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Everything posted by Nassus

  1. Well maybe a new engine is a bit to much, but how about refreshing some of the graphics. Higher quality textures or model overhauls. Games Like Eve online and Wow have been doing this to improve their looks over the years. Bioware and EA are totaly infested in this game, they are gonna release a new expansion, maybe they should also look into some way to improve certain graphic/engine stuff. And I know gameplay over graphics but it could not hurt to improve some of this stuff.
  2. Okay, to be sure I pointed it out I had a some what different bug then has been mentioned in the bug tracker. I also submitted a ticket ingame. Let's hope this issue gets picked up soon thanks for all the replies guys
  3. Thanks for your reply but this is not the exact same issue. This is the reported issue: "The display issue that causes Prefab Decorations to not appear after being picked up/replaced" But I bought a couple of decorations and they do not show up in my decoration items at all. So I cannot even place them or pick them up, it's like I never bought them, even though the vendors says I have them.
  4. Hi all, I have a weird problem. I finaly craft my own MK1 prefabs and I went to my stronghold and bought a couple of MK1 prefab decorations of the Synthetic Fabricator Droid, I bought a Senators table and a Seperatist forces poster. Now this is a couple of days ago, and these decoration items are still not in my decoration list. I also found out, that If I preview the items of the Synthetic Fabrication Droid, it shows a different item, and when I look for the correct item, the items also don't show up onder the show all filter. I checked all the filters to make sure I did not overlook anything, tried all size of hooks. So is this bugged? I was really looking forward to buy some stuff with my MK1 prefab. Decorations I buy from Felusia Stato Decoration merchant work just fine, and also the decorations like the holocrons work just fine.
  5. Sadly I must say No, the game is too linear and too restrictive I am not yet level 50, and I will keep playing some more months, but I think I wil get bored very quickly with this mmorpg. This game really misses the open world/galaxy feel, and could use some more sandboxy elements like housing and decoraction, cosmetic gear like in lotro, and a better pvp.
  6. lol well thats pretty dissapointing to be honest, I got a pretty high end pc here, and should really be able to run this game with high resolution textures, but because Bioware want to make sure this game runs for everyone, they just decide to downscale the textures :S Ehm hello, don't we have graphic options for this? Like Low, Medium, High settings? Or maybe do it like Lord of the rings online, enable High Res Textures? And I am pretty sure in Lord of the rings online the armor/clothing textures are not this muddy as they are in this game. At least we should be able to choose. And if anything is causing the downfall of PC gaming, its because of the developers making poor choices like these, Rage had the same problems with those low res textures, Crysis 1 had poor textures, why should we even buy a high end pc, when all these games are getting downgraded so they can be played on a consolle or on a pc that is 5 years old :s
  7. I like it, but I got a question, does any of you got the email about this, because I did not receive one, and is the reward allready ingame? Because I also did not get a ingame email with the reward. Im asking because I have been playing from the start of the pre order phase, and I have a active subscribtion, so I should be elegible.
  8. Yeah I will keep playing, I am level 30 and I am really enjoying myself, I really don't get all those people bashing this game, it is a MMORPG, every MMORPG has bugs, and every MMORPG needs time to fix those bugs, this can take a couple of months, it's not like this game is unplayable, or the most bug infested MMORPG out there, I have played a lot of differend MMORPG's and I have never seen a more complete and smooth MMORPG launch like the one SWTOR had. And no I am not a starwars/bioware fanboy, Im just a casual gamer, and I think some of you should take a deep breath, count to ten, and just chill, and if you really don't want to spend money on this game, take a break, and come back later.
  9. Would love to see pod racing on tatooine, would really add something fresh to the mmorpg world, they should really make it like the N64 version, not on rails, and also let people bet on the racers, and maybe even let guilds start a racing team so they can challenge other guilds and so on, they could add so much to this game
  10. Yeah yeah, bla bla bla, ZZZZZZZzzzzzZZZZZZ your repeating yourself, and it is getting pretty boring, move along now, and let us SWG geeks share our thoughts, I don't get why you are still here replying on this thread when clearly you dislike SWG, go troll some other thread. You are a good example of someone who does not really get it. And ignored
  11. Ehm no it is NOT FACT, it is YOUR opinion, and I have played the EMU version and it is no where near finished, a lot of stuff is not working, and there is a lot of lagg, I could not even shoot some low level mobs because of the lagg, so get your facts straight before you attack someone because they only share their opinion about something. The official SWG had alot of cool features, and if the game would still be online, I would still be playing it. But I like SWTOR, and I know it's a differend kind of MMORPG, but it is Starwars, and it's kinda difficult to not compare them to each other, and if bioware would decide to add some of the features of SWG, SWTOR would offer something that no other MMORPG has at this moment. I don't get why a more sandbox kind of MMORPG could not have the content SWTOR has at the moment.
  12. Yeah well that is your opinion, not fact, and if I look through this thread your opinion is not shared by a lot of people. SWG had it faults, but picture this, add all the content and cities from SWTOR to the open world/planets of SWG, with the crafting also mixed and include the player cities and housing with the decoration options SWG had, then this would be a reall killer MMORPG.
  13. No you are not the only person, I feel the same way, it does not feel like planets it feels like levels, it is all way to small
  14. SWG RIP, never going to see another mmorpg like SWG anymore
  15. Well I agree about the instances, I was playing a couple of minutes ago, there where 23 people playing at my region, and they were spread out over 2 instances, why would they do that :S it allready was feeling very empty. And I also agree about the planets being so small, I really don't have the feeling I am on a big planet with a real life world, it feels like little levels, and people saying bioware will fix things, sure they will, but I seriously doubt it they will make the levels feel more open, and give us more freedom.
  16. I mis SWG to, I really like SWTOR, but I really mis a lot of the atmosphere SWG had, and It feels so empty, SWG with all the open space it had felt so much more alive then SWTOR, it really felt like SWG had a real life galaxie, with a real economy, and real planets, where you could explore and go almost everywhere. Stwor is more like a on rail themepark mmorpg, it's a fun game, but it lacks the soul SWG had. Would be so awesom if we could have SWTOR content and quality with the freedom and sandbox options of SWG, but I gues we will never see such a game
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