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AU and NZ have a combined population of about 28000000. Not even 10% of the US, nevermind Europe. So maintenience happens at the time that hits the fewest people. That's just good business. BW doesn't owe us apologies for that. Or anything else. I knew this was going to happen when I signed up and I'm disappointed that this being the case came as a shock to so many.


That said, three patches in week is bit much. Oh well, more Civ V time.

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The point is that it's a bit much for the subscribers that can play during these hours are punished 3 times in a row is a bit much. Now I myself live on PDT, don't even play this game anymore but resubscribed to see the changes and patch and etc, and have only been able to get on to play for about a total of 2 hours due to all the down time. It sucks and I feel for the Oceanic guys but it's no loss to me as It just means the game and BW is still garbage. (Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed all of BW's games so far and even this game for about 3 months) I'm gonna just go back to playing TERA. Makes me a little sad is all, as I wanted this game to be good and last. Very unfortunate.:( Edited by Aurrelio
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Haha, it is funny to read some posts. Some ppl thinks if they pay for game time, they have to be able play anytime they want..... But if they ragging it is their fault, that they cant accept what comes. Killing them selves by rage. How funny....:p
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Seriously... I mean dang, other companies can do their little hot fix patches in a few minutes, why do these morons have to take 4 hrs? Just postpone this stupid maint. til Tues, and push it out then, I doubt very seriously it's anything that just absolutely can't wait til then anyway.


We want FREE time to make up for your screw ups! three 4 hr maint. periods in the same week with one being on a flippin' Fri. is completely unacceptable....



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Seriously... I mean dang, other companies can do their little hot fix patches in a few minutes, why do these morons have to take 4 hrs? Just postpone this stupid maint. til Tues, and push it out then, I doubt very seriously it's anything that just absolutely can't wait til then anyway.


We want FREE time to make up for your screw ups! three 4 hr maint. periods in the same week with one being on a flippin' Fri. is completely unacceptable....




Hahaha, thats for funny post:D

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I have to agree. Patch times need to be rotated. Compltely unfair. I play EST server, which has basically no primetime downtime. Even though it would cause a bit of crybabying on our servers it should be done. Break out the fairness a bit, please.
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I've been on pretty much every side of this scenario working in a shop that takes DevOps to an extreme some days. Yes, it's clear they have a bunch of bugs that crossed the pain-point in this patch, and other issues. Some days are just a parade of fail.


Having been on the giving end of multiple unscheduled downtimes in a week (had to do with a cascade of power, network issues, literally exploding hardware, and a second power outage at the end of the week), it's no picnic from their end. All you can do is get up, figure out what went wrong, and make sure it doesn't happen later.


I'm willing to bet a decent amount of the maint window is testing and provision for more things going wrong. It's definitely not a picnic on any end.


Seriously... I mean dang, other companies can do their little hot fix patches in a few minutes, why do these morons have to take 4 hrs? Just postpone this stupid maint. til Tues, and push it out then, I doubt very seriously it's anything that just absolutely can't wait til then anyway. We want FREE time to make up for your screw ups! three 4 hr maint. periods in the same week with one being on a flippin' Fri. is completely unacceptable....


I'm not going to begrudge BW their maintenance time. I don't know jacksquat about computers or programming, and I'm not going to pretend like I do. It probably sucks to be going through what they are right now. I understand that.


I also get that they have to appeal to the masses in the US. But it still sucks to those of us who aren't in the majority. Even if we don't get anything changed, we still deserve a voice and a little acknowledgement. I'm started to feel a little defeated in this whole situation.



Haha, it is funny to read some posts. Some ppl thinks if they pay for game time, they have to be able play anytime they want..... But if they ragging it is their fault, that they cant accept what comes. Killing them selves by rage. How funny....:p


^^ I'm just quoting your post because I find it annoying and pompous, and I wanted to point it out.

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Say what?! I made this thread today, replied to another afterwards in support. Neither contains any 'OMG WHADA***!!!!" raging. I love how maturely stating your concern somehow gets interpretted as acting like a immature brat. I think you need to get out more.


Oh and it WAS seen on the test server. It was widely known to be occurring on the test server and they still deployed.


You have to understand that if you try to make a point on these forums, no matter how constructive or maturely you try to make it, those that do not share your opinion will usually view you as a screaming infant, only pausing between suckling at your mother's teat to bash your keyboard with your tiny fists to post whining, crying "qq more" drivel.

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You have to understand that if you try to make a point on these forums, no matter how constructive or maturely you try to make it, those that do not share your opinion will usually view you as a screaming infant, only pausing between suckling at your mother's teat to bash your keyboard with your tiny fists to post whining, crying "qq more" drivel.


Valid point.

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I think someone summed it up well on the 1st or 2nd page of this thread, even though we are in the minority compared to the US servers you are still annoying a lot of players on these oceanic servers that BW specifically created (which was very accomodating of them).


But I'd consider several thousand customers (maybe even 10s of thousands as oceanic isn't 'just' Australia and NZ) in anyones books to be a lot of customers to potentialy annoy/drive away.


Staggering the maintenance times specific to regions should happen and as far as I'm concerned it's just laziness on BW's part. Heck in my line of work (global) we don't take our sytems offline for server work until Sundays as our stores are open every other day......you do not want to give customers any reason to try someone else's product.

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Seriously... I mean dang, other companies can do their little hot fix patches in a few minutes, why do these morons have to take 4 hrs? Just postpone this stupid maint. til Tues, and push it out then, I doubt very seriously it's anything that just absolutely can't wait til then anyway.


We want FREE time to make up for your screw ups! three 4 hr maint. periods in the same week with one being on a flippin' Fri. is completely unacceptable....




that's one of the reasons why BW gave u a free month, remember?

maybe next time will do again.

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Another brick in BioWare's incompetence wall. Give it 2-3 more patches and we'll have enough bricks to build the freaking Great Wall of China. I have never seen such a horrible management team before. Taking down servers for 3 fixes that can be fixed by the users themselves by relogging is NOT worthy of a 5 hour maintenance. I bet the maintenance patch today will be no different, maybe a max of 5 fixes that no one even knows about. SWTOR is doomed? **** yes with this management team leading the charge, never seen such stupidity in the human race before, which only goes towards proving my "the management team is comprised of 5 monkeys"-theory.
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that's one of the reasons why BW gave u a free month, remember?

maybe next time will do again.


Actually the free 30 days, was for those who had a 50 and stayed on with limited content or a certain legacy level.


There was 1 free day added due to similiar issues with 1.2 ;)


How about at least push it back to midnight AEST, surely not a majority of US, are night shift and would miss 4hrs of playtime during the DAY!

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Obviously the Patch on 1.3 created an exploit and they are bringing the servers down to fix it . That seems the only viable reason to run a patch like this so soon .

wait for the patch notes to see what they did , then complain if it is trivial .

I am not a fanboy there is a game coming out I will be all fanboy about and I am waiting for that but, I'll take a patch train on an expansion to ensure the bugs get picked up and rung out early ,I hate when games get major bugs that never get patched because they layer code on through several patches and expansions before thinking about fixing it and by then it's too late , it would unravel the game.

Ofcourse if they patch it and the patch notes read " Elite marauder Headgear appeared dark gray instead of black "

then be my guest , throw a fit .

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Wow.. I love these threads.. People QQ about all the bugs and demand that they be fixed.. Now that Bioware is fixing them people QQ some more..


Well since all of you have a PHD in video game programming, or a doctorate in business, a masters in customer servicve, and a bachelors in quality control.. Why don't all of you go out and create an MMO of this size, run it, fix the bugs without interrupting service, then you can sit back and condemn Bioware for how they are handling things..


I applaud them.. I am glad they are fixing issues as soon as they crop up.. More power to them.. If you folks have issues with that.. Then you simply have issues.. :)

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I applaud them.. I am glad they are fixing issues as soon as they crop up.. More power to them.. If you folks have issues with that.. Then you simply have issues.. :)


Heck, your right. Bug fixing should be their highest priority.


Lets just haul the servers down & keep them down until all the currently known bugs are fixed.


Bug fixes are clearly more important than server uptime & stability of service, so it's the only logical solution.

Edited by Lakhesis
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Well seriously this is getting bad. For american time zone this doesn't matter since everyone is asleep then, but the rest of the world is screwed.. I like it that Bioware tries to fix problems with the new patch as soon as possible, but why not just during the night for everyone, no matter what timezone you're in.


Please make a US, EU and oceanic/asia 'version' of the game which you may choose for in the launcher. So if you're in Europe you can still choose to play on US servers if you like, but your game will be patched with the US maintenance then. This way the maintenance can just take place during night in your own timezone and not during the day.

People from the US won't notice a difference, because they have the nice maintenance times already, but at least EU and Asia might get better maintenance times.

Oceanic players do of course not really have their own servers.... so I'm not sure what the best way would be to get them better times. ATM oceanic players can't play at all.

Edited by flipdesterke
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I'm tired of people making excuses for this company and this game. This game is buggy, sound issues (random sounds that make no sense and conversations with unmoving mouths and no dialogue), graphic issues (like when you fly to a planet in your ship and the planet becomes a light circle with stars in it), how it makes my graphics card run hot even though the graphics are certainly nothing special, FPS issues, etc etc etc.


Now they bring the game down 3 times out of 4 days right when I play with my girlfriend. I love Star Wars, this game has potential to be good, but the fact is that the designers/employees/powers that be don't seem to know how to fix any issues... and we're forced to suffer.


The customer service bots on these forums are the worst. They claim the bugs are our fault and that there's nothing wrong with their game even though hundreds (if not more) have reported the same darn thing.


I'm clinging to the hope that they will fix this game soon. If I don't see that happening in the next month or two I'll be cancelling my subscription. I can only take so much pain.

Edited by roblinb
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