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Everything posted by Celise

  1. A few things like individual job positions i didn't know about but the overall context i had already suspected years ago through various developers and a few tid bits here and there, i filled in the rest myself using my head in assuptions. so i'm not at all surprised there was some "internal problems" going on which is essentially what it boils down to in not so many words. So as far as Krypto's comments are concerned? most of it is his opinion from his own point of view, there is no way to tell if it is truth or bias on his part, whatever the case the majority of the comments relate to what he thinks is going on which is different from what actually went on, so all we get is this view point and this view point alone. Trouble is it isn't enough to confirm or deny anything without Bioware explaining themselves to get a balanced point of view and a former tester possibly with a chip on his shoulder could have a personal bias, who knows.
  2. Jeric Kaeden is hardly jedi material let alone one for the council, how he survived for as long as he had on the council before making the one mistake Jedi should never make, to fight power with power and make the first move, i'll never know. Never-the-less, he got the ending he was clearly looking for based on his militant approach to things. I was thinking of Moracen and Spanios in the previous reply but considering their relationship and how secretive they were, as well as how one was almost willing to kill to keep it secret? I doubt either of them are considered a shining example of what it means to be a Jedi. It depends if the masters managed to get those desires out of their students and set them on a proper path, but like Leeha and Jomar, that wanton lust and desire won't be easy to ignore if both Moracen and Spanios find each other alone again, even years later. I was thinking of other Jedi that could become masters, i mean there are those padawans who needed help against flesh raiders, Fia is another, there are those two Jedi Padawans at the foot the staircase leading into the jedi temple, they direct you to trainers within. The Jedi masters involved in the flesh raider idols, the Jedi who wants you to kill Horranths and their eggs. I was also thinking of the trainers and reluctantly the masters of Moracen and Spanios, as one is already too old to be a council member. You need individuals in the prime of their lives but had plenty of experience as Jedi with their powers.
  3. Arcann only recently came out of the hate spiral he has been in since he was a child. His mommy issues are because as far as he was concerned, he didn't need her growing up and now his hate has been washed away by Senya's sacrifice, Arcann has over a decades worth of catching up to do, to learn to love again, to trust and to understand. For someone who has never had any of those things, it will be extremely difficult for him more so that he is light aligned now, meaning he needs to avoid the obvious pitfalls along the way. He needs to reach out to someone and Senya is a support for Arcann as he learns to build a life he never had under the emperor's guidance, if there was any to begin with in the first place. So with Arcann the man you get is one who doesn't understand himself yet, much less the world around him as it is all new again, like he was blind folded all those years only for the blindfold to come away and see things he never saw before. So does he need someone to help him with his issues? yes, for certain, but are you going to be the one to help him or laugh at him for it instead?
  4. Even if Ardun Kothe did survive, he has spent the better part of his life as a spy and has no qualms about doing things another Jedi would never do, for example, being the one to activate and trap someones mind in castellan restraints and force that person to act with no alternative, that isn't an act worthy of a jedi at all as every moral standard he has as a Jedi is flushed away in a single act. Further he is willing to leave the poor soul trapped in the restraints behind after the mission completes and with no regard for their wellbeing to do anything about it, that says a lot about his current behaviour as a Jedi. Ardun has spent too much time playing spy games that he'd never be able to make it on the council knowing what his record says about him and when he is questioned on his past he can't lie about it. I wouldn't say that Jomar and Leeha are ready though, if they sit in the same room discussing things? they may fall into old habits with all that sexual tension they got from before when they were involved with each other, it could very well resurface and make things awkward. only a few years have passed and not long enough for them to get over each other. i can see one or the other as a possibility but not both.
  5. I don't care about Thana, so it depends on only a few factors, any headcanon for the character created which comes before the second factor: alignment choice. it is that black and white. Since her death choice she disappeared right off the map with so many others who have had theirs, it would be difficult to impossible to create a whole story around Thana after that point just so you spared her. I'd like to think Bioware has some events that had Thana survive the initial invasion of Zakuul on Korriban, but she is killed on the bridge of her own ship kamikazing into a Zakuulan flagship in a final desperate act, taking hers, the zakuulan flagship and several eternal empire ships along with in the final stages of the three months conflict that saw Zakuul destroy Republic and Imperial fleets alike. That is if she was spared. Of course no one in the empire would care if Thana did this, being that she is a sith and would have plenty of rivals who'd see her accomplishments buried and forgotten before they'd ever acknowledge them.
  6. TS4 mixology and cooking in SWTOR? First cooked meal, Mac and Cheese: It burns to the bottom of the pan and the rest of the contents are cold because of how badly burned on the bottom that stuff is and it is inhibiting the heating process. A friend eat into it and instantly spits it out and shudders heavily, almost wreching. I'd rather have that battle axe of a chef from Zakuul who did the glazed Kell legs to provide lots of good meals, i can't believe she had her cooks throw away perfectly good food because it was slightly wrong in preparation. Still i often wonder what glazed Kell would taste like after going through that mission. but seriously food like that is perishable so those types of foods should only last a good number of hours before spoiling. i think if there was to be a crafting of sorts, getting help from that republic servant droid (forgot the name), that droid could give you recipes for nno-perishable meals instead and those that can last a long time while tasting great and provide vitality when needed. I hear Hylo Visz is a fan of them.
  7. if Kira was to return, Bioware would have a whole song and dance about it like they did with those Ex-Mandolorians on Mek-Sha. i expect Kira and Scourge to be in one of the last blogs before release, assuming.
  8. Hundreds of quests at least, each one voiced over and every bit of detail put into it. the background lore comes from being in an area, picking at an object or killing something (but unlike Mass Effect lore where you have a voice narrating that, there is none in SWTOR). The game also has nice big maps full of trash mobs, objectives and the like, by running alone you could get from one side to the otherside in about 10 minutes, which includes dodging trash mobs and objectives along the way. When you reach into FE after you are apart of something some dialogue there is written instead of voiced, at least from your character. outside FE there are also some dialogue within missions that don't have voice overs mostly from a objective point of view the developers want you to take note of in order to understand something. i'd say 95% of it is full voiced over and with the hundreds of quests, you'll be busy for a while. make sure to switch on exploration missions on the big map as well to get all of them. Drink it all in on your first few play throughs and have fun doing it.
  9. Probably some kind of hormone blocker. and when the blockers are taken away it would be like getting drunk on all those unfamiliar hormones and the enjoyment that comes with it, as well as the overwhelming desire the longer it goes on for. I mean the hormones aren't entirely supressed, just allowing a trickle through for the body to work with, but not enough to allow anyone to feel any interest or desire for it at all, as much as they'd love to.
  10. Assuming light Side choices in JC and JK and Imperial storylines: - Even if Bela Kiwiiks isn't dead the shock drum incident was a very trying one for her, to the point she almost lost her force connection so deep was she sustaining herself in the force not to get ripped apart by the drums effects on things around it. It is unknown if there was any long lasting damage from the incident. - Youn Parr was never that strong in the force as she acknowledged when she said that your character was stronger in the force when you were a toddler than she was when she was a teenager, and the events around Terrak Morrhages likely still has effects on her mental state that aren't likely to disappear any time soon, that is besides the point, she was already old by the time she helped train your character and your character was the last one she'd teach which suggests she wasn't far off from retreating from life in general even if she wasn't controlled by Terrak. It is unknown what the long term effects of being cut off from the plaguemaster will have on Youn. - Tol Braga was mind dominated by the emperor like your character, he believed himself invulerable to failure until he ran across the emperor and failed, hard. That was an easy way into Tol's mental state for the emperor until the emperor was knocked out of him. It is clear that Braga is a broken man after those events and i doubt he will ever recover to have the mind to sit on the jedi council again. - Syo Bakarn is also in the same position as Tol Braga, Syo has the emperors first son inside of him, after pushing him out and keeping him under control within his mind, there is no way Syo could ever trust himself to come back and sit on the council for fear the first son will influence him over time and create opportunities during Syo's weaknesses and days where he isn't on top of his emotional state. Syo probably feels himself to be a threat to everyone around him and seclusion is the only way to deal with it. - Orgus Din was executed by Angral, Jedi Knight storyline. - Jeric Kaeden was assassinated by an Imperial player character, Imperial Ilum Storyline. - Gnost Dural is currently in Imperial custody likely being tortured for information, Imperial Ossus storyline. (I wish i had access to the wiki so i can get precise information, but it requres a cookie accept, so i'm going from what i know. Can't gaurantee any accuracy.)
  11. Lightsaber and i'm no fan of grinding content, it never translates with me. on occasion if i'm in the mood i might do some but the chances are few and far between that i'd actually do anything of the sort. I'm looking for a new adventure, not to go back and rehash the old stuff like it was a dead horse that needs beating until it is atomized. With that stated, we will see if Bioware will bring more grindy content in 6.0. what goes on PTS is a beta product and beta products are subject to change.
  12. tactical bikini? Not to come across as being sexist or anything, but do you mean you wish to intregrate 1940's american rocket launchers on to those bikinis? a tad top heavy you think?! Not exactly tactical that bikini considering the strapped holsters and ammo storage are seperate from the bikini, nah, you need ammo packs on the bikini top and knife holster intregrated on one of the sides of the bottoms and a grenade holder on the otherside. I suspose you could say that girl is explosive or a stunner, maybe she is smoking hot or perhaps damgerously sexy? okay, i'll stop now.
  13. FYI just for clarity: Your character represent a third faction, the alliance is still another faction regardless if it is allied to the republic or the empire. so when your boots set foot on that dusty surface of Ossus? you represent that third faction, a third faction i might add that is in fighting with one of the factions for control of Ossus. During your time in SoR and KDY, you were apart of one of the two big factions and the alliance didn't exist.
  14. There will almost certainly be a small 5 minute cutscene that will tell the tale of Malgus' return, who the Sith lord was who brought him back (speculation points to Acina), it should also tell a little bit on the background of the Empire and Republic in the meanwhile. i'd also expect certain NPC's to give some background on events wiithin both Empire and Republic during events you weren't aware of through the onslaught storyline. Aside from Meeting the Empress on DK in ET, there is no other known interaction from anyone else while back in the known worlds within any of the main storylines through FE, ET and traitor storylines, and so interaction is very limited to events to Iokath and Copero for example.
  15. Objectively, FE was a disaster and ET was an attempt to recover from that, and you'll note more objectively it took your character all of 2 in game years to destroy everything the EE was, to depose the royal family and then lose it all to some one dimensional villain who was seeking to destroy everything you built up. What was the point in it in the end? Zakuul that is. After almost 8 years as a "power" and "seat of government", how it all collapsed so quickly leading to a message from Consul Axion stating that Zakuul is retreating from everything, including their sovereign colony worlds while they go off to fight in civil wars of their own. They arrived as fast as they left and added nothing to the galaxy at large. Objectively, when will Zakuul return to at the very least influence galactic events in a different way once more? You can't be objective to a new storyline that we know not much about and recklessly speculate that it will be a rehash; it would imply Malgus will turn on Acina/Vowrawn, you and secure the empire for himself so he can bring in alien alliances again, leading to a civil war where Malgus is slain in combat again, and curiously he is found and revived again by another sith lord. If it is nothing like that then it is not a rehash.
  16. My dark Jedi character is willfully supporting the empire, naturally. He was invited and painted a bleak picture of what will happen if the republic kept fighting. NR-02 couldn't be more happier with the result. So what exactly is a good or bad response? I have my main who is a light side sith warrior and he'd love to openly support republic efforts and help the propaganda message if only to spite his fellow dark lords, they'd be furious but he'd be emboldened by their hate and fear, it would be like a declious meal to feed on, knowing that his chains are broken and struck a sharp blow to his enemies. The more they'd react the stronger he'd get by converting that darkness to light and spreading it around, after all one less dead sith lord is one less tormented soul being freed from servitude.
  17. It don't matter one jot about command ranks, those are being reset and renamed, readjusted and put back out into the game in effect. when RC comes out on 6.0 you'll start at 0 but there are no tiers to be concerned about and levels don't matter at all, you can work at your own pace and collect what you like along the way when you have the time. the first gear crate at rank 1 will be the same at rank 999, it is just a number in the end.
  18. You missed out a few things. Revan would not of survived for as long as he had being locked up having the emperor twisting his mind with his darkness without Meetra in her spirit form offering of herself to sustain Revan for those centuries before he was freed. Even before this Revan may have had some measure of force power but he failed to defeat the much more powerful emperor twice. Being a survivor doesn't equal to being more powerful and he had help along the way the whole time, so he wasn't even remotely certain he was that powerful. Sidious on the other hand had a blinding weakness of his own, a lack of concern in regards to what others do around him. only when he is focused on something he forgets his place just to make a point which makes him vulnerable to outside threats. Despite all his power, I'm virtually certain if Anakin hadn't interrupted Mace Windu, the emperor would of been killed by his own force powers reflected off that lightsaber quite handily, it speaks volumes how much Sidious cared for himself and others around him to see all that happening just to get at Anakin, to make a point. If Revan and Sidious fought each other without distractions and allies, i'm certain Revan would of been a decent challenge, especially considering how Nyriss attempted to electrocute Scourge and Meetra and Revan took that energy and reflected it back at Nyriss. So electrocuting Revan wouldn't be an option, it would come down to a lightsaber duel and Revan was just as capable as Sidious in a lightsaber fight, but Revan wasn't entirely purged of his humanity along the way, so he would be thinking about sparing Sidious, and that would be something Sidious could capitalise on, especially if he could take Revan by surprise which Sidious has managed before.
  19. Followed by "Make us whole again!" from Dead Space, not just a reference to that game but Alderaan's fate in the future .
  20. Your mother and father were proud of you, your talents developed but being that you are chiss, your family couldn't hide the dirty secret that is your character and they betrayed you for themselves by handing you off to the authorities. The ascendency passed judgement that you are to be locked away and stripped of citizenship. The empire discovers you and a number of other chiss prisoners, they buy you and others and turn you into slaves for their bidding. a few short weeks in the service of a sith lord, he senses your characters connection to the force and immediately contacts the Sith academy to buy your character from him so the emperors rules are followed regarding untrained force users. Since admittance on alien slaves are also waived, your charactter has a decent shot at becoming a sith. easy enough to create a backstory there.
  21. as stated, "attempts" to fix it. as is the case where the S on the end is the case, more than once.
  22. The emperor put Revan and Malak on a collision course with the republic and it wouldn't matter if Revan broke free of the mind dominated effect of the emperor at that point he found the star forge, the fact is that the emperor put Revan and Malak out there in the first place, so whatever happened after that was due in part because of the emperor. there is no escaping his involvement, it isn't all entirely on Revan and Malak when they discovered the star forge and started using it. Revan and Malak were mind dominated and if their troops could of also distantly been mind dominated as well, like an overwhelming suggestion they can't help but follow but with no ability to control their actions, they could of easily picked up the command to hate aliens and not report to the republic and die for the cause no matter what. the emperor has the ability to mass mind dominate as seen on Ziost and a few hundred years may have passed, but that wouldn't see the emperor as a less version of himself, Even if Malak had taken the time to change the troops under his command, it would of most certainly had the distant effect from the emperor anyway, because the mind domination would of still been fresh in his mind and a tool to use as a dark lord in building his power base. i can't see how a dark side Malak would of been able to function on his own after all his life was spent being a Jedi, those are the first thoughts he has to draw on to use as he tries to make sense of what he is doing, but he can't do that so what else does he have to go on? the only thing that he can use is what the emperor left and any training he would of received while under his spell, reciting the sith code and so on. much like the JK in chapter 2 when the JK got mind dominated by the emperor as well and received training from an overseer in the dark arts.
  23. If you're a pub and you fight Lord Modo, you should take his advice when he says "The Sith empire will reign forever!" and bow to his feet, because you stand no chance to defeat him by yourself as it intended for group content. I doubt there will be changes like that you describe though, KDY runs should be done in groups. Besides that KDY runs are very quick typically anyway when you work with your PuG group and let them get on with inputting the codes for the ship construction or whatever else but contribute your effort to clearing trash mobs and the like, you should be able to reach your end point in 10-15 minutes and the final boss kill a few minutes later, it usually takes 20 minutes to complete a KDY run. I know from experience on the subject how easy it can be after doing in a few hundred times in the past. it doesn't need changing.
  24. The lana bug happens at chapter 9 where the romance lock in happens, but as stated the game fails to remember the romance state for some reason after each chapter. it isn't a rumor, Bioware have been aware of it for a while and there have been multiple reports of it going on since FE launched. This is an old bug that has been there since and there have been attempts to fix it as well, but it sems it has been left in the state has been.
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