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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Somehow all this talk about gear reminded me of all the people leveling using the 12x XP and entering Flashpoints with subpar gear. Some time last week I was queueing for a level 55 HM FP on my Sniper (decently well optimised 180 gear with Brutalizer relics and two of the four set bonus pieces are Underworld, not Dread Forged) and got a surprisingly quick pop to Hammer Station.


We all joined in and I started respeccing from Engineering to hybrid, which took like 20 second, but in that time the tank had already started complaining about our DPS Sorc's gear. I quickly inspect all others and see that the tank is in 180 comm gear, but properly augmented, the healer is in a mix of 186/180 and the DPS Sorc is mostly in 156, but with one level 30-ish implant, 140 hilt and missing a relic. Alright, definitely not optimal, but I know I can easily carry the DPS there, even against the bonus boss. The healer and the other DPS are from the same guild, so I assumed the healer was there to boost his friend.


Our erstwhile Juggernaut tank was already telling how we can't possibly do the bonus quest and how we will just keep on wiping. I ask him to calm down and say the bonus is definitely doable (hell, it was alright in Black Hole gear!), but the tirade of insults just keeps on coming. The healer promises to make sure there are no deaths, the Sorc pledges to reimburse any and all repair costs he might cause and all that. The tank tells us to shut up and starts fighting the first patrol droid.


Well, clearly the tank was pissed, because he just kept pulling, refused to used cooldowns, grabbed several groups at once and did not even try to keep aggro on most of the mobs. The Sorc DPS was struggling, his rotation was all over the place and all that, but I picked up the slack as promised and the awesome healer just refused to let anyone's health go under 75%.


The tank keeps up his breakneck speed through out the whole FP, even starting the bonus boss fight before the rest of us are out of Rampage's range, but even that fight goes without a hitch. Occasionally I had to stay behind to finish off a few mobs, but I whisper the Sorc to just follow the healer. Last boss goes down as well, although I stayed in stupid for a while (didn't die) and right after the tank hits the console to end the FP, the Sorc summon a repair droid and asks "How much do I owe you all?" Around 15 seconds of stunned silence follows before the tank replies "F**k off all, welcome to my ignore list" and then he leaves the group. The rest of us giggle for a while before leaving the instance and place the tank on our respective ignore lists.


TL;DR: A tank complains about a few items on a DPS, DPS promises to pay for any deaths. Tank proceeds to troll pull us through the whole FP, while our healer easily keeps us all up. At the end, the DPS the tank kept offending pulls out a repair droid and asks for how much he owes us. Tank tells us off and puts us on ignore after a very quick, zero death FP.

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TL;DR: A tank complains about a few items on a DPS, DPS promises to pay for any deaths. Tank proceeds to troll pull us through the whole FP, while our healer easily keeps us all up. At the end, the DPS the tank kept offending pulls out a repair droid and asks for how much he owes us. Tank tells us off and puts us on ignore after a very quick, zero death FP.

This made me happy, way to go!

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Really :o I joined a 50 HM once with 19K and was threatened by a 40K tank to be kicked because I was to low and would slow everyone down and ever since I've never wanted to do a 50HM with less than that.


Just because someone else is an idiot doesn't mean you have to be.

Edited by g_land
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I had a very odd HM Hammer Station run today on my healer..


We zone in and off the bat, the Sin tank says that this is his first time as a tank (at all) and apologizes for any screw-ups of which there will probably be plenty.. His words, not mine..


Nobody complains and I thank him for letting us know..


The first big group comes up and in my experience, this is pretty much the hardest fight of the entire FP, bosses included.


True to his statement, we wipe three times.. I simply could not keep the tank from melting in seconds.. But we did kill a few each time and eventually we succeeded.. - roughly 20k in repairs and we move on..


We had an op dps with us, who preferred being ranged and thus stay out of melee reach at all times (Yes indeed) and a surprisingly competent dual-stick..


First of all, yes we struggled through everything.. No, the tank never used his dcds.. I even asked him and he freely admitted it in chat. His gear was likewise not very good, he was impatient and did not read any tactics written in chat.. But apart from the melting-orgy in the first fight, I managed to carry people through with some VERY fast button-clicking and some help from the dual-stick, who definitely knew what he was doing.. All in all, the slowest, most clumsy and patience-testing FP I've run in a long, long time..


But wait.... We haven't come to the odd part yet..


Consider everything above and the abusive nature of so many, many puggers and then consider this miracle:


There was not one, not a single, not even a hint of a complaint, personal attack, derivative comment or anything of the like..

The closest thing we came was my comment after the endboss fight, that the tank might consider running a few tacticals to get a better understanding of his rotations and his heartfelt agreement and subsequent comment about reading some guides.


After the run, everybody said thank you and then left the group, as per standard... And I was left with the odd sense of having experienced something truly rare.

Edited by Lord_Robert
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We had an op dps with us, who preferred being ranged and thus stay out of melee reach at all times (Yes indeed).

Lethality pretty much lets you stay out of melee against trash, since everytime you kill something, you'll gain TA.


For bosses you can run into melee for a shiv and the occasional backstab and then back into 10m range. It's a pointless exercise most of the time but won't really hurt your DPS. For some bosses it's very useful, though, e.g. General Ortol in Cademimu - no need to huddle up in melee and share the shackles with everyone.

Edited by Mubrak
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I don't get why people don't like carrying others. After running HM's alongside poor tanks or undergeared dps or healers who refuse to heal I have learnt alot of useful things like sniper tanking, jugg dcd rotation, merc healer tanking, sorc healer tanking.....


Having said that I do get annoyed when some hugely undergeared person sits in the middle of a mechanic then complains the healer was too noob to heal through it.


As I have said before, carrying people is not a problem, carrying arrogant noobs is.


The DPS Sorc is mostly in 156


Every single 1 of my characters started HM fps with crafted 156's. I never had any complaints :)


My personal opinion on people who complain about others being undergeared is that:

a) they clearly forgot they were low geared once

b) they are too lazy/don't know their class or role to do their job properly so need overpowered groups to carry them.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Lethality pretty much lets you stay out of melee against trash, since everytime you kill something, you'll gain TA.


For bosses you can run into melee for a shiv and the occasional backstab and then back into 10m range. It's a pointless exercise most of the time but won't really hurt your DPS. For some bosses it's very useful, though, e.g. General Ortol in Cademimu - no need to huddle up in melee and share the shackles with everyone.


I was not aware of that, but then again, the op wasn't the 'underdog' of the group... Though he wasn't knowledgable about the fp.. But whoever is, when you start out?... Still, what surprised me about the run was not the quality of the group or somewhat lack thereof, but the absolute lack of sh*t flying through the air/chat..

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Every single 1 of my characters started HM fps with crafted 156's. I never had any complaints :)


My personal opinion on people who complain about others being undergeared is that:

a) they clearly forgot they were low geared once

b) they are too lazy/don't know their class or role to do their job properly so need overpowered groups to carry them.

As said, done all of the original 55 HM FP's in Black Hole/Dread Guard geared groups without any issues. This time the argument was even more silly, because I knew full well I could solo DPS anything in the FP with ease. Some times nothing is enough for some people.

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As said, done all of the original 55 HM FP's in Black Hole/Dread Guard geared groups without any issues. This time the argument was even more silly, because I knew full well I could solo DPS anything in the FP with ease. Some times nothing is enough for some people.


I'd say it's a matter of the gear/skill - balance..


If you know your class, then your gear is less important.. If you don't, then gear can become the defining factor..


Having one low-geared and low-skilled player in a group of skilled players with or without high-end gear might not be a problem at all.. Have several and even the best geared and best played toon might struggle..


And if the player behind said toon is either a) impatient or b) simply tired of having to carry people, then you're gonna see some less than optimal reactions.. And depending on the cause, I consider it understandable, if within the limits of decency.


Pair that with the possible defensiveness of the less-than-optimally geared and played toons and you have a recipe for dirt-slinging.


All that said, I don't mind carrying new players, most of the time, if they make an effort and do their best.. I do mind carrying/running with arrogant, defensive people regardless of their skill and gear. But most importantly: Whether or not I choose to carry someone is my choice and nobody has the right to expect it of me or call me selfish, if I decide not to bother one day.. I may be tired, have had too many bad experiences for a while, have a bad day or simply not feel like it..

There's nothing wrong with that.

Edited by Lord_Robert
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Having one low-geared and low-skilled player in a group of skilled players with or without high-end gear might not be a problem at all.. Have several and even the best geared and best played toon might struggle..

Seen this happen so often. People in 180 gear, who think they are invincible and yet manage to struggle in the most mundane fights.


And if the player behind said toon is either a) impatient or b) simply tired of having to carry people, then you're gonna see some less than optimal reactions.. And depending on the cause, I consider it understandable, if within the limits of decency.

To be fair, the guy wasn't even that badly geared. And the tank would not have had to carry a thing. It was a DPS, not a tank problem. Even with the gear he had, we were well over the required DPS. All we lost was a couple of minutes, tops.


All that said, I don't mind carrying new players, most of the time, if they make an effort and do their best.. I do mind carrying/running with arrogant, defensive people regardless of their skill and gear. But most importantly: Whether or not I choose to carry someone is my choice and nobody has the right to expect it of me or call me selfish, if I decide not to bother one day.. I may be tired, have had too many bad experiences for a while, have a bad day or simply not feel like it..

There's nothing wrong with that.

Agreed. However, on average the Sorc had the recommended gear. He just wasn't vastly overgeared, which seems to be what people expect now. One mediocre/bad DPS won't destroy an FP run unless he keeps pulling groups on his own or something.


All in all, a good post and I agree with the sentiment.


Midianlord: I usually go for Engineering or hybrid. Can I keep spamming Suppression Fire? :D

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Yesterday at Czerka Core.

Me - 42k Powertech tank, 39k Op heal, 25k jugg and 28k Mara. So not a bad geared group.


We start fighting a group of mobs in one hallway and the Mara decides to run into the next room 2 seconds after we pull the group.

He pulls a mixed group og elite, strong and weak mobs and die within a few seconds. When asked what the hell he was doing he managed to answer: I didn't ninja pull anything!!!


I answered with a simple: You were the only one of us in that room...

He then answered: But i use undying rage so everyone i supposed to die from tech damage in 2 seconds.


I had no answer for that one...

Not sure if he was trolling, drunk, stoned or just plain dumb. Made me laugh thou

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Last night for some reason every queue I did was an instant pop, and I was on my Sorc DPS. Managed to run an Op, a HM FP and a Tactical, at 55. :cool:


First off, Dread Palace SM, 16m, via GF. We zone in and the group is at teh Dread Council. Quite the complicated fight, so I ask if someone is there first time and would need an explanation of tactics. A few do admit they would need it, but the Main Tank - a 40k HP Jug - says, quoting: "Just don't stand in bad and hit what <Name of the top geared DPS> hits". Uh, ok... Then he pulls, all I mange to do is typing in chat "I'll kite Raptus", though I would have favoured a good explanation, seeing at how one was new for sure but I bet, after having seen the performance, that at least half the team was new, if not more. Offtank included. :rolleyes:


In the end, though, we downed hte Council, though we relied heavily on battle rez and stealth rezzes. At least 5 ppl were stealth rezzed during the fight, which tbh I don't consider a good way to face it. :o

Still, in the end we won, and I got the comms. Passed on all hte tokens and gear - I'm in full 180, I have no use for those - and needed on the Dreadful Throne, which I missed for 1 on the roll... :p


Second story sees me face an HM CZ Core Meltdown. Team was me, an Op DPS, a Jug Tank and another Sorc Healer. I had pretty much the same HP of hte Tank, 36k, which means I was geared a fair bit higher than he was.

We begin saying our hellos, and the Tank Guards the Healer right away. Mind you, the Healer had about 30k HP, and was likely geared on the same lvl. Op DPS had 28k.

I don't say a thing at this point about the Guard, I usually Guard the Healer for hte first 2-3 pulls myself, before moving it where needed. I just keep him in my Focus Target and see at his procs. He gets the typical tanking tree procs, so he actually is a tank. But he holds aggro badly, I rip aggro off him as soon as I use the procced Chain Lightning... And Guard stays on hte Healer. :confused:


At any rate, I can get quite a beating, if needed - had quite a fair bit of those experiences on my Sorc, so I can pretty much keep myself up if the Tank can't hold aggro, with a little help from the Healer.

As we arrive to the desert boss I realize that with that kind of aggro ripping we would never take him to the barrel in time, so I suggest switching guard on me would be helpful. The Tank complies, and I avoid to open with Polarity Shift and Recklessness, specifically to avoid ripping aggro too easily. To no avail, as soon as I pop the procced Chain Lightning the boss is on me, and to me comes often. With me using my threat drop on CD and the Tank taunting continously, mind you... :eek:

On the bright side, we downed it pretty fast. :D


The other boss I use my opener with Polarity Shift and Recklessness, after telling hte Tank via whisper to taunt off me when the boss comes close and I make hte fungus explode. Doing that he held aggro till hte end of the fight, considering I also used my threat drop on CD, with no problem. :)


Last boss is a breeze. I save my opener for hte true boss and tell hte Tank to taunt off me as soon as my opener was done. Again, doing that he held aggro admirably, since I used my aggro drop after his taunt, and on CD.

We downed the boss no problem, looted it and parted ways saying our goodbyes. I gave the Tank a few pointers, like which skills to use and when, and he was very appreciative of those, seeing at how my suggestions turned out to be pretty useful in keeping aggro... :)


Tactical was a simple KDY, and surprisingly nothing to report there. :o


TL;DR: DP run, Maintank doesn't explain tactics and we have new ppl, but with a bit of help from the few experienced Raiders we down the Dread Council.

HM CZ Core Meltdown, Tank can't keep aggro off me even with Guard, but a few pointers to him on my part reveal themselves quite useful. He thanks me for those as we part ways.

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Talking of snipers I re-met someone I first saw afew months ago


I was tanking HM Atheiss on my jugg, dps were mara, sniper and merc healer. I get a feeling I know the snipers name from somewhere, but can't place it.


This sniper of the group used alot of rifle shot. When the mara brought it up the sniper said they have to save their other attacks for special occasions as they only get a limited number, he then explained:


"I have 100 energy and snipe costs 25, that means I only get to snipe 4 times during the fight, at the end I can restore my energy with recuperate."


The merc loled in chat, I mentioned that I remember now how I recognise the name. The mara then asked me why I didn't warn the group seeing as I knew this person. I apologised, said that I had forgotten where i recognised the name from. We carry the sniper through with the mara suggesting the sniper use SoS or snipe or any energy ability and watch what happens with his energy. He refused saying it would be a waste.


I personally think he is trolling, how do you get to 55 and not know your resources recharge in combat?

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Talking of snipers I re-met someone I first saw afew months ago ...




I was tanking HM Atheiss on my jugg, dps were mara, sniper and merc healer. I get a feeling I know the snipers name from somewhere, but can't place it.


This sniper of the group used alot of rifle shot. When the mara brought it up the sniper said they have to save their other attacks for special occasions as they only get a limited number, he then explained:


"I have 100 energy and snipe costs 25, that means I only get to snipe 4 times during the fight, at the end I can restore my energy with recuperate."


The merc loled in chat, I mentioned that I remember now how I recognise the name. The mara then asked me why I didn't warn the group seeing as I knew this person. I apologised, said that I had forgotten where i recognised the name from. We carry the sniper through with the mara suggesting the sniper use SoS or snipe or any energy ability and watch what happens with his energy. He refused saying it would be a waste.


I personally think he is trolling, how do you get to 55 and not know your resources recharge in combat?




BFJ ... I am so sorry, but I always find myself giddy when I come to this forum and see you have a recent post.


I do wish you the best continued luck in PUGLand!

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Assault on Korriban tactical. Im on my sniper with a jugg dps, sorc dps and op dps.


After the droid boss the sorc drops group without a word, the op re-queues us and we carry on.


We get to the enemies at the ramp in front of the sith academy and me and the op set off around the side to avoid the fight. The jugg dps waits until we are out of sight then pulls. We barely scrape through with the jugg dead, me at 2% and the op at 10% ish. We then carry on, kill the enemies at the top of the ramp. The next pull (the 1 that can be stealth cc'ed to be avoided is next.


We then get a 4th group member, a sorc. The op waits at the top of the ramp, I stand infront of the next pull and wait for the rest of them to get to me (mainly the op so he can stealth cc us through). However the op stays put waiting on the sorc. As such the jugg comes to me, then pulls. We start fighting, the jugg (which class has a stack of DCD's) melts, I use my DCD's and survive a while, the op comes to join, the op melts too. I managed to kill both sents, the guardian and 2 of the 3 healers before I was killed. However the jugg has had time to run back and finishes the fight.


The sorc is with us and is a healer. I move to the first of the 4 fights in the area and pull the sent/consular pair. After I pull the jugg types "w8", then while we are fighting writes "w8" again. They then throw a tantrum about how nooby I am pulling when someone has asked us to wait (they said after I pulled). We finish the fight and I ask "whats the problem, its not like my pulling is causing a wipe"


The jugg says "repair droid" (which we wouldnt have needed if they hadn't been so stupid), I ignore it as I can just repair later, the jugg takes this a me being a noob "don't want repair?". I let them know that if they knew what they were doing we wouldn't need it at all.


That shuts them up for the rest of the room. However on the lift they start doing the "<name> demonstrates their skills are too good for you" emote. However they are so busy spamming this they forget to get off the lift. As such the op now has a chance to stealth cc the enemy at the top of the lift, we move on and the 3 of us get started on the sent and 2 consulars.


The jugg finally gets off the lift, see's a cc'ed enemy they can run past so....attack. Us 3 finish our fight then I turn and start shooting. The op tells me to stop, saying "lets see just how skilled they are". The jugg melts, then the 3 of us mop up, res the jugg then go to the final boss.


In the final boss the jugg completely ignores the add and carries on attacking the boss (you know, the 1 that goes invincible when the add appears). However when the add comes and stuns the jugg, the chat is filled with "ADD" "ADD" "kill the add", "get the adds you noobs" (all 3 of us are attacking the add already). Later on when the add goes for the op dps and boss goes invincible again, the jugg ignores the add (which is right next to them and I reckon visible on their screen).


At the end everyone has to press the console before we get rewards, before pressing the op vote kicks the jugg, it goes through and the last thing the jugg sees before being kicked out with no reward is the chat filled with "lol" from me and the op.

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Had this today on Cad HM 55 as my Scoundrel Healer.


Zone in and the tank and one DPS are from the same guild, the Tank had just over 40K and the DPS has around 16K, the other DPS has just over 30K. The Tank makes no effort what so ever CC and he and his Guild-mate DPS would focus on the same target and the all others in the mob would make a B-Line straight for me and I would spend so much time trying not to die which obviously meant no one else was getting heals (although props for the other DPS who tried to help me out). We just make it through a mob and then the Tank and his buddy DPS would bolt straight to the next mob having around 50-60% health, because I had waste all my time healing myself, run into next mob and once again Tank and DPS focus on one target and the others once again make a B-Line for me, the squishy 16K DPS health drops so darn quickly that it’s not funny, the tank (were they even a tank?) wasn’t doing anything to even try and cc or taunt. At one point I have two of the elite (or gold? But you know the ones I'm talking about) bots both focusing on me solely and no ones doing anything about it and I’m struggling to keep myself alive and I’m at about 10% health before the others take down the adds around them and the bots turn their focus to them, once again squishy DPS who seems to be acting as Tank instantly drops to about 20% health, the Tank is at about 30% the other DPS about 60% and me at 10%. We only just managed to scrap through and The Tank and his guild buddy blame me and I get a little shirty and explain that if he (the Tank) was doing his job I wouldn’t be getting hammered by two elite golds whilst he focused on one mob member (who he had serious trouble taking down even when he was at 40K health). I got a "you should heal better NOOB" comment with his DPS buddy agreeing before he on about 20% and his DPS buddy (about 15%) charge into the next mob whilst me and the other DPS are healing up. Then I leave.


TLDR: Tank not tanking, very squishy DPS doing nil to no damage, me as heals getting bombarded by mobs and gold elites and getting 100% blame :rolleyes:

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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After a few runs of HM fp's I have noticed an evolution in bad tanks.


A bad tank used to tunnel vision the strongest enemy with no taunts or aggro gens. However this allowed me as the healer to just focus on the dps/myself (usually myself) who is carrying out the face-tanking.


However these past few runs when I have been with pathetic tanks a new development has arisen. These tanks no longer use any DCD's at all. Now my plan of face-tanking on my healer and surviving long enough for the tank and dps to clear the group is out the window. I now have to spam heal the crappy tank just to keep him alive, while my hp plummets and the tank carries on beating away with no def buffs up.


This may end up with me dead on the floor, group wipes and who's fault is it.....(a clue, it starts with H and ends with ealer)

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Athiss SM on my lvl 21 healmando. Shadow tank lvl 25, scoundrel DPS (in healspec, there's Slow Release Medpacks around -- appreciated, since my mando healing that this point is terribad and I'm undergeared) lvl 26, vanguard DPS lvl 19. Pretty much what you'd expect for the most part -- scoundrel's DPS consists of Charged Burst, Sabotage Charge and Vital Shot, mostly, vanguard stays out of melee range and never uses Pulse Cannon. Shadow tank never pulls with Kinetic Ward up, and consistently opens with taunt and doesn't use his Force Breach. We also fight every single one of the champions in the temple because the scoundrel's CC apparently is a giant "TAUNT ME" sign.


Everyone was very nice, though.

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