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Ok, so the outfit designer will kill the aug kits and components market stone dead.

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I don't think the market for people gearing multiple sets is as big as you think it is.


People will still have role-sets and this will not change.

Most people simply gear up one outfit and wear it forever.

Then if a new outfit comes along that they like better, they'll switch to it and wear it forever.


Yeah, there are a few edge cases that have several geared outfits that aren't role-specific, but I doubt it's enough to have a significant impact on the market.

If anything, this will create a new market for the previously semi-pointless craftable gear since it'll let people wear what they think looks good without worrying about how crappy its stats are.

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Eh. I'll still need 4 complete sets of armor after the change, just like I do now.


PVE Tank

PVP Tank




And that's just for my main.


EXACTLY. I have like 4 mains, and two that are "almost" mains on top of that...of those, at least 3 I have dual specs for, so that still amounts to a crapload of stuff.

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I don't think the market for people gearing multiple sets is as big as you think it is.


People will still have role-sets and this will not change.

Most people simply gear up one outfit and wear it forever.

Then if a new outfit comes along that they like better, they'll switch to it and wear it forever.


Yeah, there are a few edge cases that have several geared outfits that aren't role-specific, but I doubt it's enough to have a significant impact on the market.

If anything, this will create a new market for the previously semi-pointless craftable gear since it'll let people wear what they think looks good without worrying about how crappy its stats are.


^This seems like a more reasoned impact. I've been here since about the three month mark. My main has the same gear look that I built upon from green to blue to finally orange pieces since I originally completed it about half-way through leveling. I've changed her boots once, to better match the material pattern there to her overall look, but that's it. All of my toons, especially since the cartel market gear started coming out, have a look I designed either very early in leveling or before I even rolled them up. That includes the few I've built PVP or alternate role outfits for. They're locked in as far as I'm concerned.


Anecdotal, sure, but the people I roll with who have long-term mains very rarely, if ever, change their looks at this point. It almost feels like how people think of characters like Batman or Superman as having a particular iconic costume that's part of their identity (the animated series versions for me). Unless I'm roleplaying...which I don't do in this game...or goofing off for a guild event, changing my toons look just feel wrong. Maybe I'm weird. :rolleyes:


Anyway, as someone with crafters across all skills, this sounds like it will actually INCREASE the usefulness of skills like synthweaving, which were only good for nothing for YEARS and now just Augs, Kits, and Conquest items. All of those green gear sets I learned and the blue schems I hunted down out of sheer OCD boredom might now be a viable source of steady income. Not muhahahaha money like each new aug set is, but it'll give my gear crafters something to do for once with the endless cargo-holds of low-level mats I have..

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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Or, more pertinently, you have multiple looks you want to use.


And how much of the population do you think has many of those sets and pays to yank all those mods? Certainly not enough to be the sole sustenance of the Aug/Aug Slot market as OP claims.


Pretty much everyone I have know since this game came out picks a set and stays in it until they find one they like better. Level caps increases do more for the Aug/Aug slot market then multiple appearance sets do.

Edited by MaximusRex
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Eh. I'll still need 4 complete sets of armor after the change, just like I do now.


PVE Tank

PVP Tank




And that's just for my main.


Exactly why we need a gear manager added to this that allows us to swap gear sets with a click of a button. And then dual spec would go nicely with this. Just sayin' Bioware...

Edited by Rogha
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I half agree with you. Yeah, the market for kits will absolutely tank.

Those already tanked due to excessive amount of materials provided by Yavin for an example. Now crafting augments for credits is for people who really want to invest their time into to it. Do you think it will really change? It might already be more sensible to just do dailies, get that reputation higher and earn more credits while doing it than crafting augment kits time wise. Honestly, this is a great change. I will not augment any more sets than before and I have 19 toons and I use legacy sets for convenience. I have sets for all ACs with those. Now I can at least make it look better. Great change.

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a real share of slots market is on updating relics/implants and on alts i believe. people are not going to change soon those 7m boots and since 3.0 a bigger part of the community is crafting for themselves exclusively thanks to ''any CS has 2/2/2 item to get components with'' Edited by JouerTue
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If you can't adapt, then change your crafting skill.


Since their last stream I have noticed that certain helmets I craft from Synthweaving are selling like hot Twi'leks on Nar Shaddaa market. I don't rely on Augments Kits for a long time.

Edited by PavSalco
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I think at worst this won't affect crafting at all (honestly how often do most players that bother to augment their gear change their look) and at best will actually increase demand.

Right now for me I have my orange gear augmented. When I get a new piece I just pull out the pieces and put it in the orange gear.

However now that this is in place. It may be worth evaluating the price difference between:


-pulling out the pieces in the old set and putting them in the new set (replacing whats there), which is a lot of credits



-Buying a new aug kit

-Just switching out the gear, giving me the ability to sell the other one for credits (or reverse engineer).



I don't know for sure what the better option is yet, but I will be pricing this next time I get gear.

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You only need -


1 set if you only PvP or only PvP

2 sets if you do both

3 sets if you do both and have another set for a 2nd spec

4 sets if you do both and have 2 specs for each.


This will not change, unless you are one of the minority that has several sets for changing looks every other week. I certainly never had the creds to have more than one or 2 sets augmented at a time, on any one of my toons.

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Just think of it like this, the prices will drop at first people will get to tired to keep making them then go back up, then once people realize people are making them again prices go down, then up again after everyone gets to lazy once they've tanked.
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Demand will initially skyrocket with the launch as everybody will be transferring gear into full legacy sets


Ears/implants will also still need to be done every time they;re upgraded and people with multiple role sets will still need to aug multiple sets.


I dont think you;ve thought this through OP.

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If you upgrade your gear with the ugly stuff that you get for comms or from ops, you'll need to augment it.


As it is now, you only augment the stuff you want to wear, and swap mods into it. Seems like there's a chance to sell MORE augment kits with the new system.

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For OP's argument to work that would mean players normally have more than one set of moddable gear and keep up the mods on all the sets. I certainly do not operate that way, and I can't conceive how other players would do that unless they were swimming in comms and credits. That would be extremely expensive to maintain the ability to switch looks. It's just not cost-effective.


However, you still must maintain the mods in a single set of gear as you level up. So I don't see how the market will be affected at all. Frankly, I think the "hit" on crafting took place long ago with the advent of modifiable orange gear. Most of what you make for synthweaving and armormech, for example, is plain green gear. In fact, you MUST make it to level up the skill. Yeah, you can RE it to blues, but then you still have to sell it. Even the orange gear I can make with both skills does not sell well on the GTN. Why buy that stuff when you can get adaptive orange? Yeah, you can make augments with both, but most players don't even pay attention to augments until they get to the higher levels. So the two skills I mentioned amount to credit sinks.


With artifice and cybertech (and to a lesser extent armstech) you're talking turkey because those skills make all the mods. And since people will still need them, I believe they will continue to be lucrative.

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i remember when my first cash cow was taken to the slaughter house. I was selling lvl 50 color crystals for 30-50k a pop before the introduction of the cartel market. I stopped crafting and selling those. who needs a lvl 50 crystal when they can get a lvl 10 crystal with the same stats and often cost less...


times change, adapt or dye. *see what i did there? cuz crafted dyes are unprofitable too* ;)

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I don't think so. I rarely augmented more than one outfit per character, anyways. Also, I augment legacy gear ever so often. I think other people are similar.


This is me - one set of gear per character. Still have the same gear on my Operative, my first level 55, that was my first augmented armor set.


It costs too much to augment a new set. So I never bother looking for new armor after a character gets to max level and I augment their gear.

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i remember when my first cash cow was taken to the slaughter house. I was selling lvl 50 color crystals for 30-50k a pop before the introduction of the cartel market. I stopped crafting and selling those. who needs a lvl 50 crystal when they can get a lvl 10 crystal with the same stats and often cost less...


times change, adapt or dye. *see what i did there? cuz crafted dyes are unprofitable too* ;)


Wasn't the first cash cow Orange gear from Armortech?

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If you're using more than one set of augmented gear, that's your fault. I highly doubt this will affect the market at all.


Its hard to say for certain, but prices may increase on these items since crafters will have to rely on selling a finite number of items to each player character that reaches level cap. Its also possible that supply will out-stripe demand enough to drive prices down, but this will depend upon the ability of crafters to collaborate so as not to pit them against each other in a price war. Collusion among the majority of crafters is difficult if there are a lot of crafters, but if their numbers get low enough it becomes more likely.


Once a player has the new outfit designer though, there is little reason for them to ever buy more than one set of augmentation kits. The augments will be purchased less often as well, but tanks will still need to adjust defense, shield, and absorb augments from time to time, but there will come a point where as long as they remember to remove an augment from their gear when they need to change one, each character stops needing to buy them altogether.


As a player with a lot of alts and few crafting skills, I don't hate this entirely. However, I do see a trend in this that worries me. This new system definitely promotes using real money to buy CC to get more Cartel Market items. It also has a chance to increase the GTN value of these CM items a bit as well. Removing the prohibitive credits cost to changing your appearance will promote the idea of getting more items to add to your outfit designer to increase your display options. This translates into more money spent on CC. While many players will look to spend credits on the GTN for the CM items they want, someone much first buy the packs with CC in order to get the items on the GTN. This clearly shifts the player economy closer towards one that is backed by RMT instead of player crafted items, and this concerns me.


Its one step closer to pay-to-win in my opinion.

Edited by Orizuru
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From 3.2 you'll only need 1 set of augmented gear - sell your kits and augs while you can people.


Yet again, crafting gets the shaft :(


Most of us don't pay for augments in the first place we have friend guildies that actually donate the augs to the guild members. SO no change in 3.2. the noob will still have to buy augs

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