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Everything posted by Ruskaeth

  1. I kind of like how this thread has grown to an ugly festival of pointing fingers between players. Keep up the good work. Feedback to BioWare (and pointing finger) People seemed to like the grind and it was a reason to play. This did not fix anything or change how larger guilds will always have an advantage. Results are not going to change. People will just cap less characters. Why you ask? Because the tune with reward difference between conquests is trivial, even insignificant. That's the only motivation you provide and it's clearly not enough. When I heard of the changes I figured you didn't do much UX research on what your players actually were doing to get points. Smaller guilds never had any chance of beating larger guilds except during crafting weeks. Now, this was a huge miss on your side, BW. All in all, what you managed to do was to change the quality of the grind to worse. It's still a grind and you made it less enjoyable. Get your act together and please, pretty please, UX research before you shoot with a shotgun. Conquest playing was not a small part of this game. Thanks, Dr'Slime
  2. I think it's stupid that you get the timer for being kicked. If you are looking to do full runs, like I often try to do, I just join a group on fleet to queue together for the whole operation. If I want to use group finder to queue for a full run I just deselect the "match in progress groups" option.
  3. Telekinetics Sage DPS is okay for all the veteran content from FPs to Uprisings to Operations. Even Master modes. Give balance sage a go if telekinetics does not suite you. It's about .5k to 1k more efficient as long as you don't need massive burst as part of phases (would go telekinetics on Styrak HM).
  4. Except that it's not quite impressive and it's a stutter fest for what should be capable computers. The basic idea behind the "new visuals" is good but it's not "impressive" at all if you go into details. I would be surprised if the production would be slow because of visuals anyway.
  5. One more go at it. Pst. does anyone else think that the hooks are "accidentally" wonky on places those could be more symmetrical? It's not like we could not move by using X and Y axis if we wanted already?
  6. Absolutely not true or consistent. I underlined what you got wrong. It reset the whole stronghold not the separately unlocked part. That might have come across my initial post but I suppose it doesn't hurt to repeat that. Pst. you saying "...have always been based on..." is what designers should be delivering - consistent UX. Consumers are used to that, so much so that even you assumed it would work like that. However, it does not and it's not consistent either. Thus the warning post/rant.
  7. Do not use "Reset decorations in the room". Adjacent rooms it says but the same function should not work different in every second stronghold. The warning should say: "Take notice: especially at Manaan using this button resets the whole stronghold." Right after I did that I remembered: BioWare has been notoriously bad with UX. Granted that it has gotten slightly better but.. meh. Anyhow, as for UX advice, this "reset" should only work with one specific way through all the strongholds and not have different versions. People might get used to using it on another stronghold and use it with the last room on Manaan for an example. In this case, your designers have taught a customer to use something in very specific way and then as a surprise it changes completely. Vague disclaimer is not good enough. That's it, no more to it, learn to UX pretty please, as it were. After learning to design consistent UX, not like you have not gotten feedback about this specific design failure before - learn to test. End of rant. Perhaps I'll decorate a stronghold or buy myself a new decoration after a year or two has passed. See, your diddly UX has a direct effect to CM sales. Other than that, Manaan seems rather small and "unfinished" compared to first strongholds. I am not a fan of Manaan hook positions at all. Rating Manaan 3/10
  8. Could it be that you like authoritarian regime, survival of the strongest ideology and dark design in general. What if it's about perception and what you like? Or maybe it's biased. Who knows.
  9. Why not? I mean, you do not intend to play it that way personally. However, for me it was 100% obvious the armor set is at it's most useful when leveling the last levels to the max level. Just to be clear, you do not even need the mods and armorings to level. Me too, as a personal preference, set the armor up with 224 mods and enhancements. I even augmented it because why not? Should I now somehow be enlightened and figure it out my idea of how using the armor is somehow wrong because you have an opinion about it? Geez, the nerve... Pst. it's amazing that augments remained and mods and enhancements were removed.
  10. At rank 275 and I've gotten an earpiece and two set pieces so far. If I thought the content required absolute BiS I'd be annoyed and more so if I did not PvP. In that case, I'd find this intolerable. It's still a failing system as it is. Hey developers MarkkuJ at Reddit thread about this topic had an amazing idea. 1) Disintegrating items should give players unassembled components (MVP) 2) Choice between Unassembled Components or Command Tokens when disintegrating How about it BW? In that scenario disintegrating would play towards getting a wanted piece of gear. Puh-please.
  11. Lucky one can't buy those with Cartel Coins... wait. Snap. Amazingly fast fix incoming.
  12. I am more than curious to hear about how they are going to make getting alts to the higher tiers of CXP somewhat smoother ride? It seems crafting and relying on that is the only way for people who actually want to play many alts efficiently on progression. Of course it could be solved by returning the loot drops back to normal as those were before. I'll just call it "command level creep" especially now that the CXP levels are added on top of previous levels. It made me wonder if someone at BW Austion actually did not see the repercussions this might lead to. Reset will eventually happen and that's a shame. They could have put more conceptualization to it and avoid such drastic measures in the not so near future.
  13. Yes. That explains the DTPS and DPS differencies between people.
  14. So the two minute (or some other arbitrary value) threshold is in effect with arenas? Imagine if people actually do a ready check and start immediately? When does the timer start? People could just not engage until x-amount of time has passed as a solution. But as usual by BW, not the greatest achievement of user experience design.
  15. I don't think anyone complained about how PvP went. Did I just miss it? Did they "fix" something needlessly? Meh.. PvPers sort of got stomped on here. PVE players can get tier 3 gear directly when they themselves are tier 1. This is an amazing point. +1 Noticed a thread about this. Did not understand so many people loved they could customize her. Again, did BioWare concentrate on fixing something people actually enjoyed? How typical. BW: if your players get engaged with something outside your scope of design...say thank you rather than ruining their engagement. Those aren't? Oh wow.. I wish. But the 5.1 change is beneficial to PVE players mainly. Agree 100%.
  16. You can use your "main" to gear your alts. It does not give alts the command levels but at least you can use raid tokens (modded gear) and then rip those off and use legacy gear to transfer those over. I suppose that's the only positive thing in 5.1. One of the new Uprisings bosses was pretty funny too.
  17. Sometimes people want their games to provide something resembling even a remote challenge. These "NPC spawns to x-location >> Gather enough people >> Tank and spank it" are not exactly that.
  18. I am guessing someone using a hacked account to purchase that amount of cartel coins is not doing it with his or her own credit card. Possibility of someone using stolen credit cards on a hacked account to get CCs to exchange those to credits is there, would you not agree? Now, that could lead to assumption of a credit selling business but that's just a guess. I think it would be great if you would report your stolen account to someone at BW so that they can check on it.
  19. Exactly. This concept made me giggle. Grind to get a crate and tokens. Buy a boost with tokens and disintegrate whatever was in the crate. Repeat. Faulty system does not require slight of hand pseudo-effects to seem faster or better. It needs a redesign.
  20. Holy mother and the three legged spirit frog! Unassembled gear piece? How did they come up with that idea?!
  21. I think a lot of people quit who wanted more operations. I also think BW's solution to provide endgame content with Uprisings did not please those who enjoy raiding. The setup is too far from atmosphere of operations. I think a lot of people might come back for a new operation. I also think that if they announce an operation and that it'll be released in six months.. some people will cease being subs.
  22. This obvious post I quoted is perhaps the highest possible epitome of someone trying to understand. That's good. Right.
  23. God forbid customers give feedback about service a business has sold them. Always happy to see sheep mentality rise it's ugly head whenever there is a discussion about the state of a product.
  24. Command Rank 34 with my main. Super proud of it. Proud because I refused to grind. Besides, from healing point of view having enhancements and mods crafted is more than enough to tackle the NiMs. However, I dislike having to rely on crafting rather than acquiring the gear with kills on operations. How about people just stop grinding because of risk: BW will most likely analyze the statistics and release a dozen Fractured type Uprisings. Why would they not? Statistics said it's the most popular content they've ever made.
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