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HK-51 Quest & its PVP requirement.


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It's a mini-game. It has no bearing on the story, any more than the space missions do; it's just an interesting diversion for those who will. Deal with it.

And this minigame is so much more fun exactly because Mobs dont cry. If u wanna get your shiny droid, deal with it.

Where I do have an issue is with the folks who are planning to intentionally sit on or near the vendor to keep people from getting to the vendor and continuing the quest. I know that all I have to do is revive and continue on. But if I am continually killed over and over, that revive time extends. And while I don't mind dying in the course of play, I do have limited time in which to play. So, being continually killed by some griefer who gets his rocks off killing people in the name of "yay, finally some open world PVP," cuts severely into my play time and enjoyment of the game.


I would hope that as a community, we'd be better than that. For those that want open world PVP, you have it. On any of the PVP servers. So, I don't quite get the excitement of "finally" having some open world PVP as a result of this quest.

Have you ever played EvE Online? Thats exactly why this game had some of the best pvp ever, because if carebears wanted to have some of the shiniest pieces for their ships or whatnot, they had to come to lowsec or nullsec territory, and then they got slaughtered, and then they brought friends, and so on and on. :D

Im really looking forward to this, all the qq threads :eek:

Edited by Floegens
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believe it or not, i have been in a situation like this before, let me tell you that it will take an awful long time for the griever types to disappear, you may remove one guild when they get bored, but another will pop up and do the same, even if not, just one or two level 50 players very well armed is enough.


i have tried so many times to get an item from a pvp area on eve online, every time a player in his battleship is sitting at the gate and before i have a chance to fight after jumping into the system, hes got me beat, it's not the only time it has happened. so sure, i will wonder into the pvp zone for the items with no guarantee i will even make it past the door let alone have the few seconds needed to access the npc store and get the item. i personally don't have a problem having it hard as i eventually bypassed the campers, but add a 10 second count down for pvp will mean you can wonder in and out within a time limit before you are killed by gangs of n00bs with nothing better to do, otherwise you deserve to die with these snakes, even that is a hard challenge depending where the pvp npc is in the room, how long it takes to scroll and buy the items and then tearing up the floor getting out before they strike.

Edited by Celise
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Are there PvP'ers camping the NPC merchant to get their jollys?


Just join up with fellow PvE'ers and Zerg em.... problem solved... I'm even willing to spend the first two days there forming raid groups for PvE'ers so people can get their parts.... some of you guys might actually have fun....


Why do people make a mountain out of a molehill?

Edited by Monoth
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And this minigame is so much more fun exactly because Mobs dont cry. If u wanna get your shiny droid, deal with it.


Have you ever played EvE Online? Thats exactly why this game had some of the best pvp ever, because if carebears wanted to have some of the shiniest pieces for their ships or whatnot, they had to come to lowsec or nullsec territory, and then they got slaughtered, and then they brought friends, and so on and on. :D

Im really looking forward to this, all the qq threads :eek:


Aaaaand... /ignore.

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Are you really serious? I really had to laugh when I read that they forced you into pvp to get the HK-51... Oh my god you have to go into a pvp zone to buy 2 items from a vendor then you are free to leave at any time, which annihilates the entire pve community! I really hope you arent serious here.
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And this minigame is so much more fun exactly because Mobs dont cry. If u wanna get your shiny droid, deal with it.


Have you ever played EvE Online? Thats exactly why this game had some of the best pvp ever, because if carebears wanted to have some of the shiniest pieces for their ships or whatnot, they had to come to lowsec or nullsec territory, and then they got slaughtered, and then they brought friends, and so on and on. :D

Im really looking forward to this, all the qq threads :eek:


It's also why EvE is a niche game.


Seriously, this is why people are upset about the PvP requirement, because of dudes like this.

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I can't wait for this to kick off. I'm not fan of ganking (on either side of the arraingement) but I do love a challenge. Personally, I intend to bring in a group of people, like minded people with like minded goals. For the time being, we'll call this large group a guild.


We'll walk in, get the vendor items and walk out. No fuss, if another large guild wishes to fight then so be it, we're both large groups and we'll have a great afternoon. If nobody wants to play, again, so be it. We have no intention of ganking anyone, like everyone else, we're here to enjoy ourselves.


It's silly that a single place can install so much fear that you're wishing to go without the new item it gives up. Grow a backbone, get some friends and you'll be fine. Of course, I understand that you don't wish to go in alone, so don't. If you havnt got any friends, it's an mmo, get some!



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I think people need to realize that the quest for HK-51 is meant to be hard (or so I have heard) and it may take you down paths you might not normally take, which can be a good thing. I'm not advocating ganking per se, but instead people having the courage to step out of their normal play style to overcome a challenge. Edited by Tomb-Stone
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I can't wait for this to kick off. I'm not fan of ganking (on either side of the arraingement) but I do love a challenge. Personally, I intend to bring in a group of people, like minded people with like minded goals. For the time being, we'll call this large group a guild.


We'll walk in, get the vendor items and walk out. No fuss, if another large guild wishes to fight then so be it, we're both large groups and we'll have a great afternoon. If nobody wants to play, again, so be it. We have no intention of ganking anyone, like everyone else, we're here to enjoy ourselves.


It's silly that a single place can install so much fear that you're wishing to go without the new item it gives up. Grow a backbone, get some friends and you'll be fine. Of course, I understand that you don't wish to go in alone, so don't. If you havnt got any friends, it's an mmo, get some!




My thoughts exactly and.... it is fear isn't it. I mean fear of an unknown. Personally, I won't have an issue even if I'm ganked. I couldn't care less about it because my goal is to get the item. If that means a fight, you bet I will be ready. And if that means I have to use my respawn time to get to the vendor while invisible? No skin off my nose. No... I won't go in there looking for a fight but I will defend myself and... I will have back up too. Lol. Besides, those looking for fights will fight among themselves as it were. PvPers on both sides will be on each other like glue. I will stealth on by if I can. If I can't... well... bring it on !@#$%! All in good fun of course. :)

Edited by Rafaman
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I got to say based on 21+ years of pvp in MMORPGs


But yeah, its a really lame design by EA and breaks yet another promise made by BW and EA before this game launched (was in the now gone FAQ but following what it said)


Question: Do I have to pvp or will I be able to play the game with out being forced into PVP

Answer : We do not beleive in forcing any play style on any players and will never force a player to partake in pvp for pve content


Thats a rough paraphrase but thats basically what it said


HK is clearly a PVE content add on and yet peopel are being forced to pvp to get this pve content!


Again, doesnt effect me in the least but lets not fool ourselves on this


This is yet another broken guarentee/promise by EA regarding TOR.


As for other poster QQing he cant get HK via PVP only.

Yeah, HK really going to help you in Warzones...oh wait no hes not

well he will help in Ilum...oh wait nope again


Ill never understand this desire to turn PVP into PVE by some people!


That question you put up there with the answer from bioware.. about that, they are not forcing you to do crap. You don't HAVE to get the HK, but its HK-51, if you ever played KOTOR you should know that he is awesome, and should take some work. There will be guilds and groups who will kill you, but go do dailys or a flashpoint for a while, because PVE is also one of the requirements. Guilds that gank will not be there forever, just wait a bit for them to get bored of nobody coming and leave.

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All I remember was being on Shien on my JG 50 for that Boss in the Outlaw Den was the most fun I've had in the game ever. In recruit (Yes recruit tier 1) I tanked that boss while we had Imps and Alliance fighting each other while i was trying to hold the boss on me with great healers. Was the most intense fight ever and fun to boot!
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it's amazing that people think, grouping up is enough to avoid being ganked, wrong! your forgetting AOE abilties, and if you split up enough, DPS types can get in from the other side, attack and get out before you can do anything, especially with more AOE attacks otherwise your entire group will be taken apart. the only way to stop ganking, is by killing the grievers off before they can do anything big, assuming your side is strong enough to do such a thing, but it depends where the nearest medical outpost is for respawn.
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My thoughts exactly and.... it is fear isn't it. I mean fear of an unknown. Personally, I won't have an issue even if I'm ganked. I couldn't care less about it because my goal is to get the item. If that means a fight, you bet I will be ready. And if that means I have to use my respawn time to get to the vendor while invisible? No skin off my nose. No... I won't go in there looking for a fight but I will defend myself and... I will have back up too. Lol. Besides, those looking for fights will fight among themselves as it were. PvPers on both sides will be on each other like glue. I will stealth on by if I can. If I can't... well... bring it on !@#$%! All in good fun of course. :)


[Emphasis added]


It's not fear of the unknown for most people. It's pretty clear it's the dislike of a known. On a PvE server, at least, it will be perceived as being disruptive for disruption's sake. If you think about it in game terms it serves no purpose to interfere with someone getting HK-51 other than to be a/n... Neither the Republic or the Empire gains any kind of military or intelligence advantage in a sense comparable to real life by exclusively gaining and guarding HK technololy access, but I guarentee there is a segment of the population that will relish the opportunity of disrupting for disruption's sake.


Watch for the number of stealth initiated disruptions and you should get a sense for the amount of frustration the PvE community will experience. Also, PvE is core game, PvP is voluntary.

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Personally I am happy to see them doing this. If people don't want to get killed in PvP learn your class better and learn to play better. Getting killed in PvP is no different the getting killed in PvE. You just have to fight harder and actually think for once. Oh god the horror of it all!


Same issue of PvP its self so many complain about it because they have no clue how to play their class against others so they complain until it is nerfed. Same concept here you just want to make it easier on your poor self if you don't want to take a chance of dieing quit the game and go play mario cart or something because in every quest in this game you have a chance of dieing. So shut up and put up with it and learn your class. That is my opinion on this whole crap about getting killed trying to get this part.


As to moving the vender I hope that they put the vender right in the middle of the ENTIRE PvP area just so it will take you longer to get in and out and increase the chance the someone finds you.

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[Emphasis added]


It's not fear of the unknown for most people. It's pretty clear it's the dislike of a known. On a PvE server, at least, it will be perceived as being disruptive for disruption's sake. If you think about it in game terms it serves no purpose to interfere with someone getting HK-51 other than to be a/n... Neither the Republic or the Empire gains any kind of military or intelligence advantage in a sense comparable to real life by exclusively gaining and guarding HK technololy access, but I guarentee there is a segment of the population that will relish the opportunity of disrupting for disruption's sake.


Watch for the number of stealth initiated disruptions and you should get a sense for the amount of frustration the PvE community will experience. Also, PvE is core game, PvP is voluntary.


Well, I'm strictly PVE and I have no problems with it. It is an "unknown" as in peeps like me don't know how they will fare. They assume the worst without even trying it. I guarantee you this, if PVErs knew they could hold their own without question, this wouldn't be a topic of discussion. I will step out of my comfort zone temporarily and see how it goes. I won't limit my experience. Why should I? It is part of the adventure. And guess what, if I get ganked it won't be a big deal. I will still get what I need. That segment of the population you speak of will not disrupt my fun because I simply don't think enough about them or their shenanigans to care.

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I'm gonna be going in there with a few friends, then I'm going to continue to never PvP. It's a minor annoyance, but an annoyance none the less. I just hope Bioware doesn't continue to do things like this. Have optional vanity stuff come from stupid side missions, not story companions.
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I think people need to realize that the quest for HK-51 is meant to be hard (or so I have heard) and it may take you down paths you might not normally take, which can be a good thing. I'm not advocating ganking per se, but instead people having the courage to step out of their normal play style to overcome a challenge.

I am all for the HK-51 quest being hard. It should be very hard to obtain. I am also for stepping out of my norm on things. Just not PVP.

If it was anything other than a Companion, and a companion that so many different types of players want (the HK-51), I would not have even bothered making this thread. Basically it is my opinion that they should have never thought of using the HK-51 Companion as Tool or Incentive for trying to get people to Try PVP or Visit the Outlaws Den. They have many other ways to do this. Better ways. There are so many people that want the HK-51, many of which do not like to deal with any form of PVP as they already know what it is like and it does not appeal to them. So in choosing the HK-51 for this is just a mistake on BioWare's part.


That is just my opinion.


My thoughts exactly and.... it is fear isn't it. I mean fear of an unknown. Personally, I won't have an issue even if I'm ganked. I couldn't care less about it because my goal is to get the item. If that means a fight, you bet I will be ready. And if that means I have to use my respawn time to get to the vendor while invisible? No skin off my nose. No... I won't go in there looking for a fight but I will defend myself and... I will have back up too. Lol. Besides, those looking for fights will fight among themselves as it were. PvPers on both sides will be on each other like glue. I will stealth on by if I can. If I can't... well... bring it on !@#$%! All in good fun of course. :)
[Emphasis added]


It's not fear of the unknown for most people. It's pretty clear it's the dislike of a known. On a PvE server, at least, it will be perceived as being disruptive for disruption's sake. If you think about it in game terms it serves no purpose to interfere with someone getting HK-51 other than to be a/n... Neither the Republic or the Empire gains any kind of military or intelligence advantage in a sense comparable to real life by exclusively gaining and guarding HK technololy access, but I guarentee there is a segment of the population that will relish the opportunity of disrupting for disruption's sake.


Watch for the number of stealth initiated disruptions and you should get a sense for the amount of frustration the PvE community will experience. Also, PvE is core game, PvP is voluntary.

I have to agree that it is definitely not a Fear of the UnKnown. There are so many that just choose to not PVP because they already have tried it and chosen to not want to deal with it.


I PVP from time to time and I do not want the Vendor there. For me it is a principle. One that stems from Forced PVP. To me the only reason I see the Dev's placing the Vendor there was to try and get people to go to the Outlaw's Den. The Outlaw's Den needed more content to make it more appealing and they chose the HK-51 Companion because they know that so many people want it. That to me that is BioWare Forcing people to choose between putting themselves in a PVP Situation or not having the HK-51 Content.


In my opinion if they want people to experience PVP more or Visit the Outlaw's Den more they should use incentives that benefit the PVP gameplay. Like good PVP gear or even a little better Valor points. Maybe also some PVP Events or even a new type of PVP experience. That is just my opinion.


As to moving the vender I hope that they put the vender right in the middle of the ENTIRE PvP area just so it will take you longer to get in and out and increase the chance the someone finds you.

Just so you know, it already is in the middle of the PVP Area which is also the furthest point into the Outlaw's Den. It is not at the entrances of the PVP Zone like some are thinking. The only people that will get there quick are the ones that have unlocked the Pass to it in there Legacy Unlocks.

Here is the a pic of its location, curtsy of Dulfy's guide:. http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/jawa21.jpg

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I have to agree that putting a vendor in a PvP area will promote ganking and greifing. Especially on a PvE server.


I see the PvPers in this thread trying to justify this move by saying things like : Wait a few weeks.. Go in the off hours.. or Bring a Raid Group.. Learn your class better..


They say things like this in order to try and secure a chance at getting to kill non PvPers. Get those easy kills so they can feel super cool and awsome, plus get a chance to stop another person from achieving something that might possibly be important to them. A chance to hinder another player while stroking their own egos.


Why do the PvEers have to change their gaming habits just to avoid getting ganked when they play on a PvE server?


If PvEers wanted to PvP, they would join a WZ, or freely enter an open PvP area.


I just think that this is a very bad idea

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I won't be doing quest if it goes live as is.



boo hoo.. I went in there with one other person on the test server and we saw 3 or 4 imperial players.. we engaged each other.. had some fun and then we all went and bought the piece we needed and moved on. There is no penalty to gear or experience for a pvp encounter so what is the big deal.

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