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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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People really need to stop throwing around the word "banned"... I doubt ANYONE will be banned. 3 days or 7 days is a suspension, not a ban. I personally know of 2 full guilds on Shadowlands (whom I am quite close with) who abused this exploit. The overarching attitude of everyone is if they get suspended for 3 or 7 days, they will not quit playing the game. They knew the risks involved. I venture to think MOST people fall into this category. The risk of 3 and 7 day suspensions, is pretty minimal. Even this thread kind of backs this up. The other 160 page monstrosity did as well, as I saw very few people (and I read EVERY post, cuz I my life is rich,. full waster(I may have stolen that from Lewis Black)) I saw VERY few people actually say they would "quit" the game.
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Lol excellent point! The equivalent would be a car with brakes that randomly fail, or a water heater with a gas valve that randomly leaks, or an air conditioner that randomly spews water all over the floor!


Bioware is like the "fictional" car company in fight club... Who knows the car's safety is dangerously compromised but does nothing unless the cost of court settlements would exceed the lost profits from a recall.

Edited by -Damask-
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What is the perspective of a major corporation that thinks that people aren't going to exploit something for their benefit when possible? How poorly educated are you that your going to turn around and punish people for doing what people do naturally after you failed at producing a solid product???


This is all beyond me. I just read posts of people wanting other people to be punished without logic or cause other than "It's not fair to us"


Sorry guys it's not fair, but you could have also done it.


Going back and punishing all of BW consumers who did is a pretty bad idea economically and wouldn't work AT ALL if it was a physical product the scenario would be flipped and BW would be getting crucified not the consumers.


im done /end rant

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Point to be made #1: This is a GAME


Point to be made #2: In real life, police would seize the items in question for evidential reasons, or to return them to their rightful owner. Neither condition applies here.


You obviously didn't catch that I posted this as a hypothetical question earlier in the thread. This whole exploit being allowed to occur for literally a month makes the whole situation a cluster&*@k. As the person who responded to the question I posed, it even affected those who had gained the mats legitimately, and could have made far more money that they were able to with the exploited items on the market. The exploit caused the market to collapse on barrels and hilts....and yes, buying cheap barrels, hilts and mats was benefiting from the exploit....you just paid the exploiter.


Bioware has a mess to sort out, the majority of which they have no one to blame but themselves for getting to where it is now.

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It doesn't matter if it takes Bioware 1 day or 1 year to deal with the exploit. You KNEW it was an exploit and yet you still took advantage of it. And combining all the servers they have, a small amount could be 100 or 1000. In relative terms to the overall population of the entire game and all it's servers, that IS a small amount. They may just be counting those who did the exploit constantly. Not the ones who did it once or twice, but those who kept on doing it.


Also, just because 3.0 wasn't the best expansion since sliced bread, doesn't give you free reign to continue exploiting. You knew what you were doing was wrong and continued to do it.


And you guys DO realize, that not every dev from the Nefra exploit is still with bioware, correct? I think the only other place that's seen more turn over is the companies who've owned and sold my apartment complex. The devs from the Nefra exploit are more than likely GONE. This is probably a brand new team. So if they want to ban/not ban, slap not slap, w/e the exploiters, they can. As I said in another post, this is THEIR game and in truth ALL your loots belong to them.

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What is the perspective of a major corporation that thinks that people aren't going to exploit something for their benefit when possible? How poorly educated are you that your going to turn around and punish people for doing what people do naturally after you failed at producing a solid product???


This is all beyond me. I just read posts of people wanting other people to be punished without logic or cause other than "It's not fair to us"


Sorry guys it's not fair, but you could have also done it.


Going back and punishing all of BW consumers who did is a pretty bad idea economically and wouldn't work AT ALL if it was a physical product the scenario would be flipped and BW would be getting crucified not the consumers.


im done /end rant



is your defence if you're ever charged with a crime also going to be "WELL ALL THOSE LAW ABIDING CITIZSENS COULD HAVE ROBED THE QUICKIE MART!"

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Except for the fact that in one case you actually had to ... you know... DO the content. Whereas with the other case it generally began with a guys whispering you saying "you want to come take advantage of this glitch that requires you to do nothing except click on an escape pod?" or with a shady whisper offering to "sell" a lockout. Sure, sure, they are one in the same.

Except that I did DO THE CONTENT...I just see the issue as trivial. Gear doesn't beat Ops, knowing and beating mechanics does. 186, 192 or 198's...unless you know what you're doing, you're screwed.

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Except that I did DO THE CONTENT...I just see the issue as trivial. Gear doesn't beat Ops, knowing and beating mechanics does. 186, 192 or 198's...unless you know what you're doing, you're screwed.


not relevent. if you cheated you cheated. gear is supposed to be the carrot at the end of the stick for doing content

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Maybe a review of the TOS would be better :



Bug Exploitation

There may be times when the game has a bug in it that, if exploited, can give an unfair advantage to a player. At BioWare we do our best to make a game that has as few of these bugs as possible, however due to the constantly evolving nature of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, these may crop up at times. Please refrain from taking advantage of any mechanic in the game that gives an ‘edge’ or unfair benefit in any way as this can result in temporary or permanent account suspension.


Should you encounter a bug please report it by accessing the Customer Service Help Request menu in the Star Wars: The Old Republic game client and submitting a ticket under the Bug Report category. Please include as much information as possible in the report to enable us to reproduce and classify the bug.



Edited by ScarletBlaze
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You obviously didn't catch that I posted this as a hypothetical question earlier in the thread. This whole exploit being allowed to occur for literally a month makes the whole situation a cluster&*@k. As the person who responded to the question I posed, it even affected those who had gained the mats legitimately, and could have made far more money that they were able to with the exploited items on the market. The exploit caused the market to collapse on barrels and hilts....and yes, buying cheap barrels, hilts and mats was benefiting from the exploit....you just paid the exploiter.


Bioware has a mess to sort out, the majority of which they have no one to blame but themselves for getting to where it is now.

falling 192 barrel/hilts helps us it doesnt hurt us.


the only people unable to reap the rewards are those people that have legit hm kills...and they are the ones to blame for propagating the exploit.

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Personally sick of the whole sorry saga.


Waited an excessively long time for 3.0 to be released, then the whole Revan story (in my opinion, doesn't need to be everyone's) was poor.

The combat and server lags issues for over a month was pretty much unplayable or to say the least un-enjoyable to play which is pretty much the foundation to an online game.


Nothing in the 2 new planets is really that different or dynamic..apart from tripping over nodes every 2 feet.


oh and pretty much the biggest talking point to 3.0 is not the operations boss fights or anything good on the planets or the new skill tree system but exploited loot and that's the saddest thing about SWTOR right now.


No feel good factor around the game at all...just folk arguing about some stupid bugged loot, to which Bioware aren't helping the situation by dragging it out another couple of weeks.


Will be thinking long and hard whether to continue to Sub cause this sucks.

(By the way I never said I took the exploit or condemn the people that did)

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Honestly they shouldnt ban , thats mostly their fault , about taking away materials and schematics thats a good idea , with banning they just kill most of the community , i think at least 80% of lv 60 on my server did it and most of them are subs so by banning they just kill the game imo
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In fairness, the ship part thing BECAME an exploit when they acknowledged it, and people who had not put anything on their ship, were suddenly buying the grade 1 greens from the vendor. Dont act like it didnt happen, it did.


No, it didn't become an exploit. The fact that one game system that was working as intended had an unintended action with another game system doesn't automatically make the first game system an exploit. People who were buying ship parts in order to play the rail shooter aren't exploiters and there is way to determine why people were buying ship parts for what reason.


Again, you are using a straw man argument. Nice try, but no.

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It doesn't matter if it takes Bioware 1 day or 1 year to deal with the exploit. You KNEW it was an exploit and yet you still took advantage of it. And combining all the servers they have, a small amount could be 100 or 1000. In relative terms to the overall population of the entire game and all it's servers, that IS a small amount. They may just be counting those who did the exploit constantly. Not the ones who did it once or twice, but those who kept on doing it.


Also, just because 3.0 wasn't the best expansion since sliced bread, doesn't give you free reign to continue exploiting. You knew what you were doing was wrong and continued to do it.


And you guys DO realize, that not every dev from the Nefra exploit is still with bioware, correct? I think the only other place that's seen more turn over is the companies who've owned and sold my apartment complex. The devs from the Nefra exploit are more than likely GONE. This is probably a brand new team. So if they want to ban/not ban, slap not slap, w/e the exploiters, they can. As I said in another post, this is THEIR game and in truth ALL your loots belong to them.

all employees that worked on Dread Fortress still work for Bioware
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Not sure why people care so much about others exploiting. People getting free gear should not impact how much you enjoy the game just like people argue hardcore vs. casual enjoyment. Saying people should get banned to feel better about yourself is essentially elitism.
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Having to worry about what is going to happen to my account leaves me with a bad *********** taste in my mouth.
I'm not worried about my account? So why are you worried about yours? If you are worried, then look in the mirror, that bad taste comes from you. Blaming someone else is merely an excuse.


Hey...at least folks are not complaining about disciplines right now....


So there's that.

I amost forgot...I want my flyby back :cries:

Edited by mikebevo
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Bioware is very foolish if they start banning the majority of people who did this exploit. I personally know that bioware is full of crap when they say only a few players did it. I am very involved in 3 servers and know all the biggest guilds on the Covenant, Shadowlands, and Harbinger server. These are PVE servers and I would easily say 95% of the raiding population was using the exploit! If you started banning people for this you might as well get rid of the PVE servers! The, fact of the matter, bioware let this go on for 2 months and didn't fix it. Its all on them!! If they were smart they keep there mouth shut and just move on (just like the Nefra glitch) instead of letting this snowball as it could result in losing tens of thousands subscribers! Bioware has always made it Very clear they only care about making MONEY! Kinda weird they would now "SHOT THEMSELVES IN THE FOOT"!!!!!!!!!
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Yay people will get punished for using a broken system. As a programmer myself, how can you really punish anyone for you doing a poor job in the first place? If you did your job right the first time there wouldnt be a glitch for people to exploit.


That's precisely my take on it. Seeing how extremely long they have waited for a patch and then turn around today and have this witch hunt message stating they will now be using their resources to vilify people who are in some way implicated is beyond anything a fun pastime game was intended for.


As a neutral party I find musco's ideology extreme and I'll now refrain from my usual $200+ new cartel pack purchase I've habitually done since the cartel market was introduced. Playing a game where the devs are more interested in a 1984 Orwellian atmosphere has no appeal to me.

Edited by HuaRya
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Bioware is very foolish if they start banning the majority of people who did this exploit. I personally know that bioware is full of crap when they say only a few players did it. I am very involved in 3 servers and know all the biggest guilds on the Covenant, Shadowlands, and Harbinger server. These are PVE servers and I would easily say 95% of the raiding population was using the exploit! If you started banning people for this you might as well get rid of the PVE servers! The, fact of the matter, bioware let this go on for 2 months and didn't fix it. Its all on them!! If they were smart they keep there mouth shut and just move on (just like the Nefra glitch) instead of letting this snowball as it could result in losing tens of thousands subscribers! Bioware has always made it Very clear they only care about making MONEY! Kinda weird they would now "SHOT THEMSELVES IN THE FOOT"!!!!!!!!!


+1 point!

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It appears swtor community is even worse than dota... So much grief and hate..

Well the exploiters may be punished, or will be or even have to. But what it gives you ? Why do you keep posting something about feeling good about others feeling bad ? Feeding on someone sorrow is the worst trait you could have. You disgust me people.

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