 3 different ways to stat - HP build, Dmg build, mitigation build(passive) in relation to bosses where the damage is either spike(HP) or constant(DR) or the boss is a dps race(dmg). What do you think?
  3. German player(not me), check his channel: This one is Battle of Rishi, however I don't think hes playing nowadays.
  4. Two things: 1: Don't think this worth a thread, pretty much asking for trouble. 2: Any SM tact can be explained in a couple of sentences - some might take up to a couple of minutes, I agree, but still...
  5. Where did this came from dude? We were talking about SM ops, not NiMs. Two different cases. And yeah I will say that if you have 30 minutes to play DON'T TRY TO DO NIM OPS. Simple.
  6. Thanks for straightening up, I've got them mixed. I'm fine with skipping, don't get me wrong, but to skipp the whole FP. Hell I even get that some champs don't drp cxp pack, so not worth killing, but still, I wan't to play and by play pushing buttons other then 'W'. Besides 'hello' at the begining there wasn't any discussion. 2 of them seemed OK to me killing some stuff, when I get bored running. Whatever, for me to put more effort into skipping than to kill some stuff seems odd. Also this cxp grind endlessly.... Can't really wrap my head around it.
  7. I would assume, after 4 kids this person is reasonable enough to not being a butthurt about something that he/she is clearly not the target audience of.
  8. Battle of Illum Veteran yesterday. Totally random group, one just run ahead, avoiding as much as possible and waits at the Rakata and Khaleesh boss. We kill them, then run. Same person just avoids the 2 robots, 1 follows, me pulling, the one who followed turns back and we kill them. Run towards, avoiding everything, some accidental pulls from the 4th person, no biggie, I help out as well as the other person. We catch up the runner at the tunnels before the bonus boss. Gamorrean boss I think, the really annoying one. Runner types in chat: just run. Triggers me, hell no I write back, that I wan't to play not run and pull, runner runs, 3 of us kills the boss, catch up with runner at the boss where we all need to click and proceed towards final boss. Sorry, but I'm playing to have fun, not for running in an insta to have an effective cxp/hour ratio.
  9. While you are right, that he's schedule is not the standard, however it demonstrates that even someone with 2 little child can find 1-2 hours of game time if someone is really that interested as most of the solo/story players claim to be. Also it takes like 15 minutes to assemble an OPS group any time of the day and from there an SM OPS can be done in an hour. Two if the group stops for bio/feeding the children/helping the wife/whatever. SM raiding is not hard and is not that time consuming as stated by some. Also at this point I'd like to mention that there are countless different guilds offering varying gameplay 24/7 on fleet chat and on capital planets. Heck even on the server forum section. Joining a guild that plays as similarly difficult time schedule than someone isn't impossible. But yeah, one has to look to see.
  10. Not a best to worst list, but here it goes: - NiM Draxus - gotta love the haste and the DPS run on this one - Operator IX(HM+) - Just pure love - HM Walkers(ToS) and Unit 1 in particular - This just huge clusterf*ck if you mess it up, but I love how intense tanking this is - HMNiM OG Kephess - Madness. This DPS run is just madness - HM Torque - If it's done right, it's awesome. If not, than you're f*cked - Oasis city - just because of the scene
  11. Jeeezus crist what is happening here. Are you folks serious at all? Let me break it down to you! 1: ghost mode: sorry but there's youtube for this, frankly asking to implement something with nearly zero interaction is something I don't have a word for it. Legit you would get more story by watching a youtube vid. Please don't ask the devs to implement something that is already there. 2: I get it, it's not the same: well than you can't have everything in life unless you willing to put some effort in it. Some of you demand effort from the devs because of reasons, but I ask you, where is yours? How is it fair that you ask for something but you aren't willing to put in the least amount of effort to try out the current implementation that is far more accessible than any game in the market, mind you. And this is point 3... 3: accessibility: the following are the requirements to access to an SM ops: minimum level 50, at least an item(don't really matter the quality) in each slot and a subscriber status. No more no less. Is it that hard? Even if you interested, still that hard? 4: how about asking for assistance: guess what, the game is packed with guilds, there are tons out there, all it takes is 1 or 2 sentence to get in to a nice guild and ask for a group to help you out. I'm 100% sure that there are more groups out there than toxic ones, I dare everyone/anyone to prove me wrong. Pro tip: most of the guilds accept that only 1 of your alt will join them, remember they are quite similar players than you are. 5: where to look: server forums, good place to start, start a discussion, write down your needs, what you looking for and eventually you will find someone to meet your needs. Any questions? Happy to answer and help if I can. The rest is on you.
  12. I dunno man, the rotation that I used on my very first toon as an Anni Mara during leveling, it taught me about resource management for instance. It wasn't by far an endgame rotation, but I got the basics down. At max level I just had to tweak a bit and pretty much everything was falling to it's place. And that is all it takes, the basics for SM OPS, no more no less. Is it too much to ask for? Or better yet expect from someone interested in SM OPS? All in all, not reading AND understanding the skill tooltips and whatnot is a player issue, nerfing stuff won't help.
  13. Actually, what you quoted is something to consider to everyone. Read the skills, the skilltree, the utilities. Quite a great advice that is. Despite everyone claims that the story is important and the cutscenes and the conversations and whatnot, the basics of the game are written in the skills and skilltree. If someone doesn't read what a class/spec has to offer skillvise I must ask that what is that person playing? It might sound rude, but still, that is the game. I know you read them, however it seems lot of players doesn't. Interesting...
  14. You both know quite well that asking for nerfs is always easier than putting in the effort to solve a problem. I mean what do we think is this a work? Hells no this is a game FFS. Right?
  15. The mechanics and boss fights I get, no question there. As for 2nd boss burn phase, that's what def cds are for, gear rating has nothing to do with it and we both know very well if someone knows their class then gear is not a make or break. A good player can perform well in lower rating gear as well, and most of all there is no huge difference between gear ratings. As for gear ---> better players. No such thing, since the exciting RNG boxes. So yeah, why is there a minimum gear rating if a) no enrage timer b) there is nothing in the flashpoint that is related to gear c) everyone can grind out good gear, but still lack the skills to perform well. The funny thing is that for Umbara, I sort of get it, at least there are enrage timers. On the other hand I'm a bit sad because Copero in my opinion is an exceptionally great flashpoint.
  16. One thing I can't wrap my brain around is that Copero don't seem to have enrage timers and that means having a gear requirement is pointless. However I have to state that I didn't did Copero in weeks now, maybe months, so if the devs sneaked in some enrage timers this post can be ignored.
  17. 1: OP is trolling or 2: OP is asking for a WARZONE with scripted mobs. I tend towards option 1. Or hope.
  18. As mentioned that's a learn to play issue and the new augments on you won't help. Hard to acknowledge but please do, that they need to learn their class as well as the fights. As I mentioned, stats won't carry you/anyone, skill will do it. In my group as we discussed, the current DPS checks and meta is around 240, and it means 242 is a 'play it safe' 244 is a 'make sure' and 246 is a 'slight overkill'. What these new augments and actually a 248 set does is that they are hiding the fact that some players are not that good. People tend to believe that better gear will make you a better player but in reality all it does is gives you a false positive feedback, making you sloppy/bit lazyer. Again as mentioned before if you don't do high end PVP, it won't matter.
  19. No you don't. These new augs might make or break a fight in ranked. Might. Since you're not interested in that, you don't need to bother. PVE, OPS? Pretty much every operation on every level can be done in 242-246 gear with 228 augs. Stats won't carry you skill will. But if you're not interested in NiM raiding, I think you're just fine with 228 augs. My advice, don't overthink and sweat for it, doesn't worth it.
  20. Bonus boss: As I understand the repair cast should be interrupted, since it's healing the walker. What we did is that we placed the lava circles as far from the boss as possible. In the mean time the DPS can burn the boss and I believe during this time the droid does not repairs the walker. I have a couple of videos for our clear, have to doublecheck to be sure, but something along these lines. Not a hard boss at all. If you like I can post our first kill video. As for the second one, at 30% clean up the adds, wait for the electric field to finish, jump down and burn. Tank can gather the adds if needed. A second electric field can happen, use cooldowns. At least this what we did.
  21. Focus on the champion and ignore the rest. Use your stuns, interrupts and avoid using AoE. When the champion dies, the rest should as well.
  22. The best you can do is find a good guild that can help you out how to start group play and can show you tips and tricks. In this case you can save yourself from the occasional pug rage and stuff.
  23. I don't wan't to be rude or anything but when I saw this promotion I realized that it is the same mount that was offered as a sub reward, meaning that I'm not the target audience this time. More like those who are targeted with the free Revan expansion. So why the hate this time? Not really clear for me....
  24. On an idea level Uprisings are great. On execution level, one word: annoying. And with the cxp nerfs and whatnot no wonder that this content is dead. If they weren't basically just add wave after add wave and the bosses weren't just knock back with stun and tons of adds it could be interesting. Again we have another great BW idea delivered poorly in this game. It's sad. Are you on TRE? Maybe I can help you out!
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