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WTB Musco! Rest of promised BLOGS???


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Yeah, its funny to laugh at a commonly known business practice as if it somehow invalidates it. :)


These are the facts.


Invoke the mighty Google, seek and ye shall find.


I think the term you are looking for is "deflection trolling" and it is really the lowest form of trolling they could even use. Anything from changing subjects, to pulling the conspiracy card, to finally down outright insults and attacks to deviate from the actual conversation.

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They aren't fanboys, they are shills. When a company has a terrible reputation, they hire a positive online presence. Nothing new


Forum trolling / fanboying


According to Forbes, last year at least 200.000 people were paid by some gaming company to troll fan forums of a specific game or to continuously post positive feedback about their own game(s). This is apparently also a rapidly growing market, and with MMO-C being one of the largest WoW forums, it would only make sense that some of these 'professional trolls or paid fans' might also regularly post here, either under indirect contract by Blizzard, or by other companies. (EA apparently is the biggest spender when it comes to hiring professional forum trolls to cause bad publicity on forums of other games).

This just in: According to users in this thread, people who legit like the game and are pleased with the direction it is taking are paid shills/trolls. :rolleyes:

I honestly would have loved to have such a job. I wonder where you apply for them. Might be like getting a forum moderator position; trying to get it is how you don't get it?

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I think the term you are looking for is "deflection trolling" and it is really the lowest form of trolling they could even use. Anything from changing subjects, to pulling the conspiracy card, to finally down outright insults and attacks to deviate from the actual conversation.


By your logic, DarthDetonate is guilty of deflection trolling all because someone disagreed with the OP.


I honestly would have loved to have such a job. I wonder where you apply for them. Might be like getting a forum moderator position; trying to get it is how you don't get it?


If I could get paid for how much I like this game currently, that would be swell.

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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By your logic, DarthDetonate is guilty of deflection trolling all because someone disagreed with the OP.



Yeah, it's possible and why no one should be trusted especially on the internet. It's all a matter of perception.


Good people = People I agree with.

Bad people = People I don't agree with.


Oh the damage a master of misdirection could pull off is astonishing. I've seen it many times even though it was usually politically driven but still.

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They aren't fanboys, they are shills. When a company has a terrible reputation, they hire a positive online presence. Nothing new


Forum trolling / fanboying


According to Forbes, last year at least 200.000 people were paid by some gaming company to troll fan forums of a specific game or to continuously post positive feedback about their own game(s). This is apparently also a rapidly growing market, and with MMO-C being one of the largest WoW forums, it would only make sense that some of these 'professional trolls or paid fans' might also regularly post here, either under indirect contract by Blizzard, or by other companies. (EA apparently is the biggest spender when it comes to hiring professional forum trolls to cause bad publicity on forums of other games).


This is my reaction


Seriously. If you can't accept that some people might actually like the game and don't hold Bioware accountable for not releasing non-crucial information about the expansion, that's fine. But don't use this bu****it to make a point.


But you caught me. I'm being paid 2.400€ a month by EA to post positive feedback in this forum and on MMOC. But I'm giving this one away for free: Hilarious...

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I wouldn't post anymore if I were them either. Pain in the butt having something worked out and figured out only to have to go back and change stuff or try and change stuff so close to release because a handful of people were outraged enough to send cupcakes.
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It isn't just the lack of blogs it's the lack of any communication to show they have even considered how the changes will effect the game or their customers.


It gives the impression that even they have no faith in the expansion and can't defend it. Let's face it talking of business models if you are in pr or community management integrity counts for a lot and of late the bw teams integrity isn't worth much. Should they start looking for new jobs most companies aren't going to want people that mislead the customer time and time again trying to tell customers how great their product is and why they should purchase it.


The sad truth, what little information we have received has been about dumbing down the game, removing choice or options and making it easier for people to get to end game and find there has been no new ops or flash points for a year. No wonder the community team is silent they don't want to be associated with this mess.

Edited by Costello
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It isn't just the lack of blogs it's the lack of any communication to show they have even considered how the changes will effect the game or their customers.



Or the more likely explanation: They are telling you the most crucial things you need to know. What is being removed, what is being added and what to expect for certain classes. Everything else is optional and not crucial to know before 4.0 goes live. We have all the necessary information except the alliance system at this point.


What do you wish to know in blogs exactly? Most of the questions have already been answered. Only the Alliance system is really missing.


The rest is optional.

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This is my reaction


Seriously. If you can't accept that some people might actually like the game and don't hold Bioware accountable for not releasing non-crucial information about the expansion, that's fine. But don't use this bu****it to make a point.


But you caught me. I'm being paid 2.400€ a month by EA to post positive feedback in this forum and on MMOC. But I'm giving this one away for free: Hilarious...


I can totally accept that people like this game. However if you are content of the cadence of information you have to be ignorant of how other MMO's disseminate information MONTHS in advance or literally as soon as they are able.




Go here and marvel at the information that is shared daily. Look at the dev posts, tweets, population percetanges, completion percentages,statistics, future releases ....Or don't, say SWTOR is as good as it gets, don't look around, don't ask for change and accept what they give you.

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Go here and marvel at the information that is shared daily. Look at the dev posts, tweets, population percetanges, completion percentages,statistics, future releases ....Or don't, say SWTOR is as good as it gets, don't look around, don't ask for change and accept what they give you.


It is interesting how much one can think about to put into my words. Your imagination must be great.


What I said: I enjoy the game. I do like it and believe that the information I have is enough to consider giving KotFE more than a fleeting chance.


What I didn't say: This game has the best communication of all games out there! This is 5* and everything else is inferior.


That means your whole post is...how to put this? Pointless. Being content with information is not the same as being oblivious that other MMORPGs have more or less communication going on. Just because I'm content doesn't mean I don't acknowledge that other MMOs have more (or sometimes less) communication.


Now that you are done missinterpreting my words and putting words into my mouth, can we return to the discussion? Because assuming what you did up there just to disagree and try to make a point is boring.

Edited by Alssaran
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Some of your "subjects" have already had general blogs written about them, so while you have "specific" questions I would not expect too much in the way of follow up blogs.


In fact the only blog I am expecting between now and release is one on alliances as in what the hell they are and how they affect the game.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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Even here u cry about it...



And they released all possible blogs except for alliance as promised...


Yeah, that's the one I'm interested in. The devs wouldn't talk about it in the last livestream and they said they'd talk about it at a later date.

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That means your whole post is...how to put this? Pointless. Being content with information is not the same as being oblivious that other MMORPGs have more or less communication going on. Just because I'm content doesn't mean I don't acknowledge that other MMOs have more (or sometimes less) communication.


You may be content, however the OP isn't content with the lack of information that has been forthcoming. Equally on this point, I'll ask some simple questions.


If BioWare can take the time to produce Blogs, how hard would it be for them to follow up in the feedback threads with clarification on certain points?


Aside from the changes to the Cartel Market, I'm not really seeing BioWare address the concerns of their customers. Why is that? Are they not fully enamoured with the direction they are taking the game?


If they truly believe that the direction the game is being taken is a really good one, then they'd be spending that time with their customers to qualm any fears or apprehensions about the forthcoming changes to the game. It's not a small percentage of changes being made, almost every area of the game is being altered in some form.


Yes, absolutely great on the point we're getting new story. No quibbles on that front. The rest though? Yeah, I have huge reservations, so much so, that I've only bothered logging into the game once in the last two weeks. I'm not seeing the point in continuing to play the game at this stage.


The deafening silence from BioWare is only going to solidify my opinion on the changes being made in the game. Which I'm fine with, I'm playing a proper RPG again, with proper skill trees and without ability bloat to name but a few things. So no, BioWare isn't this amazingly great developer that some people think it is (not many are). They have to take the time to earn their customers, by not doing so, they'll simply lose them to the developers that are more passionate about their games and willing to communicate regardless of how hard that process can be sometimes.


Enjoy being content with the silence though, that's entirely your choice.

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Even here u cry about it...


And they released all possible blogs except for alliance as promised...


Asking a question and I'm crying about it? You might want to roll over and say "Okay... slap me a cross the face again BW cause I like it and will take it", but I'm going to ask that question. WHY? They skimmed over the conversation and did during the last livestream state "More on that later" or some hogwash like that.


Yes.. I think level sync is almost as stupid as giving hutts wings in this game. I'm not a PVP nor a RP player so it has no value and just creates headaches for MY PLAYSTYLE. If it works for you .. then great go have fun and RP walk yourself outta this thread.


History repeats itself. Last JAN 2015 BW Community team told us that communication was going to be ramped up this year and here we are almost a year later. The lack of communication on KoTFE has been almost borderline giving up on the game. I'm sorry but HALF of the blogs (Class) are cut/paste of the Patch Notes. I think ONE had a follow up and that was about it. (Crafting Nick tossed in an update on Purple Mats)

Edited by dscount
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A lot of these things you're wanting information on isn't exactly critical knowledge we have to have prior to the launch of the expansion. About the only information that's not nit-picky and is actually relevant would be the Operations, Conquest, and Alliance points you made. The other 5 points you made have been either covered during the September 30th Live Stream (Level Sync details and both Crafting details), and the other 2 points have almost no affect on the game what-so-ever.


-Cartel Market: We were promised the Thexan Armor and Lightsaber prior to launch, which is October 27th, we've still got 2 weeks for those items to be added. For those that want to argue that Early Access is the launch, you can keep being stubborn, because they're not the same thing. If a requirement is needed to participate, it's NOT the launch of the expansion, it's merely a reward for being 'loyal' customers to Bioware.


- Achievement Points: Considering they didn't state this in the BLOG post they made referencing this, I'm 100% certain it will NOT convert to that given achievement. The only conversion related to those two achievements is the fact that, come 4.0, the Affection Achievements are being removed and their points are going to be added to the Kill Achievements granting them a higher achievement score.


Instead of 'demanding' details, why don't you check all your available resources, as the Dev Tracker isn't the only source of information we get. Check their Twitch feed, as a lot of the details you're wanting are actually covered in the September 30th Live Stream.


As far as i remember with SoR they had quite a lot of problems on many servers i dont think they want any problems with Cartel objects in the collection but not be able to buy them i think they might sell them today so they dont have any problems this week

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Meh, I've always been under the assumption, I'm ALWAYS right, and I'm never wrong. The info is wrong. :p


Seriously, I'm waiting for the Alliance blogs too. Doesn't take much to type things up and what are they doing? Waiting til the day before? Meh.

Getting comical, the Alliance is the biggest new gameplay hook in the expansion and they still haven't said anything 1 week before release lol.

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This whole thread is a train wreck.

They aren't fanboys, they are shills. When a company has a terrible reputation, they hire a positive online presence. Nothing new


Forum trolling / fanboying

Fanboys paid by the business.... say it isn't so. Man this month must be costing them a LOT of money then for all the PRO Level-Sync groupies and "let's wait on see" crowd. LOL

Sorry, what is wrong with wait and see?


OP, a lot of what you are asking is follow up questions on topics with blogs that have been delivered. Personal thoughts on those:


Operations - I would like to know how the BiS Rotation will work as well, but end of day doesn't need a new blog or really even need to be explained prior to launch. Would be nice, but it won't affect anything.

Conquest changes - If objectives are changing, I think that would be good to know..... but not knowing until the new conquests are live wouldn't be the end of the world as all it affects is 4.0 conquest participation, not really affecting any current in-game economics.

Crafting Mats - A list of what they converting into should be added as a Yellow post to the crafting mat changes thread. That I completely agree with.

Alliance - Absolutely needs a blog by the end of this week.

Cartel Market -

Level Sync - No additional blogs were promised. No response is really needed; likely they are awaiting the release of the Alliance blog for the low level heroic systems to be more justified. Wouldn't quell all the people who have pre-judged the system as a failure, but it's my suspicion anyways.

Crafting Lost - I agree that a reaffirmation that all existing schematics that have been trained prior to 4.0 will be archived, regardless of what is happening with the shuffle... ie. Artifice enhancement schematics be in the archive folder even though enhancements are baseline being removed from Artifice and moved to Cybertech.

Achievo points lost - Unnecessary for discussion on this imo.

Edited by azudelphi
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Getting comical, the Alliance is the biggest new gameplay hook in the expansion and they still haven't said anything 1 week before release lol.


Because all you're doing it seems is grinding to get your companions back that you had for the past 4 years but with the extra option of getting different ones. They may even through in a extra mission or 2 to break the monotony, kinda like the staged dailes had with that intermission thing. Since companions are all so similar now depending on what weapon you use, it kinda makes little difference for the most part.


Not really sure there is a whole lot to talk about it. Welcome the new grind of old content to get companions back. Or you could just use the companion terminal and skip the whole grind. There is that option as well. I'd imagine many would take that over a grind unless BW locks something much more amazing than companions behind that grind.

Edited by Quraswren
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Some of your "subjects" have already had general blogs written about them, so while you have "specific" questions I would not expect too much in the way of follow up blogs.


In fact the only blog I am expecting between now and release is one on alliances as in what the hell they are and how they affect the game.

^ This.

A DevBlog giving a general overview of the Alliances system is about the only thing next they still need to touch on pre-release (and 'official release' is also on the 27th, so while I certainly hope such a blog comes out before Early Access, I wouldn't be shocked if it doesn't come out until next week).


All the other key features have had their blogs or equivalent coverage, even if those blogs haven't addressed all the specific questions every player might have about their topics. I never expect 100% of the details on a game to come out pre-release - some things really do come down to 'play to find out' situations (or wait for the post-release coverage / guides on fansites).

Edited by DarthDymond
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Because all you're doing it seems is grinding to get your companions back that you had for the past 4 years but with the extra option of getting different ones. They may even through in a extra mission or 2 to break the monotony, kinda like the staged dailes had with that intermission thing. Since companions are all so similar now depending on what weapon you use, it kinda makes little difference for the most part.


Not really sure there is a whole lot to talk about it. Welcome the new grind of old content to get companions back. Or you could just use the companion terminal and skip the whole grind. There is that option as well. I'd imagine many would take that over a grind unless BW locks something much more amazing than companions behind that grind.

And that's somehow less interesting than 5 bosses in operation run over and over again exactly how?
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