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2.5 balance notes are up: they fixed ops/scoundrels!


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No one is going to play deception with those buffs to darkness's armor. It's going to be hybrids, hybrids everywhere.


Yeah, I was predicting that the moment I saw the dev's response to the shadow rep questions. Looks like Darkness in dps gear is going to make a comeback. Oh well at least my fears of them nerfing VG tank hybrid to the ground didn't materialize.


Although for once in this game's history I would like to see full 36pt shieldtech in tank gear actually be competitive, im tired of tank's always barely clinging on to viability compared to dps+tank stance. Not to mention tired of VG always being the crap pvp tank

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Although for once in this game's history I would like to see full 36pt shieldtech in tank gear actually be competitive, im tired of tank's always barely clinging on to viability compared to dps+tank stance. Not to mention tired of VG always being the crap pvp tank


I hate to break this to you but it's not so great in PvE either.

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I can't wait to try my guardian and lep to someone, root them while a beat on them, and then just give them a nice force push and act like I don't care if they aren't dead yet. It would be like "I'm not trying to kill you. I just want to humiliate you."


It's like the ultimate CC.


Good news. This is not a balance patch according to EA and they plan to make changes more frequently. Maybe it will be fun to have actual FOTM rather than FOTYear. Maybe it will always be as hilarious.

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The changes are garbage for the most part. You people wanted MMO balancing. You got it! lol


Madness Sorcs are now encouraged to tab-dot again. Didn't we learn from pre-1.2 that tab-dotting was a lame way to play that AC? Guess not.


Sorc/Sages got no love to survivability which they desperately need. They will continue to be targeted first and die in seconds in Arenas. At least they will get some extra DoT damage in while running for their lives.


Shadow/Sins got more burst which they didn't really need. Tanking got buffed. That was needed. However, the combination of changes leaves the door wide open for some potentially ruthless Hybrids, something I thought the Devs were trying to avoid.


Borrowing from Mara/Sents again to make a weak Jugg/Guard spec stronger. Meh


The UR nerf is interesting, especially the health pool drop-off on the backside. Really takes an amount of recklessness in use of the skill out of play. A good change.


Scrapper/Concealment got the shaft. No increase to burst or sustained DPS, and they will have even less survivability due to the Cover changes. I'm sure the cover change was directed more at the Healers, but it really hurts the DPS specs.


Pretty terrible overall. Class balance...L O L

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Good thing they added root to master strike. But it still doesn't address the focused defense issue which literally starves you of focus and screws up your rotation. The biggest problem of the vigilance spec is that they are too vulnerable to snipers and smash monkeys burst combo. 1 vs 1 ya you can beat a jugg smasher as a vigilance guardian. No problem. The problem rises in arena where you have neither a healer nor a tank in your team and your enemies have a smash monkey and/or a sniper in their team. Sents can survive those damnable smashes with their defensive roll 30% AOE dmg reduction. As a vigilance, smashers eat up all your defensive cooldowns and leave you vulnerable to snipers burst combo. Your sabre reflect only lasts 3 seconds and you are still their target even after sabre reflect runs out. I once noticed how a team made up of a smasher and a sniper took away half of my entire health bar in less than 2 seconds. No way in the hell you can survive that kinda crap loads of dps with pathetic defensive cds such as focused defense.
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Because emergency medpack costs so much energy....

It cost upper hands.

What's your point?


Disapearing act got a 2 minutes CD for sawbones. If you can't kill a sawbones in less then 2 minutes then you and/or your team got a L2P issue.


As for vigilance, the root wasn't needed at all. Vigilance needed Focused defense to not pump into our focus pool while active and also for it to break roots and slows on activation.

Vigilance is just too easy to shut down. It just take a root or for us to use Focused defense for our damage to fall flat.

Edited by snaplemouton
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I also assure you that nerfing Undying Rage would hardly affect smash monkey marauder survivability. It's their passive and active cloak of pain dmg reduction that makes them so tanky. Nerfing Undying Rage would only hurt other marauder specs.
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Other than the fact that it is way to easy to keep 3 stacks of upper hand and the fact that 30% hp regrants UH? The 30% talent is actually what makes that ability OP.


BS, no one was complaining about it before 2.0. The only big difference 2.0 gave this class was easier energy management. The 30% is was makes its healing viable, especially in PvE.

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No more crouch capping, no more crouch emergency healing. But now we have...increased damage (probably 5%) on overload shot. Yay.


Meanwhile assassins get tremendous buffs.


So in trying to balance the healing tree you completely screw over the already underwhelming dps trees. Brilliant. This won't even hurt healers all that much, either, they can be just as mobile as they ever were. Why not just...remove Op/Scoundrel's cover mechanic entirely and let it be a sniper thing? Let us use Snipe and explosive probe from out of cover, too.


This reminds me a bit of the powertech revisions for 2.0. Except powertechs were actually good. They tried to balance the pyro tree and went about that the wrong way, too.


Ugh, why do I even bother?

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BS, no one was complaining about it before 2.0. The only big difference 2.0 gave this class was easier energy management. The 30% is was makes its healing viable, especially in PvE.


They added more ways to get upper hand and reduced energy costs in a class that has always been considered one of the best pvp healers. The 30% is not what makes them viable, its what makes them broken on top of the fact that they never have to spend any energy. Emergency medpac should not regrant upper hand at 30%, especially since it costs ZERO energy.

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They added more ways to get upper hand and reduced energy costs in a class that has always been considered one of the best pvp healers. The 30% is not what makes them viable, its what makes them broken on top of the fact that they never have to spend any energy. Emergency medpac should not regrant upper hand at 30%, especially since it costs ZERO energy.


But the healing of emergency medpack is not high, if my energy is below 30%, and I'm focused by 1 or 2 dps (with 3 I'm dead), I won't use only Emergency medpack to H2F, I would use a wz medpack, Underworld medicine or the AoE heal. It may look like we H2F using this skill, when in fact, we have to use the other skills to survive.

Edited by metalfenix
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I also assure you that nerfing Undying Rage would hardly affect smash monkey marauder survivability. It's their passive and active cloak of pain dmg reduction that makes them so tanky. Nerfing Undying Rage would only hurt other marauder specs.


There are a lot of other classes that have passives similar to Rage maurader's, but GBTF's invulnerability ment that when a maurader got low he could pop that and get rapidly healed to full, the passives aren't the issue it is that you have to kill the maurader three times over to actually get him. (1st to get rid of GBTF, 2nd to get rid of camo, 3rd is to actually kill him)

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But the healing of emergency medpack is not high, if my energy is below 30%, and I'm focused by 1 or 2 dps (with 3 I'm dead), I won't use only EP to H2F, I would use a wz medpack, Underworld medicine or the AoE heal. It may look like we H2F using this skill, when in fact, we have to use the other skills to survive.


Yes but medpack is available to both the other healing AC's too, yet they can never H2F as rapidly as scoundrel and certainly not while under fire. Cover only exacerbated this because it gave the Op the ability to gain respite from melee and from getting pulled. Something that the class wasn't designed to have.

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But the healing of emergency medpack is not high, if my energy is below 30%, and I'm focused by 1 or 2 dps (with 3 I'm dead), I won't use only Emergency medpack to H2F, I would use a wz medpack, Underworld medicine or the AoE heal. It may look like we H2F using this skill, when in fact, we have to use the other skills to survive.


I'm aware of the scenario, I have rolled heal spec before and I can survive 2-3 dps attacking me quite easily while never running out of energy.

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The gbtf and other minor nerfs to focus don't bother me. They may mollify whiners for a few weeks but they'll be back in a few months tops. My sentinels and Mara will still be giving bad players nightmares about smash even when they aren't spec'd smash.


My guardian might dust off his vigilance tree play but people saying that spec just became op are smoking crack.


I'm disappointed that there are no changes to CCs, resolve, healing in general or scoundrel healing specifically. This has been a bad situation since 2.0 and I was under the impression it would be addressed in the promised pvp balance patch. But nary a murmur... ?

Edited by Savej
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Anyone who thinks that this fixes Scrappers in PvP has never actually played a Scrapper in PvP. Unless QS/OS has some added proc benefit (UH proc? FR/AB reapply? Energy regen?) then it will still be just as awful as it always was. I'm legitimately embarrassed for the Combat Team that they think this change a) helps the class in PvP and/or b) thinks this was a change they should publicize to the community.


At least now we can do a little more energy damage when the shrouded Sin is mauling us to death!

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This is my favorite right here:


Jedi Consular



Slightly increased the damage dealt by Double Strike.


Fear my leet Double Strike! Heh. Hehehe. BWAHAHAHAHAHA


I think I still have this skill on some hotbar somewhere I can't get to it without standing on my head. I'll have to check though...

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This is my favorite right here:




Fear my leet Double Strike! Heh. Hehehe. BWAHAHAHAHAHA


I think I still have this skill on some hotbar somewhere I can't get to it without standing on my head. I'll have to check though...


lol ya cuz sages totally want to be in melee range. I laughed pretty hard when I read that "buff." Hoorah for the upcoming tank hybrids though I guess?

Edited by Raansu
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Anyone who thinks that this fixes Scrappers in PvP has never actually played a Scrapper in PvP. Unless QS/OS has some added proc benefit (UH proc? FR/AB reapply? Energy regen?) then it will still be just as awful as it always was. I'm legitimately embarrassed for the Combat Team that they think this change a) helps the class in PvP and/or b) thinks this was a change they should publicize to the community.


At least now we can do a little more energy damage when the shrouded Sin is mauling us to death!


Yea, I meant to comment on that in my previous post. People that don't know me will still be cursing me out in 2.5 for not being sawbones on my scoundrel before arenas/wzs start.

Edited by Savej
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