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Talking down to your teamates = FAIL


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What is the point of talking to your teamates like they're garbage everytime you are losing or lose a warzone??? is that suppose to make me wanna play better??? More importantly, is it possile the other team is just..... oh, i don't know....um..... BETTER!!!! No one ever considers the other team being better geared or just better players period.

Quit the badmouthing and have fun. I'm sorry that you "elites" have to have 7 other players bring you down, but i'll ask Bioware if you can get a "YOU Vs 8" queue going in 1.4.

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Yeah, they could be doing something constructive besides running their mouths, I agree. I like the one's that blame everyone and have terrible scores and contributions, those are the best. I wouldn't let it bother you though, it happens. People have to vent and find a cop out for why they are losing, since they always think they are so awesome and it can't possibly be their fault.
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did you ever think that maybe... just maybe... they are frustrated? i will admit, I sometimes talk down to other players, its frustrating to watch 3 guys fighting people while a guy walks up and caps the door in a voidstar, its frustrating to see the lack of situational awareness people have... so yes... i get frustrated, i talk down to you, but its not cause i hate you, its cause i am frustrated that you cant get simple things that my 7 year old nephew gets. so yeah... its cause they are frustrated. pvp is frustrating, specially pug. I will admit that there are others though that take it too far, but the majority are just frustrated, ignore it and keep playing... it doesnt hurt you. or even see what they are sccreaming about and oh... i dunno... improve on it so you dont frustrate them to an ulcer in future matches. Edited by TheRiddick
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I usually try to talk constructively but sometimes you see the same couple ppl keep doing something that just hurts the team over and over and the other team isn't even very good.


Also most of the time I talk down to someone it is the person that does almost no dmg at all, doesn't help defend when we are calling it, and then blames all the "nooblets" on the team when that turret/door/score etc is taken.

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Because a lot of people who play MMOs are selfish jerks with no manners. I would love to see these clowns go to a pickup game of hockey (or whatever sport) and try to berate someone for making a mistake. Real life PvP ftw.
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However it is also important to note that we really shouldn't do that. Sure there are a lot of us out there that just love MMO's and play only for fun but there are also a lot of ppl that are not the most social and it can really screw them up if they feel bad irl and ingame.


When I was younger I was really competitive and would nerd rage more since I knew I was going to be at the top but one guild leader I used to hang out with (who was also an engineer but was much older and wiser lol) told me why I needed to chill out and I think he was definitely correct. So ya try to chill out.

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I agree there are players that have no awareness of whats going on around them and would rather jump in the pit and kill a player than set up for passes in huttball- or my favorite: we have the ball and 2 of us are running with the ball to try and score and the whole team decides its team death match killing the enemy team so that when i finally get past that last fire pit here comes the whole enemy team coz they respawned a the goal line im trying to cross..playing the objectives win the match not killing everyone every chance you get-


with that said it does frustrate me, but i would never belittle a team mate in open chat- i might send a whisper telling him a better tactic for next time.... its a game guys, no reason to make someone feel bad coz theyre not as good as you may be.... i try to help other players as well as learn from other players

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If I'm frustrated I point out what we're doing wrong in a constructive way, even if I have to repeat it after every turret/door lost. Most of my PvP are in 1-49 pugs so I may be with a bunch of newbies who could use the pointers. "That time we didn't group up on a door but we let them draw us out and got ninja'd, stay close to the doors this last round." Since you don't need the guaranteed win for the Daily it doesn't hurt as bad to keep losing, it can become a training round.


What I cannot tolerate is completely giving up when things take a turn; then I become the ******e that berates the cowards. I was in a Novare Coast game where we were down 38-100 and 6 of the team gave up. I've been in pugs where we turned it around when we were down to 18%. Even in a losing Civil War game I'd rather spend the last 2 minutes in a 8 man team bulldozing the enemy without a care about defense. We'll go down but it will be in a blaze of glory with bodies in our wake.


I know that you may get 2-3 more medals defending your one turret if defeat is certain (you actually get more medals for kills, damage, and heal points. Just sayin') but that cowardly attitude is why you lost in the first place. It's mentality change that you need to strive for the win; if you fight to win the medals will follow.

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If you can't follow simple directions from someone who knows what YOU should be doing when YOU do not, then please leave the WZ and allow someone who does know what they are doing (geared or not) to take your place.


Deal with it.

Edited by BurnsTwoThree
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I agree with OP and if you do enough WZ's you start knowing who the players who emo rage are and basically get them wound up before the match even starts which is kinda fun.


I have had one melt down myself since Ive been playing game and felt like an idiot after but it was frustration built to the max as we spent most of a CW in the lead, we just had a better group with healers and such but despite that the people who guarded the turrets wouldn't call incomings or ask for help so we ended up loosing by a slight margin and actually lost turrets 6 times... You can only ask people to call them out nicely so many times before something snaps.

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All this "everyone is a winner" mentality is really annoying. If you are going to be terrible in a warzone, people should tell you that you are terrible. No one should pat you on the back and say "we'll get them next time champ."
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All this "everyone is a winner" mentality is really annoying. If you are going to be terrible in a warzone, people should tell you that you are terrible. No one should pat you on the back and say "we'll get them next time champ."


Yes, but I think what most of us are talking about are the bad players who are running their mouths off, with nothing to show for it and trying to place blame on others when they suck just as much or worse. Or at least that was what I was talking about.


If someone is suicide running mid and doing nothing while everyone else is defending a side node, for instance, I'll let them know mid is a stupid idea. I won't actually personally insult them though. Or when people are fighting off a node and I'm trying to defend it against others by myself, I'll point out that staying at the node is probably a good idea, without directly calling them out. I guess I'm just not that big of a jerk and I realize that people play this game for fun.

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What is the point of talking to your teamates like they're garbage everytime you are losing or lose a warzone??? is that suppose to make me wanna play better??? More importantly, is it possile the other team is just..... oh, i don't know....um..... BETTER!!!! No one ever considers the other team being better geared or just better players period.

Quit the badmouthing and have fun. I'm sorry that you "elites" have to have 7 other players bring you down, but i'll ask Bioware if you can get a "YOU Vs 8" queue going in 1.4.


I'm sorry, lesse if you REPEATEDLY do one of the following:


- Allow yourself for someone to jump on you guy and score more than 2 times in Huttball.

- Leave a unguarded node because you are by yourself.

- Had to do a no. 2 while trying to guard but in reality was AFKing looking at some website for some reason.

- Didn't try to charge a node because you were scared that someone might stick their glowsticks where the sun dont shine.

- Grabbed the ball when told not to as a non tank class.

- Try to score all by yourself in huttball by going through the entire enemy team as a squishy and not passing to the open man when he is open and could score.

- Have cattle mentality and dont think where you should go, but just follow the zerg.

- Don't call incs at all repeatedly or at a point where you are dead anyway and they are halfway capping.

- Hit the non healer class while a healer is healing it.

- AFK in a corner if we're losing.

- Hit a CC target because you think you can kill it.

- Cant hit over 100k Damage or heal over 100k Healing in a match per average in recruit gear. (Easily forgivable if you are defending a node with no action).

- Not wear any expertise item.


Then I'm going to tell how ****** you are and talk you down until you learn NOT TO DO THE SAME **** VERBATIM. You are wasting me and others for your incompetence of effort.


Its the same deal like doing an OP or FP and we keep wiping cause you were too lazy to do the right thing. Is EVERYONE having fun at YOUR EXPENSE?

Edited by Zhaker
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I'm sorry, lesse if you REPEATEDLY do one of the following:


- Allow yourself for someone to jump on you guy and score more than 2 times in Huttball.

- Leave a unguarded node because you are by yourself.

- Had to do a no. 2 while trying to guard but in reality was AFKing looking at some website for some reason.

- Didn't try to charge a node because you were scared that someone might stick their glowsticks where the sun dont shine.

- Grabbed the ball when told not to as a non tank class.

- Try to score all by yourself in huttball by going through the entire enemy team as a squishy and not passing to the open man when he is open and could score.

- Have cattle mentality and dont think where you should go, but just follow the zerg.

- Don't call incs at all repeatedly or at a point where you are dead anyway and they are halfway capping.

- Hit the non healer class while a healer is healing it.

- AFK in a corner if we're losing.

- Hit a CC target because you think you can kill it.

- Cant hit over 100k Damage in a match per average in recruit gear.

- Not wear any expertise item.


Then I'm going to tell how ****** you are and talk you down until you learn NOT TO DO THE SAME **** VERBATIM. You are wasting me and others for your incompetence of effort.


Its the same deal like doing an OP or FP and we keep wiping cause you were too lazy to do the right thing. Is EVERYONE having fun at YOUR EXPENSE?


Pretty much this.

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I'm sorry, lesse if you REPEATEDLY do one of the following:


- Allow yourself for someone to jump on you guy and score more than 2 times in Huttball.

- Leave a unguarded node because you are by yourself.

- Had to do a no. 2 while trying to guard but in reality was AFKing looking at some website for some reason.

- Didn't try to charge a node because you were scared that someone might stick their glowsticks where the sun dont shine.

- Grabbed the ball when told not to as a non tank class.

- Try to score all by yourself in huttball by going through the entire enemy team as a squishy and not passing to the open man when he is open and could score.

- Have cattle mentality and dont think where you should go, but just follow the zerg.

- Don't call incs at all repeatedly or at a point where you are dead anyway and they are halfway capping.

- Hit the non healer class while a healer is healing it.

- AFK in a corner if we're losing.

- Hit a CC target because you think you can kill it.

- Cant hit over 100k Damage or heal over 100k Healing in a match per average in recruit gear. (Easily forgivable if you are defending a node with no action).

- Not wear any expertise item.


Then I'm going to tell how ****** you are and talk you down until you learn NOT TO DO THE SAME **** VERBATIM. You are wasting me and others for your incompetence of effort.


Its the same deal like doing an OP or FP and we keep wiping cause you were too lazy to do the right thing. Is EVERYONE having fun at YOUR EXPENSE?


Thers a few more to add in that by the way .


Not fighting on doors or the nodes and having tunnel vison as to not see the people capping right behind you.


Fighting 50yds from the node and or doors And doing the same as above.


Think your superman and take down the forces of evil all by your self. << ive seen this sooo many times.


People who just plain ole give up and go cry in the corner cuz they got a butt whopping . (Been on both sides of this one.Whole team standing on a node in alderan cuz they loosing. To me thats pathetic even if your lossing still fight so what you die so what its a game. And got to say kudos to those that still fight even when your loosing . Thats what people should have instead of Oh my bum bum got hurt now i go and cry.)


But over all I know ive let loose a few times on peeps cuz of some reall stupid stuff that happens in a game.I try not too and try pretty hard to help others and be a guide some times but you do ge the know it alls and the little yahoos that call you some name cuz you said something . Those are the oens I look for when im on the opposite faction from them :cool:

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Trash talk is less enjoyable than bad players in WZs. Use your inner voice.


Another way to think about it: why do you care? It's too late usually anyway. Guys deathmatching in the pit, dudes fighting off point, noobs that don't defend, it happens and it's rare that ops chat will change their ways. You can be all worked up about it and be rude or you can just hope for a better PUG next time. And if you have to make a comment, use a little humor. Being understated makes a point better than complaining or being rude.

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I'm sorry, lesse if you REPEATEDLY do one of the following:


- Allow yourself for someone to jump on you guy and score more than 2 times in Huttball.

- Leave a unguarded node because you are by yourself.

- Had to do a no. 2 while trying to guard but in reality was AFKing looking at some website for some reason.

- Didn't try to charge a node because you were scared that someone might stick their glowsticks where the sun dont shine.

- Grabbed the ball when told not to as a non tank class.

- Try to score all by yourself in huttball by going through the entire enemy team as a squishy and not passing to the open man when he is open and could score.

- Have cattle mentality and dont think where you should go, but just follow the zerg.

- Don't call incs at all repeatedly or at a point where you are dead anyway and they are halfway capping.

- Hit the non healer class while a healer is healing it.

- AFK in a corner if we're losing.

- Hit a CC target because you think you can kill it.

- Cant hit over 100k Damage or heal over 100k Healing in a match per average in recruit gear. (Easily forgivable if you are defending a node with no action).

- Not wear any expertise item.


Then I'm going to tell how ****** you are and talk you down until you learn NOT TO DO THE SAME **** VERBATIM. You are wasting me and others for your incompetence of effort.


Its the same deal like doing an OP or FP and we keep wiping cause you were too lazy to do the right thing. Is EVERYONE having fun at YOUR EXPENSE?


This pretty much is the gist of it for me. I see it virtually everyday and it's why I stopped PvPing for a bit to level my 6th character to 50. I just don't have the patience to deal with it anymore. Leveling should cool my head a bit.


So many people seem to lack common sense. So many times I've gotten either crushing defeats where we actually had a chance to win because everyone on my team had a 'lone wolf' mentality and/or don't follow what is told, or just when we're on the verge of victory in WZs like Novare, only to lose because a teammate doesn't call out, doesn't watch node, gets greedy and tries to 3-cap and fatally reduces manpower, etc.


In short, I probably wouldn't yell and be constructive in the past, but seeing so many idiots everyday changes that.

Edited by Ardim
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What is the point of talking to your teamates like they're garbage everytime you are losing or lose a warzone??? is that suppose to make me wanna play better??? More importantly, is it possile the other team is just..... oh, i don't know....um..... BETTER!!!! No one ever considers the other team being better geared or just better players period.

Quit the badmouthing and have fun. I'm sorry that you "elites" have to have 7 other players bring you down, but i'll ask Bioware if you can get a "YOU Vs 8" queue going in 1.4.




I reserve the right to complain when everybody goes mid on alderaan. Nevermind you why I didnt go left. I gots to pew man.




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did you ever think that maybe... just maybe... they are frustrated? i will admit, I sometimes talk down to other players, its frustrating to watch 3 guys fighting people while a guy walks up and caps the door in a voidstar, its frustrating to see the lack of situational awareness people have... so yes... i get frustrated, i talk down to you, but its not cause i hate you, its cause i am frustrated that you cant get simple things that my 7 year old nephew gets. so yeah... its cause they are frustrated. pvp is frustrating, specially pug. I will admit that there are others though that take it too far, but the majority are just frustrated, ignore it and keep playing... it doesnt hurt you. or even see what they are sccreaming about and oh... i dunno... improve on it so you dont frustrate them to an ulcer in future matches.


It is frustrating at times.


Hell one guy in Voidstar was standing in front of the door far enough that he didn't notice a stealth go behind him and plan the device. Really? :mad: Is it so hard to move your camera to make sure no one is creeping behind you.


Also some people call out for help after they die. The moment you see someone coming at you call it out.

Edited by Overtone
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All this "everyone is a winner" mentality is really annoying. If you are going to be terrible in a warzone, people should tell you that you are terrible. No one should pat you on the back and say "we'll get them next time champ."

They can be told what they're doing wrong in a civil manner rather than being abused which only serves to make them ignore the abuser.

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Warzones are not for lolz, or deathmatching, or kill farming.


It's team-based objective play. This isn't Unreal Tournament, or Quake with lighsabers. If that's what your mentality is, you're not wanted in warzones, or this entire game for that matter. MMO's are not for you.


You'd be kicked from a flashpoint group in short order if you randomly ran around aggroing mobs, because you want to show them how awesome you are in your superhero underpants.


Go on Youtube beforehand. Google SW:ToR warzones - how to play, or similar such search terms. If you still don't know what to do, ask your team before the match starts. If you still don't know what to do even after that, ask your team while the game is in progress. Ops chat is there for a reason.


If you persist in running around like an idiot and ruining a game for the other people that might actually be bothered about having their time wasted with a loss, then you will eventually get called out for it. You will be called names. You will deserve it. So either use the ignore function and carry on being a happy-waste of space, whine to a GM that Player X called you a bad name and you want your mommy, or just blithely carry on.


Eventually you'll get bored and you'll quit. You won't be missed.

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