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Everything posted by OldSpiceSwag

  1. you only have utility if you have a team that lets you do anything. now im not saying balance around yolo qs, but madness definitely needs a little buff there to be as individually viable and not 100% dependent on your team bc atm in yolos, utility=bubble, run, run, run, dot a little, run, break, run, barrier, die edit: really the only direct buffs needed are a bit better force management and fadeout baseline. the big indirect buff is removing the root on obliterate
  2. <do not panic> could be interested in a guild alliance
  3. swagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswag
  4. i was 1600 and ive been suck fluctuating from 1500 to 1600 and back down into the 1500s again for like a week
  5. 1500 is another death zone.....been stuck for ages
  6. good snipers are more valuable than marauders
  7. just come to pot5 and everyone can play everyone and we can all laugh and play and have a magical time
  8. http://p.twimg.com/A0ptAmcCQAEzkgH.jpg:large
  9. deception sins are pretty good in arenas they just lack sustained damage. once their burst is used they kind of just mill around till its up again
  10. oops, misread that. not as outrageous, but pts have burst up only with shoulder cannon, other than that its fluff. so with no heals that isnt a very good example of any opness tbh
  11. as dps youll usually be first target but its doable just like sorc is first target but doable as madness. it sucks but if youre good you can make it work
  12. dps specs are good in wzs and arenas and heals are doable in wzs
  13. pretty obvious that you cheated thats prob why he refuses to xfer
  14. no it confirms that bioware's dev team is still that stupid group of uninformed fools who listen to people like you over ppl that have a clue
  15. what? where is that? i actually dont know what youre talking about plz inform me lots of classes have aoe damage reduction the stun reduction is just something you have to deal with, its not even a unique thing, sorcs have it too. learn to counter it, otherwise theyd just be that much easier to kill the shield isnt even that great of a cd when compared to cloack of pain 30% reduction for up to 30s vs 25 up to 12s (?) dont remember but its not as long as 30. mara also has saber ward camo AND undying. jugg has fake life saber ward and in tank 40% reduction for 10s plus active damage reduction with scream and retaliation. pt has ZERO of those active reducers. ALL IT HAS IS THE SHIELD AND PASSIVE REDUCTION. ITS NOT EVEN THAT TANKY. CRY MOAR
  16. this is all moot, they wont change ap tanks until another tank is viable if theyve learned their class balance lesson which i think they might have
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