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Everything posted by Cox_The_Beast

  1. True, but I meant that you can get to 75 by playing the story and not skipping anything reasonably fast. Since OP mentioned wanting to reach top lvl fast, I thought I'd mention that playing through the story is still a reasonably fast way to achieve that objective while not grinding.
  2. Yes, SoR is like most of the story: skippable, but with losses and no option to retry later. Notably a title tailored to your class that can be obtanied only thgough Shadow of Revan (Jedi Knight gets Jedi Battlemaster, Sith Warrior gets Empire's Wrath, and so on) and the last class mission in the game. Plus, two pirate-like armor sets and main-offhand combos, all moddable. Not as important, unless you like the pirate-y looks of it, but still worth noting. That said, you can get to top level regardless of where in the story you happen to be. I happened to reach 75 on Tatooine on my latest Sniper.
  3. I need to say, I've been away from the game for a few years, so I'm not 100% sure what actually changed in terms of mechanics and the like, but from what I gathered the "old" WZs still work pretty much the same. I'll give some explanation on what I saw, although probably a bit off topic, because I think it may be relevant due to the fact hacking is a common thing now, from what I've been told by others. I play on Darth Malgus, in case it happens to be relevant, and these happened both in levelling and 75 non-Ranked, although not on a daily basis - I had it in about 6-7 WZs out of possibly 100, while I levelled my lvl 65 Sorc to 75 solely through WZs. The cap through walls was visible mostly incidentally. Novare Coast has bunkers, and I happened to be moving from the N one to the S one, when I noticed a guy parked outside with a purple beam of light going through the wall to cap the turret, thus making it impossible for our team to cap it back due to the attack from the other team on the front of the bunker. That should not be possible, I'm sure. You need a range from the console, but you also need it in your field of view to, you know, select it (Right Click it). The planting bomb was a bit different, it just so happened that I was using Force Storm on my Sorc to "discourage" a planting with enemies getting close to the door, and the planting happened regardless with nobody close enough to it, except someone who appeared to be behind the door on the map. I couldn't even select the guy, so no idea what class or anything else he/she was. I thought of the Operative GroupStealth myself, but AFAIK you can't stealth out of a battle with that, and it has a time limit. Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong? The Merc and Sniper I mentioned would attack appearing out of nothing, literally disappear into thin air whenever their health went under 75%, suddenly reappear behind you at range at full health in a matter of seconds, rinse and repeat. The Sniper notably kept moving aroung with the ballistic shield on, it's how I noticed it was not an Operative. Even discounting the stealthing out, the H2Full in 3- secs seems a tad... Too much. As for the reporting, I would have, but the guys, while targetable, would appear and disappear so often it was hard to find a moment to click on them and report, let alone actually focus on reading their names... I am ashamed to admit I can't setup recording software on my PC due to its age, I can run the game reasonably well so long as nothing else is going on in the background, but recording is probably above what my PC can manage while I play. I can't even use Teamspeak or equivalents, to put it in perspective... I can't really afford to upgrade sadly, so I'm making due with what I have, tinkering with it as much as possible... Sorry, you guys will have to take my word for it. I am however 100% positive what I described happened, because other players saw the same thing, and I don't think my PC could influence theirs in such a way, right?
  4. Premise: both classes are absolutely fine to play in solo content, they don't generally struggle - nobody does - and they do share a fair bit in terms of general mechanics. Plus there's nothing preventing you from making one of each, at all. That said, which is better for you depends a lot on what you personally prefer. Merc is pretty much a walking turret, focused on long range damage, pretty good AoE potential and support with a fair bit of survival thrown in when needed. In terms of aesthetics, their attacks are all based on guns or missiles, but there's a fair variety on the missiles shape, number and effect and how often they get used depending on what specialization you pick. AoE potential is nice, you have a few options that are viable and aesthetically different, but again it's a missiles vs guns situation. It's of course generally a bit more forgiving when positioning, as in solo content you rarely need to move around a lot to avoid enemy attack lest you die... Powertech is more of an "in your face" kind of fighter, direct and focused on keeping pressure on the enemies in close quarters and destroying them with the bit of AoE they have - which is just a bit, compared to Merc - but a lot more "visceral", if you will. In terms of attacks, they go from punches, to missiles, to gunning, to burning, and depending on your specialization you can have some gutting potential too. They also have a charge and a pull, which makes it pretty fun if you don't feel like running to that annoying enemy that is far from the middle of the group, but as I said, they have a lot less AoE potential. In terms of DPS, I haven't noticed a particular edge in solo content. Neither have I noticed particular trouble in surviving with, nor have I noticed particular trouble with the resource management, so I'd say that in terms of viability we're about there in both cases.
  5. I'm also a pretty casual player, although an experienced one. Lag is a bit of a problem throughout the game, probably because of how it's built - semi-complete engines tend to be a bit of a mess to deal with in that sense, and that's what they used to create this game. That said, the game has improved a fair bit in general terms during the years, and PvP is probably the most intense activity for the engine to manage - alongside group content, especially top level. So, it struggling a bit from time to time I believe is "acceptable" in light of what I wrote above. On the other hand, I find the latest WZs introduced to be A LOT more laggy than the rest. I completed a grand total of three out of about a dozen due to getting stuck in the spawning zone and being kicked out due to "inactivity". Being stunlocked is a bit of a signature of this game, if you will... they took a bit of a controlling (pun intended) direction when designing the gameplay, where you can (or could, when you didn't faceroll everything with a single button) strategize on when to disable opponents to buy yourself those moments you need to get past them. That translates in PvP terms into stunlocking. Get stunned once, your resolve grows but doesn't make you immune to stuns to actually allow a bit of margin to the other player - otherwise stuns would be useless, as you get a stun break with a reasonable cooldown if you need it. The second stun caps your Resolve giving you a brief respite from control effects. Resolve's effect ends, rinse and repeat. It can get annoying, but on the bright side if you know what you're doing it's something you can use to play others too. What I'm seeing after returning from a few years off, is a lot of activity in general terms, with a far lower level of skill and a generally worse attitude. I also love Objective WZs (like the Hypergates you mentioned, Huttballs, Novare Coast with the three turrets in a triangle, Alderaan Civil War with the cannons disposed in a line and Voidstar, where you plant bombs to open doors or prevent the others from doing so), as opposed to Arenas - which are fast and easy, but not as fun IMO. Everyone can mash buttons, but Objective WZs require a fair bit of thought process behind that to be won. And big numbers are not a guarantee of quality there. Still, the "Win Only" to progress Daily and Weekly makes it a lot more time consuming, but at least now people generally try... Before my break, it was not infrequent to see 1-2 guys get into a corner and just stay there, running around attacking random stragglers to keep active, regardless of the fact the team was being steamrolled due to being effectively a 6-7 VS 8... Premades are a bit unfair by default, but there's really nothing to do other than joining them or accepting that's how it is. I also have noticed some weird behaviour, like people capping objectives and planting bombs through walls, or Mercs and Snipers stealthing around just to mention the latest two I got to see - no typos there, I literally mean Mercs with 2 guns and Snipers with the ballistic shield moving around and disappearing whenever they get attacked. From what I gathered from the other players, hackers are a bit of a plague right now, hopefully they'll get thrown away sooner, rather than later. Unfortunately, I don't think there are options to make the game less "flashy" other than reducing detail and the general looks of it... I can't check right now, but I have had to deal with the age of my PC lately, and dropping a bit of graphics was all I could really do. All that said, I think the main point is having fun. So long as you have it, keep at it.
  6. Yeah, they did remove a LOT of great stuff, or made it really impractical to acquire. Relegating these and a lot of other great armor sets and weapons to random drops and keeping those random drops tied to LEVEL - I seem to recall you can get them off any Champion so long as you're the appropriate level, but correct me if I'm wrong - and staying in that appropriate level range long enough to actually get what you need in such an astronomically low chance of RNG drop is a NIGHTMARE. Luckily, there is a craftable lookalike, actually, from Armormech. It's tied to an only Bounty Hunter and Sith Warrior class requirement, but it's still better than nothing. The Mercenary Elite is still hard to find, but depending on your server it should be reasonably available. The recipes should drop off Underworld Trading crits still. I'm using one on a newly minted Merc made specifically to reacquire practice with the game after my long hiatus, and that armor set dyed Black/Light Gray is surprisingly nice.
  7. Un'idea potrebbe essere di cercare su Google, è più veloce che cercare qui, considerato che non tutte le gilde scrivono su questo forum e che qui ci sono post in molte lingue a temi differenti... Con "SWTOR Gilde Italiane" ho trovato un buon numero di possibilità, in termini di siti. L'unica cosa è che dovete fare attenzione alle date dei post più recenti. Detto questo, buona fortuna. Translation, so people who want to add something know what was said without having to GoogleTranslate: It would be a good idea to have a look on Google, it's certainly faster than searching in these forums, considering not all Guilds have a thread here and that in this forum we have many posts in many languages with different themes... With "SWTOR Italian Guilds" I found a reasonable amount of sites you guys could have a look at. That said, you may want to keep an eye on the latest posts' dates. That said, Good Luck.
  8. This happened to me aswell after the latest two updates, and it also affects cutscenes. Having returned from a years long hiatus, I can confirm I never had this issue before. Yesterday on Belsavis Imp Side, area 1, second base, the only non-compulsory mission there. A BT3 Cyborg NPC with that cybernetics is on holo with an Imperial NPC: his face glitches out like crazy, his eye seeming more a pirate's eyepatch on a very windy day than a metal cybernetic implant. Also while making a BT3 Powertech with that cybernetic implant, it glitched that way ever since character creation, making me turn it into a BT2 instead, as it was the only one it wouldn't glitch the face.
  9. You keep the subscription for those 30 days and after them you become Preferred, keeping all you unlocked before, pretty much, with the limitations Preferred have. I've been away from the game for a while so I can't really elaborate on the limitations, but a quick search should be enough to get a hold of them.
  10. Having recently returned after a years-long break, I learned the hard way that I have much to learn about how the game works now... But that some things never change. Also, glad to see this is still going. I lost most of my names - all save 3 on a 30+ characters list - and decided to consolidate my legacy, seeing also that I don't have the time to play everything, and that the new gearing system is very punishing of alts, due to RNG dependance. As such, I kept my mains - who managed to maintain their names after the merge - grabbed all useful things off my alts, and deleted them, making myself 8 brand new characters of all classes at lvl 1, with the intention of seeing how the game is now. Well, the disappearance of stances made it mandatory for me to purchase the field respec at the very least on every character I planned of turning into a Tank, as being stuck with that at lvl 40- kind of makes it tough if Lady Luck decides to give you FPs that are on the later part of the story. Looking at you, Blood Hunt... Back before that change I could just turn DPS stance on and play it that way, but now I cannot anymore, so after a bloody bad attempt with me and a lvl 70 Tank and two DPS whose classes I cannot remember, but with similar lvl to the other Tank, I asked them to kick me so they could continue, even though they were more than willing to carry me - something I refuse on the principle that it's not right for me to do so. Another thing I noticed is that if you queue for a random FP, you always end up in things of that lvl spectrum before lvl sync, 50+. After my character reached a proper lvl, 65, I decided to give it a try and run a few FPs as Tank. Well, it was always either the Czerka ones, Blood Hunt - about once every 3 FPs, at this point I could pretty much nightwalk through it - Legacy of the Rakata or the Manaan one. Never have I had anything other than those. That said, I did have a weird moment in my second attempt at Blood Hunt - former Tactical, I think it's Veteran now? - when I was about lvl 68... There my Guardian was called undergeared - regardless of Bolster, which should level the field AFAIK - and I received a few unpleasant whispers from a DPS Shadow that simply refused to acknowledge that I had previous knowledge of the FP when I warned people of things like the pushes on Jos and Valk. It's true, some things never change.
  11. I don't think it's a matter of motivation but of knowledge tbh... I do those quests because it allows me to "grind Galactic Command without grinding", as I reach top lvl playing only solo and starting from lvl 1 - save for the 3-4 "Introduction to GF" quests that require groups - far before the end of the Vanilla content, and everything after that moment gives me points, but the option to see them is on the map and ticked off by default. It'd be nice to just make it be ON by default, so that if someone wants to skip them all he/she can just toggle fhe option off, rather than not knowing in the first place. A new player would most likely not know that the map, of all places, has the option for non-compulsory quests, I'd guess. I for one wouldn't have checked there if I hadn't played back when they made it be so. As such no, I don't think we need more rewards for those, just that they need to be visible.
  12. SM are not there anymore, Tacticals took their place. And not all FPs have Solo. Apart from that, hierarchy is as you described. Buffed Companions wouldn't be a problem if the game was similarly balanced, so that you'd need them to be that powerful - and yourself to be at least competent - to proceed... But with the Exp gains we have, Level Sync keeping you well above the planetary general lvl for 3/4 of the time, and the fact you don't get scaled to the proper lvl in terms of resistance to dmg and DPS output - as a Tank you resist far better than you should, and as a DPS you can 2-3 shot pretty much everything short of Champion level, which require a few more hits - but you remain well above it, makes it so that ppl learn their class in endgame now. With the results you can imagine. I defeated the final boss in the Sith Warrior story in literally 3 hits on my latest Vengeance Jugg... 3 hits. I didn't even need my Companion to do anything, the boss was dead before it could unleash a single channelled attack. That's what we have now. So yeah, you're not alone in finding it hard to learn your class properly. Just keep trying, that's all I can say.
  13. I guess it depends on what you consider necessary for your character... I personally am not really enticed by "boosted" characters. I prefer mine to have all their titles, gear appearance options, Companions' Influence and other amenities that you get only through levelling from 1 up, so as a result the free 60 I got has about 1 hour of gameplay, and I'm considering to just delete it and reroll it as a lvl 1 anyway. I remember hearing ppl talk about a free 65, so I assume they'll make another kind of token, but I may take the free 65 through KotET to scout it out, then send the credits away and reroll it from 1 aswell...
  14. That's how Tactical FP are, just so you know. No fixed role distribution - can be the classic triad, but also 4 Healers, 4 DPS or 4 Tanks - and most of the time ppl who get kicked instantly because they're not 65. Tacticals were made because at a certain point there was a substantial increase in queue time, because of too many queuing as DPS, and fewer ppl queuing as Tanks or Healers. Now queue is normally pretty fast, and to compensate for the possibility that there is no Healer, they added healing stations you can click on boss fights. The fact your friend was kicked instantly depends on the fact he was 26, I bet. Right now, there are many players with no clue what to do, because the game has become so easy they don't need to use Interrupts, Defensive Cooldowns or pretty much anything that makes sense. Their approach tends to be "carry me", but can a lvl 26 carry a 65, no matter how bad? Not really. As a result, low lvls tend to be removed from groups in favour of Companions - which have been buffed so much that having a Healing Companion out means you can faceroll on the keyboard and proceed no matter what you're facing most of the time. Have a look at this thread, as an example. There are many tales that show how some ppl are clueless. So, to answer your question... It's working as intended. On the bright side, harder content, like Hard Mode Flashpoints and all Operations, require the triad. And there it's harder to see clueless ppl - although when it happens it can be catastrophic.
  15. Did you click the gem to put it in the medallion? That's not so obvious, but it may be the source of your problem. Dulfy has a guide here for that Recruitment alert, so you may want to have a look at it.
  16. Commandos can only use Generators in offhands, Mercs can only use pistols. Not like you have many options.
  17. Are you talking of a moddable, Orange labelled set? If so, they removed those as rewards from pretty much everything a few patches ago, and said gear has become unobtainable... Although there are similar looking sets that can be crafted - or at least there were. If not, mission rewards are now dependant on level. At 65, you get Alliance "tokens" instead of green unmoddable pieces of gear. However, said gear is always bound to either the character - greens, everything save for Alliance stuff - or Legacy - the Alliance "tokens" themselves. I'm afraid you're out of luck, at least on that particular character...
  18. This used to be what the game was back in Vanilla, and until 2.x. Back then, most bosses on the story would be impossible to get through without either a lot of help or the use of proper tactics: use of Interrupts, CCs, DCDs, positioning outside of red circles on the ground... You name it. It never was really hard, but it forced you to think on what you were doing. Then overlevelling and overgearing became rampant, particularly when 60 became top lvl and they made those 2x Exp periods - and let's not mention that 12x Exp that made it so riddiculously fast you'd get 3+ lvls on a mission alone. As a result, ppl was 35 on a lvl 28 story battle that used to teach about Interrupts. They'd steamroll it and never learn about it. Now, with streamlined levelling the issue is even more rampant. Level Sync should negate it, but when you're on a lvl 65 on the final mission of the Vanilla story line and the final boss has literally just enough HP to last 2 attacks and a DoT... Yeah. Learning is something that is relegated to endgame now, and only because there's just no way not to be so overtuned compared to what you're facing that you can just mash your keyboard without a logic and get through anyway. Honestly, I think the fact this game needs literally no commitment to see the end is one of the factors behind the drop in Subs that others in the forums claim to be happening. I do know I'm the only one of a large group of friends that enjoyed the game back in Vanilla that is still around, albeit seldomly and only as a Solo, Story player now. Make of this what you will.
  19. I said I ran a random FP with the associated mission. All considered, that gives you more Exp than running BT without a group or without triggering the random FP mission. In the end I skipped BT itself however, and still managed to be 41 when I left DK. Still, makes sense to talk about it, as that FP is technically one of those that are story relevant and have a solo mode. So yeah, it's possible to do it without a group and reap the Exp. I skipped it because I was already in the late 20s before leaving the fleet, and I thought I'd rather not be already 65 when I get my starship.
  20. It's doable, and even easy. I got more than enough Exp to get well above 40 on my latest Bounty Hunter by doing: - the starting planet fully, save for Heroics which I skipped, - the random FP and the associated quest, - the random WZ and the associated quest, - the other missions available on fleet (Crew Skills, Social Tier I, Advanced Class, Stronghold) - and Dromund Kaas fully except for Heroics. During all of that I kept an Exp boost I got as mission reward running about 90% of the time. I didn't purchase Exp perks though, never been a fan of those. Levelling has been too fast for ages to even consider wasting money there. That means Exploration Missions from the start on Korriban to the end of Dromund Kaas, Class Story, the Revanites arc and all the missions available around the maps. He just finished getting his starship and travelled to Balmorra, but had yet to land there, and he was well above 41. I ran Balmorra last week, only Class Story, no Exploration mission nor anything else, and he's now 48. Still trying to burn those Exp boosts, I always manage to reach top level before I get rid of them all no matter what level is top level... You likely skipped A LOT OF stuff between Korriban and Dromund Kaas, mostly exploration missions. Which may seem like nothing, but trust me, they do add up. As a side note, my Trooper who ran through the Prologue in the same fashion on Rep Side, has just got his starship and he's 38.
  21. Speeders from FPs or Ops could never be sold on the GTN, so you're not losing anything, really. Just sucks you have had that mount twice on the same character. "Miracles" of RNG, I guess.
  22. Special Gear that drops from Flashpoints - or any group content, really - tends to be Bound on Pickup. Not the random greens, of course, I'm talking of named gear, like the speeder you mentioned. So yeah, if you get a double, there's nothing to do other than sell it to a vendor, sadly.
  23. This again... You won't receive Shae Vizla till the expansion goes live. Read the whole page and you'll see it mentioned. As a side note, there's countless threads on this all around the forums. Searching before asking may be a good idea.
  24. Had an interesting run of Tactical False Emperor today on my lowbie Sniper - 24 when the FP started. Team was 2 Maras at 65, and another Sniper at 65. All in purple 208 rating gear - DPS gear, for once! Anyway, we log in and it's silent group again... Nobody responds to my greetings. Talking of a nice start, I guess... First pull is very interesting... All pick a target, Maras the two big droids, of course. The other Sniper focuses one of the Silvers and only that one. I'm Virulence on that char, so I do my best to deal with normal adds via DoTs and Suppressive fire, and I kill them all by the time the other three dealt 15-20% on their tunnelvisioned targets. As soon as I do something more than spread my DoTs on them too, aggro is on me. I manage to survive till the end of the pull, but wow. Virulence can get aggro pretty fast, apparently. The FP is pretty much like that. The other three tunnel a target each, I deal with weaks, and as soon as I touch their targets those targets decide I'm a way better thing to shoot/slash/beat up on. CCs are useless, as soon as I used my droid one someone would jump at it. Even during fight, a deactivated droid seems to be a great target to provoque. On bosses I'm pretty much tanking, but thankfully as soon as they drop to 80% HP because of not dodging AoEs they run to healing stations; so even between pulls, stuns and so on I get some HP back... But damn, it's hell to tank on a low lvl Sniper! The Trandoshan boss on the bridge manages to proove interesting, if only because everyone gets pushed everywhere - but thankfully not down the abyss. At any rate, the Mando boss is simply fine... I manage not to die here either. Barely. Mostly because I position myself at the missile reset console, and Entrench myself on CD avoiding half of the pulls. Of course, as soon as the missiles lock on, I disable the console. The other three tunnelvision the boss, which shoots at me. I manage to get an eyeful on what the Sniper uses as "rotation"... Snipe spam till energy negative, then basic attack till back to full, rinse and repeat. No DCDs, nor anything else but those skills. At least he uses cover, I guess... We still go on, me dying here and there, but not on any notably tough fight. Finally, after about 45 minutes, we get to the area with Imperial guards. We wipe for the first time when the three of them pull 3 different groups. Unsurprisingly, might I add... No way we can DPS the three groups of Silvers and Golds down together, with their pitiful DPS. The two Maras I finally get to see in action in more detail... One of them uses Juyo Form, the other one NO form. This second one gets Massacre buffs which I'm pretty sure is Carnage exclusive. The one in Juyo always jumps twice in rapid succession, so I assumed him to be Fury speeced. Only problem is, Fury spec should use Shii-Cho... May be wrong on that regard though, I'm not sure if Marauder has some sort of way to reset Force Charge, so it can use it twice in a few secs? I haven't played my old ones in ages, and reading their skills description didn't shed any light on that. At any rate, we eventually arrive at Malgus. We enter the fight, and as soon as I use my first Cull - I got wild levels during the run, so I eventually got it - after DoTting him, he jumped at yours truly, showing all his love and affection. I didn't die on that fight, but I was picked for the single player phase 4 times. The DPS didn't really change much from when we were attacking together. The problem was that it took seemingly forever. Virulence at low lvl has wild energy consumption, so managing it for such a long fight was nightmarish. We eventually get it done, and the other three write something in chat for the first time... "GG". One of the Maras adds one thing in chat, right before leaving group... I shouldn't taunt. Well, this brings back memories... Still, glad that's over. 1h and a half... Whew! I did have my Legendary Player icon, unlike the others, which I assume were on their first char or something like that, so that may be the reason they said nothing to me to criticize my play stile... But damn, that was exhausting! I've been weird myself in this run, though... As I left the FP, I realized that character just got an armor Legacy Set sent to him... Which had nothing in it. And that the weapon was one I got off the PvP Weapons Vendor on fleet. Which was empty aswell. Yep. I ripped aggro everywhere with empty shells only. Bolster must have given me mad stats, I suppose...
  25. I haven't been excited about anything in this game ever since Shadow of Revan, and even then I became un-excited pretty fast. As soon as I realized the story was the same regardless of alignment, class and faction, in fact. KotFE made the issue even more severe than it already was. Vanilla story was great because every character had a peculiar story line to follow, with different developments, missions and characters to meet. If you got bored of one character, you could swap to another. Even Makeb, as grindy as it felt when mobs were so close to each other, felt less grindy than what came after it. Simply because at least the things to do differ between factions, so if you were bored to do it on Rep Side, you could just switch to Imp Side and see the story from another perspective entirely. The new expansion bringing RNG as the main feature of the gearing process, together with the Sub-exclusive access to it, means I won't have a reason to keep a subscription running at all. Already everyone I know has left the game, while I stuck in to see where the story was going, so group content is something I do when I really have nothing else to do... And of course, I PuG. Having no access to gear as a non-Sub simply means I'll go on with what I get naturally and ditch group content entirely. Not like I'd get anything out of it anyway. So no, I'm not excited. I'll see how this expansion is, play it, and leave most likely until the next one. Not like I'd have anything to do anyway, since I can't gear if I unsub, and I don't feel like keeping my Sub running to redo what I have already done countless times again...
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