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Constant Maintenance


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it couldn't... I told BW i wanted my augments working right TODAY!!!! and I'm a pretty important person


well, at least we know who is to blame then. :p


Seriously, if people are having trouble beating things without all their augment slots (which weren't there before when they were beating things) then they need to quit the game.

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It actually took less than 2 hours.


Well that makes it all better then.


5 minutes of unscheduled maintenance for a bug of that mind-blowing enormity would be 5 minutes too long. If that couldn't wait until scheduled tuesday maintenance, then there is no bug that's unworthy of emergency maintenance.


Frankly, after that, I want an apology from Bioware.

Edited by Lakhesis
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This is somewhat true but somewhat annoying. I for one play at night and pretty late. Having the servers go down during these times 3 times a week is excessive. Then again I dealt with this in Vanilla wow very often. I hope they get their act together.


doing character free transfer doing all this mainteance

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I've given up any hope of downtimes ever being region appropriate it seems too complex a concept for the team they have. What I find increasingly annoying is that any type of patching also seems too complex for the team they have. 3 or 4 downtimes per week whenever there's any kind of content patch is just unacceptable for a retail product. Initially I could understand they were getting to grips with it but 6 months on and we're no further on. The arrogance of believing they don't need to interact in any meaningful way with their paying customers just adds to the lack of confidence that I as a paying customer have. Something that could have and should have been amazing has turned out to be medicore at best and I'm disappointed. :(
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The issue here is less that patches occur but that said patches occur during the same time-frame which happens to be prime time for certain regions. It is tiring to read some posters here who are probably asleep when these patches occur defend the system. Please develop some empathy.
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There's a difference between fixes that needs to be made right now and fixes that can wait until next maintenance day. 3 days in a row with 4 hour maintances, one that applied a patch and two that fixed a total of 4 bugs that no one even knew existed. That's a waste of BW's and our time plus our money. The management team for SWTOR has been making idiotic decisions one by one, time to switch them out.


If you are going to complain at least get the facts straight. The maintenance was done on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Not 3 days in a row. What do you just sleep through Wednesday. The maintenance cycles were not all 4 hours either. Tuesday's was longer and Friday's was less than 2 hours. Also I would be surprised if the Patch notes were complete. There is no way they brought down the servers for a 3rd time in a week to just fix aguments. Maybe it was too reset the buggy LFG tool and the threw the augment patch in because it was ready but I'm sure the augment patch was not real reason for emergency maintenance.

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If you are going to complain at least get the facts straight. The maintenance was done on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Not 3 days in a row. What do you just sleep through Wednesday. The maintenance cycles were not all 4 hours either. Tuesday's was longer and Friday's was less than 2 hours. Also I would be surprised if the Patch notes were complete. There is no way they brought down the servers for a 3rd time in a week to just fix aguments. Maybe it was too reset the buggy LFG tool and the threw the augment patch in because it was ready but I'm sure the augment patch was not real reason for emergency maintenance.


Oh, you're really sure about that, huh? You're sure. Then why the hell wouldn't they put it in the patch notes? What would be the reasoning for that? Just to make us, their customers, angry? To make it seem like they took they game down for a totally menial reason? Because if I had a player that was angry about the fact that the game was down three days in one week, I'd certainly want to make it seem like there was a big, important reason for the game down, and we were working our butts off trying to scurry to get work done so that we could get the game back as soon as possible. So no, sir, unless you are secretly a game Dev, I'm sure that you're not sure of anything.

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I, for one, took my time that I would normally be playing the game, reading this forum thread. It is mildly annoying that I cannot play due to minor fixes yesterday(or what I believe to be minor fixes,) but it is not a big deal. BTW Aussies are not the only ones around the world affected by the downtimes, I can guarantee that people all over are affected to a certain extent.


As for how long it takes... Have ANY of you whiners ever attempted to code and then troubleshoot a 3D application? There is no "Fix the problem" button. It's an incredibly long, incredibly trying and incredibly complex process that nine times out of ten boils down to a single line of code buried somewhere in the middle of the other billions of lines of code


So tell me, what is the purpose of the Public Test Server? And please elaborate on your extensive 3D application troubleshooting experience working with Bioware. Truthfully, I do not really care since you have not provided any helpful suggestions.

Howver, I do have a suggestion for BW. Logically, one would assume that since the PTS is separated from the rest of the servers, they could look through the "billion llines of code" on that server instead of doing this during people's playtime. Then create a fix for the rest of the servers and know where to look on the rest of the servers. This certainly counts as a suggestion/challenge to BW. I will readily admit, however, that I do not know as much as Gevecht.



Well its a tad annoying...3 days running I sit down to play the game before I head off to work, my chill time before all the ***** of the day and 3 days maintenance instead. Now I agree that they have to sort all the crap out, however I pay to play and can't, so Im hoping we get a bit of free gameplay back like before.


Surely more testing should have been done before this update was implemented, it seems rather unstable to me...


I also would appreciate maybe a day or two of free time, but if I do not get it, it is not a dealbreaker. Remember, Bioware knows whether you follow through with your forum rage quit. I would be interested to know the statistics there. :D

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since when did BW make or ever patch WAR


Since they took over solo running Warhammer Online 21 months before SWTOR went Live.


1.4 was the first major patch purely by Bioware, back in Dec 2010.


That's when. :)

Edited by Goretzu
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Also, Blizzard happily acknowledge that the rest of the planet exists and civilisation (which contains a hefty portion of paying customers) does not stop at the borders of the Ewww Ess of Ayy. :cool:


Blizzard also has region-locked servers which allows them to have seperate maintenance windows for their servers. However, Bioware doesn't therefore if the servers are coming down for maintenance they're all coming down at once.


One of the reasons why was mentioned way back at the beginning of the thread: If they took the servers down region by region, then players from those regions would just flood the other regions that were currently not down for maintenance.

Edited by Xiahoufig
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Stop complaining geez.


No they cannot set up a random schedule for maintenance. People do have lives, and some people cannot adjust with changing shifts that well. You cannot expect a team to change their hours weekly just because you want other people to suffer the downtimes. We do not know if they have multiple "patch groups", but this is not WoW.


I know a lot of people that experienced the augment issue and were complaining left and right. So yes this patch was needed.


I NEVER do PVP, but you do not hear me complaining when a patch is mostly PVP related.


You guys also need to wake up and actually think. Those of you that said they IGNORED your bugs are misinformed. The devs mostly use the in game bug tracker. Just because they do not respond back does not mean you are being ignored. The devs need to talk to their bosses and get their list of things to work on.


I am sorry this has been a difficult week. But I ALWAYS have trouble in WoW the week of a major patch/expansion.

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It's hard to believe people actually get mad when the game developer applies fixes to the game...


Just... wow. Lol. :rolleyes:


It's hard to believe anyone wouldn't want them to use the Test server more rigorously (as MMORPGs used to do) to catch and fix more bugs before they went Live. :confused:


This would seem to be the win:win solution....... my bet is the accountants wouldn't like it though. :(

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Despite yet 'another' maintenance on a Friday night primetime, it honestly didn't upset me at all this time. I'm not saying that's a good thing (for Bioware), simply that my care factor for this game has dropped so far that I was more than happy to play something else.


Ultimately I think Bioware have even bigger problems than their woeful maintenance record.

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If you are going to complain at least get the facts straight. The maintenance was done on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Not 3 days in a row. What do you just sleep through Wednesday. The maintenance cycles were not all 4 hours either. Tuesday's was longer and Friday's was less than 2 hours. Also I would be surprised if the Patch notes were complete. There is no way they brought down the servers for a 3rd time in a week to just fix aguments. Maybe it was too reset the buggy LFG tool and the threw the augment patch in because it was ready but I'm sure the augment patch was not real reason for emergency maintenance.


If it was for any other reason, then it would have been listed in the patch notes. Don't be so naive, this management team makes Warhammer Online look like a gift from God.

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Blizzard also has region-locked servers which allows them to have seperate maintenance windows for their servers. However, Bioware doesn't therefore if the servers are coming down for maintenance they're all coming down at once.


One of the reasons why was mentioned way back at the beginning of the thread: If they took the servers down region by region, then players from those regions would just flood the other regions that were currently not down for maintenance.


People would seriously do that? I'd prefer to play with my 55 MS than go over to the US or Oceanic servers and get 200+. If people swap regions because their home-region has maintenance, then they need help with their gaming addiction.

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People would seriously do that? I'd prefer to play with my 55 MS than go over to the US or Oceanic servers and get 200+. If people swap regions because their home-region has maintenance, then they need help with their gaming addiction.


55ms? that's not very good... I'm in the US and I get 55ms on the EU servers and around 75 on the Oceania ones ... 16ms on the east US servers which are the closest... if your getting 200+ on any of the 3 regions you need a better ISP

Edited by Liquidacid
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55ms? that's not very good... I'm in the US and I get 55ms on the EU servers... 16 on the east US servers... if your getting 200+ on any of the 3 regions you need a better ISP


I have a 40 mb/s down and 13 mb/s up fiberoptic line. So, no, it's not my ISP.

Edited by Senatsu
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55ms? that's not very good... I'm in the US and I get 55ms on the EU servers and around 75 on the Oceania ones ... 16ms on the east US servers which are the closest... if your getting 200+ on any of the 3 regions you need a better ISP


Unless you've left out a leading 1, at least some of those latency numbers aren't actually possible. The fastest US<->AU connection that's theoretically possible based on the limitations of the speed of light down a fiber optic cable is about 140ms. In practice, about 180ms is about as good as you can possibly get with the pacific ocean in the way.


They might be accurate to (e.g.) Blizzard's "oceanic" servers, but those servers are physically located in the US anyway (10pts to Bioware for the genuine localised servers).

Edited by Lakhesis
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