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Crafting Changes in Fallen Empire


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Not a fan of Reverse Engineering Story Mode to Hard Mode that comes with no set bonus, and really not a fan of Conquest points needed to craft. Would be more prudent to go with Reverse Engineering gear, then require component that are soul bound from weekly operation runs and High volume of crafting materials, in order to craft endgame wearing gear. You will limit the gear being crafted, but it will be true endgame gear and it'll cost.


If they are "forcing" us to PvP to get Conquest Points to use for crafting. Then I am done with that. Not a fan of PvP, and certainly not gonna being "forced" to do something I dislike just to craft.


That's not how it works.


o You can buy *no set bonus* *moddable w/ unoptimized modifications included* SM/HM level gear with comms


o You can craft *no set bonus* *slightly better than comm* *static stat* SM/HM level gear with Conquest mats; schematics for this gear are available at the trainer.


o You can craft *identical stat but not set bonus* SM/HM level Modifications/Ear/Impants/Relics (no shells) with mats dropped in operations; schematics for these items are still acquired by RE'ing operations drops.


All that the changes really do is add a level of gear in between (stat-wise) Comm gear and Operation Gear. This new gear level uses the Conquest Comms; RE'd operations gear still requires operations mats.


Furthermore, you get Conquest mats when you reach your *personal* goal -- it's not a top-10 guild-only reward, and they are lowering the personal conquest goal to 25K for most weeks (which means 12.5K with 100% stronghold bonus), and less if you are in a guild that invades (not places in the top 10) a planet.

Edited by eartharioch
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They aren't dropping accuracy, they are raising base accuracy of melee/ranged from 90% to the 100% of Force/Tech. You will still need 10% to cover the boss's defense. This only affects a few attacks (like your basic one).


That sucks. I thought EA was actually displaying some intelligence.

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The more I read, the angrier I get. This game was the ONLY MMO I enjoyed playing due to its diversity in crafting and fun factor. Now, they are taking it all away. Level Sync, Less Materials...I have worked HARD to make characters that can craft things all of characters need only to have EA RAPE everything violently with a telephone pole.


I will give this a chance but if it plays the way I think it will, you will find me cancelling my subscription and making a return to Guild Wars 2. I am a tiny voice crying out EA. You want my 15/month, DO NOT CHANGE CRAFTING, **** LEVEL SYNC!

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My main query is a clarification of these two contradicting statements.

Firstly, this is said:

All existing Schematics that are not part of Fallen Empire have been moved to the “Archives” category in your crafting window . These older schematics are still available to craft in case you still have a need for them.

Then later, this:

Armorings can no longer be crafted by Cybertechs.

Enhancements can no longer be crafted by Artificers, and are now exclusive to Cybertechs.

Does this mean just the new ones or all?

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And honnestly what will be the goal : having everyone with the same stats ?

What Bioware's goal is, I couldnt figure it out in a million years; but everyone WILL have same stats, cause of this new stat called mastery..


I have seriously no idea what Bioware hopes to accomplish with these changes.

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What Bioware's goal is, I couldnt figure it out in a million years; but everyone WILL have same stats, cause of this new stat called mastery..


I have seriously no idea what Bioware hopes to accomplish with these changes.



I doubt they do either.


There's no reason to do this sort of thing unless you just want to completely alienate a chunk of your existing customer base.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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They should just make scheme learned legacy learned, so long as you have toon with approiate skill you keep it, but that might be asking to much and there bound to be people that complain about that.


Or just do the simple and right thing - leave the schematics on the characters that have them in the archive section.

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I want moddable stats not **** stuff,


like the comparison

:rak_angelic: - how much crit you got you just cleared me 35K

0% on armor full power surge only (auto crit)-


:rak_angelic: - how you do that, alot of comms back when gear wasnt so *********** cheap...........


too this

:rak_02: - my stats are 200 mastery and 50crit

mine are 210 mastery and 40 crit -


:rak_02: - were nearly the same divided by how many ppl play this game :cool:

everyone has same stats this seems bit boring -



and does the auto crits classes get boosts ... ????

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I think I've just be officially flipped off. I've spent all that time and credits that I could of spent on buying things to have the one thing I could share with all my characters Enhancements taken away from my Artificer and given exactly nothing in return. I can be happy with hilts that only a few use and crystals that are useless because of cartel items.


Yep, I've seen that gesture before.


Edit: Oh and how is it simplified to have to, as per your example, craft 4 items and buy 4 items to craft a single item. That comment is just as much an oxymoron as was removing options from the skill tree creates more options.

Edited by Sorwen
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That's just terrible...how dare they make content relevant!

They are not making content relevant, but required for crafting the best gear. And if it was FUN then people would play it. That's a novel idea in a GAME maybe if things were made FUN they wouldn't have to make content relevant.


Or just do the simple and right thing - leave the schematics on the characters that have them in the archive section.

With the stat changes though the schematics are useless(save for appearance). Why they are going to all new ones as it is. The right thing would be to let the crafting professions keep what they can craft and make useful things to fill in the gaps instead of just shuffling things around.

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I doubt they do either.


There's no reason to do this sort of thing unless you just want to completely alienate a chunk of your existing customer base.


Bioware has done this for years. They already have your money (or so they figure) and want to market to another crowd that has no interest in their games whatsoever. It doesn't stop them from trying though. Look at their pandering to the call of duty crowd with mass effect 2 and 3, and now Andromeda with the typical CoD rock and roll musical commercial. And then when there are poor sales because the RPG crowd didn't like how watered down it was, and the pew pew crowd wasn't interested they will blame it on something else entirely. They're seriously banking on this movie to generate buzz around this game, and it just won't. For one, it's a movie that only the neckbeard crowd is excited for. The OT was the worst of the SW films. Second, Battlefront -albeit set in the neckbeard era when it should have been the clone wars- is a more entertaining star wars game than this, and is set to come out soon. GG Bioware. I'll be very surprised if this expansion reaches S2, let alone finishes the first season. You don't even have to be subscribed the entire year to play it. They're doing the story piecemeal, 5-10 minutes every month and all people will do is wait until the last month, pay 15 bucks and call it a day. Their marketing director deserves a medal for that one. :rak_03:

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Bioware has done this for years. They already have your money (or so they figure) and want to market to another crowd that has no interest in their games whatsoever. It doesn't stop them from trying though. Look at their pandering to the call of duty crowd with mass effect 2 and 3, and now Andromeda with the typical CoD rock and roll musical commercial. And then when there are poor sales because the RPG crowd didn't like how watered down it was, and the pew pew crowd wasn't interested they will blame it on something else entirely. They're seriously banking on this movie to generate buzz around this game, and it just won't. For one, it's a movie that only the neckbeard crowd is excited for. The OT was the worst of the SW films. Second, Battlefront -albeit set in the neckbeard era when it should have been the clone wars- is a more entertaining star wars game than this, and is set to come out soon. GG Bioware. I'll be very surprised if this expansion reaches S2, let alone finishes the first season. You don't even have to be subscribed the entire year to play it. They're doing the story piecemeal, 5-10 minutes every month and all people will do is wait until the last month, pay 15 bucks and call it a day. Their marketing director deserves a medal for that one. :rak_03:


You know, this makes an unnerving amount of sense. Also I agree with you on Force awakens. I absolutely won't go watch it in a million years.

Edited by Karkais
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That's just terrible...how dare they make content relevant!


How about they make content that people actually WANT to play? You know, content that's enjoyable, so that people would want to play it even if there were NO "rewards"?


Never mind that Conquest isn't content, it's a shoddy add-on layer over the top of other content, or that Conquest is so much "fun" right now, even with the "rewards" it has, that multiple planets each week say "no one controls this place".

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In Knights of the Fallen Empire, we are making quite a few adjustments to how Crafting will work.


Read more


Well played. 10/10 for trolling.


Being solo since 2.0 when guild got fed up and Uninstalled SWTOR. This doesn't help. It was fine the way it was. I've lost a ton of credits recently since I've been blasting out tons and gearing them up with MK-10s. Can I get refunds on the credits, mats and time used for crew skills?


Enough minor changes in a game, when do you set the mark on when you call it a major change? But I digress, you can cut your dick off, buy some **** and wear makeup and women's clothing, but in reality your a dude with ****. Nothing changes. That's dev logic i guess. LoL

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EA/Bioware are alienating their customer base by 4.0 and some of the changes. This is what SOE did with the NGE. These companies all think they know what their players want without asking them. They make the changes assuming it will make the game play better.

What the NGE was about was surprise - we are changing the game the way we want to and we are certain you will just love these changes! You will love it!

They don't want player input - "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" mentality.

They need to see from the forum posts that their current customers are not welcome participants to these changes. They don't care what we think.

NGE full steam ahead.

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Yeah cheers for taking my reusable grenades off me...


"All previously reusable Cybertech grenades are no longer reusable. They are now more powerful than their Prototype equivalent. This is to balance the crafting skill with others and to encourage a market of these crafted items."


Encourage the market? Those items were a niche market by design, it was like a REWARD for the crafter for having gotten to that level in the craft; they weren't meant for anyone else...

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Arrrrrrgh! Change!


I want to be grandfathered in to my resusable stims pls. Remove em from Biochem and make existing BOP or something. Have the ones in a character's inventory/hold bind. In legacy hold = Deleted? C'mon pls??? :p


EDIT: Or grandfather them for CEs only. LOL now that is funny!

Edited by foxxecho
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EA/Bioware are alienating their customer base by 4.0 and some of the changes. This is what SOE did with the NGE. These companies all think they know what their players want without asking them. They make the changes assuming it will make the game play better.

What the NGE was about was surprise - we are changing the game the way we want to and we are certain you will just love these changes! You will love it!

They don't want player input - "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" mentality.

They need to see from the forum posts that their current customers are not welcome participants to these changes. They don't care what we think.

NGE full steam ahead.


Right? The worst part is, they knew we'd hate them. There's no other reason to wait until this late in the game to showcase them.

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Still deciding in first early access day hope for the best seen this stuff yous think were gonna enjoy but dont know if ill sub after, I dont care if i am a guild leader wont waste time on this if yous made it so simple then deal with your issues cause i dont got the time for them.


Not looking a simple game wanted complicated if it is **** ill rather pay blizzard than play a game we dont have a choice in


Modable is good more modable better alot of calculations but then because players are **** yous nerf and try mod the stats that yous want look if it is a reset which is what its looking i wont play


Will movie keep me here dont think so might watch it, wont say i wont but will that force me play this dont think so

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I fail to see how removing the reusable stims/grenades somehow boosts the market for making the one time uses... Since you had to be that type of crafter to use the reusable to begin with, how's that "improve the market" when that craft already makes the single use versions? It's just griefing, while removing the benefit of being, that certain crafter. Taking away the armoring and mods from cybertechs is basically removing their main purpose, along with the modifiable droid armor, to begin with. (grenades and ship upgrades aren't that big a seller)

Now, hopefully, all my special recipes get moved to the "Archives" section like the War Hero and Battlemaster armor sets.

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