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You, the developer, are despicable for releasing a broken product for Holiday Sales.


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My list of unacceptable problems with this game that should not have existed at launch. Period.


Load screen durations.

-Not just me, I only get this in some areas. Many players have reported this.


Gathering Nodes showing on map but not actually existing.

-Existed for months of beta testing. Unacceptable.


Knockbacks interacting with the environment in PVP in ANY form or fashion.

-Currently Warzones are decided 100% by which team has more punts due to the garbage environmental damage in Huttball and being able to fall off of the Voidstar bridge. Using the environment is NOT pvp skill and it has no place in pvp involving anyone but non-factors.


Latency in Warzones only, the ONE place there latency is unacceptable.

-Not just me, my latency is immaculate everywhere else. (60 MS or less).

-Plenty of people have reported it.


Ability delays at all times. (IE not being able to move immediately after summoning my speeder and having to resummon it.)


Taris. Enough said.


No hide hood option, even though hood-down robes exist in-game.


UI preferences not sticking (companion auto-cast options, sith corruption, etc)


Removing the match to chest option.

-This wasn't even something that we never had. You actually put work into REMOVING IT. I can think of literally no good reason that it needed to be removed, other than the fact that you discovered some devastating technical issue with it, which is again unacceptable that you would have anything that compromising ever.


No, "the game just launched" is not an acceptable excuse. Not only is this the end of 2011, but many of these issues existed in beta. If you look at the threads complaining and praising, and ask all of the people blindly praising this game, I would bet the vast majority of them haven't reached above level 15. They haven't experienced the bugs and half-*** content yet.


It's almost like you guys intentionally did a good job on levels 1-12, let's push the game out and get a month's worth of subscriptions.


Oh, and the first priority for them is pushing out more flashpoints and operations within a month of like a week ago. NO ONE has asked for that.


What you all fail to realize is that this launch was even smoother and this game works better than WoW when it was released. You fail, good bye, go play something else, you damn fool. Trust me, you will not be missed.


By the way, I have been 50 for 5 days and am still thoroughly enjoying the game.

Edited by Zeenno
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I have hit 50. And I have not been ************ at all what so over about the game so far.


Yeah, I agree with everything you said. But I am still going to play because I faith that they will fix the game. If you don't think BW can fix these issues, just leave. I am fairly sure that they realize how much **** is going on ingame right now and they are probably going to fix it. And if they don't? Not good ****. They will lose money, subs, everything.



As for loading times, I have no idea what is up with that, I don't have issues with it, but with the skill delay, that does drive me crazy. Trying to pull adds off of people that aggro, I shouldn't have to spam my taunt 15 times for it to register that I want to taunt.


But like I said, be patient.

Edited by Narcrus
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"but what i dont like, are fanboys.. be it bioware or blizzard ones, coming in to threads and flaming the OP just because they have a different viewpoint.. its not constructive or necessary."



^^ No see it is YOU who are confused. The problem wasnt the OP writing a thread called "I have issues that I think shouldve been fixed before releas". Then writing a constructive thread addressing the issues and HIS OR HER opinion of where that leaves them as a customer.


Instead the OP posted a thread on a SWTOR forum, that is played by hundreds of thousands of people WHO ARE happy with the game that has the words "dispicable" and "broken" in it.


I have had nothing but a great time so far playing this game, so BW is not dispicable. My vacuum cleaner threw a belt and doesnt work, so it is BROKEN. SWTOR words just fine for me....

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Despicable and broken are a bit strong for the list of issues provided. I would call the majority of them annoying at most, but certainly not game-breaking. I've been having a great time with the game, and I'd say the launch went pretty smooth as far as any bugs or issues I've experienced. The only launch I can think of that was better was RIFT. If you wanted to see a broken, unfinished game that rush to release, you should have tried Vanguard. Ugh.


For the individual points:


I haven't had any loading issues (and I don't have an SSD).


The gathering node problem is a minor nuisance, but it certainly doesn't ruin my gaming experience. I'd like to see it fixed soon, though.


I like intentional environmental interaction, both in PvE and PvP. This is subjective.


I haven't noticed any latency since beta, but there are a lot of factors that can play into that, so I wouldn't fault the OP for complaining about it.


I haven't had an issue with ability delays.


No comment on Taris - haven't played through it yet. My friend didn't seem to have any issues with it, though.


No real comment on the hide hood option. That one seems a little silly to bring up in a thread with such a strongly worded title.


I haven't had an issue with UI preferences, personally.


Match to chest option? Eh, don't really care.


I have to disagree about the great "level 1-12" content and then the rest being pushed out too quickly. I've actually been experiencing the opposite. I thought the newbie zone was fun, Dromund Kaas was okay, Balmorra was kind of boring, Nar Shadaa was cool, and I loved Tatooine. I'm on Alderaan now, and so far I like it. So, for me, the zones seem to be getting better as I progress, and I've been having a great time overall. But that's a matter of personal opinion. Different missions/storylines/content will be liked or disliked differently depending on the person.


Kudos to SithInitiate, by the way, for providing the most constructive feedback in this thread.

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Also, am I the only one that thinks this statement is hilarious? "I like BioWare, and they are one of my most highly regarded Game Developers, but after this; I will never buy another BioWare product again"


Drama queen, much?



you nailed the it right there,

they should put this as example of "Drama Queen".


This tells me a lot about a person,

they will NEVER be pleased and satisfied.


It's like marrying a person who wants perfection.

Edited by Crawfishies
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I think to many of you seem to forget how long they took to make the game and how much money it cost.


So find me other games with such a huge budget that had basic problems in them that swtor has had since early betas, but still aren't fixed.

As I keep saying, game hasn't been out for x days, it's been in the making for a few years, how long do you need.


If you are going to hype the crap out of your product you had better well deliver.


Please remember a lot of you might not have any problems at all, well grats. Problem is a huge amount of people do, and do you think they will keep paying if they aren't sorted?


Try to look outside of the box some of you, because while you defend BW non stop all you are doing is not helping yourself.


The funny bit is those who bigged up the game so much they were totally let down when they finally got to play at release.


You know for all the money you say they spent, they didn't charge me anymore, so I'm not sure why this point is relevant.

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My list of unacceptable problems with this game that should not have existed at launch. Period.


Load screen durations.

-Not just me, I only get this in some areas. Many players have reported this.


Gathering Nodes showing on map but not actually existing.

-Existed for months of beta testing. Unacceptable.


Knockbacks interacting with the environment in PVP in ANY form or fashion.

-Currently Warzones are decided 100% by which team has more punts due to the garbage environmental damage in Huttball and being able to fall off of the Voidstar bridge. Using the environment is NOT pvp skill and it has no place in pvp involving anyone but non-factors.


Latency in Warzones only, the ONE place there latency is unacceptable.

-Not just me, my latency is immaculate everywhere else. (60 MS or less).

-Plenty of people have reported it.


Ability delays at all times. (IE not being able to move immediately after summoning my speeder and having to resummon it.)


Taris. Enough said.


No hide hood option, even though hood-down robes exist in-game.


UI preferences not sticking (companion auto-cast options, sith corruption, etc)


Removing the match to chest option.

-This wasn't even something that we never had. You actually put work into REMOVING IT. I can think of literally no good reason that it needed to be removed, other than the fact that you discovered some devastating technical issue with it, which is again unacceptable that you would have anything that compromising ever.


No, "the game just launched" is not an acceptable excuse. Not only is this the end of 2011, but many of these issues existed in beta. If you look at the threads complaining and praising, and ask all of the people blindly praising this game, I would bet the vast majority of them haven't reached above level 15. They haven't experienced the bugs and half-*** content yet.


It's almost like you guys intentionally did a good job on levels 1-12, let's push the game out and get a month's worth of subscriptions.


Oh, and the first priority for them is pushing out more flashpoints and operations within a month of like a week ago. NO ONE has asked for that.


Can I have your stuff?

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Taris is major and understndable, but as soon as a game is released with NO BUGS WHATSOEVER, I'll give that person my lifes savings.


Im looking at you, auto loot WoW bug and LFR exploit...


A lot of my negative feedback are in the form of "You'd have to be an idiot not to sort this" type things.


- Having to redo my keybindings every time I make a new character.


- UI elements being placed in a way where you either have little clue to what is going on with your abilities or have are unable to pay attention to the combat.


- Abilities not firing correctly when a button is pressed.


- People teleporting around in warzones.


- "Fake" warzone invites, sometimes 3 - 4 times in a row.


- Companions not moving out of aoe unless you put them on passive, then put them back on attack once they are out of the aoe.


- Companions getting stuck on things.


Basically, if this is where they are after over a year of testing I want to know why the first 3 years of development was spent smoking weed and watching episodes 1 - 3 over and over again.

Edited by Scelerant
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I'm going to just ask you to go back and read what you've said here and really think long and hard about how you could improve your points a little. If you want to make a argument, back it up, don't just say, "many people agree." I mean I could always say to you that, "I think you're acting like an entitled two year old. Many people agree and have reported this." But that does not make it true or a good point.


Be more constructive with your feed back.


Marry me.

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You guys have played MMOs at launch right? Yeah it sucks, but all MMOs launch like this. SWTOR actually had a great launch compared to most MMOs.


I do agree that releasing MMOs early needs to stop, but gamers are weak. We will cry all day about something in the game but in the end we still sub and play, the devs know this. The cycle will never stop.


I really am trying to enjoy my self, i think that they are trying but not yet managing to fix anything, but i just have to post this about swtor launch.

It was the least average ( best launch of all time was from Trion ).

Even Age of Conan, the game that people left by waves cause of the bugs had better moments.

DON'T HIDE THE PROBLEMS, it does not help at all. Confront a problem and try to fix it or my friend you will be playing swtor with empty space after 3 months.

Edited by mySWTORaccount
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You're pointing fingers at the wrong party, it's all on EA.


EA doesn't give a flying tarp about the gamers (just go take a look at Battlefield Play4Free forums), money is the only thing they care about. If they can make more money at release by pushing the release during a holiday season, they will do it, no matter how badly the game is broken.


EA is basically a completely soulless company that will screw players in a heartbeat if it gives them more profit. Why do you think games these days are basically 10x dumbed down versions of games that were released in 2000? It's because the publishers will influence the devs to make the game more "mainstream", so they can make more money. If EA was the sole publisher on the planet, all evolution in games would cease to exist in a heartbeat. You'd only see CoD 11, BF 27, etc... with massive media hype while in reality they're selling you the same game you've already bought, with better graphics.


Anything that happens AFTER launch however, is on BW (speed of patches, server caps etc).


which is exactly why places like Blizzard just roflstomp over everyone.. they are developer and publisher.


Pity some studio's allow themselves to be assimilated by larger corporations who care only about the bottom line, which is I suppose the tenement of business, but not necessarily good business.

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