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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

60k repair bill!


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Yeah difficult to argue with the truth, but meh, you all still keep trying.


There is no truth with which to argue. There isn't any plausible reason why repairs for legacy armor should be twice as high as repairs to a pve modded pvp set with the same mods that took just as much time and effort to obtain. It isn't about the money he spent then. It's about the money he's spending now; a cost implemented a week ago that arbitrarily assigns value to how much you can sell it for to an in-game vendor. As far as I can tell, he isn't complaining about how much he spent initially. Hopefully this clarifies things.

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some of us aren't great players, not with a particular class anyway. For instance, I have a marauder and yeah, i was able to get to 50 with it, but when it comes to playing the harder end-game things, I'm not great with it. I didn't really have a group to try and do the ilum event with, so I tried to do some of the simplier ones solo, a few deaths and I have a 50K repair bill.


I play this game a lot so I'm not a casual player. I'm just not that good with this character. I admit it, but I would think bioware would want to keep me as a subscriber. The more classes I try out, the longer I'm apt to pay and stay... having such a penalty for dying seems a bit extreme to me.

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There is no truth with which to argue. There isn't any plausible reason why repairs for legacy armor should be twice as high as repairs to a pve modded pvp set with the same mods that took just as much time and effort to obtain. It isn't about the money he spent then. It's about the money he's spending now; a cost implemented a week ago that arbitrarily assigns value to how much you can sell it for to an in-game vendor. As far as I can tell, he isn't complaining about how much he spent initially. Hopefully this clarifies things.

Did you even bother reading both of Cleet's posts fully, or did you stop at the lazy bit? If so get past that and read it, as there is an awful lot of truth in what he is saying.

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Someone did an analysis of the new repair costs and it is bugged, as the new formula seems to be taking the shell price into account, not just the mods in it. My lvl 15 alt had a 5.5k repair bill upon repairing from around 50% durability. I was doing the daily in hammer station and we wiped several (5-6?) times. He is wearing a full selection of cartel market orange and crafted orange gear with lvl appropriate mods (mostly lvl 11-13, a couple of 15's and a couple of 9's as well) IMO, a repair tab that large for a lvl 15 is a definite issue. Will a new player have the same issue in greens? Most likely not, but it is still an annoyance.
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After watching several patches come out since Beta that lowered the cost of repairs as well as mod'ing.


Now, all of the sudden the repair costs go skyhigh.


For those of you who do not understand what it happening here.. you dont even have to wipe. Just run your belsavis dailies and go check a repair droid before you leave. Mine was 35k. I never died.


This is the heart of the problem.


Operation TFB, 8 man run , 7 wipes, repair losses over 120k. Simply ridiculous.


Um.. dude. I'm BH geared Commando and ran all of Ilum (non heroics), all of Belsavis (regular non heroics) and all of The Black Hole dailies (non heroics) and my repair bill was under 6k total for al three planets. If you claim your repair was 35k for one planets dailies then frankly.... I'm calling BS on you, especially as my NON BH geared 50 Vanguard just finished Belsavis dailies with a total repair cost of 1353 credits (all her gear moddable and all lvl 50 purple mods btw).


Frankly, while the repair bills are more expensive, I am not seeing the costs you guys are claiming. Even after wiping on Xeno a few times my repair bill was still under 50k and I made that back and then some just off the event dailies.

Edited by Saitada
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Did you even bother reading both of Cleet's posts fully, or did you stop at the lazy bit? If so get past that and read it, as there is an awful lot of truth in what he is saying.


You mean the part about how we can get credits by doing things like, say, space missions and using our cartel coins to purchase items to sell on gtn? Yes, I read that. While true, I think we all kind of already knew that. I confess that I didn't see the part about ripping out the mods and putting it in a "cheaper" shell. That would be a tough decision, considering the cost and how much you'd already invested in that set of gear; not knowing whether BW will eventually adjust the repair prices or not.


Of course, none of that changes the fact that the relative increase in the price to repair his gear unfairly penalizes him as compared to other similarly rated armor sets. By a lot. So I would add the option to the list that Bioware simply fix the problem. He apparently took the option to unsub, and I don't disagree with him.

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I have read your thread, starting with the OP. It's either a troll thread or you believe that you've "paid enough credits" to be able to waltz through a HM.


I wouldn't say that I am a hardcore player. I wipe quite frequently. In fact I wipe on purpose just to travel to a med center if my QT is on CD. I pay repair bills everytime I see a vender. I've actually incurred repair bills just walking between two venders ~ without ever wiping or entering combat. And I've wiped a great many times while showing new players the ropes in HM FPs.


Where I don't wipe is in HM FPs while grouped with 3 players who have the free Tionese gear and actually know the boss fight mechanics.


If a "few" wipes are costing you 60K there are a limited number of possibilities.

1. You are in super expensive gear & wiping on content that you are grossly overgeared for.

~ or ~

2. You are wiping a LOT more than a "few" times, on content that you don't have the skill or knowledge for.

~ or ~

3. You are waiting to repair your gear until pieces fall off, which is the product of a lot more than a "few" wipes.

~ or ~

4. You and your group mates are ignoring the fight mechanics and expecting your gear to let you faceroll a boss.


If you like to wipe ~ by all means wipe away!

Otherwise...do some dailies until your bank/gear/ & skill are up to where you're not causing 3 other players to wipe in a FP and getting yourself blocked/ votekicked/ or gkicked.


Are you paying the repair bills for those other 3 players as well? For some reason I highly doubt it.


You don't do the dailies for the credits ~ you do them for the practice, warmup, & the comms. Credits are just a byproduct.


If you were not trying to short circuit the gear progression by jumping straight from the free Tionese to BH gear & skipping the dailies you might have noticed that some pieces of BH gear are a questionable upgrade. You would also be sitting on a fat wad of credits from the dailies. And you would have also learned by now that skill>gear in any of the Tier I HM FPs.


~EDIT~ You're complaining that your legacy gear cost too much to repair? Well NO kidding. You burned all your credits buying modable legacy gear! Where did you get the credits to blow on that?


lol someone didn't pay attention in debate class...

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Making credits in SWTOR is very easy and you can do it in many ways. If you can't make 60k, you are very incompetent to play this game.


Point is you shouldnt be forced to grind repetive dailies that suck horribly when the main part of anything good in this game is HM FP or OPS. the content should be harder not make it harder to actually do the content. This game is azzbackwards in devolpment its a chees way to extend the life of avery shallow end game.

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the most i ever got from repairs was atleast 10k and we only wiped onced and made 6x more when we finished.

stop whining


That's great for you, however 2 flashpoint wipes on my 31 sniper (all orange/purple, fully augmented) now runs over 7k credits.


While a level 50 character can recover that easily through a few section X/black hole dailies, recovering those costs for a low level character is a much more significant issue.

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That's great for you, however 2 flashpoint wipes on my 31 sniper (all orange/purple, fully augmented) now runs over 7k credits.


While a level 50 character can recover that easily through a few section X/black hole dailies, recovering those costs for a low level character is a much more significant issue.


3.5k/ wipe @ lvl 31.


That's closer to the pre-1.2 levels than I'd like.

Back in 2011 a death on Taris cost my level 36 10k.


If they decide to restore the old levels you'd be looking at 30k/wipe in Campaign gear and maybe something like 35k/wipe in Dread Guard. That would be insane.

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Interesting that both sides of the argument remain the same.


I would also like to point out that both sides are equally valid.


On one side, we have the player who believe that a game is made to be played... a lot. Repeatably and working for something is what they like


On the other, we have the players who like to play for development... who like new and fun things. Having to sink hours into the same thing seems pointless.


The question is, why can't it be both? Those players who like doing the mundane tasks can still do these tasks as much as they like, regardless of how easy or cheap the "fun" activities are.

I am aware that some of you think that making the game harder makes it more fun, and somehow makes you feel more accomplished, but you can still achieve this in other ways

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Good.Weed out the non -hackers.Listen up, this game requires a certain degree of playtime to be good at.A casual player should be able to handle it.If they cant ,then MMOs arent for them.Wiped three times on gree raid HM and my bill was 29k.So frikkin what! I made that just getting to the raid location.


I could never understand why folks would WANT to wipe 10 times ,then come here to complain about the bill.Thats like using up electricity then saying that they dont want to be charged for it. Gimme a break!


Furthermore, do you repair as you go along? I do all the time.I see a medical droid, repair.I pull out my personal one , repair.Its no big deal.Or are you so cheap with digital currency to not spend it?Wow.


Are you kidding me?

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lol! 60K? That's what did it? Pft... I've had bigger bills as we learned HM/NiM Ops.


I make 60k doing nothing... so, happy trails Op. Sorry you never L2P this game.


One can expect to have those kind of bills learning an Op though, but running a FP? That is retarded, just sayin'.

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One can expect to have those kind of bills learning an Op though, but running a FP? That is retarded, just sayin'.


Notice how the OP never says how many times they wiped. With a bill like that I'm thinking 7-8 wipes at the very very least. Outside of HM LI what flashpoint could they possibly wipe on 7-8 times? If they're trying to solo/2-man an HM FP then that I could understand, but nothing else.

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45-60 minutes might be all the time working people have to play per day. You need to re-read this thread. You've completely missed the point.




Because you've completely missed the point. "Do more dailies" is the silly statement in this thread, made exclusively by people without lives and careers.


If you only have 40-60 minutes of play time, what are you doing! It's not an OP that will take a few hours. Or are they doing one FP?

I'm not sure what these People are doing to be honest, but I see no difference with teaming up for a Heroic or a FP, they are both similar!

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Someone did an analysis of the new repair costs and it is bugged, as the new formula seems to be taking the shell price into account, not just the mods in it. My lvl 15 alt had a 5.5k repair bill upon repairing from around 50% durability. I was doing the daily in hammer station and we wiped several (5-6?) times. He is wearing a full selection of cartel market orange and crafted orange gear with lvl appropriate mods (mostly lvl 11-13, a couple of 15's and a couple of 9's as well) IMO, a repair tab that large for a lvl 15 is a definite issue. Will a new player have the same issue in greens? Most likely not, but it is still an annoyance.


TBH at LVL 15 you were probably the cause of the wipes, 1k a wipe is quite cheap, you will easily make 1k from trash in Hammer Station.

So in your case I would wait until your the recomended lvl16-19 and do the FP. You hopefully learned a valuable lesson!

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I can not believe this thread still active.


Higher repair costs don't help anyone that actually plays the game. It doesn't matter if your cost went up by a single credit. Each credit you loose is a credit you could have used on buying something else. Why on earth would anyone take the opposite stance.


Threads like this remind me of the amount of trolling, narrow minded thinking and suspiciously biased (allegedaly non-bioware sponsored) individuals that lurk these forums.

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I use Legacy gear. Two pieces are rated 140(mods from Rakata gear) 3 are rated at 136 and the rest are 126. Weapon is 136 and generator is 126. again the repair cost came from only a few wipes. Gear wasnt even red.


A few wipes ? I ran Xeno HM last night, i'm in full 61/63 gear, each wipe cost me 9,200 credits and i'm using the shells that make it expensive, so 60k in your gear would still be about 8-12 wipes in a FP, this whole post is starting to look like someone trolling for attention.

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Good.Weed out the non -hackers.Listen up, this game requires a certain degree of playtime to be good at.A casual player should be able to handle it.If they cant ,then MMOs arent for them.Wiped three times on gree raid HM and my bill was 29k.So frikkin what! I made that just getting to the raid location.


I could never understand why folks would WANT to wipe 10 times ,then come here to complain about the bill.Thats like using up electricity then saying that they dont want to be charged for it. Gimme a break!


Furthermore, do you repair as you go along? I do all the time.I see a medical droid, repair.I pull out my personal one , repair.Its no big deal.Or are you so cheap with digital currency to not spend it?Wow.


So you are suggesting a business strategy that potentially drives away paying customers from a game that has been struggling for the past year? Good call. i just hope the sunset event is spectacular.

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A few wipes ? I ran Xeno HM last night, i'm in full 61/63 gear, each wipe cost me 9,200 credits and i'm using the shells that make it expensive, so 60k in your gear would still be about 8-12 wipes in a FP, this whole post is starting to look like someone trolling for attention.


If you feel the person you quoted is not telling the truth, go ahead and say so. I think you are the one lying but that is my opinion.


Posting against a thread that would increase the number of credits YOU keep when you repair... to me that is trolling for attention.

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