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So what exactly is wrong with arenas?


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Recently came back again to the game and playing with a buddy of mine. Our arena games are really fun. Quick and to the point. Everyone who has been put in with us has been completely cooperative up to now. It's a fresh change from long/semi long wzs. Yet I'm hearing talk here of getting them out of matchmaking? Why?
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I can understand why people don't like warzone arenas. The matchmaking system will rarely match players with tank/healer/2 dps mirrors, which the game is balanced around. There is usually a lack of X in the queue.


The maps themselves are also poorly designed. Orbital station is too condensed, especially if the two teams decide to fight on the catwalks. Tatooine can be even worse.

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I guess it helps that I tank so the odds of me getting matched in a decent class composition is more favourable. But still, queue times are really short, at least on bastion here. Getting put into an arena game now and then should be refreshing I think. :cool::confused:
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I don't mind the arenas at all.

Quick death-match, quick comms, quick PvP fix, nice addition.

However, if you are bad you can't really hide that fact like you can in WZs, your noobage is exposed and I guess many don't like that?

The more I think about it and the more QQ I'm hearing the more I'm getting convinced that that's the main reason for all the moaning.

As for match-making, it's not ideal, I'm guessing because of low numbers of PvP players but hey, nobody is forcing you to participate, you can leave and make room for someone that appreciate them, what's the problem?

Edited by CanSolo
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* I think the gametype in itself is boring.

* I'm speced for 8 vs 8 when I'm queued. That spec is horrible for arenas.

* I'm usually playing sage/sorc so I'm always the first and only target until I'm dead.

* Arena in normals can be tank/heals/2xdps against four tanks and other stupid matchups.

* Solo ranked arena is a big RNG fest, due to class imbalance. In the vast majority of games you're able to tell the outcome by simply looking at the classes in the game.

* Orbital station is the only map that caters to ranged.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Recently came back again to the game and playing with a buddy of mine. Our arena games are really fun. Quick and to the point. Everyone who has been put in with us has been completely cooperative up to now. It's a fresh change from long/semi long wzs. Yet I'm hearing talk here of getting them out of matchmaking? Why?


There is no reason (imo) why arenas should be in the normal warzone queue. There is a ranked solo queue exclusively for Arenas at level 55, so let it be endgame content tbh. We have NO exclusive endgame content!


I really dont get what the big deal is when you can chose to enter arenas only, whenever you want at endgame.

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No match-making at all. No more than 20% of the matches I played had similar compositions.

A simple look at the classes at the beginning and you know which team will win.

Poor sorcs die immediately after start and spend their time looking at other people play.

Outcome is decided during the first 20 seconds in 90% of the matches.

Get a premade in reg arenas and you can never loose.

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From another thread:

Big reason why arenas suck is because the gameplay in an arena match is just so damn limited, you're only able to play enough to get a couple of kills per round at best if you're good/geared and even upon winning one it's still all in all a bad experience because you barely got to play.


^That sums it up pretty well. I play a regstart spec and win most the time in regs but I find it boring. Can just cut through some teams like nothing. I have seldom seen an interesting match. But this is more of a regs problem as it has no matchmaking and I think arenas are terrible without it and therefore should not be in regs unless they start adding some matchmaking there as well.


Now outside of that, it's irritating to get a Q to pop and to load into a backfill where you will be at spawn, dead. Now, it is an easy daily at that point in regs, but it just isn't fun and that should be the whole point of regs.


Another thing that is an issue, is the hide and seek until the acid. When you get in those one sided matches, after the first round I have seen stealthers just go hide for the 2nd hoping to try to just somehow outlast the other team in the acid. All it manages to do is waste everyones time. I don't find playing hide and go seek very fun either.



Pretty much sums it up for me. Glad you like them, though. I did for a couple of rounds myself, but I am over it.

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I still wish I didn't have to Q for Huttball when I want to do regs. But I like arenas and there are no guarantees in those - my pug dps team even won a game (not the match) vs 2 healers and a tank last night. Edited by Savej
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Recently came back again to the game and playing with a buddy of mine. Our arena games are really fun. Quick and to the point. Everyone who has been put in with us has been completely cooperative up to now. It's a fresh change from long/semi long wzs. Yet I'm hearing talk here of getting them out of matchmaking? Why?


Ive been thinking this for at least 2 weeks now, people should be flooding to solo ranked arena once they've done their wz daillies by 3pm but NOTHING....you win you win or you lose whatever its rated points which can be exchanged 1 for 1 and they're fun......not sure what people are so fussed about they aren't always balanced as theres so many teams in 8 vs 8 you spend 15 mins thrashing or being thrashed which is proper boring both ways.

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Ive been thinking this for at least 2 weeks now, people should be flooding to solo ranked arena once they've done their wz daillies by 3pm but NOTHING....you win you win or you lose whatever its rated points which can be exchanged 1 for 1 and they're fun......not sure what people are so fussed about they aren't always balanced as theres so many teams in 8 vs 8 you spend 15 mins thrashing or being thrashed which is proper boring both ways.


Arenas are ****. More fun to do the pvp daillies for all my alts instead.

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