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I miss Star Wars Galaxies :(


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Let me first say, I'm enjoying SWTOR.


I, like most, was scared away by the NGE. Before the NGE I loved that game. Yes it was buggy. Yes there was room for improvement, but the open world/sandbox elements along with the amazing starship system made that game for me.


I LOVED that for some people, SWG was about being a dancer. For some, they farmed materials and crafted. For some they built and decorated. Some were musicians who hung out at cantinas. When it came to looking for the best gear, it involved searching out player built shops to find the player who built the best... whatever it was you needed.


It felt like a real world.


I know some people said, "It doesn't feel very Star Wars to play an Uncle Owen simulator."


Well, it also doesn't feel very Star Wars to run grinding missions and raids to level and to get my smuggler the next "vest" or "gloves" that have better armor ratings than my existing gear.


No... Han Solo was not wearing a skill buffing armored vest. He was just wearing clothes and he lived in a real(ish) world.



Edited by RonRamron
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I rather like SW:TOR, but I really miss SWG.


I miss my bio engineer/creature handler and my teras kasi/pistoleer. I miss finding the best spots for my mining rigs and crafting über items. I miss crazy world PvP and going to cantinas and chatting then tipping the entertainer and heading out into the wastes. I miss player cities.


I don't miss the NGE.


Anyway, misty eyed nostalgia over with. See you on the galactic battlefields.


I'm an SWG vet myself. I'm sorry for your loss, but it's time to move on.

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Let me first say, I'm enjoying SWTOR.


I, like most, was scared away by the NGE. Before the NGE I loved that game. Yes it was buggy. Yes there was room for improvement, but the open world/sandbox elements along with the amazing starship system made that game for me.


I LOVED that for some people, SWG was about being a dancer. For some, they farmed materials and crafted. For some they built and decorated. Some were musicians who hung out at cantinas. When it came to looking for the best gear, it involved searching out player built shops to find the player who built the best... whatever it was you needed.


It felt like a real world.


I know some people said, "It doesn't feel very Star Wars to play an Uncle Owen simulator."


Well, it also doesn't feel very Star Wars to run grinding missions and raids to level and to get my smuggler the next "vest" or "gloves" that have better armor ratings than my existing gear.


No... Han Solo was not wearing a skill buffing armored vest. He was just wearing clothes and he lived in a real(ish) world.




So what's real about running up and down 90 degree cliffs, not being able to jump over or off anything, NPCs stuck in player houses,........

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So what's real about running up and down 90 degree cliffs, not being able to jump over or off anything, NPCs stuck in player houses,........


It was 2003, if made now then we would have had AAA quality graphics and it could have been more realistic, and besides, at least we could travel off the beaten path

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So what's real about running up and down 90 degree cliffs, not being able to jump over or off anything, NPCs stuck in player houses,........


I was referring to the effort put in to create a varied experience rather than get quest, kill, kill 10 more, complete quest, repeat. While that was part of SWG, it was a relatively small part, whereas it's the name of the game in SWTOR.


I'm wishing that MMORPGS didn't all feel the need to be warcraft clones.


Galaxies was a player built world with a player run economy in a completely open world. SWTOR is on rails, relatively speaking. If you're hung up on physics like running up a hill, you've missed the point of my post.

Edited by RonRamron
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I was referring to the effort put in to create a varied experience rather than get quest, kill, kill 10 more, complete quest, repeat. While that was part of SWG, it was a relatively small part, whereas it's the name of the game in SWTOR.


I'm wishing that MMORPGS didn't all feel the need to be warcraft clones.


Galaxies was a player built world with a player run economy in a completely open world. SWTOR is on rails, relatively speaking. If you're hung up on physics like running up a hill, you've missed the point of my post.


Well said.

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Things went sideways when SOE decided they wanted a larger piece of the MMO pie and started to move toward a WOW MMO model. The changes started with the 'Combat Upgrades' and lead to the game killing 'New Game Enhancements'.



You know, I respect you all missing your game


I miss the days of skill and tactical PVP where you had to think and stratagize


Sadly the masses spoke in volume that thats not what they want in PVP and starting at M59 and onward PVP got twitchified and dumbed down.


I accept my playstyle was a minority and not viable design.


But you SWGers, you always talk like SWG was profitable and successful pre NGE




Things "went sideways" the day SWG launched as thats when the endless bleeding of accounts started


Things went Sideways LONG BEFORE SOE tried to modernize and popularize their dated and unfriendly game design.


Saying EVE, SWG are niche markets is not true.

They are non existant markets.


Only reason EVE still around is it launched having spent almost NOTHING on game design. They have slowly added stuff since then but still not even big enough to be called a niche market and SWG was even smaller then them.


Miss SWG

Moan and groan about how much fun you and your 3 friends had in it


But I really wish you all would stop trying to suggest SWG (pre NGE) was a viable platform for a MMO because it wasnt, and never has been honestly. Only time it really succeeded was when UO was only option on market. Soon as EQ opened, UO crashed and burned.


PS: If you miss it that much, you can always find a "free server" to play on. I know for a fact they are out there and I know for a fact they utilize pre NGE rulesets.

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People keep saying that those of us who enjoy Themepark games will eventually run out of content and there for games like SWG is better. Well to this I say that limited content is far better then nothing. I remember testing SWG myself, I like Star Wars and the first time I spotted a short, limited free trial on a forum and decided to jump into it.


I think this was a good bit before I started playing wow in 2005 but I'm not quite sure. As I recall the game had classes to choose from at that point but I can't remember being able to pick Jedi. At any rate, I downloaded the trial, started it up, found the character creator screen rather interesting and was sure this was going to be great... and then I logged into the game and was dropped off on some random building/spacestation with a few tutorial tips and nothing to do.


As I recall there was pretty much nothing to interduce me to the setting of the game beyond advices on how to play and nothing that indicated at what I could do or pointed me toward some fun location to go to.


As I recall I spent 15 minutes looking around before logging off and never touching the game again. Having a nice world doesn't matter at all when you don't bother to interduce your players to it in my mind, and sandbox features for me normally just means lack of content.


People love to talk about making their own stories but when the only story your character has is the one you make up in your head I personally believe there is something awfully wrong with the game. Making a personal story on my own is just the developers excuse when they fail to provide a reason to do anything.


I realise people have different tastes but to me Sandbox games are garbage.

Edited by Adelaine
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I mis SWG to, I really like SWTOR, but I really mis a lot of the atmosphere SWG had, and It feels so empty, SWG with all the open space it had felt so much more alive then SWTOR, it really felt like SWG had a real life galaxie, with a real economy, and real planets, where you could explore and go almost everywhere. Stwor is more like a on rail themepark mmorpg, it's a fun game, but it lacks the soul SWG had.


Would be so awesom if we could have SWTOR content and quality with the freedom and sandbox options of SWG, but I gues we will never see such a game :(

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I also miss SWG, and I always will. No, I don't miss the NGE by any means, but I miss the rest of the game. Especially the open-ended feel of it, and how the game felt like a real, living, breathing world. It wasn't static, things were moving, things were going on, and it just felt alive...

The housing customization was superb, too. And character customization, as well as clothing/armor customization. Those are a few things that I wouldn't have minded if SWTOR "borrowed"...

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I like SWTOR a lot, but I liked SWG more, I never played pre-cu SWG before but I like NGE a lot when I played it, except for the fact that it's so empty because not many people want to give it another try. What I liked best about SWG that made me like it better than SWTOR is the fact that you can run around and at the same time attack. You could probably do that for SWTOR too but there's so many skills and so many skills that require the commando to stand still to use it. In SWG, there's less skills allowing you to map them around and sequence it so that you have a set to go. While in SWTOR you have so many that you just have to run up to your opponent and click and click and click away where there's no time or room to run off and do this and that.
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How about the JTL expansion. Those long Storm Squad missions or the JSF craze when every one flew them in PvP. The pilot community dubed them "easy mode", didn't fly them in PvP any more and banned them from events on every server. Theres a lot to be said for a games community for not useing equipment that gave you that much of an advantage. We had some kick ***** space events. Edited by Malefik
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But I really wish you all would stop trying to suggest SWG (pre NGE) was a viable platform for a MMO because it wasnt, and never has been honestly. Only time it really succeeded was when UO was only option on market. Soon as EQ opened, UO crashed and burned.


Then why is UO still active?


'Viable platform for a MMO' doesn't need to mean '10 million subscriptions'. There are plenty MMOs out there that have been running for 5-10 years and in no danger of closing their doors.


Bottom line is, if people find use for a product, there is a market. You can say "there won't be enough to sustain running an MMO", but I doubt that, given the outcry due to the NGE, national coverage due to the NGE, Pre-CU EMU projects, and if you believe some people, the unfortunate suicide of someone involved with the NGE. There would be a market, but yes, there would be no where near WOW level subscriptions.

Edited by mathalsolo
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I miss it too, including the NGE


So do i but that was because i only got to play after NGE, i miss that crafting system, and the housing system i would spend weeks harvesting, crafting just to make some decrotive battle droids lol. On my ship i had two B1s "guarding" every hall way and door, and a barkeep of course.

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Haters are gonna hate, but I miss Star Wars Galaxies too.


I've played it from launch to shutdown, so I'm happy to have had to chance to play it fully. I was kind of ready to see it go, however it's saddening that we won't see another game like it for many, many years.


Too many developers are playing it safe and going the WoW route. Unless they are indy developers we will never see a large MMO that had the expansive features SWG had, much less another one with the Star Wars IP.


People can deny it all they want, but despite the NGE, SWG still had so many community features that make an MMO a true MMO. Player cities, expansive decorating, entertainers, traders, beaster mastery, a full space system, etc. Things that gave the world its soul and made it seem more like an intertwined society rather than a cookiee-cutter themepark. Despite its many flaws, these aspects set it apart from other games.


I hope the things that made SWG unique and special won't go forgotten and will be picked up by future developers. It looks like the MMO Infinity seems promising, but it's being developed by a real small team. EvE looks nice too, but it's not the same.


Lastly, I just want to say that the number of subscribers shouldn't be indicative of the enjoyability or strength of an MMO and its community. If that were the case, McDonalds should be considered fine cuisine as millions of people frequent it every year.


This isn't an attack on SWTOR, but rather the direction MMO developers are taking as a whole.

Edited by LexxYovel
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Haters are gonna hate, but I miss Star Wars Galaxies too.


I've played it from launch to shutdown, so I'm happy to have had to chance to play it fully. I was kind of ready to see it go, however it's saddening that we won't see another game like it for many, many years.


Too many developers are playing it safe and going the WoW route. Unless they are indy developers we will never see a large MMO that had the expansive features SWG had, much less another one with the Star Wars IP.


People can deny it all they want, but despite the NGE, SWG still had so many community features that make an MMO a true MMO. Player cities, expansive decorating, entertainers, traders, beaster mastery, a full space system, etc. Things that gave the world its soul and made it seem more like an intertwined society rather than a cookiee-cutter themepark. Despite its many flaws, these aspects set it apart from other games.


I hope the things that made SWG unique and special won't go forgotten and will be picked up by future developers. It looks like the MMO Infinity seems promising, but it's being developed by a real small team. EvE looks nice too, but it's not the same.


Lastly, I just want to say that the number of subscribers shouldn't be indicative of the enjoyability or strength of an MMO and its community. If that were the case, McDonalds should be considered fine cuisine as millions of people frequent it every year.


This isn't an attack on SWTOR, but rather the direction MMO developers are taking as a whole.


Could not have said it better myself

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I didn't bother reading all the post, but I did play SWG when it first came out. It lack a lot of features that was later implemented. Yay for foot travel, lol 15-30 minute walk to the guild town! Give it time, SWTOR will add features down the road.


Krimson Brimstone

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SWG in my eyes was the best system ever. It was not all around combat. There was so much more. But combat is popular. Most people want to log in, slay a lot of enemies, get great rewards and feel heroic.


It does not matter which the best game. The ones who loved SWG know why and will miss it forever.


Can only hope SWTOR will get more features which not only add to combat.


- playing instruments

- more dances

- more clothes for lower social levels

- appartements in the capitals and furniture and decorations

- sitting on a chair or couch

- chat bubbles available if you want them, if not turn them off

- hide class/level


just a few things of a lot i miss

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Swtor: wanna do a war zone or an instance?


Swg: wanna go kill hunt Jedi, kill kryat dragons, find an awesome spot to place these harvesters, unlock a holocron, go destroy rebel PvP bases, build an entire city of houses with economy taxes guild hall and strategic housing placement for PvP tactical advantage, drop swordsman and pick up architect (or one of 36 other professions), Duel Jedi from opposing factions and slay them to gain rank up the Jedi council.,Start a vendor in my house with custom items that nobody else in the galaxy sells, camp the acklay spawn, be awesome!

Edited by Iknar
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SWG was by far my favorite MMO to date. I do like SWTOR a great deal and will gladly keep playing, but it just isn't the same. I have played a lot (and i mean A LOT) of MMOs in my day, but none give me the same feeling or freedom as SWG did. As others have stated, you get to be you and do whatever you want and I do feel like a scripted character more so in SWTOR. The player/guild cities were a great advancement in the MMO world that I think others should incorporate. But the main thing I miss is the helpful community, guilds and all. I wish they would bring it back. Or just even make it a free game, although I know that will never happen. I will always treasure my days in SWG.




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