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lol bolster


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What? Did people expect to faceroll level 30s in EWH gear? Just take it off, it's better this way. :rolleyes:


Although...They should have at least let you trade in your old WH/EWH pieces for the new partisan and conqueror sets.


Those are 55 so they wouldn't cause any problems in the lower brackets. :confused:

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I just fixed a bug in my processor and I can now run the game smoothly, butt guess what when I could not move and shoot I could stand in place and it would take 3 people to kill me in 3-5 sec with a chance at using unload and rail shot plus one other.


Now I go to the edge of combat, Through out some basic damage but if I get two hits from a smash monkey I am dead. I used to see in 50+ WZ an occasional 5,000 crit now it is constant. I am being killed by snipers before I can even get close to the battle area.


I use power and surge builds at level 50 Merc pyro and I still see the same 500 basic spam and 2000-3000 crits. I just relloed from arsenal so I know my rotations need work. I have never seen 7000 hits from snipers on a regular basis sometimes now 3-5 per match.


My idea on the math

take the characters build at level and compare it to min max a that level in each category armor and stats and also the ratio between stats. So that if the endurance is 35% lower than main stat it will never change that ratio. if a character has only 30% percent of bonuses based on equipment they will only get 30% max added to their bolster.


This way if someone has spent time getting high level gear that puts them at %110 possible build they will still be represented at %110 of their bolster level.


If someone has put all of their effort into crit surge they will not get an unfair advantage by having other areas bolstered. (probably in consideration)


As far as level, with this system everyone will remain at the same tier for their equipment type for the bolster level, but if there is an 35% increase across the board for 15 lvls (guess) approx. 2.5% per level change that to .5% per lvl. That makes the percent per level spread the same as groups in flashpoints. Expertise could be hit in a similar manner. If a new lvl 50 used to get X expertise subtract that amount from everyone. Then if some body had some expertise but not more than the subtracted amount give them back a percentage.


I worked very hard to get my WH armor at a major disadvantage to other folks who had been playing longer. Some people go through the hassle of getting datacrons. Other folks do all of the heroics and flashpoints to get a higher lvl of gear than just basic drops. The ability to equalize the paling field should take 10 plus levels and make it a 4-5 level difference and should still give people a bonus based at where they are ranked in their own level. and if you do not have a piece of armor on multiply by zero.


We are not in Kindergarten and we are not all equal. We should have a real chance to compete and work up, but practice and hard work is rewarded.

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You don't even need to abuse it on purpose. I queued with my level 30 guy, was hitting 7700 damage takedowns on my sniper, 3 shotting people. Was wearing my normal gear. Slightly broken?


See I knew I had this happen.


This is like somebody who practices guitar twice a week on a hand me down expecting to be the same as someone who has practiced for years and saved all their money to buy a quality instrument. They are not equal. Now this is a game so person one should be given a chance to get to person 2 slot. But what will be learned if they do not have to overcome their weaknesses.

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the guy who said nothing has changed in warzones. Maybe that's true for your healer but try to play shadow DD (not tank!) and feel the pain...

Three days ago I was a top notch shadow in warzones. Now I'm useless, unless I go naked....:eek:

I played PVP in many games for many years and I really enjoyed SWTOR PVP a lot, randoms and premades. I have no problems with losing fights, if the fight is good. But this new system now has nothing to do with PVP at all.

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When I first joined a 2.0 wz on my scoundrel my hp was at 21k and 1330 exp 1800 main stat In full war hero, By removing all expertise mods armouring etc and replacing them with blue 50 pve mods from the corella vendor on fleet and by leaving all implants,relics and earpiece slots empty, I now have 26k hp 2300 main stat 2008 expertise and all is well.


I would like a refund on all the planetary comms I had to waste to fix my gear for the simple fact that

War hero armour should have had all expertise removed with 2.0

Players who did not buy the xpac should not be expected to have to downgrade gear to be on a equal footing stat wise.

Edited by Ren_simp
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ttk is way too low, and bolster is still broken.


fixing bolster might help ttk, but i seriously doubt it.


I hope it does because TTK is WAY to short right now. I am assuming it's a bolster issue right now and that things are out of whack. Otherwise, this spawn-die-spawn-die pacing is a real snoozer, and I mean that from the giving and the taking end of it. Vaporizing people is fun for the first few matches. When the laughs die down, it feels pretty boring. On the receiving end, running in an spamming your quickest attacks before inspecting the walls of the respawn room only to rinse and repeat is also quite boring.

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Thanks Eric for the reply. And hopefully your post will knock some sense out of these ragers. BW knows the issue and is doing their best to fix it urgently.


They've had since the PTS rolled out this patch to fix the issues. Bolster is retarded right now but not even sucking it up and saying "hey, it was known in the PTS but we didn't bother/have time to fix it" is what most of the outrage is about.

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Okay, here is a report for you, BW: every day I see more and more players PvP'ing NAKED (besides the hideous dirty undies, of course). Yeah, *that* thing that you put in the pre-live patch notes that it was something you were going to fix! GG.
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In 1.2 It took me 3 days to get the average gear (WH) which made me competitive in warzones, after that I played 2-3 hours per day and that was enough to do PVP. What bioware did now is ridiculous. I dont have time to grind pve gear to be competitive in warzones. I dont have that kind of schedule. Today I collected 12 partisan pieces and people in full pve have 200 more mainstat, 2000 more hp and the same expertise! And this will only get worse as PVE-people get better gear and better stats on wzs with 2k expertise from bolster! I chose a pvp server so I dont have to grind PVE and can casually play RWZs 2hours per day. Please remove bolster from lvl55 or make it so PVP gear gives around 3000 exp



You see it too! My partisan gear makes my stats WORSE than the PVE gear. Infact all items that contain expertise make your stats lower because for some reason they dont get bolstered.


I reiterate: SCALE BACK BOLSTER. There should be at least a 40-50% difference in conqueror gear than bolster gear. Make bolster bolster your stats to a fixed rate FOR EACH SLOT REGARDLESS OF WHAT GEAR IS THERE. Bolster should not change based on gear. This fixed amount of stat should be at least 20% lower than Partisan

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Remove the bolster in lvl 55 atleast.

PvE players can enter wzs and challenge the best geared PvPers by being naked, while PvP players must farm to be able to do flashpoints.. WTH?

If this game are gonna favorise PvE players, just remove the goddamn pvp allready, you allrdy seem uncapable of making it work so why the hell keep it?

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The matches as a whole seem the same. The skill of all the pugs whining about being facerolled still aren't up to par and the still get rolled. I still steamroll the same people even tho the gear is even now. The only class I have a remotely hard time is Van/BH and there is nothing anyone can do with those. IMHO it honestly didn't make much of a difference to the player who were complaining the most. Premades still steamroll pugs. It's like a ninja fighting a regular guy who just so happens to be dressed as a ninja. lol he might get a lucky shot in but he still getting his Butt kicked. Edited by Chimerako
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My take on it:


I really wanted to take advantage of bolster and play my merc I haven't played in months. But once I logged in and started looking at the skill trees; the combination of the extras along with my not playing it just seemed daunting ATM so I went with what I know. I logged in and played on my recruit gear gunslinger as I have a better understanding of what skills are valuable to fit what I use. I chose him over my WH sniper for 2 reasons. One; I left him near cap on reg comms and 2; I also had kept the adaptable gear I used during leveling after I got recruit, so I could stick PvP armor mods in it later, to have the shells to turn in. Well; I stripped down to nude and got an increase, but sure enough; equipping my leveling gear I was at my best. I don't really have a problem with it as everyone has a viable option in being naked. At least in sub=55 brackets, as that should be a leveling and preparation area, so I don't really care.


I do care, however; how low TTK is without healing and the drastic difference when you have healers. If you thought premade complaints were bad before, I can only hear it now.

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On a personal note the most annoying thing is not knowing once again what the fixes to bolster will bring. I was smashed for 9.8k then dispatched for 8.8k. Obviously it's broken but I just want to play and not feel like I'm in a beta or test server. If its working as intended just say that and I'll adjust but if not it would be nice to not completely change formats every few months. I personally still kill people at the same rate I did prior to 2.0. Pugs don't really seem to be living longer or having more of an impact. Then stuns on top of crit for 1/3 of health does make PvP feel a bit silly at times.
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Remove the bolster in lvl 55 atleast.

PvE players can enter wzs and challenge the best geared PvPers by being naked, while PvP players must farm to be able to do flashpoints.. WTH?

If this game are gonna favorise PvE players, just remove the gosh darn pvp allready, you allrdy seem uncapable of making it work so why the hell keep it?


Best post i've ever seen.

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they tried to give free recruit to every one, and we all know how it resulted.. people sold it for credits, or didnt wear since 'they had better stats with pve gear'

removing recruit gear and doing bolster instead was a better idea.

it is bugged and needs tweaking, but it's better then recruit gear.


I feel you on this for sure, But in 55 in my conqueror set I shouldn't be getting my stats bolstered at all... I don't mind that it's intended to bolster a pve 55 up to a new recruit type of level...but right now its way out of whack. It can't be that hard to fix the issue.

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bolster at 55 is designed to make life easier for the pvpers. I understand that you may not like it, and you certainly have some justification. but would you rather have moderately viable pve'ers (the equivalent of recruit) or have them jump into WZs regardless and be completely useless with no expertise whatsoever?


I think the execution is lacking. but then...that's pretty much par for the course in this game.

Edited by foxmob
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Anyone that thinks this is a good thing is obviously not playing in the warzones. Can someone honestly say that the developers, as a design decision, want people to not wear their armor? That's insane.


Right now, if I wear my normal clothes, I will be playing at a disadvantage. In order to compete, we have to be naked. You reward behavior that you want to see in the game - so, the devs want us to walk around without clothes? I doubt it.


Anyone that is saying this is a good idea is either not doing the PVP themselves ( and not seeing the nakedness ) or has their head just so far up the sunshine hole that they can't see when something is blatantly broken.


Fix your PvP, please. Don't make me regret re-subbing.

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for anyone that doesnt know how this bolster system feels like, imagine a fully twinked out smasher or concealment op at lvl 49 in pre 2.0 lowbie pvp.....


At the moment I honestly rather have the old bolster system back then this crap of a joke...

Least gear mattered even if not intended to, but to a more reasonable degree then this.

There are a few things they could do alot better for pvp, some things they did vs us pvp players makes me wonder why they even have it in the game anymore? It sure made me feel like they want more people to pve then pvp.

I liked the pre 2.0 pvp, as broken as it was at times it made me wanna go back for more, now its like.. whatever..

The entry level pvp set was one of the better ideas they now removed as well as the level 20-40 sets (good for pve and pvp while leveling) not much now for first 40 levels (until you can trade for ranked) to buy except medpacs and more bank slots(to store the damn medpacs).


I say revamp the old WH or EWH sets for a free unmoddable set for level 50.

Dump the current bolster and reinstate the old for brackets 10-30 / 31-49.

Add a new bracket for 50-54.

Lvl 50-54 and 55 pvp brackets will not have bolster.

Up the cap on comms at lvl 40, 4500 wz comms / 6500 RWz Comms

This will allow alot of ppl to be descent geared once you hit 55 with a mix of the 50 and new 55 gear (like ppl in wh/recruit in pre 2.0)

Add some pvp merchandise for the 10-49 brackets again. as well as for 50-55.

I'd also suggest to fire whoever designed this new bolster system and not hire any more interns for the job.


If something don't change soon i agree the pvp in this game will die pretty quick.

I seriously hope they will accomodate the pvp community and fix it rapidly.

Imagine a similar broken bolster system for pve for operations? it wouldnt fly very long lol

Seeing people in greens/naked out dpsing full 72's XD that'd make the PVE peeps insta rage quit...


I still love this game for what it has, I just dont approve of some of the decision the pvp team made for 2.0.

I find it poorly thought through and a slap in the face to us trusty subbing swtor pvp'ers..

Edited by Dingoo
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